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Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 2088155X     EISSN : 26544008     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
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Articles 14 Documents
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Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Awar-Awar (Ficus Septica Burm F) untuk Menghambat Pertumbuhan Jamur Phytophthora infestans Penyebab Penyakit Hawar Daun Tomat NOVA SULIYANTI SIANTURI; DEWA NGURAH SUPRAPTA; NI WAYAN SUNITI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p05


Effectiveness of Awar-Awar (Ficus septica Burm F) Leaf Extract to Inhibit the Growth of the Fungus Phytophthora infestans that Causes Tomato Late Blight. Tomato late blight caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans is one of the main diseases affecting tomato production in the world. Therefore, it needs to be controlled in an environmentally friendly way, one of which is by using vegetable pesticides. Awar-awar leaves are one of the plants whose extracts can be used as vegetable fungicides. This study aimed to examine the potency of awar-awar leaf extract against P. infestans which causes late blight of tomatoes. MIC test and colony test used 10 extract concentrations, namely 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%; 0.4%; 0.5%; 0.6%; 0.7%: 0.8%; 0.9%; 1.0% and control. The in vivo test used 8 extract concentrations, namely 0.3%; 0.4%; 0.5%; 0.6%; 0.7%: 0.8%; 0.9%; 1.0% and control. The results showed that the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of awar-awar leaf extract to suppress the growth of P. infestans was 0.3%, which means that it is suitable for use as a vegetable pesticide. Colony test results showed that awar-awar leaf extract was able to inhibit the growth of P. infestans fungal colonies. In vivo awar-awar leaf extract inhibits the growth of fungal colonies and the occurrence of infection, and can be fungicidal to suppress the growth of P. infestans. Extract concentration of 1% can suppress tomato leaf damage by P. infestans by 75.90%.
Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Tanaman Nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) di Daerah Bali dalam Upaya Pengembangannya HENRIETTO INNOSENSIUS PRASETYO; GEDE WIJANA; NI LUH MADE PRADNYAWATHI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p10


Identification of Pineapple Plants (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) in Bali in its Development Efforts. This study aimed to determine the existence of pineapple plants and what plant alerts are planted in Bali for its development. The first stage in this research is to collected information about the existence of pineapple plants through interviews with the Bali Provincial Agriculture Office and also with local farmers. The next stage is who is build through interviews with farmers and the original varieties found through reference studies from several journals and books. The test process is carried out by looking at the quantitative and qualitative variables, then the resulting data are displayed in the table along with the images presented descriptively. The results showed that pineapple was the highest producer in three districts in Bali. The pineapple plants cultivated in Badung Regency are Nanas Subang, Tabanan Manas Pucung Regency, while in Karangasem Regency Bali Local Pineapples are found planted without maintenance. Based on the characterization results of pineapple plants in Badung and Tabanan Districts, the Cayenne variety is categorized as large fruit, sweet and sour taste, contains lots of water and is not spiny. Meanwhile, pineapple in Karangasem Regency is categorized as the Red Spanish variety with the characteristics of small fruit, sour taste tends to itch, contains little water and spines. Pineapple plants found in the Bali Region need to be cultivated intensively such as seeding, planting, maintaining and harvesting in order to obtain better yields.
Evaluasi Kualitas Tanah Berbasis Sistem Infromasi Geografis di Lahan Sawah Kecamatan Denpasar Timur untuk Menentukan Arahan Pengelolaan DARRYL CHRISTOPHER WENAS; A.A. NYOMAN SUPADMA; I DEWA MADE ARTHAGAMA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p01


Evaluation of Soil Quality Based on Geographical Information Systems in Paddy Fields of East Denpasar District to Determine Land Management Directions. This study aims to determine soil quality, limiting factors, mapping of soil quality, and provide management directions or recommendations. This research was conducted in the rice fields of East Denpasar District from November 2020 to January 2021. This research was conducted using survey methods, soil analysis in the laboratory, and determination of soil quality. Soil samples were taken by purposive sampling technique on each homogeneous land unit. The homogenous land units determination is done by overlaying the soil types, slope maps and land use of the East Denpasar Subdistrict. Soil quality indicators measured as minimum data sets (MDS): soil bulk density, soil texture, porosity, field capacity water content, pH, C-organic, CEC, base saturation, nutrients (N, P and K), and C-biomass. The results of soil quality determination at each homogenous land units are mapped with QGIS 3.8.3 software and then the land management direction is determined for each homogenous land units. The results showed that the soil quality at the research site was classified as good at SLH 1 (Subak Padanggalak, Biaung, Poh Manis, Temaga, Taman, Dlod Sema and Buaji) and 3 (Subak Buaji, Padanggalak, Temaga, Taman, Anggabaya, Uma Desa and Uma Layu) with SQR values of 24 and 23. SLH 2 (Subak Biaung and Buaji), 4 (Subak Padanggalak), 5 (Subak Taman, Padanggalak and Paang) and 6 (Subak Paang and Saba) showed moderate soil quality with SQR scores were 26, 26, 27 and 27, respectively. The limiting factors in the study area include: N, P, texture, field capacity water content and C-biomass. It is recommended to cultivate the soil using a tractor and fertilize it with manure, urea and SP-36 in paddy fields.
Identifikasi Penanda Masak Fisiologis untuk Panen Benih Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.) I PUTU EGA ANTARA; ANAK AGUNG MADE ASTININGSIH; ANAK AGUNG GEDE SUGIARTA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p06


Identification of Physiological Cooking Markers for Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Seed Harvest. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) has a wide adaptability to the environment. Cucumber production in Indonesia has decreased every year. The availability of quality seeds is one of the important factors in increasing the productivity of cucumber plants. This study aims to identify physiological ripening markers, especially in cucumber fruit. This study used a one-factor randomized block design method with 4 levels of treatment at harvesting age of cucumbers, namely 24, 27, 30, and 33 days after flower blooming. The variables observed in this study were; a) identification of fruit and seed maturity markers; 1) fresh weight of fruit (g), 2) fresh weight of 100 seeds (g), 3) oven dry weight of 100 seeds (g), 4) seed moisture content (%), and 5) fruit color development; b) testing of seed quality; 1) seed germination (%) and 2) seed germination vigor (%).The results showed that the right harvest time based on the character of the fruit and seeds to produce quality seeds for cucumber plants was 27 days after the flowers bloom. The character of the fruit at that time was shiny green with a yellow tinge and reached the maximum fresh weight, while the character of the seeds at that time was bright yellow seeds, with a fresh weight of 100 seeds was 3,95g and an oven dry weight of 100 seeds was 1,51g reaching the maximum weight. And seed moisture content at the age of 27 with the lowest percentage. The quality of cucumber seeds harvested when physiologically ripe was obtained with the highest average values such as seed germination (93.17%) and simultaneous growth vigor (81.83%).
Analisis Potensi dan Status Kerusakan Tanah pada Lahan Kering Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kecamatan Baturiti, Kabupaten Tabanan, Provinsi Bali NI KADEK ARY KRISNAYANTI; NI MADE TRIGUNASIH; I WAYAN NARKA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p11


Analysis of Soil Degradation Potential and Status in Agricultural Dry Land Based on Geographic Information Systems in Baturiti Sub-District. Biomass production activities that do not pay attention to conservation principles can cause soil degradation. This will reduce the productivity of natural resources, forestry and agriculture. The purpose of this research are to determine the potential, status, and distribution of soil degradation on dry land farming in Baturiti Sub-district. The method used on this research is a comparative descriptive method. Based on overlay of land use map, slope map, and soil type map using geographic information system, 9 homogenous land units were obtained. The land use observed was mixed gardens and dry fields with field observations of surface rocks and solum depth. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory to determine bulk density, total porosity, texture, permeability, pH, DHL, and microbial count. Determination of degradation status based on standard criteria of soil degradation. The results showed three classes of potential soil degradation, namely the potential for mild soil degradation at Perean Tengah, medium soil degradation potential at Baturiti, Antapan, Luwus, Bangli, Angseri, Candikuning, and the high potential soil degradation at Antapan. The soil degradation status was found lightly damaged status with permeability limiting factors at Baturiti and partially Antapan, with limiting factors for permeability and composition of fractions at Candikuning and partially Antapan, limiting factors for permeability and porosity total at Perean Tengah.
Pemetaan Kesesuaian dan Variabilitas Iklim untuk Tanaman Jagung Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Provinsi Bali I KADEK MAS SATRIYABAWA; INDAYATI LANYA; I KETUT SARDIANA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p02


Mapping of Climate Suitability and Variability for Corn Based on Geographic Information System (GIS). Each plant requires different growing conditions according to a certain climate. Climatic conditions can vary, such as El Nino and La Nina, which causes changes in the climate suitability of corn. Evaluation of climate suitability is important because climate factors are dynamic and difficult to control. This study aims to map the climate suitability of corn and map the climate suitability of corn when climate variability occurs in Bali Province. The analytical method used is matching and mapping using GIS. The results of this research showed that the climate suitability of normal period for corn in Bali Province is quite suitable (S2) and mostly (89.33%) is marginal (S3). Based on the limiting factors, it is divided into S2tc, S2wa, S2watc, S3wa and S3watc with the majority (498,568.26 ha) being S3wa. In general, climate variability causes changes in the area suitable for planting corn in Bali Province. El Nino had an impact on increasing the S2 area in the 2015 strong El Nino so that the S2watc area became 214,324.27 ha and the overall S2 area became 44.53%. The strong La Nina in 2010 reduced the overall S2 area to 0.49%, especially S2watc remaining only 2,756.75 ha.
Induksi dan Multiplikasi Kalus Eucalyptus sp. pada Berbagai Media Callus Induction Medium (CIM) Secara In Vitro BARAELA EZRA WIJAYA; RINDANG DWIYANI; NI NYOMAN ARI MAYADEWI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p07


Callus Induction and Multiplication of Eucalyptus sp. on Various Media Callus Induction Medium (CIM) In Vitro. Callus induction in vitro can be done by planting specific part of plant such as leaf, root, stem, etc in aseptic condition by using medium that contains 2,4-D, a plat regulator for promoting callus formation. One of the objectives of callus production in vitro is to form secondary metabolites, because eucalyptus is known as a producer of essential oils. This research is an initial study for in vitro production of secondary metabolites for further research. The aim of this study was to determine the most suitable callus induction medium for callus formation and callus multiplication for Eucalyptus grown in vitro. This research was designed as a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), five treatments, repeated five times. Woody Plant Medium (WPM) was used as the basic media. Several Callus induction Medium (CIM) were used as treatments, i.e. CIM1 = 1 ppm 2,4-D; CIM2 = 1,5 ppm 2,4-D; CIM3 = 2 ppm 2,4-D; CIM4 = 1 ppm NAA+1 ppm BAP; and CIM5 = 2 ppm NAA+ 2 ppm BAP. Variables observed were the time of curly leaf formation, time of the emerging callus, colour and texture of the callus, callus’s weight, callus surface area, the weight of callus after multiplication. The result showed that CIM4 and CIM5 had the fastest emerging callus (7 days after planting), CIM1 and CIM2 formed green and crumb texture of callus, CIM1 produced the highest of callus’s weight, and CIM2 resulted in the highest of callus’s surface area. In conclusion, the most suitable CIM for callus induction was CIM1, while for callus multiplication was CM2.
Komposisi Populasi Lalat Buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) dan Parasitoid yang Berasosiasi dengan Tanaman Mangga (Mangifera indica L.) di Beberapa Kabupaten Provinsi Bali I MADE MEGA ADNYANA; I WAYAN SUSILA; LIDYA ELYSABET
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p12


Population Composition of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) And Parasitoids Associated with Mango Plants (Mangifera indica L.) in Several Regencies of Bali Province. This research aims to determine the types of fruit flies (Bactrocera spp.), parasitoids, abundance, percentage of damage and parasitization parasitoids of fruit flies in Badung Regency, Jembrana and Tabanan. The research was conducted purposively by taking fruits that have symptoms of fruit fly damage in the yard in Badung, Jembrana and Tabanan Regency. The research was conducted from September 2020 to February 2021. The results of study found 3 species of fruit flies that damaged mangoes in Badung, Jembrana and Tabanan Regencies, namely B. dorsalis (Hendel), B. carambolae (Drew & Hancock) and B. albistrigata (De Meijere). Two species of Bactrocera were found in Badung Regency, namely B. dorsalis (86.3%) and B. carambolae (13.7%). Jembrana Regency are B. dorsalis (82.03%), B. carambolae (15.7%) and B. albistrigata (2.9%). Tabanan Regency are B. dorsalis (80.84%) and B. carambolae (19.15%). Percentage of fruit fly damage in Tabanan Regency was 35.08%, Jembrana Regency was 33.56% and Badung Regency was 32.57%. Parasitoids found in Badung, Jembrana and Tabanan Regencies are Fopius arisanus and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata. Parasitization rate of parasitoids respectively in Tabanan Regency was 6.8%, Jembrana Regency was 5.9% and Badung Regency was 5.1%.
Identifikasi Karakter Morfologi dan Analisis Kandungan Nutrisi Buah Pisang Mas, Buluh, dan Lumut Lokal Bali I GUSTI AYU ARINI LAKSEMI; I NYOMAN RAI; NI NYOMAN ARI MAYADEWI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p03


Identification of Morphological Characters and Fruits Nutrient Analysis of Pisang Mas, Buluh and Lumut Local Bali. Banana are a common commodity in Indonesia, having high economic, cultural and nutritional value. The objective of this research was to find the difference of morphological characters and nutrient content of Pisang Mas, Buluh and Lumut Local Bali. The research was conducted from July to October 2021. The samples of banana were taken from Antap Village, Selemadeg Barat District, Tabanan Regency, while identification and analysis were conducted in the laboratory. This research used UPGMA analysis and randomize complete design (RCD) with 3 replications. The results of identification showed different qualitative morphological characters in bunch position, fruit shape, fruit apex, remains of flower relicts at fruit apex, mature peel color, pedicel surface, pulp color before maturity, pulp color at maturity and predominant taste, while the quantitative showed the different in the number of pedicels, fruit length, fruit pedicel length and fruit peel thickness. Pulp nutrient content showed differences in water content, dry matter, crude lipid, crude fiber, and carbohydrate content.
Kemampuan Adaptasi Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) terhadap Berbagai Famili Tanaman Inang pada Musim Kemarau dan Hujan di Bali AGNESIA KURNIAWATI; I WAYAN SUPARTHA; I NYOMAN WIJAYA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AJoAS.2023.v13.i01.p08


The adaptability of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) to various host families in the dry and rainy seasons in Bali. Leafminer fly Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is a newly introduced invasive spec thatthatd attacks various types of host plants in Bali. This study aims to determine the adaptability of L. trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) to various host plants during the dry and rainy seasons in Bali. This research was conducted in all regencies/cities in Bali in September 2020-March 2021 using a survey method starting from the lowlands <500 masl, medium plains 500-1000 masl, and highlands > 1000 masl. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling by taking 100-150 plant leaves showing symptoms of leaf damage by L. trifolii at the study site. The results showed that L. trifolii was able to adapt to damage 10 types of host plants from the Asteraceae family, namely Gumitir flowers, Chrysanthemums and Zinia flowers, Fabaceae family, namely long beans, squat beans, and green beans, Brassicaceae family, namely Pak Choyy and mustard greens, Solanaceae family, namely tomatoes. and the Cucurbitaceae family, namely cucumbers in two growing seasons from the lowlands to the highlands. Gumitir and long bean flowers are the host plants that get the highest attack frequency from L. trifolii during the dry and rainy seasons in Bali, both in the lowlands and in the middle. Gumitir and long bean flowers were indicated as the most selected host plants by L. trifolii in the field. The novel results of this study indicate that L. trifolii is a new invasive pest in Bali that has broad adaptability to host plant families during the rainy and dry seasons in low, medium, and high altitudes.

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