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Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 2088155X     EISSN : 26544008     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
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Articles 12 Documents
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Pengaruh Varietas dan Waktu Penyiangan Gulma Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus Radiatus L.) EUSEBIO GOMES; GEDE WIJANA; I KETUT SUADA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Effects of Variety and Weeding Times on Growth and Yield of Mungbean (PhaseolusRadiatus L.)The mungbean have a great potential as a food ingredient mixture of refined productsand has certain competitive advantages over other types of beans. Mungbean production in East Timoris still low and has not been able to meet the needs of the market. Therefore, weed control and selectionof good varieties of mung beans is one of the determining factors in the increased production of mungbean.The objective of the study was to determine the effect of time of weeding on the growth and yield ofseveral varieties of mungbean. The study was conducted at the Pilot Suco Hera Sub-distrito Cristo Rei,Dili-Timor Leste. It used a randomized block design with two factors. The first factor was type ofvarieties of mungbean and the second factor was the weeding time. Factor of types of varieties consistedof three, namely: VL = Local Variety, VM = Merak variety, VG = Gelatik variety, while factor ofweeding times consists of PO = No weeding, P1 = weeding at 2 and 4 weeks after planting, P2 =weeding at 3 and 5 weeks after planting, with three replications. The results showed that weeding timeaffected the outcome of drying seed dry weight per hectare. Weeding time at 2 and 4 weeks afterplanting had a better dry weight of seed i.e 1.09 g, compared to those of weeding at 3 and 5 weeksafter planting. The use of different varieties showed that Merak variety had drying seed dry weight of1.16 tons ha-1, Gelatik variety was 1.09 tons ha-1, and the local variety was 0.97 tons ha-1.
Penampilan Agronomi 11 Varietas Unggul Baru Padi di Kabupaten Indramayu TRI HASTINI;   DARMAWAN; ISKANDAR ISHAQ
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Performance of Agronomic Characters of Eleven New Superior Varieties of Rice atIndramayu Regency.The objective of the research was to investigate agronomic characters andcorrelation among those charactes of several new superior varieties of rice at Indramayu Regency. Thetrial was held in Sukahaji, Patrol, Indramayu during dry season 2013 and was arranged in RandomizedComplete Block Design with 11 rice varieties as treatment and repeated three times. The observationwas done for plant height, flowering age, harvesting time, number of productive tiller, number of filledgrainper panicle, number of unfilled-grain per panicle, 1000 grains weight and production. Data wasanalyzed using varian analysis and continued by DMRT at 5% level. Correlation was analyzed tounderstand relationship among agronomic characters. The result showed that agronomic charactersperfomance of each rice varieties being tested was determined by genetic and environment condition.The good adaptation capability varieties showed the best agronomic characters performance and highyield.Correlation among agronomic characters in rice was unstable and could change depend uponvarieties, treatment and environment condition. The best production was achieved by Inpari 10 andInpari 15.
Kajian Potensi Sumberdaya Lahan Untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Hortikultura Di Kecamatan Manggis Kabupaten Karangasem I MADE MEGA; I NYOMAN PUJA; I NYOMAN SUNARTA; I WAYAN NUARSA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Study of Land Resource Potentials at Manggis District, Karangasem Regency forDevelopment of Horticulture Crops.The objective of the research was to study the potential ofland resources for growing horticulture crops at Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. Soil surveyand laboratory analysis were used in this research. The parameters of soil characteristics observedwere soil morphology in the fields, and physical and chemical properties. The results showed that thelands of Manggis District classified into ‘suitable enough’ until ‘very suitable’ for growing horticulturecrops. The limited factors were root medium; nutrient retention and terrains
Keragaan Fenotipik Kedelai pada Dua Kondisi Intensitas Cahaya Ekstrim WAGE RATNA ROHAENI;   TRIKOESOEMANINGTYAS; DESTA WIRNAS
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Phenotypic of Soybean at Two Extreme Condition of Light Intensity.Cultivation of soybean inrow rubber area was one of extensification programme for improving national soybean production. Theproblem on row rubber area was the low light intensity that could disturb soybean growth. Plant breedingfor creating tolerant variety for low light intensity was doing until now. Bogor Agricultural University hadmany lines for being candidate of tolerant variety. F6 soybean population from single seed descentmethode need to explored for that trait on low light intensity condition. The aim of this research was toknow the differences of soybean phenotypic between on low light intensity and full light intensity condition.The research was done on March – May 2009. Randomized complete block design with 3 replicationwas using as experimental design which lines as the treatment on two condition (low light and full lightcondition). The result saw that low light intensity was changing type of soybean growth, determinatebecame indeterminate type of growth. Low light intensity made soybean became early on floweringfase and water content on seed was increase. Low light intensity made decreasing the productivity until37.25% than full light intensity condition.
Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Lahan untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Perkebunan I NYOMAN PUJA; I MADE ADNYANA; DEWA MADE ARTHAGAMA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Optimizing the Use of Land Resources for the Development of Crop Plantation.The population and food needs increase every year; on the other hand, the productive areas for agriculturedecreases. Therefore, reasearch concerning of the utilization of land resources for the development ofplantation crops was required to overcome this problem. The aim of the research was to investigatecrops plantation that was suitable for multiple cropping. This research was conducted by survey andlaboratory analysis, such as : preparation (making land units with overlay maps of slope, soil type andland use), field surveys, soil sample analysis, tabulation, interprestation of data, and matching betweenthe land characteristics and the factors of plants growth. Those matching will get the appropriateamount of plantation crop development. The results show that Arabica coffee was not suitable in thewhole area which is developed in Abang District. Cashew plant quite appropriate to be developedarea 1,888.79 hectars that represented by land unit 5 and 6 (in Pidpid village and Ababi in slopepersentage of 8 – 15 %;),7, 8 and 14 ((Abang and Kertamandala village in slope percentage 0 – 8 %),16 and 18 (Purwakerti and Biaslantang village) in slope percentage 8 – 15 %) about 1.888,79 hectarand 18, respecticvly Plant of Robusta coffee, Cocoa, Clove and Melinjo marginally suitable to bedeveloped area 2,690.44 hectars, represented by land unit 1and 4 (Datah village 15 – 40%); 10, 11and 12 (Tista village in slope percentage 15 – 40%), 19 and 20 (Labosari village 2 – 8 %) and 24(Bunutan village in slope percentage > 40%) to be area 2.690,44 hectars 1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20and 24.
Penggunaan Citra Landsat 8 untuk Estimasi Kadar Khlorofil dan Hasil Tanaman Padi I WAYAN NUARSA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The Use of Landsat 8 Imagery to Estimate Chlorophyl Content and Yield of Rice Plant.Predicting rice yield before harvest time is important to supporting planners and decision makers topredict the amount of rice that should be imported or exported and to enable governments to put inplace strategic contingency plans for the redistribution of food during times of famine. This study usedLandsat 8 that has better both spectral and radiometric resolution compared with the Landsat 7. Theresult of this study shows that using several Landsat 8 band as vegetation index provided better relationshipwith rice chlorophyll compared usind single band. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)has the best relationship with the chlorophyll content of rice plant compared with other vegetation indexand single band of Landsat 8 with the R2 of 0.936 . The form of relationship is linear with equation of y= 7.1043x + 0.0661, where y and x are chlorophyll content of rice plant and NDVI, respectively.Rice yield can be estimated in rice age approximatelly of 2 months with the equation of y = 30.495x2 -36.884x + 19.334, where y and x are rice yield in ton/ha and NDVI, respectively. The R² of thisestimation is 0.893 with the standard error of 0.372.
Analisis Vegetasi Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Agroforestri di DAS Mikro Desa Tukad Sumaga, Kecamatan Gerokgak, Kabupaten Buleleng I WAYAN GEDE WIRYANTARA; GEDE WIJANA; I WAYAN SUARNA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Vegetations Analysis As A Basic ForAgroforestry Development In Micro Watershed TukadSumaga Village, Gerokgak District, Buleleng Regency.Forest changed to agricultural hasconsciousness can effected many problems such as soil degradations, erosion, flora and fauna extinctions,floods, dryness, and even global environmental change. Agroforestry is one of solutions to protect thebiodiversity. The research was held at Micro Watershed Tukad Sumaga Village, Gerokgak District,Buleleng Regency which consist of intercropping agroforestry system, alley cropping agroforestry system,and the trees for soil conservations agroforestry system. The purpose of this research is to discoverbiodiversity and composition of vegetations species in each agroforestry system and also to find out theagroforestry management level at Micro Watershed Tukad Sumaga Village. The research result showsthat the biggest Important Value Index (INP) in intercropping agroforestry system is in trees level bymango at 59.46%, scrubs and sapling level by teak at 80.13%, seddling level by gosh bean at 49.57%.The biggest INP in Alley Cropping Agroforestry System is in trees level by cashew at 150.33%, scrubsand saplings level by lamtoro at 95.26%, seedling level by legetan at 84,93%. The biggest INP in TheTrees for Soil Conservations Agroforestry System is in trees level by tamarind at 165,35%, %, scrubsand saplings level by india apple at 114.09%, seedling level by legetan at 83.98%. The calculations ofspecies biodiversity which as species variety, prevalent index, and domination index can separated themanagement level in each agroforestry system. The best management is Intercropping AgroforestrySystem. The second is The Trees for Soil Conservations Agroforestry System. The last is Alley CroppingAgroforestry System. The development of Intercropping Agroforestry System is needed because thissystem is the best. Monitoring, evaluations, and technical learning about forest and agricultural plantationare needed for increasing the social benefit dan preventing the deforestations.
Induksi Mutasi Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annuum L.) dengan Ethyl Methanesulfonate pada Berbagai Tingkat Waktu Perendaman I MADE AGUS WIARTANA; MADE PHARMAWATI; I KETUT SUADA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Induction of Mutation of Red Chili (Capsicum Annuum L.) Using Ethyl Methanesulfonate at Several Soaking Periods.One way to increase genetic variation is through induced mutation usingchemical mutagen. Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) is a chemical compound that can cause mutationsand commonly used in plant. In this study seeds of red chili were treated using EMS 1% through seedsoaking. Seeds of red chili were soaked with EMS 1% in phosphate buffer pH 7 for 6, 9, 12 and 15hours at room temperature. As control, seeds were soaked in phosphate buffer pH 7. This study aimsto evaluate, physiological and reproductive characters of plants after treated with EMS. Experimentwas conducted in an open field with 5 replicates for each treatment. Results showed that concentrationof chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll increased in plants derived from seed treated with EMS 1% for9 hours compared to control and other soaking periods. Soaking seeds with EMS 1% for 12 hoursincreased viability of pollen compared to control and other treatments. The first time of floweringoccurred earlier at 6 and 9 hours soaking period.
Karakterisasi Biokimia Aeromonas hydrophila dan Potensinya Sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Melon Emas I KETUT SIADI; KHAMDAN KHALIMI; DEWA NYOMAN NYANA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Biochemical Characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila and Its Potential for Growth Stimulatorof Golden Melo Seedlings.The results showed that this research got 20 nitrogen fix bacteria isolate,However, Pg2 isolate could increase the growth of golden melo. The treatment with Pg2 isolatesignificantly increased the golden melo growth. All the plant growth parameters of treated plants weresignificantly higher than those of un-treated control plants (P<0.05). The leaf chlorophyll content, plantgrowth rate, and fresh and dry weights of plant were significantly higher than those of un-treatedcontrol plants. Isolates identified as Enterobacter cloacae PG2 percentage of 98.05% probability.
Implementasi Pupuk N, P, dan K untuk Mendukung Swasembada Kedelai KARSIDI PERMADI
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 4 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Implementation of Nitrogen, Phospahte and Potassium fertilizer for self-sufficiency insoybeans.In order to minimize import of soybean in Indonesia, soybean crop is now planted as maincrop like rice plants and maize. To gain self-sufficiency in soybeans, expansion of soybean planting areawhether in irrigated or in rainfall-dependent of rice plant area, and also multiple cropping of soybeanswith cassava may be required. Beside that, government policy in providing needs for soybean plantingsuch as fertilizers, good seeds and pesticide and also fix price of soybean in farmer level may increasea will of farmers in planting soybean. To obtain a high yield, soybean requires nutrients of N, P and Kin appropriate amounts. The needs of P and K nutrient in soil is determined with Bray-1 method ofanalysis, while dose of N fertilizer was 54 to 80 kg N ha-1.

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