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AGRITROP Vol. 29, No. 4 Desember 2010
Publisher : AGRITROP

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The study is aimed to explore the microbial isolates of agarwood (gubal gaharu)-forming plant aloes on ketimunan plant (Gyrinops verstegii). The study was coducted from June to October 2008 in the Laboratory of Soil Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana. The method used in this study were: the isolation of microbes with PDA medium, inoculation of isolate into ketimunan plants, evaluating the success of inoculation (injection). Parameters measured were: the color of mold, the color of agarwood/kemedangan, long agarwood, and the level of the smell of agarwood/kemedangan. The results showed that there were 14 species of fungi that able to form agarwood aloes on the plant ketimunan. All of these fungus were able to cause agarwood/kemedangan fragrant aloes, but the level of fragrance varies from slightly fragrant, fragrant, until very fragrant.
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 4, No. 2 Juli 2010
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

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It has been done screening fitokimia and the determination of free antiradical activity extract methanol ofgaharu leaf. The screening fitokimia determined by the colour test and free antiradical activity determined bydiphenyl pykril hydrazil (DPPH) method according to sphectrophotometry UV-Vis, before that the honey was dilutedwith methanol and then the absorbance was measured on 497nm, 517 nm, and 537 nm. The result showed thatmethanol extract of gaharu leaf contain phenol, flavonoid and terpenoid compound and the free antiradical activityshowed inhibitor percent is 106,32 % (5”) and 111,31 % (60’).
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 5 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.844 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/IJBB.2018.v05.i02.p06


A study of fertilizer formulation (organic + inorganic) to increase the formation of sapwood (gubal) on agarwood plants (Gyrinops versteegii), had done to find the best fertilizer formulation that capable of increase and accelerate either growth and agarwood formation of sapwood on agarwood trees. The first year of study was conducted in Marga Tabanan Village. The field research was Randomized Block Designed (3 groups) with single factor of treatment. The tested treatment were 6 formulation of compound fertilizers and a control (unfertilized treatment). The compound fertlizers consisted of urea, SP-36, KCl, local compost, and dolomite in varying doses. The fertilizer formulations were applied on 21 agarwood trees that previously inoculated with mixed inoculant of Fusarium solani and Rhisopus sp. Three months after inoculation, the data from the following parameters were measured and statistically analyzed: plant height, stem circumference, sapwood weight, resin content and soil chemical properties.The results showed that the tested fertilizer compound had significant effect on plant height, sapwood weight, and resin rendement. No significant effect of fertilizer compound measured on the stem circumference. The highest sapwood weights was obtained on C treatment (14.39 g). The highest resin yield was obtained on B treatment (3.91%) which was relatively the same as that on C treatment (3.85%). Thus, the best fertilizer formulation for either plant growth, agarwood formation or agarwood resin was C treatment (100 g urea + 100 g SP-36 + 100 g KCl) + (7.5 kg compost) + (75 g Dolomite) per tree.
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 8 No 1 (2020): Vol. 8 No. 1, September 2020
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/IJBB.2020.v08.i01.p05


Agarwood is one of non-timber forest product comodites (NTFPs) which has high economic value and as an export commodity. Agarwood produce an aromatic resin substance in the form of lumps that located between the wood cells in various shapes and colors. According to Indonesian National Standards, the category of agarwood is classified into several levels such as agarwood sapwood, kemedangan, and agarwood powder. The classification system is based on color, weight, and aroma. This classification method shows that the current quality of agarwood welding systems is still subjective. Therefore, more objective welding system is needed which is related to the chemical composition and resin content. This study objective is to identify the chemical components of agarwood sapwood from the results of fungal inoculation in agarwood-producing plants of gyrinops versteegii. The research conducted by extracting agarwood sapwood sample using acetone. This agarwood sapwood sample collected from the result of Fusarium, Rhizopus and Trichoderma fungi inoculation for 1 year. Furthermore, the agarwood acetone extract fractionated with a gradient column chromatography with hexane-ethyl acetate eluent. The method to identify the compounds/component is using chromatography gas-spectro-photometer mass (GC-MS). The results showed that the chemical components contained in agarwood from fungal inoculation were mostly in the form of ester compounds. The highest types compounds and the highest density compound were found in agarwood produced by Trichoderma fungi inoculant, namely Hexanedioic acid, dioctyl ester; 11-octadecanoic acid, methyl ester; Cyclopropanedodecanoic acid, 2-octyl-, methyl ester; 9-octadecanoic acid, methyl ester; Octadecanoic acid, 9.10- dihydroxy-, methyl ester; Cyclopropanepentanoic acid, 2-undecyl-, methyl ester; Pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl ester; and non-ester compounds, namely: 2-tridecenI-ol; 2- (2 ’, 4’, 4 ’, 6’, 6 ’, 8’, 8’Heptamethyltetrasiloxan -2 ’; 3-Hydroxybutanamide. 8- methoxy-2- (2.
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 6 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.471 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/IJBB.2019.v06.i02.p06


This study aim is to determine the effect of the application of Gaharu-C fertilizer formulation of sapwood formed on agarwood plants at three specific locations in Tabanan Regency. This research is a factorial experiment with basic CRD design (completely randomized design). The first factor is location specific consisting of 3 location namely: Pupuan Subdistrict (Pu), Penebel Subdistrict (Pnl), and District of East Selemadeg (Sl). The second factor was the treatment of the Gaharu-C formula fertilizer consisting of 2 ie: 0 (without fertilizer), and C (Gaharu-C fertilizer formulation: 100 g urea + 100 g SP-36 + 100 g KCl) + (7.5 kg compost ) + (75 g dolomite) per tree), each treatment replicated three times. Number of plants used as many as 18 trees. Parameters observed included increased stem diameter, sapwood color, weight of sapwood, resin content and soil chemical properties data. Data analysis used variance analysis and LCD test (?= 0.05). The results showed that specific-location factors had significant effect on increasing stem diameter. However, had no significant effect on the color of sapwood, sapwood weight and resin level of sapwood. The fertilizer factor of Gaharu-C formula has no significant effect on all parameters observed. The highest increase of stem diameter was obtained at Pupuan location (0.40 cm), followed by East Selemadeg (0.32 cm), and the lowest Penebel (0.15 cm). The weight of sapwood and the highest resin content was obtained at the Sl C treatment of 5.34 g and 6.43%. The best application of Gaharu-C fertilizer formulation is in East Selemadeg Subdistrict.
AGARWOOD PRODUCING FUNGAL INOCULANT FORMULATION IN KETIMUNAN TREE (Gyrinops versteegii DOMKE) I Made Mega; Dewa Ketut Suanda; Desak Nyoman Kasniari; I Gede Ketut Susrama
International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology Vol 3 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Central Laboratory for Genetic Resource and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University in cooperation with Asia-Oceania Bioscience and Biotechnology Consortium (AOBBC)

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This study aimed to find out the agarwood producing fungal inoculant formulation that infect Ketimunan tree (Gyrinops versteegii DOMKE) effectively and resulted in high quality of agarwood. Randomized Completely Block Design was applied in this study with formulation of Fusarium solani and Rhizopus sp inoculant in liquid and solid form were combined as treatments. Treatments were: solid Fusarium solani inoculant, solid Rhizopus sp inoculant, mixture of solid Fusarium solani inoculant and solid Rhizopus sp inoculant, liquid Fusarium solani inoculant, liquid Rhizopus sp inoculant, mixture of liquid Fusarium solani inoculant and liquid Rhizopus sp inoculant, and mixture of solid and liquid of Fusarium solani and Rhizopus sp inoculants. There are three replicates for each treatment. Parameters measured were level of fragrance, agarwood color, and its resin content. The result showed that all formulations affected resin content significantly compared to control of agarwood. Mixture of liquid Fusarium solani and liquid Rhizopus sp inoculant showed the best quality agarwood with quality characteristics: brownish black or agarwood with black and brownish black color, very strong fragrance, and with 13.58% resin content.
Optimasi Sistem Usahatani Terintegrasi untuk Memaksimalkan Pendapatan Petani I WAYAN BUDIASA; IGAA AMBARAWATI; I MADE MEGA; I KETUT MANGKU BUDIASA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.1, No.2, Oktober 2012
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT Optimizing Integrated Farming System to Maximize Farmers’ Income This study aims to find out the optimal model of integrated farming system (SIMANTRI) development in farmers’ group of SIMANTRI 074, Jemberana Regency. Primary data by using survey method collected from 20 farmers of the group and secondary data gathered from any sources were used to specify parameters of the model. Linear programming analysis by using software BLPX88 is to solve constrained optimization problem in the model. A small farmer, which his farm size is 0.48 hectare, was optimal in allocating resources to conduct many farm activities under the SIMANTRI indicated byfrom optimal solution of the model which conforms to observed behavior. The maximum farmers’ income, generated from the optimizing process was Rp26,041,250 per annum. Key words: optimization, integrated farming system, income
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Beberapa Komoditas Tanaman Hortikultura dan Perkebunan di Kawasan Agrowisata Desa Kerta Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar REZA ADELIA; I NYOMAN DIBIA; I MADE MEGA
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology) Vol.5, No.4, Oktober 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

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Land Suitability Evaluation of Horticultureand Plantation Commodities in the Kerta’s Village Payangan Subdistrict Gianyar District Judging from their natural conditions Kerta’s Village Payangan Subdistrictpotential in developing horticultural crops (pineapple, banana, orange, and bark,) and plantations (robusta coffee). The purpose of this study are (1) determine the suitability of land several commodities (pineapple, banana, orange, and bark) and plantations (robusta coffee), (2) determine the limiting factor horticultural commodities (pineapple, banana, oranges, and bark) and plantations ( robusta coffee), (3) create a map of the land suitability of horticultural commodities (pineapple, bananas, oranges, and bark) and plantations (robusta coffee). This study uses a survey of the land suitability evaluation by Djaenudin and others (2003). Based on the results of delineation, there are 6 units of homogeneous land. Actual Land Suitability horticultural crops (pineapple, banana, orange, and bark,) ranged from S2, S3 and N while the suitability of potential land to plant pineapples, oranges, and the bark is on land units IVHPKC, VHPKC, IVHPTG, VHPTG is S1 and to plant banana on land is S2. On land units VIHPKC and VIHPTG for banana plants belonging to N by a factor limiting the slopes. For Robusta coffee classified as S1 on all land units except on land VIHPKC and VIHPTG.
Monitoring Perubahan Lahan Sawah dan Alih Kepemilikan Lahan di Kecamatan Ubud Berbasis Remote Sensing dan GIS PUTU CANDRA LINDARI; NENGAH NETERA SUBADIYASA; I MADE MEGA
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology) Vol.7, No.2, April 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

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Monitoring Changes Of Paddy Fields and Land Ownership in Ubud District Using Remote Sensing and GIS Rapid development of tourism in district of Ubud has high impact on paddy field landuse change followed by changes of ownership of the land. This research aims to analyse the magnitude of the landuse change of the paddy field as well as changes in land ownership in Ubud from years of 2012 to 2017. The research was held on January 2017 until August 2017 in Ubud District with following stages, namely (a) the preparation of data, (b) a visual interpretation of satellite imagery, (c) on screen digitation, (d), (e) reinterpretation of changes paddy fields from 2012 and 2017, (f) the determination of the number of sample points, (g) surveys, (h) data analysis. The results showed changes in paddy field into non-agricultural land in the period of 2012-2017 as much as 260.86 ha and the highest changes on Ubud village as much as 127.14 ha. Land ownership in Ubud district is still majority owned by the local people originated from Ubud District. On the other hand, land ownership owned by local people who are not originated of Ubud District was in Petulu village, Mas village and Ubud Village. Indonesia citizen from Jakarta also owned land in the Ubud Village. Most of land are for rent and there are land for rent in cooperate with foreign citizens, such as villas located in the Ubud village.
Evaluasi Keseuaian Lahan Untuk Komoditi Perkebunan di Kelurahan Mandosawu Kecamatan Poco Ranaka Kabupaten Manggarai Timur RADEGUNDA AGUSTA JINOTRI; TATI BUDI KUSMIYARTI; I MADE MEGA
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology) Vol.7, No.3, Juli 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

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Evaluation of Land Suitability of Plantation Commodities in Mandosawu Village Poco Ranaka Sub-District, East Manggarai RegencyThe research aims to evaluate land suitabilty of plantation commodities in Mandosawu Village Poco Ranaka Sub-district. The commodities that are evaluated include cloves, robusta coffee and vanilla. Homogeneous land units based on the result of physiographic analysis and overlapped type of soil, land used and slopes. Evaluation of Land Suitability is a way to know the limiting factor in the research area. Land evaluation conducted by matching method between land characteristic/quality with growth requirement of plant evaluated. The actual land suitability assessment for the three plantation commodities was very appropriate (S1) until appropriate marginal (S3) with temperature, water available and nutrients available (P2O5) become dominant limiting factors. Improvement of land suitability class can be done with improvement effort except rainfall, soil texture, soil depth, moisture and temperature because it is a permanent divider. Fertilization and addition of organic matter can increase the class of land suitability from appropriate marginal (S3) to very appropriate (S1). Results of analysis are used to determine the land managament recommendations on research location. Nonetheless, these results suggested to be applied, for considerations of land conservation as well as farmers welfare.