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Jurnal Komodifikasi diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Alauddin makassar.
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Articles 36 Documents
Future Marketing, New Wave Marketers Suryani Musi
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Sales promotion as a means of communication are becoming increasingly expensive, vertical, one to many, and declining confidence. Promotion of integration, which increasingly requires the manufacturer or brand owner, but balanced with reasonable investments (value). The company began looking for opportunities in the following line is expected to lead to tangible results, but may still be on the verge of adequate investment and relying on rumors of low budget high impact. In an era of New wave promotion activities gradually combined with the media, which is more credible, the media, which are horizontal and many-to-many and created the most effective media is a consumer itself. To win the competition in the communications, no longer uses a large budget, but now how you can win the hearts of the people believed to want to side with us so it will be a messenger of products and services sold. This study aims to assess how big a paradigm shift in marketing that characterized the era of New wave of marketing to improve the quality of product promotion activities. 
Sosial Kontrol dan Media Baru ( Studi Penggunaan Jejaring Sosial Facebook oleh Mahasiswa Makassar dalam Melakukan Kontrol Terhadap Kebijakan Publik ) A S W A N A S W A N
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Facebook sebagai Media Baru telah menjadi sebuah ruang yang didalamnya terjadi relasi-relasi antara bahasa, pengetahuan dan power yang beroperasi secara halus. Individu dan kelompok didalamnya berkembang dengan pesat dan melakukan interaksi persis seperti kegiatan sosial yang lazim kita alami sehari-hari.Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana produksi teks di dalam media jejaring sosial oleh Mahasiswa Makassar dalam melakukan pengawasan sosial terhadap kebijakan publik. (1) Bagaimana ekspresi tekstual, ekspresi visual, dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook diproduksi dan mampu menggalang partisipasi publik dalam melakukan kontrol sosial? (2) Apa yang menciptakan kemampuan ekspresi tekstual, ekspresi visual,  menjadi sebuah kekuatan yang mampu mensubversi tatanan sosial? Dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif, peneliti berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan berbagai produksi ekspresi di dalam Facebook yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan publik.Ditemukan dalam penelitian ini berbagai ekspresi tektual dan ekspresi visual para Facebookers, mereka tidak hanya melakukan pengawasan terhadap kinerja pemerintahan yang timpang, tetapi juga menyimpangkan berbagai makna secara berlebihan.Tampilnya kinerja buruk pemerintah dengan berbagai pewajahan, bentuk, dan karakter menjadi warna-warni citra yang disuguhkan facebookers.Facebooker melukiskan kesalahan pemerintah dalam ragam tanda yang melingkupinya.Begitu banyak informasi mengenai issu publik yang kita lihat, tetapi begitu banyak pula makna yang dihilangkannya.
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD) report, "Indonesia will become the country with the fifth highest number of undergraduate courses in the world by 2020". This data is a projection of Indonesia's efforts to increase the number of college graduates each year. Whereas on the other hand, the absorption of undergraduate graduates in Indonesia is relatively slow. Observing the OECD report, there should be a warning to managers and providers of higher education to be more alert and responsive to change and development needs of the workforce that is highly dynamic, however, because the college is still valued as an important pillar of nation building. Department of Communication Studies Faculty of Da'wa and Communication UIN Alauddin Makassar is currently packing oriented courses nationwide with KKNI learning outcomes as a reference. All that is done to realize the vision and mission. The Department's strengths and weaknesses need attention. Laboratory facilities that became the strength of Communication Studies, namely: Lab. Radio, Lab. Broadcasting, Multimedia Lab, Lab. Graphic Design and Photo Studio with very complete equipment for the size of a relatively new educational institution (Department of Communication Science began actively in 2008) needs to be maximized utilization by completing a reliable laboratory. Elements of existing weakness need to be minimized. The lack of human resources, especially the laboratory management, limited room facilities with large number of students, the lack of cooperation between the departments of I.Communication with institutions related to Communication Science, and Curriculum that still needs to be addressed by the Communication Science Faculty of Da'wah and Communication UIN Alauddin Makassar. Institutions will compete with the number of Islamic Universities that have Communication Studies, State and Private Universities that have much earlier had the same majors. It also can not be ignored. Therefore, Department of Communication Science Faculty of Da'wa and Communication need to have concentrations that can be superior, have more value from the same Department.
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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This study entitled "Representation of Social Criticism in Display of Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (The Analysis Semiotics Deconstruction)". This study addresses two main issues, namely: (1) Representation of social criticism in stand-up comedy shows Indonesia. (2) The meaning of the representation of social criticism contained in stand-up comedy shows Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine how the representation of the social criticism in stand-up comedy, delivered and to know the meaning of the representation of social criticism in the stand-up comedy shows Indonesia. This study is an analysis of media texts by using a model of semiotic deconstruction of Jacques Derrida. Data collection techniques in this study is documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques in this study, carried out in three stages: description, analysis, and interpretation. The results showed that the material from Abdur within a few appearances in the competition stand up comedy Indonesia, the first preshow edition, Abdur - "Di-'Folbek 'Raditya Dika", show 4th "Handphone Sumber Kecelakaan", show 6th "Orasi dari Timur", and show 9th "Pe Es Ka Kupang". Born by the socio-cultural context behind it, namely: 1). The first preshow edition (Di-Folbek Raditya Dika) is motivated by the phenomenon of educational inequality that occurred in Indonesia, especially in the eastern part which gives the impression that the government "discriminates" and do not give good attention to education for children in eastern Indonesia; 2). 4th edition of the show (Handphone Sumber Kecelakaan) is motivated by the phenomenon than government services for people in underdeveloped areas that led to the development of the area is also slow. 3). 6th edition of the show (Orasi dari Timur) against the backdrop of the observation of Abdur against his apathetic society in electoral participation by large numbers vote. This issue made the government increasingly difficult to get connected with the people they lead. 4). Show 9th edition (Pe eS Ka Kupang) is based upon the phenomenon of inequality of development that occurred in Indonesia. Western Indonesia who continue to receive development funds large intake is inversely proportional to the effort to develop eastern Indonesia which is still very far from prosperous.
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Penelitian ini berbicara motivasi lahirnya sekte ajaran. Fenomena lahirnya berbagai sekte atau aliran keagamaan di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini, jika ditinjau dari sudut pandang sosial maka akan melahirkan berbagai persepsi sosial. Secara khusus, penelitian ini juga ingin melihat pola komunikasi organisasi IJABI dalam mengembangkan jaringan lembaga dakwahnya di Makassar. Strategi dakwah IJABI dalam upaya pengembangan jama’ah di Makassar , dan faktor pendukung dan tantangan yang dihadapi IJABI dalam mengembangkan ajaran syi’ah di Makassar
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Today, the awareness to use mass media in building its image among universities is increasingly visible. This is triggered by the increasingly intense competition for new students, including the State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar. Based on the results of research, it was found that the friend is the main or dominant information source used by new students to obtain information about uin Alauddin Makassar. Other media such as billboards and brochures are also used although relatively small. In addition the family is also a source of information for prospective freshmen. A strong factor of personal interest is the most dominant factor influencing the respondent's decision in choosing UIN Alauddin Makassar as a place of lecture.
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Penelitian ini berjudul “Representasi Citra Wanita Berjilbab dalam Iklan Shampo Sunsilk Clean and Fresh versi Risty Tagor (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes). Tanda-tanda yang terdapat pada tampilan iklan shampo sunsilk clean and fresh dikaji melalui pendekatan semiotika model Roland Barthes. Proses pemaknaan terhadap tanda-tanda yang terdapat pada tampilan iklan ini dilakukan dengan cara menguraikan struktur-strukturnya, yaitu: 1) Pesan linguistik (semua kata dan kalimat dalam iklan shampo sunsilk clean fresh), 2) Pesan ikonik yang terkodekan (konotasi yang muncul dalam foto iklan yang hanya dapat berfungsi jika dikaitkan dengan sistem tanda yang lebih luas dalam masyarakat); menganalisis semua konotasi visual yang ada dalam iklan shampo sunsilk clean and fresh, dan 3) Pesan ikonik tak terkodekan (denotasi dalam foto iklan).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa format tanda dalam Iklan Shampo Sunsilk Clean and Fresh versi Risty Tagor yang merepresentasikan citra wanita berjilbab ditandai dengan tingkah laku dan tutur kata yang dapat memancarkan kecantikan dari hati seperti yang diperankan Risty Tagor. Sebagai seorang wanita muslimah, jilbab bukan hanya sekedar hiasan kepala semata tetapi juga mencerminkan seorang wanita muslimah yang baik perangainya. Wanita berjilbab hendaknya bersikap lemah lembut dan menjaga kemuliaan jilbab dengan perbuatan yang baik. Sedangkan makna pesan yang terkandung dalam iklan shampo sunsilk clean and fresh adalah menjadikan rambut bersih dan segar hingga di kulit kepala. Kulit kepala yang bersih dan segar akan membuat hati menjadi sejuk. Meskipun berada pada keadaan panas apapun, kepala tetap terasa segar.
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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The purpose of this study is to determine the public relations activities in the field of complaints of the city of Makassar in improving the image of government and to know the supporting factors and factors inhibiting public relations activities in the field of complaints pemassar municipality in improving the image of government. This research uses a rhetorical approach with a qualitative descriptive approach. Methods of data collection through observation, in-depth interviews, and library research. The data obtained then processed by qualitative descriptive analysis.The results showed that (1) Sub-section of public complaint is part of public relations. Public relations activity that complaints every day receive complaints either the print media, social media, online sms, telephone and direct complaints. Each complaint entered, followed up, called by the relevant SKPD responsible for the complaint. (2) Supporting factors in public relations activities in the field of complaints of press room, making post complaints and inhibiting factors in public relations activities in the field of complaints of facilities and infrastructure, human resources, coordination.The implication of the research is that the need to increase the socialization of the implementation of government service programs so that the public will not get bad service from SKPD which is in the embryo. Suggestions for the public relations section should be when someone conducts the research should provide direction or input on the activities undertaken by the public relations department. So that researchers are not confused and facilitate doing research.
EKSTENSI SIMBOLIK AKTIVISME KOMUNIKASI POLITIK (Refleksi Pertukaran Songkok Bone Jokowi dan Blangkon Jusuf Kalla pada Sidang Tahunan MPR, 16 Agustus 2017) Abdul Halik
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 5 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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The objective classical approach dominates the theory and research of political communism. However, the increasingly dynamic practice of political communications encourages the emergence of other, more interpretive and subjective views. In practice, political communication activism takes place in diverse cultural contexts and therefore a variation of symbols in conveying political messages is required. The symbols of non-verbal communication are now being used by political actors not only as a complement to verbal communication, but the message-code choices are equally important in the process of political communication.
SEMIOTIKA VISUAL ( Sebuah kajian tentang ilmu tanda dalam kebudayaan kontemporer) Hasbullah Mathar
Jurnal Komodifikasi Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Semiotika, “ ilmu tentang tanda-tanda “ dan tentang kode kode yang dipakai untuk memahaminya, adalah satu “ sains yang imperialistik “, sains yang dapat diterapkan untuk berbagai bidang kehidupan yang berbeda. Beberapa semiotisi bahkan mengatakan bahwa semiotika adalah satu disiplin utama yang dapat dipakai untuk menerangkan setiap aspek komunikasi. Jadi dalam pembahasan ilmu semiotika kita akan banyak terlibat dalam diskusi atas topik topik yang sedemikian rupa diantaranya: komik komik, fiksi detektif, humor, aliran aliran formalis, periklanan olahraga, fotografi, fashion, program program televisi, kartun kartun, artifak, videogames, legenda film, dan simbol simbol perusahaan. Konsep konsep yang di temukan dalam semiotik dapat di pergunakan untuk menerapkan topik topik ini dan lain lain sebagaimana yang akan kita dapatkan disini.                 Tentu saja, kita semua adalah semiotisi semiotisi, bahkan walau kita tidak mengenali atau memahami tekhnikalitas tehnikalitas bidang ini. ( Kita semua seperti lakon dalam sandiwara Moliere yang tidak pernah menyadari bahwa ia selalu berkata kata dalam prosa ). Kita semua mengetahi simbol simbol status; kita semua membicarakan tentang  “ kesan-kesan”; dan kita semua membaca artikel artikel dalam surat kabar serta majalah mengenai  “ bahasa tubuh “ dan berpakaian untuk memperoleh kekuasaan. Kita semua mempraktekkan semiotika pada dataran yang sangat dangkal dan sangat tidak sistematis, sebagaimana yang mungkin di duga orang dari semiotisi yang tidak sadar dan belum terbimbing.                Tanda tanda dalam budaya kontemporer adalah suatu penjelasan personal, bahkan mungkin ideosinkretis tentang semiotika dan teori semiologis, serta penerapan teori ini untuk media massa, budaya pouler, seni, dan budaya pada umumnya. Charles Sanders Peirce ( salah saeorang pendiri semiotika), pernah berkata “... jagad ini bertaburan dengan tanda tanda, jika tidak tersusun dari tanda tanda secara eksklusif. “

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