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Articles 355 Documents
Menumbuh kembangkan Berpikir Logis dan Sikap Positif terhadap Matematika melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Subekti, Evina Eka
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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Abstrak:   The process of learning mathematics that implemented in the classroom become very interesting issue for discussion. This is because meaningful learning is expected to enhance students logical thinking abilities and positive attitudes towards mathematics still very rare. There was only the memorization process of mathematical concepts that are mechanistical. As a result, some research indicates that student learning’s result is not satisfactory. This paper describes the mathematical approach theoretically realistic to develop logical thinking ability and positive attitude of students towards mathematics that can ultimately improve student learning’s result.   Key words: logical thinking, positive attitude, realistic mathematic
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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SARI   It must be recognized that the subjects belonging to the education of Social Sciences (IPS) in Indonesia have not recognice from the public. There are some indications to justify this statement. First, the national exam originally did not include exams that must be tested. Second, parents are more proud if his son has high score in mathematic, despite he has low score of sosial studies.. Third, social study learning did less seriously or carelessly. Less respect for social studies in schools is determined by several factors. First, the myth that believe only those who pursue science lesson was the one who will be successful in life. Although in fact they are not. Second, the sosial studies material that is too big has less relevance to the real world of students. Third, unprofessional social studies teacher also determines the student disinterest.   Apart from that problem, social studies education has a strategic significance to increase student’s personality so that they can become a good members of the public. It must be received that social studies is needed to give the students a balance of thinking, so that the right brain and left brain can function optimally so that it can succeed in the midst of modern society that has full of change. The question is whether todays social studies education has been able to those function? If it’s not, so how the strategy to restore the function of learning social studies in order to have benefits for students, especially elementary school and the community? Keywords: sosial sudies Integrated Learning, Environment
Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual dengan pendekatan open ended dalam aspek penalaran dan pemecahan masalah pada materi segitiga di kelas VII. Sulianto, Joko
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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Abstrak The Education Unit Level Curriculum states that problem solving, reasoning is the goal of learning mathematics elementary, junior high school and vocational school in addition to goals related to understanding the concept, this is contrary to the conditions of teachers who assume that the final answer to these problems is the main goal in learning , the procedure less students in solving the problems noted by teachers as too oriented to the truth of the final answer. Such conditions require the learning of mathematics with emphasis on problem-solving process. This study is an experimental study to analyze the effectiveness of contextual learning with open-ended approach in reasoning and problem-solving aspect of the triangle of material in class VII. Issues that were examined: 1) Do students who get contextual learning with open-ended approach can achieve exhaustiveness learn?, 2) Does problem-solving skills of students who get contextual learning with open-ended approach is better than in students with learning expository method?, 3) Is the reasoning that students can reach the criterion was after getting contextual learning with open-ended approach?. The study population was all students in grade VII Kesatrian SMP 2 Semarang. The sample study was graders VIIa as an experimental class and grade students VIIE as a control class. The variables studied are the reasoning and problem-solving. Data obtained from the documentation, testing and observation. The data obtained were analyzed using average test, correlation, analysis dwifaktor, and t-test. Results showed that students can achieve exhaustiveness study with an average of 73.31, t value = 3.137 with p value = 0.003 <0.05 means that student learning outcomes are significantly> 65. Reasoning students showed 33.33% of students have demonstrated high reasoning, 38.88% students have a reasoning being, and 27% of students have low reasoning sig later than table value 0.000 <0.05 with a mean value of r = 0.745 reasoning and problem solving has ties are very strong at 74.5%. Problem-solving abilities of students with contextual learning and open ended approach is different from expository teaching classes, based on the t test with a test value 0.030 p value <0.05. Average problem solving abilities of students reached 73.3 while the control class 65, 83 meaning that the average problem solving abilities of students in a class of contextual learning with open-ended approach is better. Then seen from the test value v dwifaktor test value 0.178 means not different problem-solving skills of students seen from the top, the middle and bottom groups. Concluded that the contextual learning with open-ended approach in reasoning and problem-solving aspect of the triangle of material in class VII learn effectively and achieve completeness. Keywords: Effectiveness, contextual learning, open ended, reasoning, problem-solving.
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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Abstrak   The purpose of this study are as follows: 1) the development of elementary science materials with a thematic approach, 2) development of learning strategies grip with a thematic approach to elementary science, 3) development of evaluation instruments thematic learning elementary school science. This research is the Research and Development which aims to develop devices with a model elementary school science learning through a thematic approach PAKEM. The subject of this study were elementary school students from groups I and II, public school, private elementary Favorite groups and groups of private elementary school, two teachers and class I and class II. The research was done in the city of Semarang. Research activities in this first year begins with elementary curriculum analysis and analysis of the needs of students in accordance with aspects of the development of elementary school children, followed by identification of the material associated with the appropriate science curriculum and describe the science of learning support facilities required, step three made the development of material science SD with PAKEM through a thematic approach, to a four-step development of learning strategies in inquiry activities here are designed with PAKEM through pendekatn Thematic Science Elementary School, and the fifth step is the development of evaluation tools in the form of assessment of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Based on the first tahiun research activities, overall these studies have been done 70%. The next test will be conducted so that the experts and get a draft revision of elementary school science materials, learning tools which include SKH, SKM, and RPP, as well as an evaluation tool in elementary science pembejaran PAKEM with a thematic approach Keywords: PAKEM, Thematic, SD
Penerapan Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya Dengan Strategi Everyone is a Teacher ( ETH ) Pada Praktek Pembelajaran Tematik SD Di Program Studi PGSD IKIP PGRI Semarang Reffiane, Fine; ., Djariyo .
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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Abstrak Thematic learning is learning that is designed based on certain themes. In his discussion themes were reviewed from a variety of subjects. Thematic learning provides the breadth and depth of curriculum implementation, offering vast opportunities for students to bring up the dynamics in education. In cycle I obtained an average yield of 81.5% active students, the average ability of students 57.7%, an average of 7.4 and active learning in peer tutoring and learning activities to teach the average value of 7, 56. In cycle II, obtained an average yield of 83.4% active students, the average ability of students 73.4%, the average learning outcomes 8.8 and the average value of active peer tutors in the teaching-learning 7.75. Keywords: ETH, Peer Tutor
Peranan Pemimpin Lokal dalam Pendidikan Nasional di Era Otonomi Daerah ., Djariyo
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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AbstractSeperti sudah kita ketahui dan maklumi bahwa pendidikan dasar adalah pendidikan 9 tahun (UU No. 20 Th 2003). Pendidikan dasar 9 tahun adalah bagian dari pendidikan nasional yang harus kita sukseskan dalam usaha meningkatkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) Indonesia pada masa depan. Pendidikan dasar 9 tahun sendiri sebagai fundamen dasar pendidikan nasional harus tercapai secara sukses menata seluruh tanah air. Lebih–lebih dalam Era Otonomi Daerah (UU No.32 tahun 2004) tidak ada lagi alasan untuk tidak berhasil dalam mensukseskan pendidikan nasional. Akan tetapi untuk mencapai keberhasilan atau kesuksesan ini diperlukan banyak komponen yang berperan dan terlibat secara langsung,
Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Kreativitas Siswa pada materi Matematika di Sekolah Dasar dengan Pembelajaran Pemecahan Masalah Mandarsary, Ryky; Sulianto, Joko
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 1/ Juli (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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Abstrak Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Kreativitas Siswa pada materi Matematika di Sekolah Dasar dengan Pembelajaran Pemecahan Masalah. Sistem pembelajaran matematika dewasa ini sangat menekankan pada pendayagunaan keaktifan siswa dalam proses belajar dan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Pada tulisan ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan Pembelajaran pemecahan masalah pada mata pelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan kreativitas belajar siswa.k Kreativitasannya, Kreativitas dapat menciptakan situasi yang baru, tidak monoton dan menarik sehingga siswa akan lebih terlibat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Pembelajaran pemecahan masalah dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan kreativitas belajar siswa. Karena Konsep dasar dan karakteristik Pembelajaran pemecahan masalah merupakan rangkaian aktivitas pembelajaran yang menekankan pada proses penyelesaian masalah yang dihadapi secara ilmiah. Kata Kunci: Pemecahan Masalah, matematika, aktivitas, kreativitas
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 2/ Desember (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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ABSTRACT In the process of study in physical education,sport, and health for elementary school student, aerobic gymnastic is can used as one of matery in rhitmic activity for V class. Will hoped to add the variety in physical education,sport, and health material which limited variety. This research becomes the development f the research it self. The procedures of this research which is used consist of the analysis of product which is developed, to improve product earlier, the expert validation, the field trial, consist of the small groupt test and the big group test, product revision, and the development product result The research result is a product model for aerobic gymnastic can be used as media learning of physical education,sport, and health. Based on the scale wide test to the product, the using of aerobic gymnastic model to the student, it can increase the pulse for about 62% from 120 student. From the response which is given to 120 student to the psycomotor aspect which including in a good category as much as 94 student, middle category as much as 23 student, and low category as much as 3 student. For Cognitive aspect including a good category as much as 81 student, middle category as much as 34 student, and low category as much as 5 student. Affective aspect which including good category as much as 88 student, middle category as much as 26 student, and low category as much as 6 student. Based on the researh result which is concluded : (1) The development of aerobic gymnastic model for learning physical education,sport, and health elementary school students can be increase physical activity student in learning. Improvement pulse rate that happened of students until 62 %. This matter is knowable from means of pulse rate before learning aerobic gymnastic is 93 times a minut, and experiencing of improvement until 150 times a minut after following learn aerobic gymnastic. (2) The student is very intersting and feels happy with the aerobic gymnastic model which is thaugt so that the student can move effectively in learning implementation.   Keyword: Development, Aerobic Gymnastic, Physical Education, Elementary School Student.
Upaya Meningkatkan Perancangan Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Dasar denganImplementasi Model Perkuliahan Cooperatif Learning ikippgrisemarang, Mudzanatun, S.Pd., M.Pd.2; ikippgrisemarang, Iin Purnamasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.3
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 2/ Desember (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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ABSTRAK   Upaya Meningkatkan Perancangan Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Dasar denganImplementasi Model Perkuliahan Cooperatif Learning  Education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nations dignity in the framework of the nations intellectual life (UU no. 20 in 2003). While the purpose of education according to UU No. 20 in 2003 for the development of potential learners in order to become a man faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic citizens and accountable. Elementary school teachers have a status as a classroom teacher. Classroom teacher will teach a range of subjects. Because a variety of lesson, teachers will prepare to teach a variety of forms decidedly. Learning math is not the same as learning science, social studies, or the Indonesian language. This has prompted researchers to conduct this discussion. Based on the background, the formulation of the problem in this study are (1) How PGSD lectures in according to the students? (2) How the students design learning in primary schools by implementing cooperative learning? This research use an approach of Research and Development (R & D) described by Borg and Gall (2003: 571) to adapt. Research will be conducted over four months. Place-making research data in S1 Studies Teacher Education Program Elementary School (PGSD) IKIP PGRI Semarang Jalan Lontar No.1, Semarang. Locations were chosen on PGSD because the students will become elementary school teachers. So, this is a precise object as a field of research. Efforts to improve the skill of making lesson plans on four semesters to regular students is to practice making lesson plans. freshman make 50% correct learning porpose for the work of RPP I. This data was obtained from a sample of 10% students of class 4A, 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F. The result of RPP II data analysis which has satisfied increase is the model selection but it still need a special attention for the learning porpose formulation. Development of indicators with C1, 2, 3, Affective and Psychomotor also not satisfactory. Making questions with three question types is good, making LKS is good enough. Based on that data it can be concluded that the manufacture of RPP can increase due to implementation of the model learning. However, this research is still necessary advice for the perfect RPP creation for Students PGSD. The suggestions can be submitted are (1) Expand the indicators pulled exercise with multiple domains (2) formulate goals with the right condition. (3) Improving the writing worksheets that conditionate the process of finding something on the students.
MALIH PEDDAS Vol 1, No 2/ Desember (2011): MALIH PEDDAS
Publisher : MALIH PEDDAS

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TEMBANG DAN MODEL PENGAJARANNYA Bambang Sulanjari4   Abstrak The major of Tembang is a small part of the constellation of the Java language curriculum that included in the clumps. Due to a less strategic position, this major is often overlooked, but if further explored, this major is so potential to develop the character of students. At least, tembang can be utilized most effectively to develop the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Competencies can be developed in the tembang learning of them are the students able to sing the song, phrasing the song and make song. Learning model selection is crucial in the success of tembang learning. Creativity of teachers in selecting and implementing learning model is very influential on the success of tembang learning, therefore teachers must be creative to determine the model according to the circumstances. In terms of song selection of teaching methods, teachers can develop methods that are inherited ancestors, such as methods of learning with playing, the method of learning with moving, step by step method, and karaoke method.

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