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Journal of Governance and Public Policy
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The journal aims to publish research articles within the field of Public Policy and Governance, and to analys a range of contemporary political and governing processes.
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Model Lelang Jabatan Di Pemerintah Daerah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Yahya, MHD Rafi; Mutiarin, Dyah
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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To get of state civil apparatus who performing good, so management human resources the government into importantconsideration. Governance of state civil apparatus good it is can be implemented by through a process positionpromotion structural good. The process position promotion structural good should be give birth to the leader orpublic official who competence and performing good.But later many phenomena the process position promotionstructural who gave birth to public official who incompetent and good performing. To comment on it and as bureaucracyreform the local government DIY implement position promotion structural model auction office. This study willsee how the implementation of the promotion model auction the employment in the local government Of DIY who inthis process use assessment center. The methodology writers included is the methodology qualitative. Data collectiontechniques used is interviews and documentation made it through observation non participants. Data analysis writerincluded is qualitative descriptive with draw conclusions and provide a or verify in the sentence so that eventuallydelivering on conclusion.To get structural officers competent and having a good performance local governmentsenvironment be conducted through a model auction promotion office. So in this research explain how promotionauction model office for second echelon within local government offices. Promotion as a model auction be implementedby local governments this analysis with three important element in promoting office. In this research alsopresents opinion of BKD about The act 5/2014 which regulates of state civil apparatus.
Implementasi Pelayanan Samsat Corner dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pelayanan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Tahun 2014 Amri, Pahmi; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Along with the issuance of the Joint Regulation of Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Regional Police Chief ofYogyakarta Special Region, and Operational Director of PT. Jasa Raharja No.35 Year 2008 No:B/4820/XI/2008 andNo: SKEB/12/2008 about the program to improve SAMSAT’s excellent service, SAMSAT Corner was established. Vehicletax is one of tax incomes which affects regional income. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the tax revenue ofvehicle through various efforts. One of the ways is by improving the satisfaction of vehicle taxpayers by giving anoptimal service quality. Based on the explanation above, the researcher was eager to find out the implementation ofSAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall in order to improve vehicle tax in 2014. In this research about the implementationof SAMSAT Corner service, a mix method –quantitative and qualitative methods – was employed. Firstly, thedata were collected quantitatively using survey approach. Then, the data were collected qualitatively. Based onthe data analysis, the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall has run well, as its index value is 3.59or in good category. SAMSAT Corner service is also influenced by several factors, among others are communication,human resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. Their index is 3.76, thus it is in good category as well. Thefinding in this research shows that the internal organizer of service which is maximum cannot guarantee a goodservice, because the internal assessment shows better result than the external one. Based on the analysis, it can beconcluded that the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall has run well and it gives positive effectsto society (vehicle taxpayers).However, the regulation that rules the operation of SAMSAT Corner service at GalleriaMallis not optimal yet, so it is necessary to study it again in order to have a clear regulation about SAMSAT Cornerservice.
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Daerah Terhadap Kinerja Pegawaidi Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Maluku Utara Hi. Laha, Samaun; Suranto, Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The regional administration is directed to accelerate the realization of public welfare through the improvement ofservice, empowerment, and community participation, as well as increased competitiveness of the region by observingthe principles of democracy, equality, justice, and the peculiarities of an area in the Unitary State of the Republic ofIndonesia. To the head area in demand to improve the quality and not merely rely on institutions and is supported byintellectual ability, sharpness of vision, and the ability of ethical and moral civilized. The issues raised in this study isAre there any significant effect of Transformational Leadership Regional Head Against Employee Performance in theRegional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku province. This study aims to determine the significant influenceof regional leadership to employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Malukuprovince. In this study, the type of study is a survey research type. The method used is explanatory, as it explains thecausal relationship between the variables through hypothesis testing. This was done to demonstrate a wide range ofdata and theories that have been obtained to then be in the know the level of significance between the discussion ofissues were raised with the reality that has been found, the closer to the type of Quantitative Research. These resultsindicate that the Regional Head of Transformational Leadership, influence the variable (Y) Performance Officer at theSecretariat of the Regional Government of North Maluku province with the number of correlation of 0.25 in the lowcategory but has particularly certainty. This study uses the sample, based on the test of the hypothesis that thesample is proven to represent the population as a whole. In a matter of determination as well as the contribution ofvariable (X) of the variable (Y) is low at 6.25% above the value interpretation. From the test results, the reality in thefield, the hypothesis of this study is: “the influence of Transformational Leadership Regional Head on EmployeePerformance in the Regional Secretariat of the Government of North Maluku province.” Has been proven and testedempirically in the field can thus be said that the leadership Gebernur North Maluku, including the leadership styletrasformasional with low category.Recommendations from this study are: (1) In order to leadership which is run by thegovernor can be run with both the need for a courageous stand to think and act in accordance with the applicableprovisions, (2) be more active to transform attitudes in the form of policy making and policy should based on theability to mengaplikasinya, (3) To the employees to work in accordance with scientific qualification in order to improveperformance by improving the quality, quantity and integrity. In addition to realizing the public service is always openand not favoritism.
Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Berbah Sleman Tahun 2013 Bakhtiar, Ahmad Nur; Qodir, Zuly
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The study aims to determine the implementation and the factors that play a role in the PKH program conducted in thedistrict Berbah 2013. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. Data was collected throughinterviews and documentation. The data analysis done by qualitative descriptive. The results showed: 1. Aspects ofcompliance in the implementation of CCT programs in the district Berbah can be seen from: a). PKH implementationrules in the district Berbah besides the rules of the center, are also required to attend group meetings, b). Commitmentto the rule implementing CCT implementation in districts Berbah year 2013 has been very good, c). Implementingcompliance in implementing the phases of activity in the district PKH Berbah in 2013 is good, and 2. Factors that playa role in the implementation of the poverty reduction program (PKH) in the district Berbah in 2013: a). Resource; tosource funds using budget funds I, II budget, and governmental organizations, and to human resources from thedistrict level up to the hamlet level has been good, b). Communication fellow companion if no help each activity, c).Implementing attitude if there are conditions on the ground which is not in accordance with the rules of implementationof the CCT, the immediate improvement to validate the data, d). Socio-economic conditions of communities in thedistrict Berbah fish farmers have had good production, the trade sector has also been improved.
Analisis Hasil Reses DPRD dalam Penyusunan Dan Penetapan APBD Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Tahun Anggaran 2014 Beriansyah, Alva; Mutiarin, Dyah
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The Parliament recess activity is a form of participation from the community in the planning process of developmentin the area. Perliament of the South OKU regency implement recess 3 times in one year. The process of recessactivities began with preparations of parliament to determine the place, time and all material to be delivered duringrecess implementations. Preparations of recess participants conducted to determine the aspirations to be deliveredduring recess. The aspiration to be delivered during the recess comes from Musrembangdes, all aspirations has beendelivered during the previous recess and unrealized aspirations, also in village meeting. The first thing that discussedto the implementation of the recess is consulting parliament activities before and after recess. The second things arethe expressions of aspirations by recess participant. Aspirations articulated by recess participants will be identifiedtogether by the recess participants and parliament. The results of this agenda will be used as a report aspirationsrecess and it will be submitted to the regional government. Articulate of aspirations during the discussions of KUA andPPAS will be prepared at fractions meeting by asking the opinions of each member in factions by the discussions of thegeneral statements of fractions. The general statement form fraction used as a reference for members of parliamentsto follow commission and board budget meeting
Analisis Kebijakan Mutasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Eselon II : (Studi Pemerintah Provinsi Maluku Utara Tahun 2014) Ibrahim, Alfis; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Program relations employees well-ordered very useful for organization and pegawai. Internal employees itself isactivity management human resources that deals with displacement or mutation employees in organization..The problemwas appointed in this research first, where do policy mutation civil servants echelon ii by the provincial governmentsNorth Maluku. Second, factor that influences mutation civil servants by the provincial governments NorthMaluku. Data collection techniques used is a questionnaire, the interview, and observation. While the kind of data isthe primary and secondary data.Totaling population and samples to research is 60 people this research in a qualitativedescriptive using analysis.This research result indicates that mutations not only to civil servants received a lot ofchallenges new and a new task as set already.But mutations are also efforts of the governor regulation, and mutationcivil servants be consistent with act of state civil apparatus in 2014, about authority removal, shifting,dismissal of civilservants. Besides mutation civil servants in government positions of government province by North Maluku it was stillfar from expectation, because there were uncertainty the law and does not consistency of mutation requirements andremoval of office.
Konflik Internal Dan Rekrutmen Politik Partai Golkar Sulawesi Barat (Studi Kasus: Konflik Internal dan Keterpilihan Kader dalam Menghadapi Pemilu dan Pilkada di Sulawesi Barat 2014) Asmadianto, Asmadianto; Nurmandi, Achmad
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Conflicts on political parties is a routine phenomenon that occurred in Indonesia. This happens due to lack of awarenessin organizing both the elite and party leaders in reducing conflict.Meanwhile, the Golkar Party is the party whoplaced second in the 2014 election yesterday, but Golkar did not choose/decide a candidate to be a President. Suchconditions are the initial emergebce of internal conflict in the Golkar party DPD West Sulawesi, where there is a viewdifference of cadres in the district against the direction of the coalition that was built under the leadership of the DPPhandled by Aburizal Bakri. That difference led to the dismissal of Anwar Adnan Saleh, chairman of DPD Golkar Party ofWest Sulawesi.Based on the explanation above, while the issues raised in this study is:first, how far is the extent of theinternal conflicts within the Golkar DPD of West Sulawesi, second, how is the relations of conflict with the election ofcadres on the nomination of the head of the region in several districts in West Sulawesi.Meanwhile, the method usedin this research is qualitative descriptive with the use of case studies (case studies) that intensively conducted,thorough and in-depth on aorganization, institution or certain symptoms. While data collection techniques that wasused are observation: to observe the objective conditions in the field, interviewing actors involved in the internalconflict DPD Golkar Party and Documentation.The results showed that: first, the cause of the conflict is a result of thedeactivation of DPD Golkar chairman by the board of DPP that involving protests by a number of cadres in the areaover the dismissal. Secondly, the presence of Nurdin Halid as a Tasks Executor increasingly heat uo the embryo ofInternal conflicts in the party. Third, as a result of doing the dismissal by the board DPP to Anwar make part of otherDPD to highlight and heat uop the conflict because they think that the central committee does not consider the resultof the dismissal, fourth, a split that occurred in the internal of Golkar Sulbar greatly affect the electability of cadres inthe nomination due to conflict rushing in Golkar, thus forcing the heads of district administrators do the election offigure to win the elections. Not even a half-hearted to enforce Golkar to form a coalition with the bearer party of acandidate in one district in West Sulawesi.

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