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Public sphere contestation: configuration of political Islam in contemporary Indonesia Qodir, Zuly
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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Argument in this paper draws upon Habermasian understanding of the distinctionbetween private and public sphere. Public sphere is understood as openspace that various social and cultural forces seek to define and occupy by ways ofrational interests and public reason. Such attempts take place on daily basis andtaken by groups of different backgrounds and interests. Private sphere, in contrast,is conceived of as having domestic or individual characteristics and, moreor less, non-political. It is within this framework that the continuing presence ofmultiple variants of political Islam in Indonesia has been a manifestation of contestationover public sphere. Diverse variants of Indonesian political Islam revealthe difference between actors and issues in the dynamics of their contention.However, evidence makes clear that variants of both political and popular Islamhave been more dominant than other Islamic variants such progressive and neotraditionalistIslam. This study argues that mode of Islamic articulations in Indonesiais now more diverse as the it has developed not only in the articulatoryforms of modernist, revivalist and traditionalist but also progressive, neo-traditionalistand popular Islam.Tulisan ini didasarkan pada kerangka ruang publik Jurgen Hubermas yangmembedakan ruang privat dan ruang politik (publik). Ruang publik merupakanruang yang terbuka untuk diperebutkan oleh siapa pun dan kapan pun. Sementararuang privat merupakan ruang yang bersifat domestic (individual) tidak berdimensipolitik secara dominan. Dalam persepktif semacam itu, hadirnya varian-varianIslam Indonesia merupakan bentuk kontestasi atas ruang publik yang terbukauntuk siapapun. Dari varian-varian Islam Indonesia, ada perbedaan aktor danisu yang dikembangkan dalam kontestasi publik. Hanya saja kontestasi varianIslam politik dan popular mendapatkan ruang lebih dominan ketimbang varianIslam lain seperti progresif atau neo-tradisionalisme. Kajian ini menunjukkanbahwa Islam Indonesia tengah mengalami perkembangan format artikulasi yangsangat beragam. Islam Indonesia tidak hanya berkembang dalam formatmodernis, revivalis, tradisionalisme, tetapi sekaligus progresif, neo-tradisionalisdan popular Islam. 
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM

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Amerika, negara adi daya yang mengklaimpaling demokratis ternyata memilikibeberapa keburukan substansial. Bukan sajasecara konseptual, tetapi dalam praktik politik,Amerika ternyata menyimpan persoalansangat serius. Sayangnya jarang dikemukakanpada publik oleh pemerintahan Amerikamaupun para pengamat dan sekaliguspemuka Negeri Paman Sam tersebut. KebobrokanAmerika tertutup dengan kampanyeyang sangat besar dan sistematik tentangkehebatan Amerika membantu negara lainatau memprovokasi negara lain untuk berbuatyang Amerika kehendaki.
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM

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In this article the authors examine various perspectives or viewpoints that exist in the hamlet of Kasuran on myths about sleeping without a mattress. It is important and often overlooked in a variety of reports in the media. By using Bourdieu perspective, the authors reveal that how the various viewpoints ’fight’ each other to gain social recognition that this myth persist until today. Because of fighting each others in a field named Kasuran the myth is producted and reproducted since hundreds years ago.
Gerakan Salafi Radikal dalam Konteks Islam Indonesia: Tinjauan Sejarah Qodir, Zuly
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 3, No 1 (2008): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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This paper is aimed at describing the advent and development of the radical Salafi movement in Indonesia. Historically speaking, such movement was originated in the Middle East especially in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria. In these countries movements like Hizbut Tahrir and Wahhabiya –to mention but few- were found and well-established. Movements such as these were actually banned subsequently in their countries of origin mainly for propagating the idea of Khilafah and for trying to topple the legitimate government. In Indonesia interestingly, the Salafi radical movements survived and even flourished amid the heavy criticism from their antagonists. Leading campuses in the country such as Bogor Institute for Agriculture (Institut Teknologi Bogor/IPB) became their safe-heavens, as it were. Leaders and followers of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) as well as Islamic Justice Welfare Party (PKS) were graduates of this campus. Hence, it was on this campus that the seed of these Salafi movements was planted. The HTI and PKS must be considered the most important Salafi movements in modern Indonesia. They have played their important role in forming the history of this country. Views have been expressed concerning their nature and agendas. Some maintain that these movements are radical and fundamentalists and bear the political agenda to transform Indonesia into becoming the “Islamic State”. Others are of belief that these movements are moderate and progressive, or else revivalist and neo-fundamentalists. It is on this heated debate that this paper is interested in. It will explore the nature and agendas of these two Salafi movements by referring –first- to the views expressed by the experts, and –second- the views of the leadership of the Nahdhatul ‘Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, two largest Muslim organization in Indonesia.
Profetika Vol. 16, No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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Kuntowijoyo as a historian, Muslim scholar, and author, is undeniable about his abilities. The most phenomenal from Kuntowijoyos literary work, as a cultural work is his idea on prophetic literature. Prophetic literature is Kuntowijoyos original work based on three edicts, they are: structural transendental epistemology, humanization and interrelation among awareness ended in liberation. His formulation on the three edicts of prophetic literature that made Kuntowijoyo to be an author, not only an author who created literary and cultural works as culture, but also as worship. All cultural activities are worships, because they are forms of subjecting to the Creator and faith to Allah. In Kuntowijoyos view, in order to be in advance, Muslim community must leave the myth and ideology world toward the knowledge world, therefore, Islamic knowledge is necessary, not Islamization of knowledge.
Konflik Agraria Di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai (Studi Peran Pemerintah Daerah Pada Konflik Pertanahan di Masyarakat) Lesang, Indra; Qodir, Zuly
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 3: October 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Matter agrarian (matter land) is matter live and livelihood human, due to land is origin and source food. Land causeproblem and conflict. Land conflict case in Pulau Morotai regency is conflict land between five villagers with TNI-AU.This research use descriptive qualitative approach. Data source obtained from study literature, documentation, andinterview with some information sources. First result research, this conflict land matters have roots in from history.This land matters conflict development originating from from difference perception of mastery land. Less firm attitudeLocal Government also is one of this source conflict. The conflict by economy impact to community five village particularlyin development. All invenstor also afraid instill the capital, this was because because happened resistance bysociety five village. Second, less intense it Pemerintah Daerah Melakukan Konsiliasi, mediation. Conciliation and Mediasionly happened when action protest getting intense. Happened by house foundation demolition and community propertyhouse five village no intervene by government to block. Third, policies issued by government of Pulau Morotairegency in conflict land matters between community five Desa with TNI-AU not touched in society. Policies made toomuch bias elite.
Faktor Kemenangan Koalisi Suharsono-Halim dalam Pemenangan Pemilu Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Bantul Tahun 2015 Putri, Masdiyan; Qodir, Zuly
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 4, No 1: February 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Regional head election (Election), which aims at selecting the regent and deputy regent is one part of the mechanism ofdemocracy, became the main gate in building leadership in the area. Bantul regency simultaneously implement the firstelection on December 9, 2015, followed by two pairs of candidates, namely Suharsono-Abdul Halim Musleh (Suharsono-Halim) promoted by a coalition of PKB, Gerindra, and supported by the PKS and the Democratic Party. Another coupleis Sri Suryawidati-Misbakhul Munir (Ida-Munir) promoted by a coalition of the PDI-P, Nasdem and supported by Golkarand PPP. Based on the results of counting of votes at the General Election 2015 Bantul regency, the victory won by thecouple Suharsono-Halim with a tally of 261 412 valid votes, or 52.80%. The problem underlying this study is that thedefeat of the incumbent against the new candidate, their political issues couples dolls, as well as their political dynastythat occurred in the district of Bantul. This study aims to identify factors that influence Suharsono-Halim victory in theelection district of Bantul in 2015. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, where data collection techniquesusing interviews, and documentation. Sampling using purposive sampling, where the speakers who will be interviewedare selected based considerations and an informant competent to answer questions researchers. The results of thisstudy the expression of that factor Suharsono win-Halim coalition partner in the election in Bantul district in 2015 wasinfluenced by three factors. The first coalition of political parties, which the coalition used is minimal coalition victory.Both political participation, community involvement Bantul in granting voting rights in the election in 2015 increasedcompared to the election in 2010 and the highest among the Gunung Kidul and Sleman districts, which also carry outthe election. The third modality, this modality consists of political capital, social capital, cultural capital and economiccapital. Political capital owned by Suharsono-Halim ie a split in the opposite camp, the strength of the network owned,as well as the utilization of the existing political issues, while the socially owned capital as a base period, figures figures,the trust of the community. For cultural capital owned by the couple in the form of titles and social strata owned, as wellas for economic capital have is that in political funds gained from internal party coalition, volunteers, as well as from thecandidate regent and deputy regent. This proves that the factor-Halim Suharsono coalition victory in the 2015 electionBantul district is the result of cooperation of various parties, namely the performance of the coalition of political parties,as well as community involvement in high political participation and modalities owned.
Resistensi Atas Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan (Studi Pada Masyarakat Orang Rimba di Provinsi Jambi) Yusuf, Muhammad; Qodir, Zuly
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The purpose of this research to answer the reason why the Indigenous resistance are still continue against the TNDB’spolicy and TNDB’s r esponse as government representative to the Indigenous. With study case and ethnographyapproaches, this kind of  research is a descriptive-qualitative research. The primer data are used through interviewand observation; the secondary data are also used from primary documents and secondary documents. The circum-stance of  indigenous resistance is change from covered to open conflict because many intervention from the TNDBoffice. The effort resistance of  closed form which are opening land continuously, selling natural resources, terrainselling, chattering to everyone, also absent from TNDB’s department call. Even the effort resistance of open formblocking the TNDB’s officer to enter the place, open debating and discussing individual and collective and collectiveforce behavior. The finding of  this research shows the reason why the indigenous resistances are still continuing: 1).There is a disappointment in TNDB’s policy because it commits unilaterally from government, 2). The ruining ofindigenous law cause the function of  law itself doesn’t work anymore, 3). Cooperation and influence from outsider 4).Competitive natural resources management between indigenous with indigenous people, also indigenous with outsider5). The increase of  living cost make indigenous forces to take risks either in closed form or open form.
Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Berbah Sleman Tahun 2013 Bakhtiar, Ahmad Nur; Qodir, Zuly
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The study aims to determine the implementation and the factors that play a role in the PKH program conducted in thedistrict Berbah 2013. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. Data was collected throughinterviews and documentation. The data analysis done by qualitative descriptive. The results showed: 1. Aspects ofcompliance in the implementation of CCT programs in the district Berbah can be seen from: a). PKH implementationrules in the district Berbah besides the rules of the center, are also required to attend group meetings, b). Commitmentto the rule implementing CCT implementation in districts Berbah year 2013 has been very good, c). Implementingcompliance in implementing the phases of activity in the district PKH Berbah in 2013 is good, and 2. Factors that playa role in the implementation of the poverty reduction program (PKH) in the district Berbah in 2013: a). Resource; tosource funds using budget funds I, II budget, and governmental organizations, and to human resources from thedistrict level up to the hamlet level has been good, b). Communication fellow companion if no help each activity, c).Implementing attitude if there are conditions on the ground which is not in accordance with the rules of implementationof the CCT, the immediate improvement to validate the data, d). Socio-economic conditions of communities in thedistrict Berbah fish farmers have had good production, the trade sector has also been improved.
Analisis Kepemimpinan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang Dari Aspek Ekonomi, Sosial dan Politik Barisan, Barisan; Qodir, Zuly
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 1: February 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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This research to intend for the describe and analyze about the political participation a minority communities by takingthe case on Towani Tolotang in Sidenreng Rappang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative andanalysis is done through collection, reduction, and categorizing. The result showed that political participation TowaniTolotang high at 64.3 % Towani Tolotang high political participation can not be separated from the strong relationshipthat woke persuasive in the group through activities Tudang Sipulung (seated together). The participation aims tobuild a network/political connection to the government in order to maintain its existence. Tolotang Towani behavior inchoosing a traditional-critical. Traditional form that they always choose the candidate who comes from the group, whilethe critical Hape that they see the private candidates before settling on the choice. The factors that influences the highparticipation that is the compromise between Towani Tolotang with the government. The form of compromise that is allthe government did not prohibit their customary activities and the government also does not deviate from the NKRIthen along the Towani Tolotang always believe and support the government.