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Analisis Persiapan Dalam Perencanaan Pemekaran Desa Di Kabupaten Bulungan (Studi Kasus di Desa Tanjung Indah Lestari, Desa Bukit Indah, dan Desa Salimbatu Permai) Mulyadi, Budi; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 1: February 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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An expansion of new village is hoped to be able to give positive effect to the society. However, structuring of expandedvillage, of course, has to do with regulations and rules recently. So, local government of Bulungan regency needs todo a good planning to expand Tanjung Indah Lestari village, Bukit Indah village, and Salimbatu Permai Village. Thepurpose of the research is: (1) to explain realization of expansion preparation to Tanjung Indah Lestari village, BukitIndah village, and Salimbatu Permai Village, based on the local rules of BUlungan regency number 4, 2011 aboutestablishment, abolition, annexation of a village and status change of a village becomes a political district, and (2) toexplain the factors which influence expansion realization to Tanjung Indah Lestari village, Bukit Indah village, andSalimbatu Permai Village. In this research, the writer applies qualitative approach. This research is done at Bulunganregency, especially in Tanjung Indah Lestari village, Bukit Indah village, and Salimbatu Permai Village. Data collecting isdone by interview, observation, and document analysis. The writer also applies qualitative descriptive analysis withdata reduction steps, data presentation, and data verification to the technique of data analysis. The result of thisresearch shows that the village chief and the society of Salimbatu Permai village have not understood concept of areaexpansion, purpose of expansion, and area expansion realization perfectly yet. If it is analyzed from the factors whichinfluence village expansion, so it may be conclude that Tanjung Indah Lestari village, Bukit Indah village, and SalimbatuPermai Village have been appropriate as a definitive village. If it is analyzed from the factors which influence villageexpansion, it may be concluded that Bukit Indah village is the most appropriate village to be expanded. On the otherhand, Tanjung Indah Lestari village is not still appropriate yet to be expanded. The inappropriate factors are communicationfactors among those villages and also means and infrastructure factors.
Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Studi Kasus Pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Disdukcapil) Kota Jambi Samsudin, Samsudin; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 1: February 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The purpose of  this study is to determine the performance of public services in the Dinas Kependudukan dan CatatanSipil Kota Jambi. This study uses the concept of  performance measurement with five indicators of  productivity, qualityof  service, responsiveness, r esponsibility and accountability. These indica tors are used to measure  the efficiency andeffectiveness of  services, quality of  service received by  the public. The method used in this research is quantitativemethod. The research location is determined by the method of  purposive, are determined by deliberate that the studywas conducted in the Depar tment of P opulation and Civil Registry. Data  collection techniques used in this study includeinterviews, observations, and literature. Based on the research findings that the productivity of  public services interms of  the ability of  officers and service performance can be summed been efficient with an average result value of70% of  respondents said either. The quality of  service in terms of  satisfaction of  the performance of  services,timeliness of  service, comfortable environment and good infrastructure which is an average result of  41% while themeasured responsiveness of service delivery performance , kedesiplinan, service procedur es and speed of  service.The final result that  stands out from the responsiveness can be judged good quality with an average of 51% of  goodquality, the next responsibility is measured on the suitability of cost and fairness of  service delivery is good is seenfrom the average value of  responsibility is 45% and the accountability of  public service in the Department of  Popula-tion and Jambi City Civil Registry, is good  for 70% of  respondents  said that responsibility.
Implementasi Program Remunerasi Dalam Rangka Reformasi Birokrasi Dan Peningkatan Kinerja Aparatur Di Lingkungan Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Maluku Utara Sangadji, Nini; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 1: February 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Results of this study concluded that the performance-and activity-based remuneration program have not been able toachieve the goal of improving the poor performance of civil servants in Unit Sekertariat Daerah Provinsi Maluku Utarabecause it cannot still be implemented well. The constraint found in the implementation was inconsistency between therealization of program and the guidelines of program. It is impressed that the implementation of program was only toperforming the formal obligations and not oriented to the goals of program for improving the performance of civilservants in Unit Sekertariat Daerah Provinsi Maluku Utara. The factors influencing the implementation of the programwere the low commitment of implementing staff in achieving the goals of the program, the weak supervision of theprogram, and the poor design of program with many weaknesses.
Inovasi Kelembagaan Unit Pelayanan Teknis Dinas Balai Rehabilitasi Terpadu Penyandang Disabilitas di Dinas Sosial Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Prasmi, Muhammad Rasyid; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 3: October 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The background of this study is to see that the Social Service Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is one of theagencies involved in the handling of social welfare problems in view the demands and peramsalahan social welfare areincreasingly complex, the Department of Social Welfare in answering this demand by institutional innovation by establishingnew institutional namely Technical Services Unit (UPTD) Integrated Rehabilitation Center for persons with Disabilities(BRTPD) with persons with disabilities blind, mentally disabled, physically disabled, deaf, and mute. In thisstudy, the type of research that will be used is descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are inthe form of documentation, interviews, and observation / direct observation. The data analysis is conducted by meansof data collection, data assessment, data interpretation, and conclusion, which is adapted to the prevailing theory andrecognized, on a variable institutional innovation indicators vision and strategy, gluing basic kpetensi, strengtheninginformation and intelligence organizations, market orientation and customers, creativity and idea management, systemsand organizational structures, management ideas and also variable factors that influence institutional innovationwith indicators of internal bureaucracy, the political environment, the external environment. Results from this studyindicate that the institutional innovation UPTD Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities conductedSocial Service in outline with menggukan indicators in this study strongly support the creation of institutional innovationUPTD Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities. Factors that influence institutional innovationis internal bureaucracy that human resources are still limited in terms of quality and quantity, the political environmentis not yet fully support the budget, and the environment outside the public sector (external) that is too high expectationsof the public are not comparable with capacity owned by hall integrated rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.
Implementasi Pelayanan Samsat Corner dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pelayanan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Tahun 2014 Amri, Pahmi; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Along with the issuance of the Joint Regulation of Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Regional Police Chief ofYogyakarta Special Region, and Operational Director of PT. Jasa Raharja No.35 Year 2008 No:B/4820/XI/2008 andNo: SKEB/12/2008 about the program to improve SAMSAT’s excellent service, SAMSAT Corner was established. Vehicletax is one of tax incomes which affects regional income. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the tax revenue ofvehicle through various efforts. One of the ways is by improving the satisfaction of vehicle taxpayers by giving anoptimal service quality. Based on the explanation above, the researcher was eager to find out the implementation ofSAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall in order to improve vehicle tax in 2014. In this research about the implementationof SAMSAT Corner service, a mix method –quantitative and qualitative methods – was employed. Firstly, thedata were collected quantitatively using survey approach. Then, the data were collected qualitatively. Based onthe data analysis, the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall has run well, as its index value is 3.59or in good category. SAMSAT Corner service is also influenced by several factors, among others are communication,human resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. Their index is 3.76, thus it is in good category as well. Thefinding in this research shows that the internal organizer of service which is maximum cannot guarantee a goodservice, because the internal assessment shows better result than the external one. Based on the analysis, it can beconcluded that the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall has run well and it gives positive effectsto society (vehicle taxpayers).However, the regulation that rules the operation of SAMSAT Corner service at GalleriaMallis not optimal yet, so it is necessary to study it again in order to have a clear regulation about SAMSAT Cornerservice.
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 3: October 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Focused on the development system capacity and capability of the public has a strong resistance when hit byproblems. PBRT program is an instrument to encourage the realization of economic, social, political andcultural as well as a means of social transformation that is expected to be able to boost the slump situation andconditions of the community that had developed over time. This innovation is quite interesting and unique,because it is the only model of development in the province ntb even in Indonesia. The approach used in thisstudy is deductive method qualitative descriptive analysis. This type of research tried to describe the actualpicture of the phenomenon occurring in the management of the Neighborhood Program Based in WestSumbawa regency. From hasi research note that based development program Rukun Tetagga being featuredprogram and the pilot program the West Sumbawa regency was not effective as expected. From the datafindings during authors examined the field can see that the program is one of the important innovations of WestSumbawa Regency in boosting success in the development of this pogram set, but do not like innovation andhope in the rules for the way it turned out this program has not been effective. Many existing resources thatare not in manfaatkan.penulis hope that this program still exist and revived the spirit of development actors inmaximizing this PBRT program.
Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pembangunan Kawasan Khusus Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Provinsi Maluku Utara Tahun 2014 Buamona, Darwawan; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 3: October 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Natural resources and biodiversity Indonesia make this country rich with potential that exists in it, the main challengeis how to both the way the government manages the resources and can be functioned as it should be for the State andthe Regions. Through the Regional Autonomy in Regions expected to be more independent in determining the wholethe activity as a subordinate of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, Sula Islands Regional Government also has the samelegitimacy to make various policies, including in the field of tourism. Sula Islands Government has set as part of thedevelopment of tourism and economic make-Based Tourism Policy development to support the development of tourism.Sulabesi island Sula Islands has five locations coastal tourist potential to be developed as a regional destinationtour namely Wai ipa of beach, Pagama Island, Coastal Fatkauyon, Goiyofa Wai of beach,and pas ipa of beach. TourismRegions Island Beach Sulabesi have a characteristic of a typical and natural. But not yet supported by facilities andinfrastructure, including tourist facilities are good and decent for tourists.This research was conducted using qualitativeresearch methods with fenomenalogi approach to describe, analyze and interpret the sides of policies such asparticipation, networking, Organizational Structure, actor, financial, facilities, social, cultural, economic and political aswell as the interests of stakeholders.The results showed that the availability of resources have not been allocated tosupport the implementation of clear, communication and coordination has not run optimally, external conditions (social,economic, and political) impede the implementation of special regional development policy implementation in SulaIslands tourism effectively and optimally. The implication is activity-based tourism economy has not contributed optimallyto the government, private and community from an economic standpoint.
Analisis Implementasi Anggaran Pembangunan Kelistrikan (Studi terhadap Perda APBD Sektor Pertambangan dan Energi Kabupaten Bulungan Tahun 2010-2012) Romadhoni, Wibowo; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 1: February 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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This research is descriptive research. Result research show do not have perda that special regulate about develop-ment electricity. success develop supporter factor implementation budget electricity can be seen from aspects imple-mentation success scaling, namely: implementation policy support development budget in electricity developmentimplementation. Support sources policy in Perda APBD mining sector implementation and Energi Kabupaten Bulunganwith the existence of  budget that is large and the increase human resource. Support communication inter relatedorganisation, between Dinas Pertambangan and PT. PLN as well as BAPPEDA intertwined coordination that is good.Executive body characteristic, and tendency all executive apper tain good with the existence of  program–programactivity that execute favorably. Executive activity very support so that target desired can achieved. Inside economycondition thing, social, and politics can be said that that aspect very suppor t Implementasi success with all set him theneed for energy electricity certainly will improve social and economic growth as well as stability politics. Factors thatstill become obstacle to Perda APBD Sektor Pertambangan success implementation and Energi Bulungan regency isexecutive apparatus number, facility and infrastructure still  very less, inside inability contractor perform activity, andnot smooth electricity in development because condition geography that is wide and out of  reach.
Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Pengaduan Masyarakat Berbasis E-Government Mahendra, Gerry Katon; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 1: February 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Public complaints service today’s has become part of  the efforts to improve public services in Indonesia. Government,both central and local levels is appropriate to give special attention to the improvement of  service quality of  publiccomplaints. The government’s attention can be achieved either by continuously innovate to create public complaintsservice that is not only easily accessible by the public, but  also can be received and responded  to effectively by localgovernment. Yogyakarta City’s Government innovates by providing the services of  public complaints were based oninformation technology and communication (e-government). Innovations made by the government of  Yogyakar ta isexpected to provide ease of  access for the public and can be input which should be followed up effectively by thegovernment of  the city of  Yogyakarta so as to create improved quality of  public services in general in the future.
Pelaksanaan Collaborative Governance di Desa Budaya Brosot, Galur, Kulonprogo, DI. Yogyakarta Sambodo, Giat Tri; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 1: February 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The paper has the title of the implementation of collaborative governance in the Brosot cultural village, Galur subdistrict,Kulonprogo Regency. Research aimed to know Bagaimana Collborative Brosot cultural village implementation,Galur subdistrict, Kulonprogo Regency and factors any prejudical Collborative Brosot cultural village, Galur subdistrict,Kulonprogo. Regency Research conducted with kualititatif method, withdrawal data done through interview informationsources, observation, and study documentation. Result Research show that, Model Collaborative Governance inDesa Budaya Brosot, generally speaking is equal Model Collaborative Governance that made by Ansel and Gash. Thereis some factor culture affect that Collaborative Governance implementation in Brosot cultural village, namely: kinshiprelation, Arisan, Jam Karet, Musyawarah Mufakat, Nggih Kepanggih ra Ngaruhke, Gotong Royong and Swadaya, Mokogi,Ngombyongi, and Mosobodoa, paternalistic and the People about that is all.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid, Syamsul Bahri Achmad Nurmandi Adji Suradji Muhammad Afandi, Syed Agung Akbar, Paisal Al Fauzi Rahmat Alfis Ibrahim, Alfis ALI MUHAMMAD Ali Muhammad Amin Sapto Saputro Amin Sapto Saputro Ardli Johan Kusuma, Ardli Johan Bhayu Pratama, Nanda Budi Mulyadi Cahyadi Kurniawan cahyadi kurniawan Claritza Destya Anggraeny Danang Eko Prastya Darwawan Buamona Darwawan Buamona, Darwawan Dimas Subekti Dwian Hartomi Akta Padma Eldo Ekklesia Hulahi Eko Priyo Purnomo Erinda Alfiani Fauzi Faez Syahroni Fittia Restiane Gerry Katon Mahendra, Gerry Katon Giat Tri Sambodo, Giat Tri Hadi, Sadhono Hariyanto Usia, Hariyanto Herpita Wahyuni Hidayatullah Hidayatullah Ikhsan Ikhsan Ikhsan Inka Nusamuda Pratama Inrinofita Sari Irfandi Pratama Irham Maulida Iribaram, Suparto Irwan Abdullah ISWAHYUDI ISWAHYUDI Jamhari Jamhari Juhari Juhari Juhari, Juhari Juhari Sasmito Aji Kemala Hayati Malik Ibrahim Muallimin, Elza Zikra Muchamad Zaenuri, Muchamad Muhammad Ainul Usama Muhammad Dede Puja Kusuma Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Rasyid Prasmi Muhammad Rasyid Prasmi, Muhammad Rasyid Nanda Bhayu Pratama Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari Nini Sangadji Nini Sangadji, Nini Novera Anjarbati Nurhidayatullah Nurhidayatullah Rahardjo, Trisno Rahmanto, Fajar Rahmat, Al Fauzi Rossi Maunofa Widayat Rossi Maunofa Widayat Sadhono Hadi Sahrul Pora Samsudin Samsudin Sidik Jatmika, Sidik Siti Rusma Suranto Suranto SURANTO, SURANTO Surwandono Surwandono Syahnaz Oriza Keumala Syaini Syaini, Syaini Syamsul Bahri Abd Rasyid Syamsul Bahri Abd. Rasyid Titin Purnawingsih Titin Rohayatin Trisno Rahardjo Tulus Warsito Tulus Warsito Wahyudi Kumorotmo Wibowo Romadhoni Widayat, Rossi Maunofa Yudhi Lestanata, Yudhi