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Pengaruh ablasi mata terhadap kecepatan kematangan gonad kepiting bakau (Sylla serrata) betina Muhammad Robi; Erlangga Erlangga
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 1: No. 1 (October, 2014)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v1i1.292


Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan jenis golongan Crustaceae   yang mengandung protein hewani yang cukup tinggi dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Ablasi mata merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan hambatan perkembangan telur (gonad) pada kepiting bakau. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non factorial dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlakuan A (ablasi satu pasang mata), perlakuan B (ablasi mata kiri), C (ablasi mata kanan), D (tanpa ablasi).   Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan kematangan gonad tertinggi pada perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) yaitu pertumbuhan gonad mencapai 21,53% dan terendah terjadi  D (tanpa ablasi)  pertumbuhan gonad hanya 14,8%. Analisa statistik dengan uji F menunjukan bahwa ablasi mata berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kematangan gonad kepiting bakau. Pertambahan bobot tertinggi  terdapat pada perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) yaitu sebesar 2,67 gr kemudian disusul oleh D (tanpa ablasi)  sebesar 1,89 gr  dan terakhir  pada B (ablasi mata kiri) dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,77 gr. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan D (tanpa ablasi)   yaitu 100%, perlakuan B (ablasi mata kiri) 77,77%, perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) 66,66% dan kelansungan hidup terendah terjadi pada perlakuan A (ablasi satu pasang mata) 0%. Rata-rata kualitas air selama penelitian adalah suhu 27 0C dan Ph 7,65.Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) have been classifying in Crustaceae clas that containing high animal protein and high economic value. Ablation of the eye is an solution to eliminate the egg development (gonads) barriers in the mangrove crab. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) non- factorial with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment in this study were the treatment of A (ablation of the pairs of eyes), treatment B (left eye ablation), treatment C (right eye ablation), D (without ablation). The results showed that the highest rate of gonadal maturation was in treatment C (right eye ablation) where gonadal development growth reached 21.53 %, whereas the lowest was in treatment D (without ablation) where gonadal development growth was only 14.8 %. Statistical analysis by F test showed that ablation of the eye was affected the mud crab gonadal maturity. The Weight gain was found highest in the treatment C (right eye ablation) that reached 2.67 g and followed by treatment D (without ablation) 1.89 grams and the last in the treatment B (left eye ablation) with was an average value 0.77 grams. The higest survival rate was found in treatment D (without ablation) 100 %, treatment B (left eye ablation) 77.77 %, treatment C (right eye ablation) 66.66 % and the lowest survival rate was occurred in treatment A (ablation of the pairs of eyes) 0 %. The avarge values of water quality during the study showed that the temperature was reched 27 0C and pH was 7, 65.
Penetasan telur penyu sisik (Eretmochelys imbricata) dengan kedalaman yang berbeda Erlangga Erlangga; Ayu Lestari; Zulfikar Zulfikar; Munawar Khalil; Riri Ezraneti
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 8: No. 2 (August, 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v8i2.4778


This research was conducted from November 2018 until January 2019 which was held at the UPTD Conservation and Supervision of Marine Resources and Fisheries in West Sumatera, Pariaman City.  The aim of the research is to know hatchling hawksbill sea turtle eggs based on nest depth. The method used in this study is a nonfactorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used were treatment A (with a depth of 30 cm incubation nest), treatment B (with a depth of incubation nest 40 cm), and Treatment C (with a depth of incubation nest 50 cm). The results of this study showed that hatching hawksbill eggs hatched very significantly, the best hatching percentage was in treatment A (30cm) with 78% hatching at 6:00 a.m. with hatching temperature range of 24-28oC, hatching pH of 6,6-6,8 and medium sized incubation sand with a size of 0.150 mm with a weight reaching 461 grams.Keywords: Hatching percentage, Hawksbill turtle, pH, Temperature
Pemodelan Status Trofik Danau Laut Tawar Aceh Tengah Saiful Adhar; Erlangga Erlangga; Rachmawati Rusydi; Mainisa Mainisa; Munawwar Khalil; Muliani Muliani; Eva Ayuzar; Muhammad Hatta
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i2.4022


The trophic status of Laut Tawar Lake was increasingly leading to an alarming level of degradation. Efforts to anticipate an increase in trophic status require scientific knowledge of the trophic phenomena of the waters empirically. This research examines the trophic status parameters to produce a model of the trophic status of Laut Tawar Lake. The proposed model was a modification of Carlson's Trophic State Index Method. Analysis of the relationship examined the interaction of water clarity (SD) with chlorophyll-a (Chl), Total Suspended Solid, and Total Dissolved Solids, and the interaction of chlorophyll-a with nutrient concentration (TP, TN). Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively, correlation, and regression. The results showed that the waters of Laut Tawar Lake contain phosphate (TP) 34 µg/L, Total Nitrogen 687 µg/L, chlorophyll-a 10 µg/L, Total Suspended Solid 47 mg/L, Total Dissolved Solid 84 mg/L, and water clarity 4.0 m. The regression test showed that the abundance of phytoplankton (Chl) was affected by nutrient phosphate with the empirical model equation Chl = 0.565 TP – 9.161. Nitrogen nutrients did not partially affect the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the waters of Laut Tawar Lake. Water clarity is influenced by chlorophyll-a and TSS, where TDS has no effect partially. The empirical model obtained is Ln SD = 1.757 – 0.013 Chl – 0.008 TSS. Modification of Carlson's TSI by substituting the two equations obtained the equation TSIdlt = 13.46 + 8.08 ln TP + 0.04 TP + 0.04 TSS. This model simulation gives an estimation rate of 91.06%.
Analisa Limbah Fosfor Kegiatan Keramba Jaring Apung di Danau Laut Tawar Aceh Tengah Saiful Adhar; Rachmawati Rusydi; Mainisa Mainisa; Erlangga Erlangga; Munawwar Khalil; Eva Ayuzar
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 6, No 3 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v6i3.3051


Floating net cage activities can cause  water quality to decrease. The feed remains and the metabolism of the fish  from these activities produces nitrogen and phosphorus .  The objective of this study  is to obtain the calculation model and the amount of phosphorus released into the waters of Laut Tawar Lake  as a result of floating  cage activities. The resulting  formula  was Pw = (F x [P]p) – ((It – Io) x [P]i), where their variables were given feed (F), phosphorus concentration of feed ([P]p), the final weight of fish (It), the initial weight of fish (Io), and phosphorus concentration in fishes ([P]i). It can be used to predict the increase in phosphorus waste based on the increase in floating net cage area. The weight of tilapia increases exponentially with the  day of cultivation in the equation Y = 12.70e0.02x and the goldfish followed the formula  Y = 2.28e0.03x. Phosphorus in tilapia varies  from 1.58% to 2.23% with an average of 1.97%. Goldfish contain  1.19 - 2.02% phosphorus, with an average of 1.52%. Goldfish  growth  was not optimal due to inadequate feeding,   so  without excessive feeding and did not generate  phosphorus waste. The cultivation of  tilapia releases  0.09 Kg P/m2 of phosphorus waste from floating cages .
IDENTIFIKASI MIKROALGA LAUT POTENSIAL SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU BIODIESEL DI KECAMATAN BANDA SAKTI KOTA LHOKSEUMAWE Erlangga; Yudho Andika; Imanullah; Imamshadiqin; Alfi Syahrin; Dodi Fanhalen Siregar; Syahrul Ramadansyah
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v14i1.39258


Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk menemukan potensi sumber energi alternatif dari bahan-bahan yang dapat diperbarui dan ramah lingkungan akibat dari menipisnya sumber energi fosil. Salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan kemandirian energi adalah dengan menyiapkan bahan bakar alternatif potensial yang berasal dari mikroalga. Kecamatan Banda Sakti memiliki potensi sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan yang belum banyak dikaji, salah satunya adalah mikroalga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis mikroalga yang berpotensi sebagai bahan baku biodiesel di Kecamatan Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober – November 2021 di Perairan Laut Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Ditemukan sebanyak 143 jenis mikroalga dan ditemukan 4 jenis mikroalga yang telah dikembangkan sebagai bahan biodiesel yaitu Cholera sp., Spirulina sp., Nitzschia sp., dan Chaetoceros sp. Jenis mikroalga yang paling melimpah yaitu Raphidonema sp., jenis ini perlu diteliti lebih lanjut untuk melihat potensi sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. Kelimpahan total mikroalga berkisar antara 350,00–561,11 ind/L. Nilai parameter kualitas perairan masih dalam kondisi baik untuk kehidupan mikroalga. Perairan laut Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe memiliki potensi mikroalga untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku biodiesel.
Gastropoda Telescopium telescopium (Linnaeus, 1758) di Hutan Mangrove Desa Cut Mamplam Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia Ida Marina Harahap; Syahrial Syahrial; Erniati Erniati; Erlangga Erlangga; Imanullah Imanullah; Riri Ezraneti
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 25, No 2 (2022): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v25i2.13353


The growth of an organism can provide fundamental ecological data and serve as a primary parameter for describing an organism's population dynamics. Telescopium telescopium gastropods were studied in September 2021 using purposive sampling in the mangrove forest of Cut Mamplam Village, Aceh Province. This study aims to provide fundamental data for mangrove management in Indonesia. Data were collected by creating a 40 m perpendicular to the coastline line transect, followed by 10 x 10 m sample plots and five 1 x 1 m sub plots. Following the collection of samples, additional analysis of the density, length and weight relationship, demographic structure, spatial distribution patterns based on the Morisita index, and growth characteristics were conducted as unique characteristics when compared to T. telescopium in other areas analyzed using PCA. The study's findings indicated that the density was low (< 7 ind/m2), the allometric length and weight relationship was negative (b < 3), the dominant growth demographic structure was mature (dominant SL 79.36 – 86.34 mm), the distribution pattern was clustered (Iδ = 02.75), and the BT, BWL, and AL morphometrics, in particular, had a variance of 95.91%. Pertumbuhan suatu organisme dapat menyediakan data ekologi dasar dan merupakan salah satu parameter yang utama dalam mengambarkan dinamika populasi suatu organisme, sehingga kajian gastropoda Telescopium telescopium di hutan mangrove Desa Cut Mamplam Provinsi Aceh dilakukan menggunakan purposive sampling pada bulan September 2021 dengan tujuan sebagai data dasar dalam pengelolaan mangrove di Indonesia, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan cara membuat transek garis sepanjang 40 m tegak lurus garis pantai, kemudian dibuat petak-petak contoh berukuran 10 x 10 m dan selanjutnya dibuat sub plot berukuran 1 x 1 m sebanyak 5 sub plot. Setelah sampel terkumpul, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kepadatan, hubungan panjang berat tubuh, struktur demografi, pola penyebaran spasial berdasarkan indeks Morisita dan karakteristik pertumbuhannya sebagai penciri khusus bila dibandingkan dengan T. telescopium di kawasan lain yang dianalisis menggunakan PCA. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa kepadatannya rendah (< 7 ind/m2), hubungan panjang beratnya allometrik negatif (b < 3), struktur demografi pertumbuhan yang dominan ditemukan tergolong dewasa (SL dominan 79.36 – 86.34 mm), pola penyebarannya mengelompok (Iδ = 02.75) dan morfometrik BT, BWL maupun AL sebagai penciri khususnya memiliki varian 95.91%.  
Characteristics Nesting Ground of Turtle (Lepidochelys olivaceae) in Gampong Gelumpang Sulu Timur Dewantara Sub-district, North Aceh Regency Muliani Muliani; Erlangga Erlangga; Mutia Mutia; Eva Ayuzar; Mahdaliana Mahdaliana
JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN DAN BIOLOGI NUKLEUS Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pembelajaran Dan Biologi Nukleus Juli 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jpbn.v8i2.2547


One of the reptiles whose natural habitat is in the sea and has the ability to migrate very far is the turtle. Threats that endanger the turtle population, both directly and indirectly, come from natural sources and from human activities. The factors that influence turtle nesting ground were predators, sand grain size, substrate humidity, substrate temperature, beach width, coastal vegetation and beach slope. Humans as one of the predators of the availability of turtles in nature by taking turtle eggs. The aim of the study was to determine the nesting habitat characteristics of the Lekang turtle (Lepidochelys Olivaceae) in the coastal area of Gampong Geulumpang, East Sulu, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency. This research was carried out in November 2021, which took place on the coast of the village of Gelumpang, East Sulu, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency. In this study, observational data collection and biophysical measurements were set at 3 stations. Station 1 (Dusun Cot U Sibak), station 2 (Dusun Pasie Kuala), and station 3 (Dusun Teupin). The distance between stations in this study was ± 2 km. Data analysis was carried out by weight body and scoring methods. Based on the results of data analysis from three observation stations at turtle nesting locations from several parameters such as beach slope is 4.5-9.3%, beach width is 10.20 -22 meters, the sand temperature is 29-32 0C, humidity is 21-28%, the size of the sand grains is 0.15322-0.31601 mm, while the coastal vegetation is 16.7-49.4%, it is concluded that the three observation stations are in the very suitable category for turtle nesting locations
Kultivasi mikroalga Nannochloropsis sp dalam pupuk kotoran ayam untuk meningkatkan biomassa dan lipid sebagai preliminari produksi biodesel Eva Ayuzar; Mahdaliana Mahdaliana; Khaidir Khaidir; Ade Fitria; Erlangga Erlangga
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 9: No. 2 (August, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v9i2.8138


Microalgae is one of the natural resources that has the potential to make biodiesel because it contains a fairly high amount of oil. The content of fat (lipid) and fatty acid (fatty acid) in microalgae is a source of energy and is used as raw material for biodiesel. In lipids there are elements of saturated fatty acids that play a role in the process of making biodiesel. The addition of growth nutrients into microalgae culture media is considered the most influential aspect on the quantity of biomass produced by microalgae cultivation. This study aims to determine the effect of chicken manure on the growth rate of Nannochloropsis sp. and to get the best treatment the lipid content of Nannochloropsis sp. of dry weight. The method used in this study was to use a non-factorial Complete RandomIzed Design (RAL) with 3 repeat treatments. The treatments in this study were A: 0 mg/L, B: 250 mg/L, C: 300 mg/L, D: 350 mgL. The results showed that the effect of giving chicken manure with different doses had a very real effect on the density of Nannochloropsis sp, and population peaks. Treatment B with a dose of 250 mg/L of showed the best results with an average density value of 4713 x 104 cells/ml and a population peak of 9415 x 104 cells/ml and the highest lipid levels found in treatment B, which is 12.73.  Water quality during the study was conditioned standard. Temperature 26 - 27 oC, pH 7.1 - 7.7, DO 5.2 - 6.3 and salinity 31 - 34 ppt. Based on the results of the study found that lipid results are high, so it is possible to try biodiesel testing.Keywords: Biodesel; Biomass; Lipid; Microalgae; Nannochloropsis sp
Pengaruh Tingkat Kerapatan dan Kedewasaan Hutan Mangrove dalam Memerangkap Sedimen di Muara Sungai Langsa Kota Langsa Erlangga Erlangga; Helmi Gusnita; Syahrial Syahrial; Cut Meurah Nur Akla; imamshadiqin imamshadiqin; Riri Ezraneti; Rian Firdaus
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 25, No 3 (2022): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v25i3.14009


In November 2021, a study on the effect of mangrove density and maturity level on sediment trapping in the Langsa River estuary, Langsa City, was conducted with the objective of determining the density, maturity, and rate of sediment deposition around the mangrove forest, as well as the relationship between mangrove density and maturity level and sediment deposition rate. Mangrove vegetation was collected using a 40 m line transect parallel to the river flow and a 10 x 10 m plot, while sediment samples were collected using a sediment trap. The study's findings indicated that mangrove density varied between 675.00 and 1541.67 ind/ha, that mangrove maturity was uneven, with trunk diameters ranging between 4.14 and 9.83 cm and basal areas ranging between 30.45 and 72.93 m2/ha. Meanwhile, sediment deposition rates ranged between 26.94 and 277.73 mg/cm2/day, with a strong correlation between density and maturity of mangrove vegetation (98% and 99%, respectively).   Penelitian terhadap pengaruh tingkat kerapatan dan kedewasaan hutan mangrove dalam memerangkap sedimen di muara Sungai Langsa Kota Langsa dilakukan pada bulan November 2021 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kerapatan, kedewasaan dan laju pengendapan sedimen di sekitar hutan mangrovenya serta untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara tingkat kerapatan dan kedewasaan hutan mangrove terhadap laju pengendapan sedimennya. Vegetasi mangrove dikumpulkan dengan menarik transek garis sepanjang 40 m yang sejajar dengan aliran sungai dan dibuat plot berukuran 10 x 10 m, sedangkan sampel sedimennya diambil menggunakan sediment trap. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa kerapatan mangrovenya berkisar antara 675.00 – 1541.67 ind/ha, kedewasaan mangrovenya tidak merata dengan diameter batangnya berkisar antara 4.14 – 9.83 cm dan basal areanya berkisar antara 30.45 – 72.93 m2/ha. Sementara untuk laju pengendapan sedimennya berkisar antara 26.94 – 277.73 mg/cm2/hari, dimana keterkaitan antara kerapatan dan kedewasaan vegetasi mangrovenya memiliki hubungan yang kuat (masing-masing 98% dan 99%).
Toxicity test of LC-50 (Lethal Concentration) surfactant LAS (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate) against white snapper (Lates calcarifer) fingerlings on a laboratory scale Anggi Mayulina Daulay; Erniati Erniati; Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla; Erlangga Erlangga; Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Vol 9, No 3 (2023): Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 9: No. 3 (December, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v9i3.9503


LAS (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate) surfactants are the main cleaning agents from the anionic group found in detergents that are widely used in Indonesia. LAS decomposes in surface water for 1-2 days, in sediments it decomposes for 1-3 days, in marine and estuarine systems it decomposes for 5-10 days. LAS is generally degraded by as much as 90% within 3 months, with a time ranging from 5-30 days (World Health Organization, 1996). LAS surfactants can cause damage to the gill epithelium and blockage of branchiola channels in fish. This study aims to determine the toxic effect of LAS surfactant on the survival of white snapper (Lates calcarifer) fry and to determine the toxicity value of LC50 (Lethal Concentration) of LAS surfactant to white snapper (Lates calcarifer) fry on a laboratory scale. This research was carried out on September 21 – October 04, 2021 at the Marine Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University using laboratory experimental methods with 5 treatments, namely: control treatment A (0 ppm), B (0.83 ppm), C (1.58 ppm). ), D (2.16 ppm), and E (2.91 ppm). The results of this study cause barramundi to experience irregular movements, mouth opening and operculum tend to be fast and irregular, scales are pale and peeling, and cause death, LAS surfactants affect water quality such as pH and dissolved oxygen, but have no effect on salinity and temperature. The 24-hour LC50 value is 1.95 ppm, the 48-hour LC50 value is 1.86 ppm, the 72-hour LC50 value is 1.70 ppm, and the 96-hour LC50 value is 1.58 ppm.Key words : LAS surfactant; LC50; toxicity; white snapper
Co-Authors Ade Fitria Ade Fitria Alfi Syahrin Alfi Syahrin Anggi Mayulina Daulay Anggi Mayulina Daulay Anggi Mayulina Daulay Ayu Andira Ayu Andira Ayu Gustina Ayu Lestari Azhari Mataniari Azizi Ramadhan Bengi Pratiwi Cut Meurah Nur Akla Cut Meurah Nurul Akla Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla Cut MeurahNur &#039;Akla Dian Laili Dodi Fanhalen Siregar Dodi Fanhalen Siregar Erliza Marzuki Erniati Erniati Erniati, Erniati Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Firli Ariski Fitri Al Faini Siregar Gara Hasonangan Ritonga Gara Hasonangan Ritonga Hamdi Romansah Hariyati Hariyati Helmi Gusnita Hyessica Bernardeta Lubis I Iswadi Ibnu Amni Ida Marina Harahap Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin imamshadiqin imamshadiqin Imanullah Imanullah Imanullah Imanullah imanullah imanullah Imanullah Imanullah Intan Mutia Irmayunita Irmayunita Iswadi Ak Jamin Jamin Jihad Nasuha Julianda Sahputra Khaidir Khaidir Likdanawati Likdanawati Lisna Lisna mahdaliana mahdaliana Mahdaliana Mahdaliana Mahdaliana, Mahdaliana Mainisa Mainisa Mainisa Meutia Handayani Muhammad Hatta Muhammad Robi Muliani Muliani Muliani Muliani Munawar Khalil Munawwar Khalil, Munawwar Mutia Mutia Nazarul Syahputra Nuriana Dila Prama Hartami Rachmawati Rusydi Rachmawati Rusydi Rahmatul Husna Repki Prasetyo Rian Firdaus rini tri lestari sembiring Rini Tri Lestari Sembiring Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Roza Yusfiandayani Saiful Adhar Salamah Salamah Salmarika Salmarika Sapna Biby Sohibil Yamin Sri Nanda Rizki Srinanda Rizki Sutiana Sutiana Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrul Ramadansyah Syawaluddin Akbar Tambah Lambok Berutu Umaruddin Usman Wilman Shobara Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yuli Asbar yuli asbar Yusril Husaen Yusril Husaen Zakiatul Fitri