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Distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration with the catch of julung fish in Ternate Island city Aisyah Bafagih; Sahriar Hamzah; Umar Tangke
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.1.1-4


The study was conducted during March-May 2017 in the Coastal Waters of Ternate Island of North Maluku Province with the aim to study the relationship between the concentration of chlorophyll-a and the catch of Hemiramphus sp and its potential fishing area. Using experimental fishing method and non-linear regeneration analysis and GIS analysis. The result of this research shows that oceanographic factor that is chlorophyll-a concentration has significant effect on the catch of julung fish with correlation coefficient value of 0.729, with potential catch area located at three locations ie at coastal of Ngade to Kalumata on location 00o45'00"N - 127o21'03"E to 00o45'28.924"N - 127o22'08.893"E, coastal Keluarah Fitu at the location 00o44'39.490"N -127o19'51.083"E to 00o45'09.150"N - 127o20'52.263"E, and on the coast of Kelurahan Rua on location 00o45'51.169"N - 127o17'25.857"E to 00o46'42.457"N - 127o17'45.633"E.
Length-weight relationship and stock assessment of tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) in East Halmahera waters Hamid Taher; Syahnul Sardi Titaheluw; Aisyah Bafagih
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.2.31-39


The study was conducted in December 2016 to February 2017 in East Halmahera waters with the aim to examine the relationship between the length of weight and potential and the level of utilization of tuna. The results showed that the long frequency distribution of tuna was ranging from 10.0-28.2 cm, with a maximum length value of 29.93 cm, a growth coefficient of 0.74 per month and a measure of fish worth catching for spawning. The relationship between the weight of tuna in East Halmahera waters is W=0.0078L3.2982, where the length of tuna is greater than this weight increase due to environmental conditions and oceanographic parameters that affect the growth of tuna. The results of the MSY analysis or the sustainable resource potential of tuna in East Halmahera waters using the Fox method, found that the MSY value or sustainable potential of tuna was 4,176.54, with a maximum effort level of 8,047 Trips. This utilization rate is still low from the value of MSY and continues to decline this is due to the low value of fishing efforts.
Kajian Pengendalian Mutu Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) Pada Kapal Km. Inka Mina Yang Didaratkan PPP Panambong Santrani Rusli; Aisyah Bafagih; Syahnul S. Titaheluw; Ruslan A. Daeng; Ibnu W. Laitupa
JURNAL BIOSAINSTEK Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Juli 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52046/biosainstek.v4i2.720


Tujuan penelitian Mengetahui dan menganalisis secara lansung penangkapan dan mutu ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) dengan menggunakan pole and line pada kapal KM. Inka Mina 281 sampai pada proses penanganan di PPP. penelitian ini dilaksanakan perairan Labuha Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan di atas kapal KM. Inka Mina 281 putra putri yaitu pada bulan November 2020 Januari 2021. Analisis data untuk membandingkan rata-rata dua grup yang saling berpasangan, maka uji yang digunakan adalah uji t. Rumus t-test yang digunakan untuk sampel berpasangan. Berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang di atas kapal sampai didaratkan PPP Panamboang dengan nilai organoleptik utuk mata ikan dengan nilai rata-rata 7-9, untuk insan nilai rata-rata 6-9, bau nilai rata-rata 7-9, dan tekstur dengan nilai rata-rata 7-9. Hasil uji organopleptik naik dan turunnya nilai pada mata ikan, insang, bau dan tekstur ikan hasil tangkapan saat di kapal sampai PPP Panamboang, diduga karena proses penanganan yang kurang baik. Hasil dan lama waktu operasi panangkapan atau trip adalah 2 hari/trip, jumlah trip dalam sebulan adalah 35 trip, jadi lama waktu operasi adalah 12 jam dengan jam berangkat rata-rata pukul 04.30 Sore WIT dan kembali dipelabuhan PPP sore sekitar jam 05.00. Ikan di atas kapal sampai didaratkan PPP Panamboang dengan hasil yang baik dan agak kurang baik hal ini dapat dilihat dengan pengukuran suhu tubuh ikan pada saat di kapal masih berada di bawah kisaran 30 oC, sedangkan suhu tubuh ikan saat di PPP adalah mendekati 15 oC.
Analisis potensi perikanan pelagis kecil di Kota Ternate Aisyah Bafagih
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 8, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing LLC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.8.2.20-27


Potensi sumberdaya perikanan tangkap di kota ternate merupakan komoditi unggulan bagi masyarakat nelayan, karena komoditi ini memiliki mekanisme pemasaran langsung, efekif dan efisien ke wilayah sekitarnya, yang tentunya memberikan keuntungan yang cukup besar. Hal ini akan memberikan manfaat sosial dan ekonomi kepada masyarakat secara keseluruhan, dan yang lebih penting untuk masyarakat nelayan sehingga tercapainya keadilan (equity), pertumbuhan (growth) dan keberlanjutan (sustainability.)Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji tingkat potensi sumberdaya perikanan tangkap, khususnya ikan pelagis kecil di kota Ternate yang dihubungkan dengan faktor-faktor teknis untuk mengetahui potensi lestari. Alat tangkap yang digunakan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap dampak dari potensi yang dimiliki dan faktor pendukung terhadap hasil produksi yang dicapai. Nilai MSY yang diperoleh dari analisis dengan model Schaefer terhadap upaya tangkap (effort) dan hasil tangkapan (catch) menunjukan penagngkapan lestari sebesar 10.999.564 ton/tahun dengan upaya penangkapan sebesar 11.150,173 unit alat tangkap. Faktor teknis produksi dari perhitungan regresi untuk alat tangkap Pole and Line (huhate) dan Purse Seine (pajeko) menunjukan hasil tangkapan sangat berpengaruh terhadap jumlah tenaga kerja, hari operasi penangkapan, jumlah bahan bakar serta kapasitas ukuran kapal.
Condition of Coral Fish on Maitara Island, Kota Tidore Kepulauan Syahnul Sardi Titaheluw; Armain Naim; Aisyah Bafagih; Rovina Andriani
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 13, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing LLC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.13.2.548-555


Maitara Island has enormous natural resource potential to be developed as a tourist destination. One of the very potential is the Coral Reef ecosystem. This study aims to see the condition of reef fish on Maitara Island based on the Ecological Index. The study was carried out in June - July 2020. Data collection for reef fish using the Visual Method Census method included three (3) roles of fish, namely the role of major fish, indicators and targets. Data analysis in the form of Abundance, Diversity and Dominance. The results showed that the three roles of fish with a total of 86 species from 9 families. Major fish as many as 51 species consisting of families Pomacentridae (9 species), Caesoinidae (1 species), scaridae (2 species) and Labridae (7 species). The role of indicator fish is 15 species with 1 family (Chaetodontidae), and the role of target fish is 20 species consisting of 4 families (Serranidae, Siganudae, Latjunidae and Acanhuridae). The ecological index (Abundant, Diversity and Dominance) of reef fish at the study site is very low, which indicates high pressure on coral reefs and causes loss of ecological function and resilience. Utilization of coral reefs that do not pay attention to sustainability, such as taking coral reefs, haphazardly anchoring ships and bombing carried out decades ago directly impacted reef fish at the research site, where the abundance of fish at the observation station was at a value of 0.03 ind/ m2 and the diversity index does not exceed 0.5 ind/m2. The damage to the coral reefs of Maitara Island is mostly caused by anthropogenic activities, so that rehabilitation efforts must be carried out immediately to restore the condition of reef fish and protect the existence of Maitara Island from the threat of abrasion.
Analisis potensi perikanan pelagis kecil di Kota Ternate Aisyah Bafagih
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing LLC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.7.1.87-94


Potensi sumberdaya perikanan tangkap di kota ternate merupakan komoditi unggulan bagi masyarakat nelayan, karena komoditi ini memiliki mekanisme pemasaran langsung, efekif dan efisien ke wilayah sekitarnya, yang tentunya memberikan keuntungan yang cukup besar. Hal ini akan memberikan manfaat sosial dan ekonomi kepada masyarakat secara keseluruhan, dan yang lebih penting untuk masyarakat nelayan sehingga tercapainya keadilan (equity), pertumbuhan (growth) dan keberlanjutan (sustainability.)Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji tingkat potensi sumberdaya perikanan tangkap, khususnya ikan pelagis kecil di kota Ternate yang dihubungkan dengan faktor-faktor teknis untuk mengetahui potensi lestari. Alat tangkap yang digunakan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap dampak dari potensi yang dimiliki dan faktor pendukung terhadap hasil produksi yang dicapai. Nilai MSY yang diperoleh dari analisis dengan model Schaefer terhadap upaya tangkap (effort) dan hasil tangkapan (catch) menunjukan penagngkapan lestari sebesar 10.999.564 ton/tahun dengan upaya penangkapan sebesar 11.150,173 unit alat tangkap. Faktor teknis produksi dari perhitungan regresi untuk alat tangkap Pole and Line (huhate) dan Purse Seine (pajeko) menunjukan hasil tangkapan sangat berpengaruh terhadap jumlah tenaga kerja, hari operasi penangkapan, jumlah bahan bakar serta kapasitas ukuran kapal.
Length-weight relationship and stock assessment of tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) in East Halmahera waters Hamid Taher; Syahnul Sardi Titaheluw; Aisyah Bafagih
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.2.31-39


The study was conducted in December 2016 to February 2017 in East Halmahera waters with the aim to examine the relationship between the length of weight and potential and the level of utilization of tuna. The results showed that the long frequency distribution of tuna was ranging from 10.0-28.2 cm, with a maximum length value of 29.93 cm, a growth coefficient of 0.74 per month and a measure of fish worth catching for spawning. The relationship between the weight of tuna in East Halmahera waters is W=0.0078L3.2982, where the length of tuna is greater than this weight increase due to environmental conditions and oceanographic parameters that affect the growth of tuna. The results of the MSY analysis or the sustainable resource potential of tuna in East Halmahera waters using the Fox method, found that the MSY value or sustainable potential of tuna was 4,176.54, with a maximum effort level of 8,047 Trips. This utilization rate is still low from the value of MSY and continues to decline this is due to the low value of fishing efforts.
Distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration with the catch of julung fish in Ternate Island city Aisyah Bafagih; Sahriar Hamzah; Umar Tangke
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.1.1-4


The study was conducted during March-May 2017 in the Coastal Waters of Ternate Island of North Maluku Province with the aim to study the relationship between the concentration of chlorophyll-a and the catch of Hemiramphus sp and its potential fishing area. Using experimental fishing method and non-linear regeneration analysis and GIS analysis. The result of this research shows that oceanographic factor that is chlorophyll-a concentration has significant effect on the catch of julung fish with correlation coefficient value of 0.729, with potential catch area located at three locations ie at coastal of Ngade to Kalumata on location 00o45'00"N - 127o21'03"E to 00o45'28.924"N - 127o22'08.893"E, coastal Keluarah Fitu at the location 00o44'39.490"N -127o19'51.083"E to 00o45'09.150"N - 127o20'52.263"E, and on the coast of Kelurahan Rua on location 00o45'51.169"N - 127o17'25.857"E to 00o46'42.457"N - 127o17'45.633"E.
Length-weight relationship and stock assessment of tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) in East Halmahera waters Hamid Taher; Syahnul Sardi Titaheluw; Aisyah Bafagih
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.2.31-39


The study was conducted in December 2016 to February 2017 in East Halmahera waters with the aim to examine the relationship between the length of weight and potential and the level of utilization of tuna. The results showed that the long frequency distribution of tuna was ranging from 10.0-28.2 cm, with a maximum length value of 29.93 cm, a growth coefficient of 0.74 per month and a measure of fish worth catching for spawning. The relationship between the weight of tuna in East Halmahera waters is W=0.0078L3.2982, where the length of tuna is greater than this weight increase due to environmental conditions and oceanographic parameters that affect the growth of tuna. The results of the MSY analysis or the sustainable resource potential of tuna in East Halmahera waters using the Fox method, found that the MSY value or sustainable potential of tuna was 4,176.54, with a maximum effort level of 8,047 Trips. This utilization rate is still low from the value of MSY and continues to decline this is due to the low value of fishing efforts.
Distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration with the catch of julung fish in Ternate Island city Aisyah Bafagih; Sahriar Hamzah; Umar Tangke
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.2.1.1-4


The study was conducted during March-May 2017 in the Coastal Waters of Ternate Island of North Maluku Province with the aim to study the relationship between the concentration of chlorophyll-a and the catch of Hemiramphus sp and its potential fishing area. Using experimental fishing method and non-linear regeneration analysis and GIS analysis. The result of this research shows that oceanographic factor that is chlorophyll-a concentration has significant effect on the catch of julung fish with correlation coefficient value of 0.729, with potential catch area located at three locations ie at coastal of Ngade to Kalumata on location 00o45'00"N - 127o21'03"E to 00o45'28.924"N - 127o22'08.893"E, coastal Keluarah Fitu at the location 00o44'39.490"N -127o19'51.083"E to 00o45'09.150"N - 127o20'52.263"E, and on the coast of Kelurahan Rua on location 00o45'51.169"N - 127o17'25.857"E to 00o46'42.457"N - 127o17'45.633"E.