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Interferensi Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Arab di Pondok Roudlatul Qur’an Metro Lampung Amalia, Dian Risky; Hidayatullah, Rizky; Anwar, Muhammad Saidun; Irhamudin, Irhamudin
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

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The aim of the study focuse on the interference of Indonesian into Arabic viewed from various aspects such as phonological aspects, morphology, syntax, lexicology, and the causes of such interference, namely about the first language interference of santri to their Arabic pronunciation in Rhoudhatul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School on in 2018. In essence, research is an attempt made to look deeply at the identity of the object of research. Because the object of language research cannot be present alone, without research. And the research that will be conducted is by describing the object of research. Using triangulation observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings obtained by the researcher are as follows: 1) Phonological interference occurs in the letters and letters of letters which results in deviations of meaning, Morphological interference occurs in reduplications that often occur in Indonesian, which results in reduplication in Arabic, in Arabic call it jama ', syntactic interference occurs when the word is decapitated freely in a sentence structure without knowing the elements of the language are standard or not in the rules of Indonesian, so that it adversely affects Arabic, lexicological interference occurs in compound words in Indonesian, whereas in Arabic not all words have compound words which consist of two words, semantic interference occurs in the use of language which deviates from its meaning due to differences between Indonesian and Arabic, Arabic has root words, whereas in Indonesian it does not all words have root words.2) The cause of interference is due to habits that have become cultural, tides ebb and control of language, lack of knowledge, and the difficulty of cultivating good language. Hopefully it can become a reference for further research. Key words: Interference, Indonesian, Arabic
Eksperimentasi Model Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR) berbantu LKPD Ditinjau dari Kecerdasan Matematis Logis Choirudin Choirudin; M. Saidun Anwar; Kharir Badiatu Zulfa
Jurnal Mercumatika : Jurnal Penelitian Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.252 KB) | DOI: 10.26486/jm.v4i1.773


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaaran Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR) berbantu LKPD terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (2) Pengaruh masing-masing kecerdasan matematis logis (tinggi, sedang, rendah) terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (3) Apakah terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR) berbantu LKPD dan kecerdasan matematis logis yang terjadi pada prestasi belajarnya. Untuk memperoleh jawaban beberapa tujuan penelitian tersebut, maka metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitiannya quasi experimental design dipilih dan ujinya adalah analisis variansi (anava) dua jalan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji sceffe jika diperlukan. Prestasi dalam penelitian ialah: (1) terdapat pengaruh pengaruh model pembelajaran Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR) berbantu LKPD terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (2) terdapat pengaruh kecerdasan matematis logis terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; (3) tidak terdapat interaksi antara pembelajaran Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR) berbantu LKPD yang diterapkan dan masing-masing kategori kecerdasan matematis logis pada prestasi belajar.
Alat Permainan Edukatif Golf Anak Usia Dini sebagai Program Edupreneur Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Leli Fertiliana Dea; M. Yusuf; M. Saidun Anwar; Choirudin Choirudin; Dwi Ayu Juniati
Golden Age: Jurnal Ilmiah Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia Dini Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jga.2021.61-03


The mismatch between competence and job requirements is a cause of rampant unemployment. Moreover, the imbalance between supply and demand, as well as the quality of human resources are produced. The edupreneur program in the Islamic Early Childhood Education (IECE) department can equip graduates to be more competitive, especially looking for competent jobs. This study aims to develop an Educational Game Tool (EGT) in the form of APE Golf as a form of entrepreneurial education program (edupreneur) in the IECE study program. The method used is research and development (research and development) Borg and Gall. EGT Golf development is carried out in several stages, namely: the initial trial design stage given to material expert validators and media experts and the main field trial stage with 14 children. The results of this study indicate that EGT golf is feasible to be used as an educational program for students and prospective teachers in the IECE department. EGT golf testing with respondents can encourage student activity and develop fine and gross motor skills. EGT golf can also be used as a learning medium in early childhood education.
Bahan Ajar Etnomatematika Situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Choirudin Choirudin; Mispani Mispani; Agus Setiawan; Ahmad Muslimin; Muhammad Saidun Anwar
JIPM (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jipm.v10i1.8137


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi benda-benda budaya (artefak) dari Situs Pugung Raharjo di Lampung Timur dan menerapkan potensi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai bahan ajar dalam pembelajaran matematika pendidikan tinggi untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan Research and Development (R&D) yang mengacu pada jenis pengembangan model ADDIE dan melibatkan semua pihak terkait (stakeholders): 1) Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Timur selaku pemilik otoritas di bidang penelitian dan pengembangan, 2) Lembaga Pendidikan Ma'arif NU sebagai pembuat kebijakan di lingkungan pendidikan di bawah NU Lampung, 3) Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu IAIMNU Metro, 4) Dosen dan Guru, 5) Mahasiswa sebagai subjek dari belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan survei terhadap pengembangan buku ajar bagi mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika di IAIMNU Metro, khususnya bagi pecinta, pemerhati, dan pembuat kebijakan di bidang budaya dan matematika. Etnomatematika telah menjadi salah satu materi pembelajaran Matematika. Sudah menjadi mata kuliah wajib yang harus diajarkan pada program studi Matematika di beberapa kampus ternama di Indonesia namun belum menjadi salah satu mata kuliah wajib dalam program pendidikan matematika IAIMNU Metro Lampung. Etnomatematika Situs Pugung Raharjo memiliki makna dan fungsi bagi mahasiswa apabila mahasiswa dapat mengkaitkan dengan matematika.
Analysis of Islamic Socio-Political and Cultural Meneutics of the Limo Migo Community in the Dalung Bojong inscription of East Lampung Muhammad Saidun Anwar; Choirudin Choirudin; Mispani Mispani; Leli Fertiliana Dea; Ahmad Muslimin
Medina-te : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 16 No 2 (2020): Medina-Te: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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The study aims to contextualize the content of the inscription of DalungBojong of East Lampung in the modern era with Fazlur Rohman’s hermeneutical approach. The data were taken from interviews with the main witness, Haji Hasanuddin (Pangiran Betaro Rajo III) as the author and the writer of the inscription DalungBojong and Mr. Hasan al-Basri (Pangiran Sebuwaias the traditional leader of Bojong Village). Dalung Bojong inscription is an archaeological evidence of the strong influence of Banten over Lampung as its territory. The relationship patterns depicted in the inscription are: First, the pattern of political relations in determining all decisions is based on the Sultan's decree. Second, the pattern of economic relations. Banten as a commercial center between nations has an interest in Lampung as an area that produces a lot of agricultural products to meet the needs of trading commodities. Third, the patterns of religious and cultural relations, the patterns of political and economic relations that are formed, and the socio-cultural contacts also occured. The Sultanate of Banten in Islamizing the Pugung people gave birth to many socio-political and cultural dynamics. Queen Pugung, who has principles, never gave up before the war. However, Queen Pugung realized that it was impossible to do war against his daughter-in-law. Finally, Queen Pugung made a circle rule. Those who do not follow the KeratuanPugung rules and choose to convert to Islam must leave the circle (the Pugung area) to the nearby areas of Pugung which became the forerunners of the Sekampung Limo Migo community.
Developing an Interactive Mathematics Multimedia Learning Based on Ispring Presenter in Increasing Students’ Interest in Learning Mathematics M Saidun Anwar; Choirudin Choirudin; Eka Fitria Ningsih; Triana Dewi; Andino Maseleno
Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 10, No 1 (2019): Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Raden Intan Lampung, INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.113 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajpm.v10i1.4445


The purpose of this study is to develop a multimedia learning based on iSpring Presenter to increase students' interest in learning in mathematics. This study uses the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the interactive mathematics multimedia learning based on iSpring Presenter has fulfilled the requirements to be considered feasible to be used in the learning process and is feasible to be used as learning support media to increase students' interest in learning through varied learning activities. 
Developing Mathematical Students Worksheet Based On Islamic Values Using Contextual Approach Choirudin Choirudin; Eka Fitria Ningsih; M. Saidun Anwar; Ani Choirunnisa; Andino Maseleno
International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education IJEME, Vol. 3 No. 2, September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/ijeme.v3i2.13286


Development of worksheets looks like the beginning of the problems found in schools, students have difficulty to understanding mathematical material both calculation concepts and moral values that have not been well organized. Worksheet designed with using a contextual approach which contains collaboration between material and verses relating to the used material, so that moral values related to the material are obtained and equipped with the application of moral values in the form of problem examples. After being designed, product is developed to be LKPD. The study objectives include: To develop a Mathematics LKPD based on Islamic values on the subject of algebraic. As a result of the study, the development of Student Worksheet (LKPD) based on Islamic values using a contextual approach to the subject of algebraic in class VII of the Qur'an Science Junior High School Minhajuth Thullab Pekalongan. The research uses the 4D development model consists of 4 main stages: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The response of teachers to LKPD based on Islamic values with using a contextual approach on the subject of the algebra score 82% with very interesting criteria. The responses of students to LKPD obtained a score of 80 % with very decent criteria.
Pengembangan LKPD Matematika Berbasis Kaligrafi dengan Pendekatan Guided Discovery Learning Choirudin Choirudin; M. Saidun Anwar; Isnaini Nur Azizah; Wawan Wawan; Apri Wahyudi; Inna Anisa Khusaini
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (JPM) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (JPM)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jpm.v7i1.6738


Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis seni kaligrafi dengan pendekatan guided discovery learning materi persegi dan persegi panjang kelas VII di MTs Ma’arif 01 Punggur dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan manfaat bahwa LKPD berbasis seni kaligrafi ini dapat dijadikan salah satu bahan ajar. LKPD berbasis seni kaligrafi dapat membiasakan peserta didik untuk membaca atau menulis ayat Al-Quran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (RnD) dengan model 4D yang merupakan singkatan dari define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), development (pengembangan), desseminate (penyebaran). Berdasarkan analisis data hasil penelitian LKPD berbasis seni kaligrafi dengan pendekatan guided discovery learning pada materi persegi dan persegi panjang kelas VII di MTs Ma’arif 01 Punggur mendapatkan penilaian dari ahli materi, ahli media, ahli bahasa dan ahli kaligrafi serta hasil dari respon siswa bahwa LKPD ini layak untuk dijadikan bahan ajar dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar pada materi persegi dan persegi panjang.
Development of Learning Media for Ethnomathematics and Culture of Lampung with the Powtoon Application Choirudin Choirudin; Eka Fitria Ningsih; Hanif Amrulloh; Muhammad Saidun Anwar; Isnaini Nur Azizah; Mega Suaedah Prastika
Jurnal Tadris Matematika Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/jtm.2020.3.2.141-152


This study aims to develop Mathematics learning media using ethnomathematics based Powtoon applications. This study is using the Borg and Gall development model. Media development is carried out on the material of a flat triangle and quadrilateral of Class VII Junior High School. Data collection instruments used were media expert questionnaires, material experts used to test the quality of mathematics-based Powtoon learning media, and student response questionnaires to test interest in the developed media. Data collection methods used the form of interviews, documentation and questionnaires. This research resulted in ethnomathematics based Powtoon learning media. The results of the assessment by media experts scored 88% in the very feasible category, the assessment of the material experts obtained a score of 87% in the very feasible category, while based on trials in class VII students of Ma'arif 1 Metro SMP which amounted to 22 students obtained a score of 80% with the eligible category. The development of ethnomathematics based Powtoon learning media is feasible and can be used by teachers and students as learning media.
The Enhancement of Science in Children Through B4 Group Vegetable Planting Activities on Odd Semester at Pertiwi Kindergarten Metro Studying Year 2017-2018 Muchsonny Muchsonny; Rizky Hidayatullah; Muhammad Saidun Anwar
SELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGRA Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Program Studi PGRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.955 KB) | DOI: 10.29062/seling.v5i2.433


This research was conducted to find out the extent of the benefits of growing vegetables to increase the science recognition of children in the Pertiwi Metro Kindergarten B4 group. The problem discussed in this research are the benefits of growing vegetables to increase science recognition to children in group B4. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) with 2 cycles. Each cycle there are 4 stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The object of the research was carried out at the Metro Pertiwi Kindergarten 2017-2018 Academic Year. The data collection tool used in this research was direct observation with the steps of data collection, data analysis, and drawing conclusions to find out the benefits of growing vegetables to increase science recognition in children and analyzed descriptively. This research is expected to have impact children are more capable, more conscientious, happier and more confident in following the learning process. especially in the introduction of science.