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KREASI Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): KREASI
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v7i2.4193


Krisis lingkungan global yang semakin meningkat mendorong industri arsitektur untuk mengadopsi pendekatan yang berkelanjutan dalam merancang bangunan. Restoran sebagai salah satu sektor ekonomi yang berkembang pesat di Ternate, memiliki potensi besar untuk menerapkan green architecture demi mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. VW Interior Architecture merupakan badan usaha yang berjalan dalam bidang jasa konsultan arsitektur dan interior yang berfokus dalam penerapan bangunan hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang resto di Ternate dengan penerapan green architecture dengan mengintegrasikan kebutuhan komersial dengan prinsip-prinsip keberlanjutan. Selain itu style industrial juga diterapkan di restoran ini yaitu dengan memberikan kesan unfinished dan membawa konsep ruang terbuka. Rancangan resto tersebut mengusung pendekatan desain yang mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, efisiensi energi, dan pengurangan limbah. Metode penelitian dalam perancangan ini adalah dengan studi literatur mendalam tentang green architecture, konsep restoran modern, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Melalui pengerjaan proyek perancangan arsitektur dan interior untuk Kanyang Resto, VW Interior Architecture berkesempatan untuk mempertimbangkan sekaligus menyusun berbagai penerapan dan prinsip dalam perancangan Kanyang Resto untuk menghasilakan sebuah solusi perancangan yang menerapkan green architecture sehingga dapat efektif dan merespon berbagai permasalahan yang ada dalam proyek. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah rancangan resto yang memadukan estetika modern dengan komitmen terhadap desain yang ramah lingkungan. Selain itu, implementasi green architecture dalam resto ini diharapkan dapat menginspirasi kesadaran masyarakat terhadap perlunya menjaga lingkungan dan menjalankan kehidupan yang lebih berkelanjutan.
Interior Lobi Luxury Hotel dengan Konsep Vivacious And Spacious Steffi Sadlin; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Rani Prihatmanti
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i1.37


Economic growth in Indonesia which is relatively stable in recent years plays a role in the development of the commercial business sector. It is followed by increasing demand of commercial space.The capital of East Java, Surabaya, is predicted to experience a property boom in 2017 based on the condition of demand, supply, and prices that continue to climb up. Commercial projects that are expected to be completed in 2015 itself was dominated by the hotel sector. Rivalry in the hotel business is going to be tougher and more competitive. Vasa Hotel is a five-star hotel. Vasa Hotel will be operated in mid 2015 and is located in a strategic location for commercial business, specifically at Jalan HR. Muhammad 209.It has branding as a luxury hotel. Lobby area plays an important role.Lobby gives an overall picture of the hotel and staff service performanceto visitors. In the interior design of the lobby area, the author applied the concept of vivacious and spacious. The concept application can be seen fromthe circulation setting andinterior elements that formed a dynamic as well as clear distinguishment of each area. Public spacesare open or have minimal wall to accommodate various types and activities of visitor, giving the impression of a spacious and luxurious lobby.
Interior dan Branding untuk Memunculkan Identitas Natura Devita Lesmana; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Rani Prihatmanti
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i1.39


Nowadays, business development is accelerating and advancing rapidly because of the supports from many parties, including the government. This advancement has both positive and negative impacts on our society. In the positive side, many of the younger generations emerged to create job opportunities for those who need them. Consequently, this new jobs help strengthen our nation’s economy. In the other hand, the rising businesses are not always linearly correlated to the increase of the quality of those businesses. The quality of a business is greatly affected by the brand identity and the quality of the interior design of the business itself. Therefore, we proudly present Devita Lee Interior Specialist to be the solution of those problems above.In relation with the excellence of the business offered, Natura Resort & Villa is the perfect study case to apply the mentioned service. From multiple researches and surveys, Natura Resort & Villa emphasized the value of body and soul retreat alongside with their vision, life that enlivens. This discourse becomes the base framework for the interior design applied to the lobby area, the restaurant, and one type of villa. The most prominent design application is from the modern natural design style. The natural style implements materials from nature such as wood, bamboo, and rock with their natural colors as the interior design elements. Moreover, the materials are obtained locally, which truly in accordance with life that enlivens. While the modern style comes from the geometric shapes of the design. The next application is shown from the natural tones: dark brown, light brown, cream, and soft green, as the color accents. The next application is the election of the static or dynamic shapes, which moves uniformly.
Strategi Desain Mengubah Lahan Parkir Mall Menjadi Sebuah Kafe Bertema Warehouse Gabriele Nydia Njotohardjo; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Rani Prihatmanti
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i1.43


The application of the customized handicraft in accordance with the needs of users will strengthen the interior of a room both commercial area and private area. The community desire to have private business in accordance with the development of the trend is there to be one of the establishment of GABs interior as a service company of the interior consultant that handle the area of public and private with application customized handicraft on each design as its value added.The application of customized handicraft which are succulent wall panels and artistic wall decor will be done to Rest-Art Cafe as thematic cafe with the theme of the warehouse. The election of furniture and interior accessories are also making the visitors look like being in the warehouse. Cafe is also equipped with open kitchen area that make visitors can watch the making of molecular gastronomy dessert that is become the excellence of this cafe
Restoran Indonesia dengan Desain Modern Bermotif Kawung Eni Sartika Kumala; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Rani Prihatmanti
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i1.51


With the progress of modern and current era, Indonesia has seen a steady growth, weather in its economy, technology and its society’s lifestyle. This progress has been centered aroundthe big cities in Indonesia, one of which is Surabaya. People here are keeping up with the progress and modernity, especially in economy and lifestyle. Surabaya have various new businesses, specifically in culinary field, which targets the Surabaya market that’s prioritize on lifestyle, considering that having a meal together and hanging out with family and friend as an important lifestyle. This culinary business needs to be supported by some important factors such as location, quality of food and the design of the restaurant. Niki Sae restaurant is located in the residential area of East Surabaya with upper middle class inhabitant (Ir. H. Soekarno-Hatta street and Dharmahusada Indah I street) which caters Indonesian cuisine withnatural modern concept, also indoor-outdoor restaurant system. The problem it faces is the desire for design concept that is modern by selling particular Indonesian cuisine, hence the design combines Indonesian elements in a natural modern restaurant concept.
Perancangan Interior Restoran Italia Casa Bocca di Surabaya Jessica Novia; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Rani Prihatmanti
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i1.52


The culinary business in Surabaya has been significantly developed nowadays. The lifestyle of the people in Surabaya that are prefer to dine in restaurant is one of the example of the development of the culinary business in here. There are many reasons why people would rather eat in a restaurant. In such an industrial and trading area, Surabaya, it is one of the reasons that many people need a place to relax after their busy day at work by spending their time in a restaurant or a cafe. Beside relieving fatigue and relaxing purpose, people come to restaurant for spending times with family, friends, or having a business meeting while enjoying the atmosphere.This design helps the restaurant owner to embody his desire to present the Italian nuances into the restaurant as well as create circulation that provide amenity for all the activities that happen in it.
Implementasi Arsitektur dan Desain Interior “The Story Of Laun” Fithria Ariesta Cambodia; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Rani Prihatmanti
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i2.189


In the globalization era, people from middle low to middle high social strata become increasingly aware of the importance of interior consultants. This phenomenon is quite ubiquitous not only in nearly all-urban areas throughout Indonesia but also in rural areas: they are fully aware of having comfortable buildings. In fact, high price of the buildings still become one of big problems for middle low families. Located near Surabaya, Gresik has a favorable chance to be one of the most developing cities. Many of Gresik citizens, however, are still living below poverty level. People of Betoyo village are intended to build an At-Thoyibah orphanage for children so that they could have a better living standard. FIARCA Interior Consultant who is concerned with social issues attempts to offer solution by giving education about architecture design and building interior. Pleasant Islamic interior concept has been intentionally chosen in order to increase the children’s learning interests.
RESTORAN DENGAN KONSEP SUSTAINABLE DESIGN Achmad Linggar Bagaskara; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Maria Y. Susan
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.268


Human as social being require a place where they can gather and interact each other. With that kind of space, they can improve or increase the life quality of every individual, or maybe it will add a new value for them. A restaurant is an example where people can gather and interact. The Garden Space is a restaurant with a concept to improve social and environment quality. So the design should answer and supporting restaurant’s concept. Sustainable design’s principle applied to support restaurant’s value of social and environment. The the architecture and interior design was inspired by the beauty of the modern contemporary design and it can be seen on the outside and inside the building. Skylights are designed to reduce the use of artificial lighting on midday and afternoon. Rainwater storage is used to minimise the use of water, and it is applied in the toilet’s urinal. There is also a hydroponic garden, a place where customer will be educated and they can interact with nature.
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.270


In the early phase, Crino Interior Design Consultants will accept all kinds of projects, either in the form of commercial projects or residential projecst. In the second phase through the last one, it will focus on the commercial project and provide a design that contains customer experience, so the commercial project Hoola Restaurant is selected as the final project.The project be used as a lesson, experience, knowledge and design portfolio for the company.Culinary business is growing in big cities as well as in small developing cities. The community’s lifestyle that experiences a shift into favoring eating out as well as the lack of places of entertainment make restaurant one of the community’s destinations.With the increasing level of community’s interest on restaurants, more business persons will be interested in being engaged in this field. Hoola Restaurant needs unique and special features in comparison to the other business, which can be achieved by creating an interior design with an added value in the form of customer experience. Hoola Restaurant provides traditional food and uses the service system of self-service. The concepts that are supporting and suitable use in Hoola Restaurant are natural and traditional concepts. The interior design created is expected to realize the concepts and give an added value to Hoola Restaurant.
PERANCANGAN INTERIOR KANTOR PT. BUKIT SURYA MAS Evan Tanadi; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Stephanus Evert Indrawan
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i2.522


British Council for Offices memuat dalam laman berjudul The Impact of Office Design on Business Performance bahwa kinerja sebuah perusahaan dapat dimanipulasi dengan memperhatikan 7S (site, shell, skin, services, scenery, systems, settings) dalam mendesain fasilitas kantor. Sudah merupakan kewajiban seorang arsitek interior untuk mendesain secara holistik –yang tentunya memuat parameter 7S yang dimaksud oleh British Council for Offices. “PERANCANGAN INTERIOR KANTOR PT. BUKIT SURYA MAS DI JAKARTA” merupakan judul dari proyek yang dikerjakan. PT. BUKIT SURYA MAS ialah produsen masterbatch (bahan baku plastik) di Jakarta yang baru saja membeli tiga buah bangunan rukan untuk dijadikan fasilitas kantor sekaligus tempat penjualan. Rukan yang dimaksud terletak di kompleks Green Lake, Jakarta. Ekspektasi dari proyek perancangan ini ialah tercapainya fungsi bangunan sebagai kantor, sekaligus tempat penjualan, serta menguatnya citra/ identitas PT. BUKIT SURYA MAS melalui desain fasilitas yang dimiliki. Dalam menjawab permasalahan melalui desain, metode yang dapat digunakan sangatlah beragam, salah satunya ialah parametrikisme yang menjadi keunggulan Tanadi Interior Architects. Adalah tugas perancang untuk menerapkan metode- metode yang ada secara tepat, termasuk didalamnya ialah sebuah pertanyaan mengenai implementasi parametrikisme dalam proyek ini.