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Journal : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka

Analisa Visualisasi Data Kematian Yang Disebabkan Oleh Penyakit Hiv Dan Malaria Diseluruh Dunia Dengan Metode Business Intelligence Menggunakan Dashboard Tableau Mutiara Zahra Arifin; Bagas Kembar Rezkyllah; Fadli Hardiyanto Putra; Rizky Ramdhani; Firman Noor Hasan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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HIV and Malaria are diseases that claim many victims in all parts of the world. Although in some countries there are treatments that can reduce mortality rates, not all countries have these treatments. So there are still many deaths from these two diseases. This study will analyze data visualization from kaggle in the form of dashboards and visualizations using the story feature available on Tableau, with the aim of this research being able to find out how many people die due to HIV and Malaria worldwide. Of all that, a method called Business Intelligence uses an interactive dashboard option provided by Tableau to be used as a decision making tool, which can then be converted into a visualization which will later be combined into an information dashboard. This study obtained the results of the BI dashboard display starting from the number of HIV and Malaria death cases worldwide, the distribution of death cases worldwide and countries with the highest number of death cases. This research yielded accurate results, namely the number of deaths from HIV was 36,364,419 people and the number of deaths from malaria was 25,342,676 people, the country with the most HIV deaths came from South Africa and the country with the most Malaria deaths came from Nigeria, and a comparison of the results of HIV deaths and Malaria in Indonesia.
Implementasi Business Intelligence Untuk Menganalisis Data Destinasi Wisata di Indonesia Menggunakan Platform Tableau Diana Fitri Lessy; Lita Astri Pramesti; Rafli Erlangga; Muhammad Rafly Al Fattah Zain; Firman Noor Hasan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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Tourist destinations are one of the main choices that can be made in spare time. Indonesia is a country that is famous for its beauty, so it attracts many tourists to visit. The purpose of this study focuses on visualizing tourist destination data in Indonesia by implementing Business Intelligence to display places, prices and ratings from five cities in Indonesia. The method of this research is to process a dataset of tourist destinations in Indonesia from using the Tableau platform. The results of this study are in the form of reports in the form of dashboards such as places, prices and ratings from five cities in Indonesia which are used in the decision-making process to make it easier and more systematic. The data display from the results of the analysis that has been carried out produces an attractive and interactive dashboard provided by Tableau.
Implementasi Business Intellegence untuk Menganalisis Hasil Panen dan Produktivitas Padi di Indonesia Menggunakan Tableu Ahmad Roshid; Fauzi Kurniawan; Intania Widyaningrum; Tasya Rizki Salsabilla; Firman Noor Hasan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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Indonesia is an agricultural country where the majority of the population works in agriculture. Agriculture has an important role in Indonesia in developing the local economy as well as meeting basic human needs. One of Indonesia's largest agricultural products is rice. During the process of collecting data on agricultural products, especially rice, with a large amount of recorded data such as harvested area and annual productivity, it can cause errors in compiling information for the analysis process as well as for evaluation by the ministry of agriculture. Thus, the purpose of this research is to find out how much the harvested area and productivity of rice harvests in Indonesia have increased or decreased. The method used in this article is to process a dataset of harvested area, production, and productivity of rice by province in Indonesia from using Tableau. The results of this article are a visualization of a dataset of harvested area and rice productivity by province in Indonesia that can be used for policy making by the ministry of agriculture.
Implementasi Business Intelligence Untuk Menvisualisasi Data Kekerasan Di Provinsi Jawa Barat Menggunakan Tableau Farhan Bias Purnama Putra; Rizki Alamsyah; Mohammad Akhdaan Juliandra; Isnan Wisnu Prastiyo; Firman Noor Hasan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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Penelitian ini membahas business intelligence dalam perannya memvisualisasikan data kekerasan di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Business Intelligence adalah system yang di gunakan untuk mengumpulkan, menyimpan, dan menganalisis data yang di hasilkan. Data yang terkumpul akan di tampilkan dalam format laporan yang mudah dipahami, komprehensif dan akurat. Dimana data kekerasan diolah dengan tool Tableau dan digunakan untuk melihat hasil pola visual pada data kekerasan berdasarkan tahun, jumlah korban, jenis kelamin tempat kejadian, kabupaten/kota dan bentuk kekerasan, serta jenis pelayanan yang di berikan untuk korban. Tableau merupakan perangkat lunak yang bisa menampilkan data dalam bentuk visual yang menarik. Hasil visualisasi yang didapatkan dalam Tableau dilakukan untuk memvisualisasikan data dalam bentuk dashboard grafis berdasarkan pola data demografi seperti tahun, jumlah korban, jenis kelamin, tempat kejadian, kabupaten/kota, bentuk kekerasan, dan jenis pelayanan untuk menganalisis data yang dapat di gunakan untuk evaluasi pemerintah Jawa Barat.
Implementasi Business Intelligence Untuk Menganalisis Data Jumlah Penduduk Di DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Platform Tableau Hibatullah Faisal; Faisal Parsakh Nursyamsi; Indra Ramadhan; Lingga; Firman Noor Hasan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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In Indonesia, especially in the province of DKI Jakarta, population growth continues to increase every year. Data regarding population growth in the province of DKI Jakarta is an important factor for consideration in decision making based on the visualization results on the data. The purpose of this article is to visualize population growth data from 2019 to 2021 in the province of DKI Jakarta by implementing a Business Intelligence system to display the results of the development of the number of population growth that has been recorded in 2019 to 2021 in the province of DKI Jakarta. The method is to process the population dataset in the DKI Jakarta province from using Tableau. The results are in the form of reports in the form of dashboards such as total population data, the number of population growth by year and city in the DKI Jakarta province which can be used to support a decision making. Display data generated from the results of the analysis will be visualized with an interactive dashboard with Tableau so that it is easy to understand.
Analisis Sentimen Tingkat Perbandingan Efisen antara Kendaraan BBM denganKendaraan Listrik Menggunakan Algoritma Naives Bayes Arvin Rafialdo; Achmad Ramadhan; Ananda Prasta Warasati Janah; Azhar Haikal Anwar; Firman Noor Hasan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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The most widely used energy sources today are fossil fuels, one of which is oil, especially Indonesia isstill very dependent on fossil energy, almost 95% of Indonesia's energy needs are still supplied by fossils.Along with the times, many studies are trying to find alternative energy sources, one of which is electric vehicles, as an alternative to the use of fossil energy. Therefore, researchers classify public sentiment and understanding of fuel-oil and electric vehicles using the Naïve Bayes method to compare vehicle efficiency levels. Based on the results of the study, it was found that oil-fueled vehicles with electricity using the Naïve Bayes method yielded 50 results for each data. Fuel-fueled vehicles give positive and negative results, namely 30 and 20. Meanwhile, electric vehicles give positive and negative results of 43 and 7. It can be concluded that public sentiment towards electric vehicles is more efficient than oilfueledvehicles.
Co-Authors Achmad Ramadhan Agus Fikri Ahmad Faiz Rahmatullah Ahmad Rizal Dzikrillah Ahmad Rizal Dzikrillah Ahmad Roshid Ahmad Syahril Alfandi Safira Allif Rizki Abdillah Allif Rizki Abdillah Allif Rizki Abdillah Ananda Bagas Pranata Ananda Prasta Warasati Janah Andika Saputra Ari Wibowo Arief Wibowo Arien Bianingrum Rossianiz Arvin Rafialdo Avis Tantra Mukti Avorizano, Arry Azhar Haikal Anwar Azhar Haikal Anwar Bagas Kembar Rezkyllah Bahrul Rozak Bahrul Rozak Dan Mugisidi Dandie Triyanto Desty Afni Dian Ainurrafik Afnan Sabili Dian Ainurrafik Afnan Sabili Diana Fitri Lessy Diana Fitri Lessy Dimas Febriawan Dion Parisda Ray Djeli Moh Yusuf Erizal Erizal Estu Sinduningrum Estu Sinduningrum Estu Sinduningrum Estu Sinduningrum Fadli Hardiyanto Putra Faisal Parsakh Nursyamsi Faisal Parsakh Nursyamsyi Fajar Sidik fajar sidik Faldy Irwiensyah Faldy Irwiensyah Farhan Bias Purnama Putra Farhan Nufairi Farhan Nufairi Fauzan Setya Ananto Fauzi Kurniawan Fayakun Kun Febriandirza, Arafat Hafizh Dhery Al Assyam Harry Ramzah Hibatullah Faisal Hibatullah Faisal Hilmy Zhafran Muflih Hilmy Zhafran Muflih I Ketut Sudaryana Ibnu Suhada Indra Ramadhan Indra Ramadhan Intania Widyaningrum Irawati Irawati Irfan Ricky Affandi Irfan Ricky Affandi Isa Faqihuddin Hanif Isnan Wisnu Prastiyo Kurniyati Nur Lingga Lita Astri Pramesti Luqman Abdur Rahman Malik Luthfi Akbar Ramadhan Meliyawati Mia Kamayani Mohammad Akhdaan Juliandra Muchammad Sholeh Muchammad Sholeh Muhamad Saiful Arif Muhammad Abid Fajar Muhammad Ikhwan Muhammad Ikhwan Muhammad Rafly Al Fattah Zain Muhammad Ridwan Mutiara Zahra Arifin Nisa Qonita Rizkina Nofendri, Yos Nunik Pratiwi Prastika Indriyanti Prista Afikah Rafli Erlangga Reisa Inayah Rian gustini Ridwan Maulana Subekti Rika Nurhayati Riyan Ariyansah Rizki Alamsyah Rizki Kamelia Rizky Ramdhani Sri Fitriani Tasya Rizki Salsabilla Tia Anggita Sari Wahyu Stiyawan Wanda Aulia Windi Al Azmi Zuhri Halim