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Journal : Buletin Al-Turas

Representasi LGBT dalam Perspektif Ideologi Khilafah: Kajian Transitivitas dalam Buletin Kaffah Dede Fatinova; Yasir Mubarok; Ratna Juwitasari Emha
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 25, No 2 (2019): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.606 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v25i2.13161


Ideologi khilafah merupakan sebuah ideologi yang kerap kali diinterpretasikan sebagai ideologi yang cukup radikal. Umumnya ideologi khilafah menyoroti isu-isu politik yang bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Namun, kali ini ideologi khilafah juga menyoroti isu sosial, yaitu LGBT. LGBT merupakan isu yang kontroversial secara global. Sementara ideologi khilafah merupakan sebuah paham yang konsepnya bertentangan dengan negara Indonesia.  Penyebaran ideologi khilafah sudah dilarang oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Namun eksistensinya masih hadir dalam rupa yang baru, yaitu pada sebuah buletin bernama KAFFAH. Kajian ini akan mengungkapkan bagaimana LGBT direpresentasikan dalam perspektif ideologi khilafah. Data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari artikel tentang LGBT pada media Kaffah, edisi 025 yang dirilis pada 26 Januari 2018. Selanjutnya data dikaji secara kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan teori Transitivitas sebagai teori yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa merupakan representasi dari pengalaman manusia. Transitivitas ini berfokus pada tiga komponen, yaitu proses, partisipan, dan sirkumtan. Berdasarkan uraian Transitivitas, diketahui bahwa dalam perspektif ideologi khilafah, LGBT bukan hanya direpresentasikan sebagai masalah sosial, tapi juga sebagai implikasi dari tidak adanya Undang-undang yang bersumber dari hukum Islam yang secara eksplisit dapat menjerat LGBT. The khilafah ideology is an ideology that is often interpreted as a fairly radical ideology. Generally, the ideology of the khilafah highlights political issues that are contrary to Islamic law. However, the Khilafah ideology also highlights social issues, namely LGBT. LGBT is a controversial issue globally. While the khilafah ideology is a concept that is contrary to the Indonesian state. The Indonesian government has banned the spread of the khilafah ideology. But its existence is still present in a new form such as a bulletin called KAFFAH. This study aims to describe how LGBT is represented in the perspective of khilafah. The data of this study is a KAFFAH bulletin article, 025 editions, which released on January 26, 2018. Furthermore, the data were analyzed qualitatively by descriptive analysis methods. This study uses the Transitivity theory approach as a theory which states that language is a representation of human experience. The Transitivity focuses on three components; process, participants, and circumstance. Based on the description of Transitivity, LGBT is not only represented as a social problem but also as an implication of the absence of laws that originate from Islamic law which can explicitly ensnare LGBT.
Indonesia–English Translation of Idiomatic Expressions in The Novel This Earth of Mankind Astri Dwi Floranti; Yasir Mubarok
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 26, No 2 (2020): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v26i2.13834


The study investigated Indonesia–English translation of idiomatic expressions, focusing on the idioms, in one of Indonesian best seller fiction story, Bumi Manusia  which was translated into English as This Earth of Mankind. The study identified the types of the translation strategies by the translators to reproduce the idioms from SL in TL and the accuracy level of their latest meanings in TL. Qualitative research method in the design of content analysis was employed. The result portrayed that the most dominant strategy employed by the translator was paraphrasing. The translator reproduced the original meaning of the idioms by selecting common vocabularies in TL (non-idiom forms) that shared identical meanings with the idioms in SL or explaining the idioms in SL at longer statements in TL. The other idioms could be translated equivalently in the form of idioms in TL, but they were realized in different lexical words from SL. Furthermore, most of idioms achieved equivalent meanings, but decreased meanings were unavoidable. Thus, it can be seen that the translator attempted to recreate the similar equivalence meaning of the idioms from SL through paraphrasing strategy instead of omitting the idioms in TL. Most of the translated idioms could be reproduced similarly with the original idioms.
Word Formation of the Indonesian Covid-19 Special Terms Taat Budiono; Yasir Mubarok
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 28, No 2 (2022): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v28i2.26044


PurposeThis study was intended to describe the process of forming the Covid-19 outbreak-related special terms in Indonesian sourcing from English. MethodThe research employed a qualitative approach which a descriptive case study design. Its primary data consisted of words and phrases associated with Covid-19 taken from news articles on the page during March-July 2020 using a note-taking technique. The data were then analyzed qualitatively by considering the concepts of word formation in Indonesian. Results/FindingsTh research revealed that the forming of the Covid-19 related special terms were through absorption (49%), translation (32%), and through the creation of new concepts (19%). This indicates that the absorption of English terms into Indonesian was the most dominant process. English a global language was widely absorbed by other languages, including Indonesian. ConclusionThe research shows that Covid-19 outbreak-related special terms was classified into English terms and Indonesian terms. The terms experienced three formation processes, namely the absorption, translation, and the creation of new concepts
Native Language Interference in Learning a Second Language Yasir Mubarok; Aruna Heli Nur'aisyah
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 26, No 1 (2020): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (740.468 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v26i1.13797


The purpose of the research is to identify and investigate grammatical errors of the theses which are written by students’ Department of English Literature at one of the State Universities, Jakarta, Indonesia. The research approach is descriptive qualitative with descriptive analysis. There are five theses that are used as data sources. The data sources are the fourth chapter of the thesis that every chapter contains a conclusion and a suggestion. The study uses a non-contrastive approach by Richards to error analysis. Based on data sources, the authors found 84 errors, which can be divided into 17 types of grammatical errors. There are 29.80% of article errors, 11.90% of punctuation errors, 8.30% of unnecessary words, 6% of spelling errors, 8.30% of spacing errors, 4.80% of subject-verb agreement errors, 6% of parallel structure errors, 1.20% of word order errors, 4.80% of plural errors, 1.2% of word choice errors, 1.2% of preposition errors, 3.6% of missing words errors, 4.8% of run-on sentence errors, 4.8% of to infinitive errors, 1.2% of passive voice errors, 1.2% of capitalization errors, and 1.2% of auxiliaries errors. The results indicate that students make common grammatical errors encouraged or influenced by their first language (L1). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelidiki kesalahan tata bahasa dalam skripsi yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris di salah satu Universitas Negeri, di Jakarta, Indonesia. Pendekatan dalam penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Ada lima tesis yang digunakan sebagai sumber data. Sumber data tersebut adalah bab keempat dari skripsi tersebut dimana dalam bab ini berisikan kesimpulan dan saran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan a non-contrastive dari Richards untuk menganalisis kesalahannya. Berdasarkan sumber data, penulis menemukan 84 kesalahan, yang dapat dibagi menjadi 17 jenis kesalahan tata bahasa. Ada 29,80% kesalahan artikel (article), 11,90% kesalahan punctuation (tanda baca), 8,30% dari kata-kata yang tidak perlu (unnecessary words), 6% kesalahan ejaan (spelling errors), 8,30% kesalahan spasi (spacing errors), 4,80% kesalahan subject-verb agreement, 6% kesalahan struktur paralel (parallel structure), 1,20% kesalahan urutan kata (word order), 4,80% kesalahan jamak (plural), 1,2% kesalahan pilihan kata (word choice), 1,2% kesalahan preposisi (preposition), 3,6% dari kesalahan kata yang hilang (missing words), 4,8% dari kesalahan (run-on sentence), 4,8% dari kesalahan infinitif (to infinitive), 1,2% dari kesalahan kalimat pasif (passive voice), 1,2% dari kesalahan kapitalisasi (capitalization), dan 1,2% kesalahan auxiliaries. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa membuat kesalahan tata bahasa umum dipengaruhi oleh bahasa pertama (L1) mereka. كان الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو الكشف عن الأخطاء النحوية في البحث العلمي الذي كتبه طلاب قسم اللغة  الإنجليزية و آدابها في إحدى جامعات الحكومية، بجاكرتا- إندونيسيا. و يستخدم هذا البحث المنهج النوعي الوصفي مع التحليل الوصفي. هناك خمس أطروحات تستخدم كمصادر البيانات. و مصدر البيانات هو الباب الرابع من البحث العلمی الذي يحتوي على استنتاجات واقتراحات. و تستخدم هذه الدراسة مقاربة غير متناقضة من ريتشاردز لتحليل أخطائه. و بناءً على مصدر البيانات، وجد المؤلفون 84 خطأ، والتي يمكن تقسيمها إلى 17 نوعًا من الأخطاء النحوية. و هناك 29.80٪ من أخطاء المقالة، 11.90٪ من علامات الترقيم، 8.30٪ من الكلمات غير الضرورية، 6٪ من الأخطاء الإملائية، 8،30 ٪ أخطاء التباعد، 4.80٪ أخطاء اتفاق الفعل، 6٪ أخطاء بنية متوازية، أخطاء ترتيب الكلمات 1.20٪، أخطاء الجمع 4.80٪ (الجمع)، 1.2٪ من أخطاء اختيار الكلمات، 1.2٪ من أخطاء حروف الجر، 3.6٪ من الكلمات المفقودة، 4.8٪ من جملة الجمل، 4.8٪ من الأخطاء اللانهائية، و 1.2٪ من الأخطاء الصوتية السلبية، و 1.2٪ من أخطاء الكتابة بالأحرف الكبيرة، و 1.2٪ من الأخطاء المساعدة. و تظهر النتائج أن الطلاب الذين يرتكبون أخطاء نحوية شائعة يتأثرون بلغتهم الأولى.(L1)