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Jurnal Ilmiah Aquinas Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Unversitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.807 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/aquinas.v3i1.629


This research entitles “The Analysis of Difficulties of Indonesian  Language for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) Students in Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan toward 4 Language Skills”. There are some language skills, i.e.; (1) listening skills), (2) speaking skills, (3) reading skills, and (4) writing skills.These language skills are the basic of language uses. As a whole, the difficulties faced by students vary, such as intelligence physical and psychologist factors; intelligence, talent, interest, motivation, and ways of learning) and non-intelligence factors. There are internal and external factors as well (family, school, society factors). This study is to know; (1) what the most difficult language skills students understand, (2) the reasons of students at the difficulties in the language skills, and (3) how the students face their difficulties. The method of this study is descriptive, conducted in ILFS class of English Program and Translation Program at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan. The numbers of students are 35 (9 males and 26 females). The time of this study was semester II in 2019, and data was taken in March 2019. Technic of collecting data is using test and interview as well as the evaluation sheet in semester I as the diagnostic data of students’ difficulties toward 4 language skills. Data analysis consists of qualitative and quantitative. The lowest average mark is of listening (61.68), speaking (69.07), writing (71.89), and reading (76.29).From the questionnaires’ sheet given to the students, it can be concluded that; students like Indonesian language (85.71%), the pronunciation of Indonesian language is different to source language (65.71%), symbols/letters writing in Indonesian language is not different (80.00%), there is no difficulty in uttering Indonesian language words (77.14%), guidance book used in learning process is good and helpful Indonesia (91.43%), in listening, speaker speaks very fast (97.14%), difficulties in listening (94.29%), there is no difficulty in readingskills (85.71%), there is no difficulty in writing skills (80.00%), there is difficulty in speaking skills (71.43%), the most liked language skills in learning is reading (57.14%), the most hated language skills in learning is listening (94.29%), the most difficult language skills in learning is listening (88.57%), the easiest language skills in learning is reading (71.43%),and the students’ action facing the difficulties in learning Indonesian language is asking the teacher (85.71%). It is expected that the ILFS teaching concerns on students’ difficulties firstly and give motivation during the teaching process in order that the students are motivated to learn Indonesian language.
Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima (JBIP) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Bahasa Indonesia Prima (BIP)
Publisher : BIP: Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (892.483 KB) | DOI: 10.34012/jbip.v4i1.2613


The objective of the study was to express language politeness in teacher-student conversations to the way educating and learning at SMP Negeri 21 Medan. This study makes use of qualitative method. The techniques used in data collection are observation, transcription techniques, and take notes techniques. The target is to find out the use of language politeness principles in learning activities on the choice of words and polite ways of speaking between teachers and students. The outcomes of this study show that use of politeness in language is influenced by teacher’s emotions and there are seven maxims out of ten maxims use used by teacher’s in language politeness namely 1) opinion reticente maxim, 2) agreement maxim, 3) sympathy maxim, 4)generosity maxim, 5) approbation maxim, 6) obligation of S to O Maxim, 7) Tact maxim. In conclusion, the politeness of communication between teacher’s and students tends to use Indonesian rather than English. This is a concern for teachers in teaching in class by speaking polite language.
LEARNING THROUGH WATCHING FILMS Dr.Rudy MA; jamaluddin Nasution; Kartina Rahmadhani Rambe
English Language Teaching Prima Journal (ELT) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): English Language Teaching Prima (ELT)
Publisher : elt

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/eltp.v%vi%i.813


As one of the most important aspects in people’s life, education should be treated and improved well. It is so essential because education gives opportunity to have a better life. Therefore, people should think of any better ways to improve the quality of education. One of the ways is through popular culture. As a growing-trend culture, popular culture has been widely known, especially by young people. From the library research conducted, some relevant references have been gathered and the data analysis has shown that it is very acceptable to use films, a part of popular culture to teach. This teaching technique can be used to teach morality and language skills at the same time. Therefore, education institution should be able to accommodate this system in order to succeed in educating.
Revitalisasi Bahasa Angkola-Mandailing Melalui Penerjemahan Buku Tematik Jamaluddin Nasution
Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat) Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat)
Publisher : Pustaka Galeri Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.006 KB)


Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah kegiatan penerjemahan buku tematik Sekolah Dasar dengan tema “Diriku” ke bahasa daerah Angkola-Mandailing. Tujuan PKM ini adalah upaya pelestarian dan revitalisasi bahasa daerah sebagai bagian dari budaya. Kegiatan penerjemahan ini adalah proyek dari Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara dengan melibatkan penulis sebagai penerjemah utama. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan tahap Pra Kegiatan/Persiapan dengan pemilihan buku sumber, proses kegiatan penerjemahan dari 1 Juli 2021 hingga 23 Oktober 2021, dan revisi hasil terjemahan dari tanggal 1-27 November 2021. Hasil kegiatan PKM ini adalah buku tematik terjemahan bahasa Angkola-Mandailing dengan judul “Ahu dohot Donganku” pada tema 1. Isi dalam buku hasil terjemahan terdiri dari 4 subtema yakni: Subtema 1 Ahu dohot Dongan Nabaru, Subtema 2 Pematangku, Subtema 3 Au Pature Pamatangku, Au Istimewa. Hasil lain yang diperoleh adalah muatan budaya lokal, seperti aspek nama tokoh, dan identitas atribut dalam gambar tokoh. Kegiatan PKM penerjemahan ini diharapkan mampu melestarikan bahasa daerah sehingga tidak terjadi kepunahan. Kegiatan penerjemahan perlu diintensifkan lagi untuk berbagai produk lain seperti terjemahan buku cerita, iklan layanan masyarakat, dll. Kata kunci: Penerjemahan, buku tematik, Angkola-Mandailing, revitalisasi
Analysis Reading Comprehension Questions by Using Revised Bloom's Taxonomy on Higher Order Thinking Skill ( HOTS) Sapta Friyanti Pakpahan; Srilasima Pakpahan; Indah Dewi Sartika Purba; Jamaluddin Nasution
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature Vol 9, No 1 (2021): IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Litera
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v9i1.1904


This study used revised blooms taxonomy on higher order thinking skills (HOTS) which aimed in identifying reading comprehension questions. It was a qualitative research. The data taken in this study was reading comprehension question by using descriptive text. The objective of this study were the students of 8th grade.The data taken in this study was reading comprehension questions by using descriptive text. The objective of this study were the students of 8th grade junior high school in SMP SWASTA TALITAKUM MEDAN. The total of the students were 12 students. The Reading comprehension question consisted of fifteen questions in the text that had used HOTS and REVISED BLOOMS TAXONOMY criterias. The result consisted of two cycles . The first cycle showed there were 6 students who scores above KKM and in second cycle there were six students who scores under the KKM. From the result was found there were no increase and decrease of the fulfillment scores from the students and the average scores were balance. HOTS oriented English learning could increased student analyze, evaluate and create the reading comprehension questions  by using Revised BLOOMS TAXONOMY ON HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILL (HOTS)
Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1: June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/ll.v6i1.5184


This study aims to discover what and how the typology of Angkola Language (AL) is in word order as well as to determine its grammatical alliance. The application of qualitative methods was carried out descriptively to this study, it means that the data analyzed and the results are in the form of a phenomenon description. The stages in this research are data collection, data analysis, and presentation of data analysis results/conclusions. The conclusion of this study is the word order, namely: (1) declarative sentences in AL are in the pattern of: a) Verb + Subject + Object for intransitive; b) Verb + Object + Subject for transitive; (2) The negation sentences have 2 patterns: a) Negation + Subject + Verb + Object; b) Subject + Negation + Verb + Object; (3) Interrogative sentences have 3 patterns: a) Subject + Verb + Object; b) Verb + Subject + Object; and c) Passive-Verb + Subject + Object; and (4) Imperative sentences have 2 patterns: a) Verb + Object (subject disappears); and b) Verb + Subject + Object (similar to a declarative sentence). In AL, the argument Agent (A) behaves the same as the argument Subject (S) and is different from the argument Patient (P); therefore, this language pattern is classified as an accusative type. It is expected that there will be a syntactic typology researches in AL which examine the syntactic typology comprehensively as an effort to preserve and maintain local/ethnic languages.
Kekerabatan Bahasa-Bahasa ‘Negara Bawahan’ Majapahit Dalam Kitab Nagarakertagama: Kajian Linguistik Historis Komparatif Jamaluddin Nasution; Dwi Widayati
Dikmas: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pengabdian Vol 2, No 2 (2022): June
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/dikmas.2.2.711-724.2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kekerabatan bahasa-bahasa di wilayah yang disebut dalam teks Pupuh XIII di Kitab Negarakertagama yang didominasi oleh bahasa Melayu, seperti Malaya (Malaysia) Jambi, Palembang, Kandis, Siak, Rokan, Kampar, dan Palembang. Dan dalam penelitian ini dipilih bahasa Mandailing (BM), bahasa Minangkabau (BMK) dan bahasa Palembang (BP). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kuantitatif digunakan karena adanya leksikostatistik untuk menghitung persentase perangkat kognat (kekerabatan) dan menghitung tahun pisah ketiga bahasa tersebut. Metode kualitatif digunakan karena akan menentukan bentuk kognat antara BM, BMK, dan BP. Berdasarkan data kekerabatan BM, BMK, dan BP dalam daftar 200 kata Swadesh, ditemukan hasil sebanyak 132 kata yang berkerabat, baik kata yang identik atau kata yang mengalami perubahan bunyi vokal maupun konsonan. Ditemukan 50 kata yang berkerabat identik dan memiliki makna yang sama serta bunyi yang sama untuk BMK dan BP dan kedua bahasa ini memiliki kekerabatan kata yang terbanyak. Dalam perubahan bunyi baik vokal maupun konsonan yang paling banyak adalah antara BMK dengan BP yakni 33 kata. Tahun berpisah antara BM, BMK, dan BP diperkirakan adalah 2022 – 985 = 1037 M (dengan asumsi hitung di tahun 2022). Tahun 1037 M ini dapat dikatakan semasa dengan penjelasan bahwa India/Indochina menganut agama Hindu, budaya, peradaban, teknologi, sistem pemerintahan berbaur dengan masyarakat asli setempat membentuk suatu bangsa, masyarakat, suku, etnik, budaya, peradaban baru sesuai dengan kultur masing-masing daerah tersebut sekitar 1030 M sampai dengan 1365 M.
Analysing EFL Students’ Approach to Translating English Advertisements Alowysa Br Purba; Irene Gultom; Krismardo Gea; Delsianti Dohude; Jamaluddin Nasution
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v9i1.32338


Translation is critical for second language acquisition in an EFL setting, much more so for people who cannot speak or understand a foreign language. Additionally, translation can aid in the educational process, particularly for elementary, junior high, and high school students. Students who are capable of precise translation will be more receptive to global knowledge, will improve their skills, and will have an open mind. Then they may think creatively and generate fresh insights and ideas. The purpose of this study is to determine the translation ability of Indonesian junior high school students when it comes to translating English ads. The current study adopts a qualitative descriptive methodology. The samples consisted of 25 grade VIII students from SMP Negeri 21 Medan. The findings discovered eight methods discussed and analyzed by the researchers. The results indicated that users of the literal method were the method which was most widely used by students with 96% of students using this method, and second was the free method with 88% of users, the third was the addition method with 72%, while fourth was the omission method with 36%, fifth position was the paraphrase method, and in the sixth to the eighth method was the explication method, the generalization method, and the concretization method respectively with each use of 0% or none used by students. The result of the research shows that the use of the literal method is more dominantly used by students and is easier to understand by students, and for other methods there are still some that have not been studied by students. Therefore, students need to continuously improve their English-speaking skills and increase their vocabulary. In addition, students also needed to learn the translation method as an important guide in carrying out translation activities.
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Medan Makna Juni
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/mm.v16i1.2267


Kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah dominasi gender yang muncul dalam penokohan di tiap cerita rakyat yang ada dalam buku Bunga Rampai Cerita Rakyat Tapanuli Tengah (The Anthology of Central Tapanuli Folktales) yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara tahun 2016. Metode  yang  digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah 8 (delapan) cerita rakyat yang terdapat dalam Buku Rampai Cerita Rakyat Tapanuli Tengah (The Anthology of Central Tapanuli Folktales), yaitu: (1) Putri Lopian, (2) Putri Runduk, (3) Putri Andam Dewi, (4) Legenda Bukit Batara, (5) Legenda Ujung Sibolga, (6) Legenda Raja dan Burung Dendang Buto, (7) Sonar Paku Bugis, dan (8) Asal Usul Makam Mahligai. Dari semua cerita rakyat, terdapat 10 tokoh utama, dimana tokoh laki-laki sebanyak 5 (lima) dan tokoh perempuan juga sebanyak 5 (lima) juga. Hasil dari kajian menemukan bahwa tidak ada dominasi pada salah satu gender dalam cerita rakyat Tapanuli Tengah. Gender laki-laki muncul dalam tokoh seperti raja, pangeran, saudagar, nakhoda, serta guru dan murid yang belajar ilmu Islam. Sementara gender perempuan muncul dalam cerita sebagai tokoh putri raja dan istri tokoh utama. Penokohan dan gender tersebut muncul karena adanya unsur seperti: (1) letak geografi Tapanuli Tengah adalah berada di pinggir laut; (2) sistem pemerintahan masa lalu berbentuk kerajaan; dan (3) faktor agama Islam yang banyak dianut. 
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 17, No 2 (2019): Medan Makna Desember
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/mm.v17i2.2134


The difficulties faced by students vary, such as intelligence and non-intelligence factors. This study is to know; (1) what the most difficult language skills, (2) the reasons of students at the difficulties in the language skills, and (3) how the students face their difficulties. The method of this study is descriptive, conducted in ILFS class of English and Translation Program at SAMSIFL (Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages) Uzbekistan. The result are listening (61.68), speaking (69.07), writing (71.89), and reading (76.29). Result of questionnaires; students like Indonesian language (85.71%), the Indonesian pronunciation (65.71%), symbols/letters is not different (80.00%), no difficulty in uttering Indonesian language words (77.14%), good and helpful guidance book (91.43%), speaker speaks fast (97.14%), difficulties in listening (94.29%), no difficulty in reading (85.71%), no difficulty in writing (80.00%), difficulty in speaking (71.43%), most liked language skills is reading (57.14%), most hated language skills is listening (94.29%), most difficult language skills is listening (88.57%), easiest language skills is reading (71.43%), and the students’ action facing the difficulties is asking the teacher (85.71%). It is expected that the ILFS teaching concerns on students’ difficulties firstly and give motivation during the teaching process.