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Face Veil and Lawo-Lambu: Negotiating Religious Practices Among Muslims and Catholics in Ende City Yosep Aurelius Woi Bule; Adison Adrianus Sihombing
Al-Albab Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v11i2.2409


ABSTRACTThe phenomenon of wearing a face veil in Ende City has received a rather negative response from Catholics. The Catholics think that the face veil worn by Muslim women has created a social and emotional distance that disrupts the kinship system of Muslims and Catholics of the same ethnic culture. This study explores and analyzes the motivation for Muslims wearing the face veil, the reasons behind the response of Muslims and Catholics, and the negotiation efforts made by Muslims in responding to and accommodating the local culture of dressing among the Ende people. This study is qualitative research through in-depth interviews with Muslim and Catholic sources as well participant observations. This field study was conducted from July 2019 to December 2021. The data analysis process used was descriptive and interpretive. The findings of this study show that; first, the choice to wear the face veil comes from personal motivation towards piety of the faith of Muslim women. A face veil is not an expression of a suspicious radical movement and will not disrupt the kinship system as perceived by the Catholics. Second, it turns out that the response of the Catholics is due to the assumption that Muslim women who wear the face veil have left the local dress culture because they are adopting Arab culture and causing social rifts in daily life even though they are ethnically still brothers and sisters. Third, Ende Muslims combine the face veil with local clothing, the lawo-lambu, on different occasions. This combination is a negotiation process between personal autonomy towards a true Muslimah and a strategy to accommodate the beauty of the local dress, the lawo-lambu, so as not to lose their identity as Ende people who are predominantly Catholics.
Konstruksi Prinsip Kebebasan Beragama dan Diskursusnya di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Sejarah Walter Benjamin Antonio Camnahas; Servinus Haryanto Nahak; Adison Adrianus Sihombing
Jurnal Dialog Vol 45 No 2 (2022): Dialog
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47655/dialog.v45i2.640


Kebebasan beragama merupakan satu isu sentral dewasa ini. Terminologi ini secara konseptual jelas, namun secara faktual, masih jauh dari harapan. Penulis memakai konsep sejarah Walter Benjamin sebagai pisau analisis. Refleksi filosofis Benjamin menandaskan pentingnya kemampuan belajar dari sejarah kelam masa lalu sebagai cahaya yang menuntun para pelaku sejarah masa kini. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan momentum-momentum historis perkembangan prinsip kebebasan beragama. Pengalaman historis umat Kristen berkaitan dengan kebebasan beragama akan menjadi sumbangan unik tulisan ini. Tujuan lain adalah untuk meneliti proses penerimaan konsep ini menjadi salah satu Hak Asasi Manusia dan diskursus tentangnya di Indonesia. Studi ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan desain metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa baik dokumen Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia maupun Undang-undang Dasar 1945 yang menjamin kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan merupakan buah dari refleksi kritis terhadap konteks sejarah kelam masa silam. Sayangnya, beberapa aturan hukum di Indonesia masih terkesan melanggengkan intoleransi. Hal ini terjadi sebagai dampak dari praktik indoktrinasi yang kurang sehat. Semestinya kerukunan-toleransi bukan sesuatu yang dipaksakan oleh negara melainkan diupayakan bersama di antara para penganut berbagai agama, dalam satu kerja sama yang positif dengan negara. Kata-kata Kunci: Eropa, Indonesia, kebebasan beragama, Kristen, Pancasila   Religious freedom is a central issue today. The idea is much clearer conceptually, but its implementation is still far from expectations. The author adopts the historical concept of Walter Benjamin as an analytical tool. Benjamin's philosophical reflection emphasizes the importance of learning from the history of the past as a light that guides the perpetrators of today's history. This paper aims at describing the historical momentum of the principle of religious freedom, and   examining the process of acceptation of this concept as one of Human Rights and its discourse in Indonesia. The historical experience of Christians in relation to religious freedom will be a unique contribution to this paper. This study is a library research with a qualitative method design. The results of this study indicate that both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1945 Constitution which guarantee religious freedom are the fruit of critical reflection on the historical context of the past. Unfortunately, several laws in Indonesia still seem to perpetuate intolerance. This happens as a result of unhealthy indoctrination practices. Harmony-tolerance should not be imposed by the state, but should be pursued jointly among adherents of various religions, in a positive partnership with the state. Keywords: Christians, Europe, Indonesia, Pancasila, religious freedom
Gerakan Karismatik dalam Gereja Katolik dan Protestan: sebuah perspektif kompatarif adison adrianus sihombing
Penamas Vol 32 No 2 (2019): Volume 32, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31330/penamas.v32i2.291


The pentecostalism movement experienced a rapid development which gave birth to several sectarian movements, due to a number of internal and external factors. This article illustrates and analyzes the development of ideas and the Charismatic Pentecostalism movement. In detail, the article tries to focus on: (a) how the history of the Pentecostalism movement in the world in general and in Indonesia in particular, (b) what is the Pentecostalism movement in the Catholic and Protestant Churches, (c) what are the doctrinal differences in the Charismatic movement in the Catholic and Protestant Churches? and (d) The extent of the influence of Catholic and Protestant Charismatics in Indonesia. Research using this approachmixed-methodconcludes a number of findings, including (i) the Pentecostalism Movement in Indonesia gave birth to the Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church, (ii) there are significant differences between Catholic and Protestant Charismatic doctrines, among them in matters of worship (ritual system) and ways of evangelism, and (iii) Catholic charismatics tend to develop in urban areas, while Protestant Charismatics are widespread, both in urban and rural areas.
Penamas Vol 34 No 2 (2021): Volume 34, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31330/penamas.v34i2.515


Leadership is an important topic in the world of scholarly research because of the significant role of leadership and very determinant for the success of higher learning institutions. This study aims to examine a problem faced by the Institute of Catholic Pastoral Ministry (STPK-IPI, Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Katolik – Institut Pastoral Indonesia)in Malang. This research was carried out at the STPK-IPI Malang known as the first institution of this kind. It has become the parent-institution of twenty-three STPKs under a guidance of Indonesian government through the Directorate General of Catholic Community Guidance of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Despite its age and parent-like status, STPK-IPI Malang has failed to play a role model for other Catholic high learning institutions in Indonesia. . This study used a convergent parallel mixed-method design. It combined qualitative and quantitative research methods by mixing the two methods proporsionarlly. This study uses primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires, direct observations, FGDs and in-depth interviews. Respondents include STPK leaders, directors of education, permanent lecturers, foundations, students and bishop of Malang. Secondary data were taken from previous studies, documents and online news. Statistical data processing using SPSS software, qualitative data were analyzed through the restatement, description and interpretation stages. This research found that the main difficulty of this high learning institution was the crisis of human resources. In particular, the quality of its leadership is poor. There are three elements of leadership: the Catholic Community Guidance that gives the license-coach, the Head of the STPK and the Foundation. These three elements have not functioned optimally, and there is no grand design for institutional development. As a result, the management and quality of STPK education is poor. This is shown by the acquisition of C accreditation, minimal publications, limited human resources and not being able to compete with other high learning institutions. This study recommends a transformation of leadership so that this Catholic high learning institution may slowly improve its performance and significantly develop into a competitive high learning catholic institution.
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18784/analisa.v7i2.1768


Gemohing is a local culture of the Lamaholot people. Gemohing has had a significant impact on the attainment of the ideals of mainstreaming religious moderation in Indonesia. This study aimed at exploring the expression of gemohing as the foundation and pillar of religious moderation for the people of East Flores. This study is qualitative, built upon primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from observations on community participation. While the materials were directly gathered from the gemohing practice and interviews with 23 cultural figures and residents of the gemohing tradition. Secondary data were obtained from relevant preceding studies and two documentary films about the practice of gemohing. Both types of data were analyzed qualitatively-interpretatively. This study was conducted from September 2019 to July 2022 in the Larantuka, Adonara, and Solor. This study found that the Lamaholot community demonstrated gemohing as the foundation and pillar of building a shared life. The gemohing praxis which is based on the Lamaholot philosophy is reflected in the principles of ina tou ama ehang and puin taan tou gahan taan ehan. These principles mean that all Lamaholot people come from one mother and father and therefore the spirit of unity must be upheld. They mandate that every citizen views each other as brothers that need to be appreciated and respected with a spirit of unity in the social order and as an individual as well. From this point of view, unity and oneness are highly emphasized aspects. This study represents a contribution to efforts to promote religious moderation.
KR-Heuristic Learning: Strategies to Develop Mathematical Lateral Thinking Skills for Gifted Students Maifalinda Fatra; Lia Kurniawati; Adison Adrianus Sihombing; Hesti Maisalamah
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.148 KB) | DOI: 10.31980/mosharafa.v12i1.2046


AbstrakBerpikir lateral merupakan proses kreatif yang dilakukan seseorang dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis siswa berbakat, selama dan setelah diberikan strategi Heuristik-KR. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode single subject research (SSR) dengan desain A-B-A yang dilaksanakan di salah satu madrasah aliyah di wilayah Tangerang Selatan tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa yang termasuk dalam kategori siswa berbakat. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes esay yang telah diuji validitas isi dan reliabilitasnya. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan penyajian data melalui grafik dan tabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis tertinggi untuk ketiga subjek diperoleh pada kondisi baseline 2 (A2). Kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis G1 dan G3 pada kondisi intervensi lebih rendah dari baseline 1 dan 2. Untuk G2, kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis pada kondisi baseline 2 lebih tinggi dari intervensi dan baseline 1. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi Heuristik-KR yang terdiri dari tahapan membaca dan berpikir, mengeksplorasi dan merencanakan, memilih strategi, menemukan jawaban, serta merefleksikan dan memperluas cukup efektif. Strategi Heuristik-KP berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis pada indikator identifikasi ide, keterbukaan, pengembangan, fleksibilitas, orisinalitas, dan analisis fakta. AbstractLateral thinking occurs when students used a creative method to solve problems. This study aimed to analyze the mathematical lateral thinking skills of gifted students during, and after being given the Heuristic-KR strategy. This study used a single subject research (SSR) method with an A-B-A design which was carried out at one of the aliyah madrasas in the south Tangerang for the 2019/2020 academic year. The study involved 3 gifted students and use a descriptive test that had been tested using content validity and reliability. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by presenting data through graphs and tables. The results showed that the highest mathematical lateral thinking ability for the three subjects was obtained during baseline condition 2 (A2). The mathematical lateral thinking ability of G1 and G3 reached the lowest score in the intervention condition. For G2, the mathematical lateral thinking ability reached the highest score in the baseline 2. The study concluded that the Heuristic-KR strategy was quite effective, consisting of reading and thinking stages, exploring and planning, selecting a strategy, finding an answer, and reflecting and extending. The Heuristic- KP strategy affected the mathematical lateral thinking ability on the indicators of idea identification, openness, development, flexibility, originality, and facts analysis.
Blended Learning: Pembelajaran Abad 21 sebagai ‘Jalan-Tengah’ Menjaga Kualitas Pendidikan Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Dian Nuri Ningtyas; Adison Adrianus Sihombing
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023): EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v21i1.1420


COVID-19 has transformed the holistic learning process into an online platform. Unfortunately, these changes are only “EMERGENCY” responses because they occur under conditions of unpreparedness. This unpreparedness is experienced at all levels, both educational institutions, teachers, students and parents. As a result, online learning is considered less effective and there is strong pressure from various parties for schools to reopen offline education methods even though the pandemic has not passed. This study aims to show the existential problems experienced by students, teachers, and parents in transforming the educational paradigm. This research is qualitative, using primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through Google forms and in-depth interviews via WhatsApp. Respondents consisted of students, parents and teachers in the primary education stage in the DKI Jakarta area. Each group of respondents consists of fifteen people. The data is analyzed through the restatement, description and interpretation stages. This research shows that online learning has not been an effective solution to learning during the pandemic, because the response given is simply about technological change, not seen as a change in tradition towards 21st-century learning. In the current pandemic conditions and the urge to reopen the school, blended learning is a wise choice as a resolution, so that the quality learning process can be maintained. Increasing the digital literacy skills of teachers and conducting socialization to increase public awareness of the importance of transforming educational culture from offline-based learning to IT-based learning both Online and blended learning methods.
Korke: Rumah Moderasi Beragama Masyarakat Lamaholot di Flores Timur Anselmus Dorewoho Atasoge; Alfonsus Mudi Aran; Adison Adrianus Sihombing
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Jurnal SMaRT : Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18784/smart.v9i1.1877


Local wisdom has an important position as a pillar of building religious moderation. This study explored the function and the meaning of korke, the traditional house of Lamaholot tribe, in East Flores, as an effort to ground religious moderation. The purpose of this study is included the concept of Korke by the Lamaholot people and the effects on the people’s lifestyle and relationship pattern as well as the implication of korke on religious harmony in Indonesia, specifically in East Flores. The qualitative method was employed in this study to support the study objective. Observation, interview, and documentation study were selected as the data collection technique. The data were collected from May2022 to August 2022. This study with fucntionalisme structural perspective found that Lamaholot people with different religious backgrounds used the Korke as a public house and consider themselves who were born from the same and the only mother and father. In the korke, the conflict needed a solution to solve the problem, and therefore harmonious relationships can come to life again. This is the starting point for efforts to build religious moderation and enriches to a study on local wisdom and religious phenomena.
PENDEKATAN INOVATIF MENGINTEGRASIKAN AI, IoT, DAN AKTIVITAS SOSIAL LANSIA DALAM PENGOLAHAN PUPUK GRANUL ECO ENZYM Honorata Ratnawati Dwi Putranti; Andalan Tri Ratnawati; Teodora Maria Fernandes Brito da Silva; Adison Adrianus Sihombing
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Implementasi teknologi modern telah terbukti memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap kebaikan kehidupansemua kalangan masyarakat, termasuk kaum lansia. Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam dunia medis membuat usiadan kesempatan hidup manusia bertambah. Selain itu, teknologi menciptakan peluang baru untuk melakukankebaikan yang dapat dilakukan kaum lansia. Sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakatini yang bertujuan mengajak kaum lansia untuk melakukan kegiatan pemanfaatan sampah agar lebih bergunamelalui produk eco enzim. Inovasi yang dilakukan adalah pengolahan produk eco enzim menjadi pupuk granuldengan sistem pengeringan berbasis IoT. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi, praktik secara langsungbersama lansia dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi. Lokasi pengabdian masyarakat berada di perumahan GombelPermai elok Cluster RW 07 Kelurahan Ngesrep kecamatan Banyumanik Semarang. Hasil kegiatan inimenunjukkan para lansia mendapat pengetahuan baru dengan mengenal manfaat eco enzim yang multi manfaatdan mengaplikasikan sebagai pupuk tanaman. Selanjutnya, mereka mengenal teknologi pengeringan dengansistem IoT. Dengan demikian melalui kegiatan pembuatan eco enzim dan pengenalan aplikasi berbasis IoT paralansia merasakan sukacita karena mampu melaksanakan kegiatan positif yang berguna di usia senja, Akhirnyamereka tetap merasakan hidup yang bermakna, bersemangat, sehat dan bernilai.
Penamas Vol 34 No 2 (2021): Volume 34, Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31330/penamas.v34i2.515


Leadership is an important topic in the world of scholarly research because of the significant role of leadership and very determinant for the success of higher learning institutions. This study aims to examine a problem faced by the Institute of Catholic Pastoral Ministry (STPK-IPI, Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Katolik – Institut Pastoral Indonesia)in Malang. This research was carried out at the STPK-IPI Malang known as the first institution of this kind. It has become the parent-institution of twenty-three STPKs under a guidance of Indonesian government through the Directorate General of Catholic Community Guidance of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Despite its age and parent-like status, STPK-IPI Malang has failed to play a role model for other Catholic high learning institutions in Indonesia. . This study used a convergent parallel mixed-method design. It combined qualitative and quantitative research methods by mixing the two methods proporsionarlly. This study uses primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires, direct observations, FGDs and in-depth interviews. Respondents include STPK leaders, directors of education, permanent lecturers, foundations, students and bishop of Malang. Secondary data were taken from previous studies, documents and online news. Statistical data processing using SPSS software, qualitative data were analyzed through the restatement, description and interpretation stages. This research found that the main difficulty of this high learning institution was the crisis of human resources. In particular, the quality of its leadership is poor. There are three elements of leadership: the Catholic Community Guidance that gives the license-coach, the Head of the STPK and the Foundation. These three elements have not functioned optimally, and there is no grand design for institutional development. As a result, the management and quality of STPK education is poor. This is shown by the acquisition of C accreditation, minimal publications, limited human resources and not being able to compete with other high learning institutions. This study recommends a transformation of leadership so that this Catholic high learning institution may slowly improve its performance and significantly develop into a competitive high learning catholic institution.