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Peran Perempuan Dalam Pemutusan Mata Rantai Covid-19 Melalui Gerakan Pembagian 1 Juta Masker ABDULLAH, VERA IRIANI
Jurnal Ilmiah Abdi Mas TPB Unram Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari 2021
Publisher : Teknik Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/amtpb.v3i1.59


The first COVID-19 disease on the move was identified in Wuhan, spreading so rapidly that it has an impact on mortality, morbidity, mental health conditions and economic losses. The Indonesian government declared the 2019 corona virus disease a national disaster on March 2, 2020, which poses a big risk to the economic sector. The economic situation of the community increases. So that it will affect the purchasing power of the community including the purchase of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), namely masks. The use of masks for crew members in the community, where in early January 2020 WHO had not used masks en masse for healthy individuals. However, based on the results of research that has been carried out during the pandemic period, it shows that using a mask is very effective in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. The activity method uses the ball pick-up method where the team goes down directly to the predetermined location of the activity. The results of the distribution of 200 cloth masks can be distributed to targets at 4 locations. The cloth masks brought in this activity are masks with 3 layers consisting of an absorbent on the inside, a layer of non-woven material in the middle such as polypropylene and a non-absorbent material on the outside. So that this cloth mask meets the mask standards requested by WHO, so at least it doesn't use a scuba and buff type mask or doesn't even use it at all. 
Pengaruh Konsumsi Cookies Kerang Dara (Anadara Granosa) terhadap Perubahan Kadar Haemoglobin Wanita Usia Subur Abdullah, Vera Iriani; Haumahu, C.H
Journal of Holistic Nursing Science Vol 7 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/nursing.v7i2.3126


In the world, around 1.62 billion people have low HB levels, around 30.2% occur in the group of women aged 15-49. In Indonesia, anemia cases rank 4th in the top 10 most disease groups. Prolonged iron deficiency can cause anemia, so it needs to be treated immediately so it doesn’t continue into pregnancy age which can cause complications until maternal and perinatal death. Papua has an abundance of marine wealth; one of those is Kerang Dara. Through this study, researchers wanted to explore the health benefits of nature. The aim is to see the effect of Consumption of Kerang Dara Cookies (Anadara Granosa) on Changes of Hemoglobin Levels of in Woman of Childbearing Age as an Effort to Prevent Anemia in District Aimas, Klaigit Village. Type of this research is quasi-experimental by pretest-posttest control group design method. The population of all the women of Childbearing who live in Klaigit Village, with a total sample of 14 people divided into 2 groups: control and intervention. Data collection techniques using random sampling. The time of data collection occurred for 2 weeks, starting from September 20th to October 4th. The results based on statistical tests using T-Test, then the value 884 is greater than the value of the table 0.05, then the conclusion is there is an Effect of Consumption Kerang Dara Cookies (Anadara Granosa) Towards the Increased of Woman of Childbearing Hemoglobin Levels in Klaigit Village in District Aimas in 2019.
Pengaruh Pemberian PMT Bubuk Koya Berbahan Dasar Udang Rebon (Mysis relicta) terhadap Perubahan Kadar Hemoglobin Ibu Hamil Vera Iriani Abdullah
EMBRIO Vol 12 No 2 (2020): EMBRIO (NOVEMBER 2020)
Publisher : Program Studi S1 Kebidanan - Fakultas Sains dan Kesehatan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/embrio.v12i2.2769


Anemia in pregnancy, namely an Hb level of less than 11 g / dL or hematocrit, 33%, is still a global health problem, affecting nearly 50% of pregnant women, as well as a contributing factor to fetal and maternal morbidity. Iron tablets started early in pregnancy, according to WHO recommendations. However, in addition to the intake of blood-supplemented tablets, additional micronutrient intake is also needed by providing supplementation with foods containing iron. One of the animal food ingredients that meet multi micronutrients including iron, namely rebon shrimp because this is iron supplementation which is a source of animal food so that it is easier to absorb by the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in hemoglobin levels of pregnant women before and ingesting PMT koya powder made from rebon shrimp in the intervention and control groups. This type of research is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental method using a posttest control group design approach. The results showed a p value of 0.000 <0.05, which is a significant difference between the control group and the intervention group. Conclusion the effect of PMT consumption of koya powder made from rebon shrimp on changes in hemoglobin levels of pregnant women.
Uji Efektifitas Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Daun Pegagan (Centella Asiatica ) Formula 10% untuk Penangganan Striae Gravidarum pada Ibu Hamil Mariana Isir; Vera Iriani Abdullah
EMBRIO Vol 13 No 2 (2021): EMBRIO (NOVEMBER 2021)
Publisher : Program Studi S1 Kebidanan - Fakultas Sains dan Kesehatan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/embrio.v13i2.4145


Referring to the Sustainable Development Goals, there are 4 pillars, which one of them is the realization of biodiversity through bioprospecting activities in the fulfillment of medicinal raw materials. Centella asiatica or daun pegagan is a plant with an aromatic smell and has many benefits. Centella asiatica contains collagen. The collagen has functions to tighten and elasticize the skin fibers so that it can overcome striae gravidarum. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the gel preparation of Centella asiatica. This gel was made by extracting the Centella asiatica leaves at 10% concentration for the treatment of striae gravidarum grade 1, 2 and 3 which examined before and after the intervention. The research method is quasi-experimental with a one group pretest-posttest design approach. The repondents are 3 pregnant women who had experiencing striae gravidarum grade 1, 2 and 3. This research was carried out at the Mariyat Health Center, Sorong Regency from June to August 2021. The research instrument use G.S.S. Atwal L.K (2006) method to assess the degree of striae gravidarum, paired T test for the analysis. The results of the research, gel preparation of Centella asiatica leaves extract formula (10%) is effective for treatment of striae gravidarum grade 1,2 and 3.
P Pengaruh Metode Permainan Find Your Mate Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu Tentang Lima Meja Di Puskesmas Klasaman Kota Sorong Tahun 2019 Vera Iriani Abdullah; Adriana Septiani Tambunan
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 10 No 3 (2020): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33657/jurkessia.v10i3.250


The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of the game find your mate method to increase the knowledge of Integrated Services Post cadres about five tables. The type uses quasi-experimental design (Quasi Experiment), that is the experimental action aims to find out a phenomenon or reality in the consequences caused by a particular treatment. By using a comparative class design (one group pretest-posttest design) using a preliminary test and a final test so that the effects of a treatment can be known. In this design, the combined members of the pilot in the treatment group are not done randomly. The primary data is obtained through a questionnaire. The secondary data is obtained from the Integrated Services Post of Klasaman Sorong as a research site. The population in the Integrated Services Post cadre study was 28 people with a total sample of the whole population. The results of the Paired Sample T-Test test analysis in both groups obtained p value of 0,000 (<0.05). The results showed that there was an influence of the Find your mate game method on increasing the knowledge of Integrated Services Post cadres about five tables. Keywords : Find Your Mate, Integrated Services Post Cadre, Five Tables The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of the game find your mate method to increase the knowledge of Integrated Services Post cadres about five tables. The type uses quasi-experimental design (Quasi Experiment), that is the experimental action aims to find out a phenomenon or reality in the consequences caused by a particular treatment. By using a comparative class design (one group pretest-posttest design) using a preliminary test and a final test so that the effects of a treatment can be known. In this design, the combined members of the pilot in the treatment group are not done randomly. The primary data is obtained through a questionnaire. The secondary data is obtained from the Integrated Services Post of Klasaman Sorong as a research site. The population in the Integrated Services Post cadre study was 28 people with a total sample of the whole population. The results of the Paired Sample T-Test test analysis in both groups obtained p value of 0,000 (<0.05). The results showed that there was an influence of the Find your mate game method on increasing the knowledge of Integrated Services Post cadres about five tables.
Kampanye Pemutusan Mata Rantai Penularan Corona Virus Melalui “Gerakan Kitorang Bisa” Pada Kelompok Resiko Tinggi Vera Iriani Abdullah; C.H Haumahu
Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Pengabdian Untuk Mu negeRI
Publisher : LPPM UMRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37859/jpumri.v4i2.2075


Pandemi Covid-19 yang panjang memberikan dampak psikologis, kecemasan, depresi, dan stres bahkan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya. Terbatasnya pengetahuan menyebabkan kekhawatiran sehingga diperlukan informasi tambahan terkait tindakan pencegahan.Untuk itu diperlukan Informasi kesehatan terkini dan akurat yang spesifik meliputi perawatan dan tindakan pencegahan khusus diantaranya kebersihan tangan dan pemakaian masker belum adanya layanan secara kusus pada kelompok beresiko terutama balita, ibu hamil dan lansia yang rentan tertular, mendorong Tim Pengabmas untuk melakukan kegiatan Kampanye Pemutusan Mata Rantai Penularan Corona Virus Melalui “Gerakan Kitorang Bisa” Pada Kelompok Resiko Tinggi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Malawili Kabupaten Sorong. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan memberikan edukasi kepada kelompok beresiko, membantu tersediaanya APD berupa pembagian masker kain dan face shield serta membantu tersedianya tempat cuci tangan. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini, menggunakan metode pendekatan promotif dan preventif. Kegiatan Promotif meliputi pemberian edukasi serta kegiatan preventif dengan membagikan 100 buah masker kain dan 100 buah face shield, serta menyediakan 5 buah tempat cuci tangan. Hasil terwujudnya pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bermanfaat, terlihat dari 80 % sasaran telah mengetahui, memahami dan menyadari cara pencegahan dan pemutusan mata rantai Covid-19 dan 100 % Sasaran telah mendapatkan APD berupa masker kain dan face shield serta tempat cuci tangan.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Januari 2022
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v6i1.13008


Field Work Lecture (KKL) is a form of learning for real competency improvement as one of the requirements for students to take the final exam. The high number of Covid-19 cases has encouraged the world of education to play an active role in making a real contribution by implementing family health promotional activities using IPE and IPC techniques. This Community Service activity aims to provide authentic learning experiences to students and contribute to breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19 by empowering the community. The method used in this activity is online and offline while still applying health protocols. The online method uses zoom meetings, while the offline method uses live counseling and demonstrations. The results of community service activities can be achieved 100%, both inactivity time, activity stages, and learning outcomes. Students' enthusiasm in this activity is also an indicator of success because students can immediately feel the authentic atmosphere of learning in the community. --- Kuliah Kerja Lapagan (KKL) merupakan  salah satu wujud pembelajaran untuk peningkatan kompetensi secara nyata sebagai salah satu syarat mahasiswa mengikuti ujian akhir. Masih tingginya kasus Covid-19, mendorong dunia pendidikan berperan aktif dalam memberikan kontribusi nyata melalui penerapan kegiatan promotif kesehatan keluarga dengan menggunakan teknik IPE Dan IPC.  Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini, untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar kepada mahasiswa secara nyata di komunitas serta berkontribusi dalam  pemutusan mata rantai penyebaran Covid-19 dengan memberdayakan  masyarakat. Metode  yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini secara Daring Dan Luring,  dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Metode Daring menggunakan media zoom meeting sedangkan metode luring menggunakan penyuluhan dan demonstrasi secara langsung. Hasil Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat tercapai 100%, baik dalam segi waktu kegiatan, tahap kegiatan serta capaian pembelajaran. Antuasiame mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini  juga menjadi indikator keberhasilan, karena mahasiswa dapat langsung merasakan suasana pembelajaran dikomunitas secara nyata.
Pemberdayaan Kaum Nelayan Dalam Pengolahan Produk Pangan berbahan Dasar Udang Rebon Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Mariana Isir; Vera Iriani Abdullah
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.991 KB) | DOI: 10.53801/jpmsk.v1i1.13


Latar Belakang: Masyarakat Nelayan merupakan salah satu komunitas yang teridentifikasi sebagai golongan miskin, sekitar 90% dari 16,2 juta jumlah berada di bawah garis kemiskinan, kekayaan laut yang sangat melimpah seharusnya dapat menopang ekonomi, namun kenyataannya tidak sesuai yang diharapkan. Kemiskinan yang dialami masyarakat berimbas pada status kesehatan keluarga diantara ketidakmampuan mengakses fasilitas kesehatan, Kekurangan Energi Kronis pada ibu hamil dan kurang gizi pada anak. Udang rebon salah satu hasil laut yang mengandung multi mikronutrien, memiliki manfaat secara langsung untuk kesehatan dan dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk. Udang rebon mentah dipasaran dijual dengan harga yang sangat murah berkisar Rp. 6.000-s/d 9.000/ Kilo, baunya yang harum dan khas memiliki daya tarik tersendiri, namun rendahnya pengetahuan ibu-ibu dalam menghasilkan produk pangan olahan rumah tangga, kemasan produk, perijinan usaha, dan pemasaran hasil produksi, merupakan kendala umum untuk mengembangkan produk rumahan yang bergizi dan higienis. Tujuan: Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan Pengolahan Produk Pangan berbahan dasar udang rebon yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Metode: Pengabdian Masyarakat diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10 s/d 11 Juni 2021, dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemberian materi dan praktek pelatihan. Peserta Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat sebanyak 50 orang (mitra utama) meliputi kaum ibu nelayan, kader PKK, Kader posyandu, Ketua RT dan RW. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan menggunakan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat. Hasil: Adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam teknik pengolahan produk berbahan dasar udang rebon, teknik pengemasan menarik, teknik pengurusan izin dan teknik pemasaran produk.
Quality : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): Quality : Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes RI Jakarta I

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (714.747 KB) | DOI: 10.36082/qjk.v15i1.199


Relaksasi autogenik adalah salah satu tehnik yang bersumber dari diri sendiri berupa kata-kata atau kalimat pendek yang bisa membuat pikiran tentram. Relaksasi autogenik dilakukan dengan membayangkan diri sendiri berada dalam keadaan damai dan tenang, berfokus pada pengaturan nafas dan detak jantung sehingga menurunkan ketegangan fisiologis pada ibu hamil. Ibu primigravida berpeluang lebih besar mengalami kecemasan, yang secara langsung dapat memberikan respon secara fisiologis berupa peningkatan denyut jantung, sehingga dapat meningkatkan curah jantung yang berdampak terjadinya preeklamsia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi autogenik terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil Primigravida. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi eksperimen, dengan desain One Group Pretest Posttest. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu hamil di wilayah kerja 54 Puskesmas Waisai Kabupaten Raja Ampat tahun 2020 berjumlah 312 (Data Bulan Januari –Maret 2020). Jumlah sampel sebanyak 33 responden yang memeuhi kriteria inklusi dan eklusi menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale). Hasil menunjukkan nilai p 0,000 < 0,05, kesimpulan teknik relaksasi aoutogenik berpengaruh terhadap menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu hamil Primigravida trimester III.
Nursing Arts Vol 12 No 1 (2018): NURSING ARTS
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.293 KB) | DOI: 10.36741/jna.v12i1.62


SDgs targeting in 2030, the global maternal mortality rate can reach 70 per 100.000 live births. In indonesia, bleeding contributes the most maternal mortality and around 16-17% cases are caused by uterine atony due to urinary retention. Which prevents the uterus from contracting properly because the uterus is pushed up and sideways. Vaginal delivery and worries due to pain result in the inability to excrete urine which can cause complication of uremia, infection, sepsis, an even spontaneous rupture of urinary vesicles. Training bladder 2-hours postpartum is one of interventions that can be done so that mother can return to normal urinary pattern and prevent bleeding that results in death. The purpose of this study was measure the effectiveness of bladder training on the acceleration of post partum maternal urination at the Sorong district hospital in 2018. The result of this study we expected to be a reference for complementary therapies to overcome cases of urin retention in post partum mothers. This research method uses a quasi experimental method with a cross sectional approach. The result of hypothesis using kruskal-walls showed a p value >0,05, that’s mean there was no effectiveness of bladder training on the acceleration of post partum maternal urination at the Sorong district hospital.