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Application of Data Processing for Zakat Payments at Nur Salam Mosque Batik, Talaud Islands Regency Jeling Kalase; Eliyah Acantha Manapa Sampetoding; Ikbal Tawinseet; Esther Sanda Manapa
GATOTKACA Journal (Teknik Sipil, Informatika, Mesin dan Arsitektur) Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/gatotkaca.v2i1.330


Zakat is to set aside a portion of the property owned if it is sufficient for the nisab and give it to those who are entitled to receive it. The process of working on a plan or completion of certain work such as zakat payment data still uses the manual method, this causes the data to be less effective. Therefore we need a computer-based data processing application that can handle and process data related to zakat as a whole quickly and accurately and can avoid errors in processing zakat payment data. The goal to be achieved by the author is to be able to provide solutions to problems that occur related to processing zakat payment data at the Nur Salam Bantik Mosque, as well as facilitating report generation. The application made is an application for processing zakat payment data at the Nur Salam Bantik Mosque using Visual Basic 6.0 programming language and Microsoft Access as a data base processor.
Prototype of Population Census Data Processing Information System at Beo Village Office, Talaud Archipelago Regency Based on Website Debi Uada; Eliyah A M Sampetoding; Hoxy R Taluay; Monica Natalin; Esther Sanda Manapa
GATOTKACA Journal (Teknik Sipil, Informatika, Mesin dan Arsitektur) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/gatotkaca.v2i2.376


Beo sub district office has not utilized the information system in processing population census data. Data recording and population census information services are still done manually so that village office employees often experience problems in meeting requests for data and information on population censuses. In addition, decisions and policies by the village heads regarding the population census are often not effective, well targeted, and timely because population census information is often irrelevant. Responding to this phenomenon , it is deemed necessary to create an information system for processing population census data. In this study was built by adapting the concept of qualitative research and modified SDLC method. The SDLC method is part of a software development method with the initial stage of software requirements analysis and the final stage being design. The result of the study indicate that the information system must provide three finctions, namelly users, employees, and village heads.
Website-Based Library Application Design at SMA Negeri 1 Rainis, Talaud Islands Regency Iden Balango; Eliyah A M Sampetoding; Tommy Wijaya Sagala; Relly Potoboda; Yulita Sirinti Pongtambing
GATOTKACA Journal (Teknik Sipil, Informatika, Mesin dan Arsitektur) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/gatotkaca.v2i2.400


Along with the development of the world of science and technology (IPTEK) which is increasingly rapidly, especially in computerization and the internet, the development of information technology using computer aids and the internet has increased significantly in all fields. SMA Negeri 1 Rainis is one of the schools that has a library with various types of books that can support the world of education. In addition to book lending activities carried out by the SMA Negeri 1 Rainis library, other activities in the form of processing book data and disseminating information about the library are still conventional. Therefore, providing information to library users is still very difficult. The result of this research is that the library website of SMA Negeri 1 Rainis has the following advantages: it can be accessed from anywhere at any time via the internet, as a medium for delivering information more efficiently. Has a stratified level of access according to its use (user)
Rancang Bangun Protokol Perutean SDGR+R pada Vehicular AD-HOC Network Berbasis Arah Eliyah Acantha Manapa; Sri Wahjuni; Shelvie Nidya Neyman
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 7 No 6: Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2020722927


Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) merupakan pengembangan jaringan wiresless yang melakukan komunikasi secara Inter Vehicle Communication (IVC). VANET memiliki mobilitas yang tinggi untuk setiap node nya sehingga jaringan komunikasi jenis ini adalah jaringan yang bersifat sementara dikarenakan node bergerak di lintasan dengan arah dan kecepatan yang dinamis. Dengan demikian, pengiriman paket data dari node sumber ke node tujuan menggunakan VANET memerlukan beberapa teknik komunikasi. Teknik terbaru komunikasi VANET saat ini adalah menggunakan SDN (Software Defined Network) yang berbasis geographic (SDGR) sebagai control plane dalam mengontrol komunikasi ad-hoc antar node. Dalam membentuk topologi jaringan komunikasi, SDGR mencari nilai jalur terpendek antar node dan kepadatan node yang tinggi. Tujuan utama penelitian ini melakukan analisis konsep protokol perutean (routing protocol) SDGR dan dilakukan pengembangannya dengan mempertimbangkan arah rute (SDGR+R). Pada SDGR+R, penambahan basis arah rute menggunakan multicast. Selanjutnya, dilakukan perbandingan kinerja antara SDGR dan SDGR+R. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan SDGR+R memiliki kinerja lebih baik daripada SDGR dalam hal latency sebesar 1.88% dan packet delivery ratio (PDR) sebesar 8.12%. Perancangan protokol perutean SDGR+R menambah ide pengembangan teknologi pada VANET untuk masa mendatang. AbstractVehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is a wireless network developed for communication on Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC). Each node in a VANET has high mobility so that this type of communication network is a temporary network because the node moves on the track with dynamic direction and speed. Thus, sending data packets from source node to destination node using VANET requires some communication techniques. The latest technology for VANET communication is to use SDN-based geographic-based SDN (SDGR) as a control plane in controlling Ad-hoc communication between nodes. In forming the communication network topology, SDGR looks for the shortest path value between nodes and high node density. The main objective of this research is to analyze the concept of SDGR routing protocol and to develop it, considering the direction of the route (SDGR+R). In SDGR + R, the addition of route base directions uses multicast. Next, we compare the performance between SDGR and SDGR+R. Simulation results show SDGR+R has better performance than SDGR in terms of latency of 1.88% and packet delivery ratio of 8.12%. The design of the SDGR+R routing protocol gives to the idea of technology development on VANET in the future.
Perbandingan Implementasi Manajemen Pengetahuan pada Berbagai Industri Tommy Wijaya Sagala; Eliyah Acantha Manapa; Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana; Godfried Lewakabessy
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 1 No 4 (2020): February
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v1i4.69


Customer knowledge is a valuable asset, and gathering, managing, and sharing customerknowledge can be a useful competitive activity for organizations. Successful knowledgepartnerships with essential and valuable customers can strengthen business performance andcreate an absolute competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to emulate. Inconsumer knowledge management, companies often experience significant obstacles orconstraints so that sometimes many companies prevent them from managing consumerknowledge. The company or organization depends on consumers who do not need tounderstand the industrial field of the company or organization. This paper discusses thecomparison of the application of customer knowledge management in various industries.Research findings that all organizations must apply the three essential components ofcustomer-related knowledge within the underlying conceptual framework. Three basiccomponents of customer-related knowledge within a basic conceptual framework: knowledgefor customers, knowledge of customers, and customer knowledge, cannot be eliminated. Thisproves that the compatibility with previous studies. In fact, to succeed, they must be applied sothat it is of value to the company. Implementation of the framework can present a greatopportunity for the organization or company to make new products so that this will improvethe performance of the company or organization and maintain the continuity of the companyor organization.
Evaluasi Kinerja Protokol Perutean AODV dan SDGR+R pada VANET dengan Studi Kasus Pelabuhan Lembar Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana; Esther Sanda Manapa; Tommy Wijaya Sagala; Yonathan Anggian Sihaan; Eliyah Acantha M Sampetoding
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 2 No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v2i1.76


The Vehicular ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a subclass of Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs).VANET is a wireless network created from the concept of building a vehicle network (node) toexchange data information (data communication). There is a new concept technique forVANET communication used, namely the use of the concept of Software Defined Network(SDN) on VANET. For data communication between vehicles, a routing protocol required. Themost common routing protocol used on VANET since 2003 is AODV. In 2014 several studieswere using the SDN paradigm tried on VANET technology to improve the performance ofQuality of Service (QoS), one of which is a Geographic-based SDN, called SDGR in 2016.Multicast is a method of routing data on a network that allows one node or a group of nodes tocommunicate efficiently with the receiving node. The multicast concept supports one-to-manyrouting in nodes that send packet data to a group of nodes. The development of the SDGRrouting protocol using the idea of multicast technique to SDGR based on the Direction calledSDGR + R carried out in 2019. This study uses a case study of vehicle transportationsimulations in the Lamber Port area of Lombok. The simulation results knew that SDGR + Ris better than AODV in terms of service quality (QoS) at a latency of 15.58% and packet deliveryratio (PDR) of 47.78%.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Keuangan Badan Ta’mirul Masjid Nursalam Bantik Beo Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Juhuria Momodahi; Yudi Klaus Patiro; Eliyah Acantha M Sampetoding; Esther Sanda Manapa
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 3 No 1 (2021): May
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v3i1.127


The role of computers in data processing to produce an information system is very influential in an organization or institution. The involvement of computer technology tools is very helpful in carrying out data processing activities, especially the making of financial reports at BTM at the Nu Salam Bantik Mosque. In recording the receipt and expenditure of shalawat money, problems often occur such as missing or scattered data, torn, and takes a long time. As a result, financial information becomes inaccurate because it is still done manually without involving computer technology. The research conducted discusses the Making and Development of the Financial Information System for the Ta'mirul Mosque of Nur Saalam Bantik. In designing an application, it is carried out by means of insight techniques, observation and literature study. This study is to create an application for the Development of Financial Information Systems for the Ta'mirul Mosque of Nur Salam Bantik using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (VB). Microsoft Visual Basic apart from being referred to as a programming language (Program Language), Visual Basic is also often referred to as a tool (Tool) to produce windows application programs. In general, there are several benefits that can be obtained from using the Microsoft Visual Basic program itself. Computer at Mosque using OS Windows, So the applications created are programming tools that make it easy to use controls for database design.
Sistem Informasi Pendataan Potensi Pertanian Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Berbasis Web Widia Nofhita Gumolung; Eliyah Acantha M Sampetoding; Alfret Luasunaung; Yuliyanto Yuliyanto; Esther Sanda Manapa
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 3 No 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v3i2.139


Economic development in the agricultural sector is intended to increase farmers' income and to equalize development in rural areas. The agricultural potential data collection information system is carried out to find out the various advantages or privileges that exist in the Talaud Islands Regency. One of the government agencies that carry out this activity is the Department of Food Security and Agriculture of the Talaud Islands Regency. This is the benchmark of this discussion and research. The author's team conducted research at the Department of Food Security and Agriculture of the Talaud Islands Regency by collecting data in the field, the authors used questionnaires and interviews. Interviews were conducted with the head of the plantation sector and one staff member of the plantation sector. Based on the results of research in the field and adapted to the needs of potential data by information users, the authors designed an application of information systems for data collection of agricultural potential in Talaud Islands Regency based on a website This system is made to facilitate potential data collection, access and quick information. Stakeholders in collecting data on agricultural potential in the Talaud Islands Regency can access potential data online without having to deal directly with agricultural potential managers
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Administrasi Keuangan Pada Dinas P3A-PMD Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Martha Ruth Alotia; Alprita Parasala; Eliyah Acantha M Sampetoding; Inriawati Parauba; Yus Martin Sipota
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v3i3.163


Financial Administration Processing is a process that converts financial data into information, in carrying out this process often using a computer so that it can run automatically. Through a data processing system, it can facilitate organizations to manage financial data for related fields so that they can help complete activities in the financial sector, especially for the process of recording and financial reports quickly. The purpose of this study is to find out how efficient and accurate the information system is at the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Community and Village Empowerment in the Talaud Islands Regency (P3A-PMD). The method used in this study is a qualitative method by finding out how efficient and accurate the information system is currently running at the P3A-PMD Office. Data was collected by means of observation, interviews, and literature study. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data management with a computer is expected to help the process of recording data so that data storage will be better and if an error occurs, you can directly edit the data.
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi di SMA Negeri 1 Sambuara Kecamatan Essang Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Berbasis Website Agustina J Larinse; Oktavini Udang; Yulita Sirinti Pongtambing; Eliyah Acantha M Sampetoding; Meike Tabaru
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v3i3.164


Website Design, Information Systems, Information, SMA Negeri 1 Sambuara Essang, Talaud SMA Negeri 1 Sambuara, South Essang District, Talaud Islands Regency is one of the educational institutions that must also manage the data to facilitate information for both the school and the community. Based on the observations, the information management system for SMA Negeri 1 Sambuara still use input system manually, e.g. school profiles, student data, teacher data, and lesson schedule information. The public can only find the information out regarding schools and Teaching & Learning Activities (KBM) by visiting the school directly. This research aims to find out the problem before building an Information System at SMA Negeri 1 Sambuara Based on a Website, it is hoped that this system can facilitate socialization or promote the school to the wider community by using the website. From the results of this discussion, it can be concluded that; this system will make it easier for the school to provide information about student data to visitors or the public, and this system can also make it easier for visitors or the public to find information about student data without knowing distance and time. Comparison of the old system and the new system i.e. The old system is still done manually, while the new system has been carried out in a computerized system, the old system is not efficient and effective, while the new system is the opposite. In the new system, students can input their data directly into the system.
Co-Authors A. Muh. Amil Siddik A. Muh. Yusril A. Muh. Yusril A. Muhammad Risqullah Adelia Puspita Hilal Adrisumatri Sakri Agustina J Larinse Alfret Luasunaung Alika Oktaviani Alprita Parasala Ambabunga, Yusri A M Anarsya Sarundaitan Andi Ilhamsyah Idris Andi Maghfirah Inzani Saputra Andi Muh. Ibnu Hibban Bagoes Malolo Andi Sitti Chairunnisa Arini A. Purba Arini Anestesi Purba Arini Anestesia Purba Arnold Sau Attar Musharih Tasrief Aulia Adha Putri Benardo Sinambela Chindy Febryan Erwana Putri Debi Uada Dewi Atriani Dhiyaa Unnisa Dwi Ivana L Sitohang Edy Saputra Rusdi Edy Saputra Rusdi Eka Fitri Ramadani Elisa Christiana Emha Ismaulidin Endro Ariyanto Erwid Mustofa Jadied Esther S Manapa Esther Sanda Manapa Esther Sanda Manapa Evi Ristiana Felycitae Ekalaya Appa Firmansyah Forni N Dous Godfried Lewakabessy Godfried Lewakabessy Harsi Admawati Hasbullah Hendra Mesra Hidayatullah Ruslan Hoxy R Talua Hoxy R Taluay Hoxy R Taluay Hoxy R Taluay Hoxy Ryner Taluay Iden Balango Iden Balango Ikbal Tawinseet Indah Kurnia Ilahi Indira Septianita Larasati Indrawanto Paninggaran Inriawati Parauba Irene Maritsa Iskandar Muda Isty Hamdayani Jeling Kalase Jeriko Gormantara Jihan Afifah Mirzani Jones Azarya Tomassoyan Juhuria Momodahi Keturunan Ratu Kumoro, Danang Tejo Laila Chuvita Lopinta Sarungallo M. Dermawan Mulyodiputo M. Dermawan Mulyodiputro Martahan Mikhael Butar-butar Martha Ruth Alotia Masiku, Henrianto Mayati Isabella Meike Tabaru Meike Tabaru Meisin Larungkondo Misliah Idrus Mohammad Syahril Monica Natalin Monica Natalin Monica Natalin Muchtar Adam Al-Hamid Muh Hudri Perdana Hutba Muh Yusran Hardimas Setiawan Muh. Gifari Muh. Gifari Sakawati Muh. Sulthan Nazhim Muh. Sulthan Nazhim Muh. Yusuf Syam Muhammad Al Fudhail Muhammad Arya Ramdani Muhammad Dermawan Mulyodiputo Muhammad Fikri Muhammad Fitrah Ramadan Muhammad Hasbi Muhammad Sadno Muhammad Sapi’i Muhammad Sofyan Daud Pujas Noor Alamsyah Nur Hikmah Nurhaflah Soraya Nurul Salsabila Syam Nurul Salsabila Syam Oktavini Safitri Udang Oktavini Udang Paula Aneke Ruung Putri Aulia Nur Salsabila Rafika Uksi Rahmat Mardzuki Rahmi Rahmi Reky Pres Pandengkalu Relly Potoboda Relly Potoboda Rendy Luis Ridnavel Lalala Riska Damayanti Riskawati Riskawati Rozalina Amran Ruwaidah Ilyas Sabrina W. J. Husain Selviani Amalia Kartika Septaria Yolan Kalalinggi Shelvie Nidya Neyman Siskanti Siskanti Siti Pitrianti Sripin Taarega Stefany Frans Sarira Sultan Sunani, Avi Suryani Gumolung Tommy Wijaya Sagala Tommy Wijaya Sagala Tommy Wijaya Sagala Toong Khuan Chan Usamah bin Ayatullah Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana Wahjuni, Sri Wasir Samad Wd. Ananda Lesmono Widia Nofhita Gumolung Wirya Olivia Dwi Susetiyo Yonathan Anggian Sihaan Yudi Klaus Patiro Yulita Sirinti Pongtambing Yuliyanto Yuliyanto Yus Martin Sipota Yusri Ambabunga Yusri Anugerah Manapa Ambabunga