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Integrated Land Registration System: Between Legal Certainty and Challenges (Case of Semarang City) Rachmawati, Fairus Augustina; Choirinnisa, Shafa Amalia; Latif, Latif
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Strengthening Communities Amid Uncertainty: How Does Law Work for Society?
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v3i2.45895


In providing legal certainty for the control and ownership of community land parcels, the government carries out a program of registration and data collection of land parcels or what is called Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL). In its implementation, the city government of Semarang is targeting as many as 50,000 certificates to be registered with a total of 55,000 land parcels so that with a high quantity output, many problems will occur and a strategy is needed to solve it. Based on these problems, it is necessary to study related problems and the completion of the Semarang City PTSL Program 2021. The research was carried out using a juridical approach by obtaining the results of research in the field. Especially in the area of ​​Bendan Duwur and Sampangan urban villages, Semarang City in implementing the PTSL program in 2021 in the City of Semarang. Through this research, the obstacles to implementing PTSL Semarang City 2021 lie in the implementation of socialization, data collection and asset registration as well as in digitizing PTSL data. The settlement strategy that can be taken to minimize the problems of implementing PTSL is by improving resource strategies, coordinating with villages / sub-districts in making a Physical Land Acquisition Statement, as well as educating the public regarding online data that has been undertaken to support conversion from analog data to data digital.
Integrated Land Registration System: Between Legal Certainty and Challenges (Case of Semarang City) Rachmawati, Fairus Augustina; Choirinnisa, Shafa Amalia; Latif, Latif
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Strengthening Communities Amid Uncertainty: How Does Law Work for Society?
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v3i2.45895


In providing legal certainty for the control and ownership of community land parcels, the government carries out a program of registration and data collection of land parcels or what is called Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL). In its implementation, the city government of Semarang is targeting as many as 50,000 certificates to be registered with a total of 55,000 land parcels so that with a high quantity output, many problems will occur and a strategy is needed to solve it. Based on these problems, it is necessary to study related problems and the completion of the Semarang City PTSL Program 2021. The research was carried out using a juridical approach by obtaining the results of research in the field. Especially in the area of ​​Bendan Duwur and Sampangan urban villages, Semarang City in implementing the PTSL program in 2021 in the City of Semarang. Through this research, the obstacles to implementing PTSL Semarang City 2021 lie in the implementation of socialization, data collection and asset registration as well as in digitizing PTSL data. The settlement strategy that can be taken to minimize the problems of implementing PTSL is by improving resource strategies, coordinating with villages / sub-districts in making a Physical Land Acquisition Statement, as well as educating the public regarding online data that has been undertaken to support conversion from analog data to data. digital.
International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment (IJE2) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ije2.v4i1.153


Education is an important form of long-term investment for a human being. Successful education will create people who are fit and worthy in society and will not cause trouble to other people. Societies from the most backward to the most advanced recognize that education or teachers are one of the many main elements that form the main prospective members of society. Successful education will create people who are fit and worthy in society, so it is important for education to produce people who are qualified and competitive. The method used in this community service activity is to provide training and socialization in order to build students' mindset and enthusiasm to increase students' learning motivation. The stages carried out in this activity are: Preparation stage and training stage. The results of community service obtained are increased motivation for participants at the Aulia Bojongsari Depok orphanage so that they are trained and increase their insight into the importance of learning for the future and building a golden generation in the future. It is hoped that the knowledge gained in this Community Service activity will be able to encourage new enthusiasm in delivering material and motivation, as well as contributing to the younger generation, especially participants from both elementary and middle and upper secondary levels, also with positive aims both in the business world, campus and family
Kemampuan Siswa Menelaah Struktur dan Kaidah Kebahasaan Teks Drama Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Tambang Kampar Destriyana, Destriyana; Mukhlis, Muhammad; Piliang, Wilda Srihastuty Handayani; Latif, Latif
Sajak: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Sastra, Bahasa, dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/s.v2i2.13598


This study aims to test students' abilities in analyzing the structure of drama texts and linguistic conventions in drama texts in class VIII students of SMPN 5 Tambang Kampar in the 2019/2020 academic year. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion conducted, students' ability to analyze the structure of drama texts can be categorized as good with an average score of 87.88. However, students' ability to analyze linguistic rules in drama texts is still quite good with an average score of 75.17. Even though most of the students could find the results of the linguistic rules of the drama text being tested, there were still some students who needed improvement in this regard. In order to improve students' ability to analyze language rules in drama texts, it is recommended that the school pay special attention to learning the language rules of drama texts for class VIII students of SMPN 5 Tambang Kampar. This can be done through more active learning strategies, such as group discussions, simulations, or role playing. In addition, the school can also hold special training for Indonesian language teachers to improve their ability to teach drama texts correctly and effectively. Thus, it is expected that students' ability to analyze linguistic rules in drama texts can be significantly improved.
Pelatihan Merancang Soal Literasi Membaca Menggunakan ChatGPT untuk Guru-Guru di SMAN 2 Tapung Hilir Mukhlis, Muhammad; Latif, Latif; Asnawi, Asnawi; Devi, Sylvia Pratama
Sajak: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Sastra, Bahasa, dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This service aims to improve the quality of student literacy learning at SMAN 2 Tapung Hilir through training in designing reading literacy questions using ChatGPT. Training includes a basic understanding of ChatGPT, techniques for designing effective questions, and utilizing relevant ChatGPT features. Through the training stages, teachers demonstrate their ability to apply newly acquired knowledge. Hands-on practice using ChatGPT provides valuable experience, with guidance from resource persons to ensure in-depth understanding. Group discussions and question and answer sessions facilitate the exchange of experiences and ideas among participants. Next, the practice and assessment stages provide opportunities for teachers to test their understanding through concrete practice tasks. Assessment of the quality of questions and constructive feedback strengthens the learning process. The results of the questionnaire showed a high level of satisfaction from participants, illustrating that this training provided significant benefits for teachers
Teori Pendidikan Dan Aliran Filsafat Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Abad 21 Latif, Latif; Zaim, M
Journal of Education Research Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal PAUD Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37985/jer.v4i4.779


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: teori pendidikan yang berpengaruh dalam pembelajaran bahasa abad dua puluh satu; aliran filsafat yang berpengaruh dalam pembelajaran bahasa abad dua puluh satu, dan desain pembelajaran bahasa abad dua puluh satu. Penelitian ini mengarahkan pendidik agar menggunakan teori pendidikan dan aliran filsafat dalam pembelajaran bahasa serta membantu peserta didik merancang pembelajaran bahasa abad dua puluh satu.  Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan  pendekatan deskriptif.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan studi literatur narrative systemativ review. Hasil temuan penelitian ini masih terdapat  pendidik tidak meggunakan teori pendidikan dan aliran filsafat yang berpengaruh terhadap pembelajaran bahasa. Fakta di lapangan teknologi abad dua puluh satu sudah menjadi bagian dalam kehidupan tetapi tidak digunakan secara efektif dalam pembelajaran bahasa abad dua puluh satu.
Pembuatan Modul Ajar Literasi Membaca bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Dafit, Febrina; Ade Rahmayulis, Putri; Latif, Latif; Wulan Dari, Asih; Asnawi, Asnawi; Lingga, Leny Julia
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): August, Pages 301 - 449
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v5i4.968


Dalam upaya mendukung implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka, penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas modul ajar literasi membaca di SDN 29 Pekanbaru. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah menyelenggarakan pelatihan pembuatan modul ajar literasi membaca bagi guru-guru sekolah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan meliputi perencanaan kegiatan, workshop dengan kombinasi teori dan praktik dalam penyusunan modul ajar, serta evaluasi hasil modul untuk menilai efektivitasnya. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman dan keterampilan guru, yang tercermin dalam penyusunan modul ajar yang mencakup tujuan pembelajaran yang jelas, struktur yang baik, materi bacaan relevan, dan strategi pembelajaran efektif. Modul ajar yang dihasilkan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran literasi membaca dan mendukung pencapaian literasi siswa di SDN 29 Pekanbaru. Implikasi dari kegiatan ini adalah modul ajar yang berkualitas dapat menjadi alat bantu yang efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan mendukung implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka secara lebih efektif.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Divisi Operasional Pt Sari Wangi Mentari di Kota Tangerang Latif, Latif; Sunarto, Ading
Jurnal Arastirma Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): JURNAL ARASTIRMA
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/arastirma.v4i1.35763


Tujuan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara parsial antara Lingkungan Kerja Fisik, Kompetensi Dan Kinerja Karyawan PT Sari Wangi Mentari Kota Tangerang.Metode. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT Sari Wangi Mentari Kota Tangerang. Dengan menggunakan sampling jenuh diperoleh sampel sebanyak 99 responden. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana, regresi linier berganda, koefisien korelasi, koefisien determinasi, uji t parsial dan uji F simultan.Hasil. Terdapat pengaruh secara parsial lingkungan kerja fisik terhadap kinerja pegawai, terdapat pengaruh parsial kompetensi terhadap kinerja pegawai, dan terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan secara bersama-sama variabel lingkungan kerja fisik dan kompetensi terhadap kinerja pegawai.Implikasi. Sebaiknya perusahaan melakukan pemantauan atau evaluasi terhadap upaya atau penyelesaian permasalahan lingkungan kerja agar tersedia lingkungan yang nyaman bagi karyawan dalam bekerja. Perusahaan harus mendorong karyawan untuk mendorong semangat kerja yang tinggi agar dapat mencapai karirnya. Perusahaan hendaknya memberikan ruang bagi karyawan untuk menyampaikan pemikirannya guna meningkatkan kinerja yang dapat menunjang perusahaan serta dapat berkomunikasi secara jujur dan terbuka.
Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Liana Sari, Ola; Latif, Latif
Murhum : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Desember In Progress
Publisher : Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal (PPJ) PAUD Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37985/murhum.v5i2.987


Penelitian ini di lakukan guna untuk mengetahui implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar pada matapelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, Observasi, dan Dokumentasi yaitu dengan Kepala Sekolah, Guru Kelas, dan Siswa kelas I. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah  implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar pada pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia kelas 1 di SDN 182 Pekanbaru dilaksanakan untuk memperbaiki kualitas belajar dan mengejar ketertinggalan belajar anak sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Perencenaan pembelajaran, dimulai dari melakukan observasi terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dan dapat menentukan metode belajar yang tepat, setelah itu menyusun capain pembelajaran, tujuan pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, assesmen pembelajaran dan modul ajar.  Pelaksanaan pembelajaran berfokus pada 4 aspek yaitu yaitu membaca, menyimak, berbicara, dan menulis melalui latihan merangkaikan dan menulis bunyi huruf-huruf vocal, peserta didik membaca suku kata dengan baik, membuat biodata diri dan mempresentasikan biodata diri di depan kelas. Kemudian assesmen atau penilaian, dibagi menjadi 3 jenis penilaian yaitu: pertama, assesmen diagnostic,  assesmen fornatif dan asessmen sumatif.
Pengaruh Store Atmosphere terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di antar Ruang Coffee & Eatery Noegraha, Rosandi Ardi; Latif, Latif; Sari Harsanti, Pradnya; Sari Wardhan, Hilda
Bulletin of Community Engagement Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Bulletin of Community Engagement
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/bce.v4i1.1046


This research was aimed at finding out how the Store Atmosphere affects consumer satisfaction at Antar Ruang Coffee & Eatery. This research uses a questionnaire as a tool in collecting respondent data. The analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The population and sample in this research were visitors to Antar Ruang Coffee & Eatery. The number of respondents in this research was 100 respondents. The results of this research are based on simple linear regression analysis to obtain a sig number. < 0.05, then the store atmosphere variable has a significant influence on the consumer satisfaction variable with an R squre of 0.354, meaning that the store atmosphere influences consumer satisfaction by 35.4% and the remaining 64.6% is influenced by other factors. Keywords: Store Atmosphere on Consumer, Consumer Satisfaction