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Non-invasive Hemoglobin Measurement for Anemia Diagnosis Rochmanto, Raditya Artha; Zakaria, Hasballah; Alviana, Ratih Devi; Shahib, Nurhalim
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 4: EECSI 2017
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1219.779 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v4.1003


Hemoglobin is important part of red blood cell to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin concentration in the blood can be used as physical condition parameter. A low hemoglobin level is called anemia and high hemoglobin level is called polycythemia. WHO has determined the anemia cut off level of hemoglobin concentration based on age, sex, and condition (pregnant or not). Currently, accurate and reliable hemoglobin concentration measurement uses invasive methods such as cyanmethemoglobin  and  automated  hematology  analyzer.  But these methods are expensive, not real time, high infection risk, and need special techniques. Non-invasive methods offer a better alternative because it has low infection risk, instant result, and portable in size. This work developed a non-invasive hemoglobin measurement for anemia diagnosis based on optical spectroscopy. The system utilized LED and photodiode as optical sensor placed on the fingertip. Photodiode just could obtain DC component, so the signal conditioning circuit which consisted of HPF, LPF and amplifier was used to obtain the AC component of the signal.  This system used microcontroller to control the operation of the hardware and to calculate the hemoglobin concentration.Hemoglobin is important part of red blood cell to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin concentration in the blood can be used as physical condition parameter. A low hemoglobin level is called anemia and high hemoglobin level is called polycythemia. WHO has determined the anemia cut off level of hemoglobin concentration based on age, sex, and condition (pregnant or not). Currently, accurate and reliable hemoglobin concentration measurement uses invasive methods such as cyanmethemoglobin and  automated  hematology analyzer. But these methods are expensive, not real time, high infection risk, and need special techniques. Non-invasive methods offer a better alternative because it has low infection risk, instant result, and portable in size. This work developed a non-invasive hemoglobin measurement for anemia diagnosis based on optical spectroscopy. The system utilized LED and photodiode as optical sensor placed on the fingertip. Photodiode just could obtain DC component, so the signal conditioning circuit which consisted of HPF, LPF and amplifier was used to obtain the AC component of the signal. This system used microcontroller to control the operation of the hardware and to calculate the hemoglobin concentration.
Rancang Bangun Robot Three wheeled Omnidirectional Dengan Konfigurasi Mikrokontroler Master-Slave Rochmanto, Raditya Artha; Muslim, M. Aziz; Rif’an, Mochammad
Jurnal Fokus Elektroda : Energi Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Komputer, Elektronika dan Kendali) Vol 5, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Elektroda Vol 5 No 4
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfe.v5i4.14629


Three wheeled omnidirectional robot has been used in industries and academics fields because its ability to move freely and simultaneously both rotation and translation. Free movement in this robot is assisted by omni wheel which consists of wheels and rollers. So, the movement of this robot is a combination of wheel and roller rotation. At present, the task given to the mobile robot is increasingly complex, so it makes microcontroller’s workload heavier. A microcontroller’s workload could be lightened by master-slave configuration to divide the microcontroller’s tasks. The wheel rotating speed control system uses a pid controller to obtain a fast and stable wheel speed response. The PID parameters, kp,ki,kd were obtained by using the hand tuning method. The testing results shown the average error of robot direction is 4,3750 and the direction of the robot’s face changed 5.750.
Rancang Bangun Robot Three wheeled Omnidirectional Dengan Konfigurasi Mikrokontroler Master-Slave Rochmanto, Raditya Artha; Muslim, M. Aziz; Rif’an, Mochammad
Jurnal Fokus Elektroda : Energi Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Komputer, Elektronika dan Kendali) Vol 5, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Elektroda Vol 5 No 4
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfe.v5i4.14629


Three wheeled omnidirectional robot has been used in industries and academics fields because its ability to move freely and simultaneously both rotation and translation. Free movement in this robot is assisted by omni wheel which consists of wheels and rollers. So, the movement of this robot is a combination of wheel and roller rotation. At present, the task given to the mobile robot is increasingly complex, so it makes microcontroller’s workload heavier. A microcontroller’s workload could be lightened by master-slave configuration to divide the microcontroller’s tasks. The wheel rotating speed control system uses a pid controller to obtain a fast and stable wheel speed response. The PID parameters, kp,ki,kd were obtained by using the hand tuning method. The testing results shown the average error of robot direction is 4,3750 and the direction of the robot’s face changed 5.750.
Non-invasive Hemoglobin Measurement for Anemia Diagnosis Raditya Artha Rochmanto; Hasballah Zakaria; Ratih Devi Alviana; Nurhalim Shahib
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 4: EECSI 2017
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1219.779 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v4.1003


Hemoglobin is important part of red blood cell to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin concentration in the blood can be used as physical condition parameter. A low hemoglobin level is called anemia and high hemoglobin level is called polycythemia. WHO has determined the anemia cut off level of hemoglobin concentration based on age, sex, and condition (pregnant or not). Currently, accurate and reliable hemoglobin concentration measurement uses invasive methods such as cyanmethemoglobin  and  automated  hematology  analyzer.  But these methods are expensive, not real time, high infection risk, and need special techniques. Non-invasive methods offer a better alternative because it has low infection risk, instant result, and portable in size. This work developed a non-invasive hemoglobin measurement for anemia diagnosis based on optical spectroscopy. The system utilized LED and photodiode as optical sensor placed on the fingertip. Photodiode just could obtain DC component, so the signal conditioning circuit which consisted of HPF, LPF and amplifier was used to obtain the AC component of the signal.  This system used microcontroller to control the operation of the hardware and to calculate the hemoglobin concentration.Hemoglobin is important part of red blood cell to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin concentration in the blood can be used as physical condition parameter. A low hemoglobin level is called anemia and high hemoglobin level is called polycythemia. WHO has determined the anemia cut off level of hemoglobin concentration based on age, sex, and condition (pregnant or not). Currently, accurate and reliable hemoglobin concentration measurement uses invasive methods such as cyanmethemoglobin and  automated  hematology analyzer. But these methods are expensive, not real time, high infection risk, and need special techniques. Non-invasive methods offer a better alternative because it has low infection risk, instant result, and portable in size. This work developed a non-invasive hemoglobin measurement for anemia diagnosis based on optical spectroscopy. The system utilized LED and photodiode as optical sensor placed on the fingertip. Photodiode just could obtain DC component, so the signal conditioning circuit which consisted of HPF, LPF and amplifier was used to obtain the AC component of the signal. This system used microcontroller to control the operation of the hardware and to calculate the hemoglobin concentration.
MENGGUNAKAN KONTROLER PID PADA ROBOT KONTES ROBOT ABU INDONESIA (KRAI) Raditya Artha Rochmanto; Muhammad Aziz Muslim; Mochammad Rif'an
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1041.386 KB)


Kontes Robot Abu Indonesia merupakan ajang perlombaan nasional yang diadakan setiap tahun. Salah satu tugas pada perlombaan ini adalah robot harus dapat memindahkan obyek pada titik – titik tertentu di lapangan perlombaan dengan cara yang cepat dan efisien. Tugas akhir ini merancang dan mengimplementasikan robot three omni-directional menggunakan kontroler PID pada robot KRAI. Kelebihan robot three omni-directional adalah dapat bergerak ke segala arah tanpa harus mengubah arah hadapnya. Arah gerak pada robot ini bergantung pada perbandingan kecepatan pada tiap roda yang didapat dari perhitungan kinematika robot. Kontroler PID digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan roda sehingga didapat respon kecepatan yang cepat mencapai set point dan stabil. Penentuan parameter kontroler PID menggunakan metode hand tunning. Hasil tunning parameter PID pada roda 1 diperoleh nilai Kp = 3, Ki = 0,08, dan Kd = 1. Pada roda 2 diperoleh nilai Kp=3, Ki= 0,1, dan Kd=0,5 dan pada roda 3 diperoleh nilai Kp=3, Ki=0,08, dan Kd=1. Penggunaan parameter kontroler PID yang tepat membuat robot dapat bergerak sesuai dengan arah yang diinginkan dengan rata –rata kesalahan arah gerak robot sebesar 4,3750 dan rata – rata kesalahan arah hadap robot sebesar 5,750.Kata kunci : robot three omni-directional, kontroler PID, KRAI.
Pemanfaatan ESP32 Sebagai Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Air Keran Siap Minum Secara Real-Time Menggunakan Aplikasi Cindy Tio Helena Manurung; Jaenal Arifin; Fikra Titan Syifa; Raditya Artha Rochmanto
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics, and Control Engineering (JTECE) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics, and Control Engineering (JTECE)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20895/jtece.v4i2.535


Pemantauan kualitas air keran siap minum sangat penting bagi kesehatan manusia. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat mendeteksi kualitas air dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet of Things. Pada penelitian ini, sensor Analog pH meter v2, Suhu DS18B20, dan Turbidity SEN0189 digunakan untuk mendeteksi nilai pH, Suhu, dan kekeruhan pada air. Disamping itu google firebase, MIT App Inventor dan WireShark digunakan sebagai pendukung teknologi IoT serta pemantau QoS. Ketiga sensor diuji untuk mencari nilai error menggunakan 3 sampel yang berbeda untuk masing-masing sensor. Cairan uji pH buffer 4,9;7,5;dan8,8 digunakan untuk menguji sensor pH. Sampel air suhu 29,1℃;8,7℃; dan 65,0℃ digunakan untuk menguji sensor suhu. Sampel air keruh 439NTU, 1404NTU, dan 2589NTU digunakan untuk menguji sensor turbidity.Pengujian Quality of Service menggunakan tiga parameter yaitu packetloss,delay, dan throughput. Hasil pengujian sensor pH, suhu, dan turbidity mendapatkan nilai error sebesar 0,85%;1,31%; dan 0,49% untuk pH; 1,90%; 3,09%; dan 1,39% untuk suhu; 2,58%;2,63%; dan 2,91% untuk kekeruhan. Hasil pengujian QoS mendapatkan nilai rata-rata packet loss 0,01%; delay 20,36 ms, dan throughput 581,14 bit/sec. Berdasarkan hasil nilai error, sensor pH,suhu dan turbidity cukup akurat. Pengujian packetloss dan delay sudah menampilkan hasil yang baik. Namun, hasil throughput masih harus ditingkatkan.
Sistem Monitoring Kelembaban Tanaman Cabai Rawit menggunakan Irigasi Tetes Gravitasi berbasis Internet Of Things (IoT) ARMANDA SURYANINGRAT; DANNY KURNIANTO; RADITYA ARTHA ROCHMANTO
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 10, No 3 (2022): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektr
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v10i3.568


ABSTRAKTanaman cabai rawit dapat tumbuh optimal pada kelembaban tanah 60%-80% dengan suhu udara rata-rata 18 – 30 derajat celcius. Penyiraman yang ada saat ini masih menggunakan sistem manual yang akan membuat kerugian dalam waktu dan tenaga. Selain itu penyiraman secara manual juga memboroskan air dan dapat membuat tanaman layu. Pada studi ini diusulkan sebuah sistem untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban tanaman cabai dengan menggunakan teknik irigasi tetes gravitasi yang dapat dipantau secara online dan realtime pada sebuah aplikasi android dan google spreadsheet. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa sistem ini mampu menjaga kelembaban tanah pada nilai 60%-80% dengan volume air yang digunakan sebanyak 26,67 mililiter/menit. Hasil rata-rata seluruh pengujian akurasi sensor dan motor servo menghasilkan nilai yang cukup baik dengan ratarata error sebesar 1,96% dan akurasi sebesar 98,04%. Selanjutnya hasil pengujian QoS untuk delay masuk pada kategori bagus dengan rata-rata 177,99 ms dan packet loss masuk kategori sangat bagus dengan nilai sebesar 0,02%.Kata kunci: Irigasi Tetes, Kelembaban, IoT, Firebase, Spreadsheet ABSTRACTCayenne pepper plants can grow optimally at 60%-80% soil moisture with an average air temperature of 18 – 30 degree celcius. The current watering still uses a manual system which will result in a loss of time and effort. In addition, manual watering also wastes water and can make plants wither. In this study, a system is proposed to help maintain the humidity of chili plants by using gravity drip irrigation techniques that can be monitored online and in real time on an android application and google spreadsheet. The test results show that this system is able to maintain soil moisture at a value of 60%-80% with the volume of water used as much as 26.67 milliliters/minute. The average results of all sensor and servo motor accuracy tests produce a fairly good value with an average error of 1.96% and an accuracy of 98.04%. Furthermore, the QoS test results for delay are in the good category with an average of 177.99 ms and packet loss is in the very good category with a value of 0.02%.Keywords: Drip Irrigation, Humidity, IoT, Firebase, Spreadsheet
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 10, No 3 (2022): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektr
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v10i3.581


ABSTRAKMicrogreen merupakan sayuran muda yang lebih kaya akan gizi jika dibandingkan dengan sayuran dewasa. Sayuran ini dibudidayakan dengan waktu yang cepat sekitar 10 – 14 hari setelah proses pembibitan. Masa yang cepat ini menuntut pemeliharaan yang baik. Kebutuhan ini mendorong penelitian tentang perangkat budidaya microgreen yang mampu mengontrol kelembapan dan intensitas cahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat media sarana perangkat budidaya microgreen berbasis Internet of Things. Perangkat ini memberikan hasil yang baik dengan nilai akurasi pada pembacaan kelembapan 15% 30%, 60%, 80%, dan 90% masing-masing sebesar 93,47%, 96,29%, 98,83%, 97,08%, dan 99,05%. Sedangkan akurasi pada pembacaan intensitas cahaya pada jarak 10 cm dan 15 cm masing-masing sebesar 99,98% dan 99,85%. Waktu tunda yang dibutuhkan untuk mengirim ke IoT platform adalah 0,5 – 2 s. Perangkat ini mampu membaca parameter dengan baik dan dikirimkan ke cloud Antares.Kata kunci: microgreen, sayuran, Internet of Things, akurasi, kelembapan media ABSTRACTMicrogreens are young vegetables but more nutritious compared to mature vegetables. Microgreens are cultivated with a fast time period around 10-14 days after the seeding process. This fast period requires good maintenance by keeping the media moist and light requirements on microgreens. This need encourages research on microgreen cultivation devices that are able to control humidity and light intensity. This study aims to create a microgreen cultivation device based on the Internet of Things. This device gives good results with accuracy values at 15%, 30%, 60%, 80%, dan 90% humidity readings of 93,47%, 96,29%, 98,83% 97,08%, and 99,05% respectively. Meanwhile, the accuracy in light intensity reading at a distance of 10 cm and 15 cm is 99,98% and 99,85%, respectively. The delay time required to send to the IoT platform is 0,5 – 2 s. This device is can read all parameter and send it to Antares IoT platform.Keywords: microgreen, vegetable, Internet of Things, accuracy, soil moisture
pada Chatbot-based Information Service using RASA Open-Source Framework in Prambanan Temple Tourism Object Zein Hanni Pradana; Hanin Nafi'ah; Raditya Artha Rochmanto
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 6 No 4 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.66 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v6i4.3913


The pandemic has caused a shift in the tourism industry's drive towards comprehensive digitization. This approach is used to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The impact of Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) limiting the mobility of tourists who will vacation in Indonesia causes losses and foreign exchange earnings of the state in the tourism industry sector of 20.7 billion. So, to survive in the current situation, industry players must be able to adapt and rise by providing more effective innovations. This study aims to develop a Question Answering System or a digital question and answer system using a chatbot (ChatterBot). The chatbot is used as an information service provider that can make it easier for tourists who are looking for information about tourist attractions. Chatbot-based information service systems can work 24 hours or all day, reducing the intensity of direct physical contact with officers and saving operational costs. The chatbot implementation is built on the Machine Learning Framework using RASA Open Source with the Python programming language. The knowledge base of the chatbot system is trained based on the FAQ (Frequently Asking Question) dataset with a case study of the Prambanan Temple tourist attraction as a sample of Indonesian tourism. The results of the evaluation and system performance based on data testing obtained the level of model accuracy is 0.91. Furthermore, the weighted average value in the Confusion Matrix produces a precision of 0.97, a recall of 0.94, and an F1-score of 0.95. The training and testing model processes locally using the Visual Studio Code software.
Sistem Penjadwalan Pemberian Pakan Ikan pada Akuarium Pintar Berbasis Network Time Protocol Mas Aly Afandi; Kevin Dwi Andika Hendarta; Raditya Artha Rochmanto; Sevia Indah Purnama
Techno.Com Vol 21, No 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/tc.v21i3.6133


Ikan Maskoki merupakan ikan hias air tawar yang populer untuk dibudidayakan di akuarium. Populasi pembididaya ikan Maskoki diproyeksikan akan mencapai 129.734 ribu ekor pada tahun 2024. Pemeliharaan ikan maskoki membutuhkan suhu air berkisar 25,7 – 29,7°C, kekeruhan mininum 10 NTU, dan pH air berkisar 7,1 – 7,6. Pemberian pakan yang tidak tepat dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan membahayakan keadaan ikan. Dengan adanya teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) dan Network Time Protocol (NTP) dapat merubah kegiatan pemberian pakan secara manual menjadi otomatis pada waktu tertentu tanpa tambahan perangkat. NTP merupakan protokol internet yang digunakan untuk melakukan sinkronisasi waktu pada jaringan komputer. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memantau parameter akuairum dan penjadwalan pemberian pakan secara otomatis. Hasil pengujian keseluruhan sistem untuk berjalan dengan baik, sistem bekerja sesuai jadwal yaitu pukul 9:00 dan 17:00. Hasil pengujian sensor suhu memiliki nilai persentase galat sebesar 1,17% dan nilai akurasi sebesar 98,83%. Hasil pengujian sensor pH pada derajat keasaman 7 memiliki nilai persentase galat sebesar 1,39% dan nilai akurasi sebesar 98,61%. Hasil pengujian sensor kekeruhan air menunjukkan mampu memberikan perubahan kekeruhan air saat pemberian pakan. Hasil data menunjukkan bahwa sistem sensor telah sesuai untuk diaplikasikan pada budidaya ikan Maskoki. Sistem penjadwalan berbasis NTP juga mampu menjadwalkan pemberian pakan sesuai dengan scenario yang diinginkan.