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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dengan Menerapkan Metode Multi-Attribute Utility Theory Pada Pemilihan Content Writer Aldisa, Rima Tamara
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i2.2877


Content Writer is an important profession in the process of creating interesting content. The definition of Content Writer is a professional writer whose job is to write concepts of interesting content which will eventually be produced in online media. The income that is large enough for this profession results in many people being interested in working in that field. Therefore it will be difficult for those who open jobs in the field of Content Writers to choose who should be chosen. To select Content Writer candidates, it is better to use a system so that with this system it can help interested parties so that the results of the selection are not subjective or impartial. A good system to use is a decision support system. decision support system (DSS) is the development of an information system using the same way of working as an information system, namely a computer-based system. This SPK can be used in conjunction with supporting methods such as the MOORA method, the PSI method and so on. In this study the method used is the DEATH method. The MAUT method or the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) method is a method that prioritizes quality as a comparison so that the quality of each criterion will be considered as the first choice. Based on the calculation results from the MAUT method, a result of 0.6701 is obtained with the alternative A3 On behalf of Aldi as the best alternative that deserves to be accepted as a content writer.
Perbandingan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto dengan Fuzzy Mamdani Untuk Mendeteksi Tingkat Kecanduan Media Sosial Pada Remaja Cahyono, Ariel; Triayudi, Agung; Aldisa, Rima Tamara
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i2.3069


The level of social media use in Indonesia has increased every year. This is caused by several factors, one of which is the tendency to play social media so that you forget the time to do other activities such as studying. A system is needed that is able to detect whether someone is addicted to social media or not. The Tsukamoto fuzzy method is a method that can solve a problem by using a system on a computer in search of a truth and usually requires some expertise. While the fuzzy mamdani method has a function in finding a solution in solving the problem of social media addiction in today's youth. This comparison is done by the author to find the best answer from one of the methods used. This research was created in order to be able to detect the level of social media addiction in adolescents in the form of a web to inform adolescents to avoid the negative symptoms of social media addiction such as timelessness, lazy learning and being unable to stop oneself from controlling social media use. Then after testing with 25 adolescent data, the results obtained were 10 adolescents experiencing social media addiction problems and 15 adolescents not. It can be seen that the Tsukamoto method has a very addictive score of 0 to 20 for 10 teenagers and 15 teenagers with a non-addiction score of 80 to 100. Meanwhile, it is known that the Mamdani method has a very addictive score of 0 to 10 for 10 teenagers and 15 teenagers with a non-addicted score of 40 to 50.
Penerapan Metode Certainty Factor Dalam Mendiagnosa Penyakit PES Aldisa, Rima Tamara
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i2.3139


Plague is the oldest plague known to mankind and will continue to plague the world. Black Death is an infectious disease caused by the bite of Yersinia pestis, which breeds on rats. Human-to-human transmission occurs through droplets containing bubonic plague. Expert systems are a branch of artificial intelligence and a branch of knowledge that emerged with the development of computer science today. In this study, the expert system was implemented as a system for information or output to pursue certainty in diagnosing the type of bubonic plague felt by the patient based on the symptoms felt by the patient. Its use on the user's system must be combined with methods so that it runs correctly and optimally. In this study, the authors used the certainty factor (CF) method. CF is the internalization of uncertainty in professional thinking proposed by Shortliffe and Buchanan in 1975. Based on the results of the computational process using the CF method, information is generated that the patient suffers from multiple symptoms of bubonic plague, and the patient is diagnosed with pneumonic plague (P3) with an expression confidence level of 0.993 or 9.93%.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Pemilihan Perawat Terbaik Menerapkan Metode SAW dengan Pembobotan ROC Abdullah, Mohammad Aldinugroho; Aldisa, Rima Tamara
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i3.3489


Activities carried out in the hospital never stop day or night. These activities continue because patients who are sick do not know the term time. Patients will always be there and need help from the hospital both day and night. Therefore, many nurses or nuns are needed to handle complaints from patients every time. A nurse or nurse is someone who has a duty, namely to provide care or care for each individual who is sick. This fact made many people interested in becoming nuns. This resulted in many university graduates graduating with that major. so many apply to become nurses on duty at the hospital. The large number of candidates who applied made it difficult for the hospital to select suitable candidates. Selection that is done manually will take quite a long time and the results of the election are not objective. The solution that can be done to solve these problems is to use a decision support system. Based on the results of this study, information was obtained that a decision support system using the SAW method can solve problems regarding decision making in selecting the best nurse. The result is to produce a value of 0.8160 as an alternative to A4 on behalf of Ratih Setyowati as the best alternative
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Rekomendasi Aplikasi Pembuat Kuis Edukasi Untuk Pembelajaran Menerapkan Metode OCRA dan Pembobotan ROC Faran, Jhiro; Aldisa, Rima Tamara
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i4.4045


Education quizzes are a form of interactive test or game designed to support the learning process in a fun and interactive way. Despite the availability of many applications for creating educational quizzes, users often face difficulties in selecting the ones that suit their learning needs and objectives. Therefore, this research suggests the use of a Decision Support System by implementing the OCRA and Weighted Rank Order Centroid (ROC) methods to recommend educational quiz maker applications. The ROC method is utilized to determine the weights or relative values of predefined criteria, thus facilitating the ranking process based on the importance of each criterion. Furthermore, the OCRA method is employed to analyze the operational competitiveness level of various alternative educational quiz maker applications. The research findings indicate that out of the 5 evaluated alternatives, ProProfs Quiz Maker scored the highest with a value of 1.515, making it the top choice for online learning media. Thus, the Decision Support System based on OCRA and ROC provides accurate recommendations for selecting educational quiz maker applications that align with learning needs and objectives.
Analisis Perbandingan Metode MOORA dan MOOSRA dalam Seleksi Siswa Unggulan Fadilla, Desty Rahma; Aldisa, Rima Tamara
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i4.4048


Educational strategies in the current era really need to be developed so that the advantages that each student has can be made into superior achievements. The selection of superior student selection is very important in the education strategy with the aim of getting superior seeds that will be fostered so that they achieve even more and increase the motivation of each student. At present, most schools carry out the selection of superior students manually by taking the value of each student's report card. Selection with a large number of students sometimes makes it difficult for teachers or the school to choose who has the right to be a superior student. The results of the assessment or consideration of each teacher tend to be subjective. So that there are often misunderstandings in making the final decision in determining who is entitled to be a superior student. Therefore, a decision support system is needed that aims to make it easier to select superior students whose results will be effective. In solving the problem of selecting superior students, the author uses the MOORA method and the MOOSRA method. The results of the study prove that the comparison between the MOORA and MOOSRA methods has the same results, where the MOORA method has the highest yield in alternative 3 with a result of 0.2997 and in alternative 3 MOOSRA method with a result of 13.1548.