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Journal : Talimi

Peningkatan Pemahaman Teks Bahasa Arab Melalui Metode (SQ3R) Parhan, Parhan; Abdul Jalil, Muhammad; Idrus, Idrus; Mudiono, Mudiono
Ta'limi | Journal of Arabic Education and Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Ta'limi
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tlmi.v1i1.9


The purpose of this study was to determine how the application of the SQ3R method in improving understanding of Arabic texts and to determine the extent to which the understanding of Arabic text was increased through the SQ3R method. This study used a qualitative approach with a classroom action research (CAR) strategy. The subjects of this study were students of class VII B MTs Nurul Yaqin Legok Tangerang. Sources of data used: (1) informants, namely Arabic teachers in class VII B MTs Nurul Yaqin who are easy to communicate with (2) data or documents, in the form of reading texts, photos of teaching and learning activities, student test results, transcripts of interviews with students and teacher. The data collection technique used was data triangulation which included: (1) observation / observation, (2) interviews, and (3) documentation (4) written test assessments. The research process was carried out in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, namely: (1) planning the action, (2) implementing the action, (3) observing, and (4) analyzing and reflecting. Based on the results of research carried out that the SQ3R method was able to improve students' understanding of Arabic text. With an average acquisition of 64 on the pre-test results, then increased in cycle I with an average of 84, then increased again in cycle II with an average result. Average 95.5. with an average comparison of 20 between the pre-test and post-test cycle I, and the comparison between cycle I and cycle II, namely 11.5.
Taksonomi Linguistik, Analisis Kesalahan Bahasa dalam Pembelajaran Insya Parhan, Parhan; Maksum, Ghufron
Ta'limi | Journal of Arabic Education and Arabic Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Ta'limi
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tlmi.v1i2.39


Mastering Arabic for other speakers is not easy. Because it will be faced with several abilities that make him to be able to master the language. taught and learned by other speakers is not easy. Students may have difficulty learning as their second language. And some of them have errors during the application of this language, and these mistakes both in writing and in speech. This research is related to the analysis of linguistic errors in the construction of fourth semester students of the Tarbiyah Faculty of Arabic Language Education study program at the Nurul Iman Parung Islamic College of Bogor. The method used in this research is quantitative methods in the form of data collection using tests. Then group errors and interpret Corder's opinions. Based on the test results, it was found that the general error in the third semester student construction tasks of the Tarbiyah Faculty of Arabic Language Education study program at the Nurul Iman Parung Islamic High School Bogor was 29 mistakes. Then classify it based on linguistics into four parts: Phonological errors (11 errors), Morphological errors (7 errors), syntax errors (6 errors), Semantic errors and word 5 errors.
Hubungan Sistem Pembelajaran Daring dengan Minat Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Mts Nuril Huda Tarub Grobogan Parhan, Parhan; Syafii, mohamad
Ta'limi | Journal of Arabic Education and Arabic Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Ta'limi
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tlmi.v2i1.63


The problem in this study is that there are still students who don't have a smartphone, and there are even parents who feel burdened with internet costs or increasing credit which makes it difficult for students to follow the learning process. This can affect students' interest in learning Arabic. so that it can be predicted that online learning has a close relationship in determining student learning interest. This study aims to find out and test empirical data related to the relationship between online learning systems and interest in learning Arabic. In this study the authors used a quantitative method with a correlational approach to quantitative data obtained from the research object, namely class VIII students at MTs Nuril Huda Tarub Grobogan. The sample of this research was 125 respondents from a total population of 182 students. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire / questionnaire technique. The type of analysis used is a simple correlation analysis which is described descriptively. The results of this study are that there is a positive and significant relationship between online learning and interest in learning Arabic in class VIII MTs Nuril Huda Tarub Grobogan. This is shown by the strength of influence or the correlation coefficient of 0.7234 at the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05), while the magnitude of the influence or coefficient of determination Kp is 0.5184 which means that online learning has an influence on interest in learning Arabic by 52% and means the remaining 48% is determined by other factors. For the significance test, a tcount value of 11.4 is obtained, which means that there is a significant relationship between online learning and interest in learning Arabic
Peningkatan Kosakata Bahasa Arab melalui Media Teka Teki Silang Bergambar di Kelas V SD Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung- Bogor Parhan, Parhan; Safii, Mohamad; Rozaq, Abdul
Ta'limi | Journal of Arabic Education and Arabic Studies Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Ta'limi
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tlmi.v2i2.75


This study aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of the use of Pictorial Crossword Puzzles in improving Arabic Vocabulary for fifth grade students of SD Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Ds. Waru Jaya Kec. Parung Kab. Bogor Province West Java. This research is a classroom action research which consists of two cycles, each cycle includes planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data collection techniques used in this study were tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it shows that Pictorial Crossword Puzzle Media can increase the Arabic vocabulary of fifth grade students of SD Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Ds. Waru Jaya Kec. Parung Kab. Bogor Province West Java. The increase in Arabic vocabulary for fifth grade students of SD Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Ds. Waru Jaya Kec. Parung Kab. Bogor Province West Java, can be seen from memorization and pronunciation, intonation, application, sentence structure, writing lafadz. From the results of the action research conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that the Arabic vocabulary of the fifth grade students of SD Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Ds. Waru Jaya Kec. Parung Kab. Bogor Province West Java by using the application of Pictorial Crossword Puzzles to increase significantly. The students are more enthusiastic and focused in carrying out Arabic learning activities
Korelasi Self- Confident dengan Hasil Belajar: Analisis Statistik Hasil Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa SMP al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung – Bogor Isyanto, Nur; Parhan, Parhan; Ikhwan, Subaiki; Sidik, Alan Muhamad Taofik Maulana
Ta'limi | Journal of Arabic Education and Arabic Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Ta'limi
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tlmi.v3i1.91


Pasca pandemic, there are still many students who lack self-confidence in themselves. This lack of self-confidence, among other things, is usually caused by internal or external factors. And there are still student problems where the students are less responsible in lessons. This research was conducted at Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Middle School, Bogor, with the aim of finding out whether there was relationship between self-confidence and the Arabic language learning outcomes of Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Middle School students, Bogor. The method used is a quantitative approach, using correlational techniques. The sample used in this research was a saturated sample using all 59 class VIII G students as research respondents. For data collection, researchers used instruments in the form of questionnaires for variable This is shown by the strength of influence or correlation coefficient of 0.523 at a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05), while the magnitude of the influence or R-square coefficient of determination is 27.35, which means that self-confidence has an influence on learning outcomes. amounting to 27.35% and means the remaining 72.65% is determined by other factors. For the direction of influence or regression coefficient, Ŷ = 42.077 + 0.652.
Problematika Implementasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Kurikulum Merdeka: Studi kasus: Kelas XI di SMA Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor Sidik, Alan Muhamad Taofik Maulana; Isyanto, Nur; Parhan, Parhan; Jalil, Muhammad Abdul`
Ta'limi | Journal of Arabic Education and Arabic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Ta'limi
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tlmi.v3i2.130


This research uses a qualitative approach which discusses the problems that occur at Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor High School in the Problems of Implementing Arabic Language Learning in the Merdeka Curriculum for Class XI. The Merdeka Curriculum is a new curriculum which has been implemented as a refinement of the previous curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum. In its implementation in learning, the Merdeka Curriculum has been developed into a more variable curriculum but still focuses on basic materials, character development and competence in students. As stated in the review, the independent curriculum aims to restore the learning crisis which is getting worse due to the pandemic. Apart from that, it also aims to provide freedom to institutions and teachers to develop and manage curriculum and learning that is adapted to the characteristics of educational units and students. This research took several respondents consisting of school principals, Head of Curriculum, Arabic Language Teachers and several students who were thought to be capable and understood this research. In collecting data, interview techniques, field observations and documentation were used. The results of this research state that there are several problems, namelychanging old thought patterns or habits in teaching, lack of detailed understanding regarding differentiated learning, lack of up-to-date information, students' understanding of the implementation of Independent Curriculum Arabic Language Learning, lack of facilities that support the Independent Curriculum Arabic Language Learning Implementation project, the number of students is very diverse