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Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/bioma.v5i2.11183


Parasitic helminth infection in eel (Anguilla spp.) From the Lindu Lake affects fish health and fish weight. The purpose of this study identified parasitic helminth and zoonosis potential in eels From Lake Lindu. The helminth parasitic examinations were collection of eels, observation, measurement, identification of helminth, and staining nematode and trematode used clove oil and Semichon Acetocarmine. The species of helminth found were Anisakis sp. 44%, Anguillicola sp. 2%, and digenean 23%. The potential zoonotic is Anisakis sp., among other Helminth on eels. Eel consumption must cook because there are Anisakis sp. that have the potential for zoonosis.Keywords: Identification, Helminth Parasitic, Eel
Freshwater Snail as Intermediate Host of Trematode in Water Channels of Palangka Raya City Arif Rahman Jabal; Hairil Akbar; Fidela Amadea Dyna Setyaji; Nathasya Rizkyana Riyadi; Abi Bakring Balyas; Ivan Permana Putra; Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Arini Ratnasari
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi Vol 15, No 1 (2022): AL-KAUNIYAH: JURNAL BIOLOGI
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/kauniyah.v15i1.25957


AbstrakMost of the area of Palangka Raya City consists of peat swamp land that is flooded almost all year round and river flows area. Therefore, there are many species of snails that can be found in rivers and peat swamp water. The existence of snails in peat swamp ecosystems and river flows as an intermediary host for intestinal worms for mammals and humans is essential information for human-environmental health studies. Research on the capability of snails as hosts of Trematodes on peat swamp land and river flows in Palangka Raya City has never been done. Research methods include the collection and identification of snail’s and identification Trematode larvae. We collected 557 snails, and the identification showed the identity of our samples were Ampullariidae: Pila sp., Pomacea sp., Viviparidea: Bellamya sp., and Planorbidae: Indoplanorbis sp. Pila sp. was 35.90%, the most common snail found at the study site compared to Pomacea sp., Bellamya sp., and Indoplanorbis sp.. The results of this study, snail observations confirmed the presence of trematode larvae, namely cercariae and redia. This study is the first information regarding the presence of Trematodes in the snail body at the research area.AbstrakSebagian besar area di Kota Palangka Raya merupakan lahan rawa gambut yang tergenang sepanjang tahun dan daerah aliran sungai. Hal ini membuat potensi keragaman keong yang tinggi di kedua area tersebut. Selain itu, informasi mengenai keberadaan keong sebagai inang dari Trematoda di daerah lahan rawa gambut dan aliran sungai merupakan hal yang penting dalam studi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Penelitian mengenai potensi keong sebagai inang dari Trematoda di lahan gambut dan aliran sungai Kota Palangka Raya belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Metode penelitian meliputi koleksi dan identifikasi dari keong yang ditemukan, serta observasi fase hidup Trematoda dalam tubuh keong. Sebanyak 557 keong berhasil dikoleksi pada penelitian ini. Hasil identifikasi keong menunjukkan keberadaan dari Ampullariidae: Pila sp., Pomacea sp., Viviparidea; Bellamya sp., dan Planorbidae: Indoplanorbis sp. Pila sp. sebesar 35,90% merupakan keong yang paling banyak ditemukan di lokasi penelitian dibandingkan dengan Pomacea sp., Bellamya sp.,  dan Indoplanorbis sp. Hasil observasi keong mengkonfirmasi keberadaan larva Trematoda, yakni  cercariae dan redia. Penelitian ini merupakan informasi pertama mengenai keberadaan Trematoda dalam tubuh keong di lokasi penelitian.
PREVALENSI PROTOZOA PENYEBAB DIARE DI KELURAHAN ANTANG, KOTA MAKASSAR ARIF RAHMAN JABAL; Arini Ratnasari; Nurhikmah Madani Rusli; Nurul Magvira Djazarie; Maya Pebrizha Bara
Jurnal Medika : Karya Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Medika : Karya Ilmiah Kesehatan
Publisher : ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.018 KB) | DOI: 10.35728/jmkik.v5i2.641


Latar Belakang: protozoa menjadi salah satu penyebab diare yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Kasus diare menjadi penyakit terbanyak di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Tujuan: penelitian ini untuk menentukan prevalensi protozoa parasit penyebab diare di Kelurahan Antang. Metode: pengambilan sampel feses dan kuisioner dilakukan di kelurahan. Sampel feses diperiksa di Laboratorium Penyakit Tropis menggunakan metode Natif bantuan larutan lugol. Hasil: karakteristik sampel, usia terbanyak diatas 20 tahun, bekerja, terbanyak pernah mengalami diare, tidak mencuci tangan sebelum makan, minum air tidak dimasak, buang air besar lebih dari tiga kali. Spesies protozoa yang didapatkan Entamoeba hystolitica, Entamoeba coli dan Cryptosporidium parvum. Prevalensi tertinggi penyebab diare yaitu Entamoeba coli sebesar 17,14%. Kesimpulan: Tidak mencuci tangan sebelum makan dan kebiasaan meminum air tanpa dimasak dapat menyebabkan diare.
HUBUNGAN STATUS GIZI DENGAN KECACINGAN PADA SISWA SDN 1 PAHANDUT SEBERANG KOTA PALANGKA RAYA Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Arini Ratnasari; Desi Rahma Maulia; Friska Merilia Dwi Kristiani; Indria Augustina; Arif Rahman Jabal; Ni Nyoman Sri Yuliani
Jurnal Media Analis Kesehatan Vol 14, No 1 (2023): JURNAL MEDIA ANALIS KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Pakassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/mak.v14i1.3254


Parasitic worm infections can affect the concentration of elementary school students in receiving lessons at school. This study aimed to determine the relationship between nutritional status and helminthiasis infecting elementary school children in grades 1-3 at SDN 1 Pahandut Seberang. Examining the presence of worm eggs includes measuring body weight and height, fecal sampling, feces processing using the Kato-Katz method, and identification of worm eggs. The results of this study are the highest characteristics of elementary school children, namely those with poor nutritional status. The distribution of parasitic worm species found were Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura. The highest prevalence of parasitic worms, namely Ascaris lumbricoides, was 71.7%. The intensity of worms most commonly found was Ascaris lumbricoides at 57.8%. The nutritional status of elementary school children with an undernutrition status of 36.0% is closely related to the prevalence and intensity of worms at SDN 1 Pahandut Seberang.
EDUKASI PENGENDALIAN NYAMUK SEBAGAI VEKTOR PENYAKIT KEPADA SISWA SMAN 2 PALANGKA RAYA Arif Rahman Jabal; Hairil Akbar; Galih Indra Permana; Hanasia; Fidela Amadea Dyna Setyaji; M. Yusuf Ilham Kurniawan; Muhammad Riza Darmawan; Arini Ratnasari
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Juli 2023
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v7i3.20789


Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes always cause serious health problems in people. The problems it causes are getting wider because mosquito-borne diseases can increase from time to time. Reducing dengue cases in Palangka Raya City requires everyone's attention, including the role of high school students in helping control both at home, school and in the environment. Students' knowledge is low on the potential for mosquitoes to transmit diseases to humans, so education is needed for students to improve their understanding of mosquito control as a vector of disease. The purpose of this activity is that students can understand how to control mosquitoes to prevent the spread of disease. The success of this activity requires partners, namely SMAN 2 Palangka Raya which is one of the efforts to drive mosquito control at home, school and environment. The method used is morphological education of mosquito larvae, adult mosquitoes, and integrated control methods and therapy for mosquito-transmitted diseases. The knowledge of SMAN 2 students in controlling disease-carrying vectors can be judged successful by increasing students' understanding.  ---  Penyakit yang ditularkan nyamuk selalu membuat permasalahan kesehatan yang sangat serius dalam masyarakat. Permasalahan yang dapat ditimbulkannya semakin menjadi meluas dan serius karena penyaklit tersebut selalu meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Menurunkan kasus DBD di Kota Palangka Raya maka perlu perhatian semua orang termasuk peran Siswa SMA dalam membantu pengandalian baik di rumah, sekolah ataupun di lingkungan. Kurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap potensi nyamuk menularkan penyakit pada manusia maka diperlukan edukasi kepada siswa untuk peningkatan pemahaman pengendalian nyamuk sebagai vektor penyakit. Tujuan kegiatan ini siswa dapat memahami cara mengendaikan nyamuk untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit. Mensukseskan kegiatan ini perlu mitra yaitu SMAN 2 Palangka Raya sebagai upaya penggerak pengendalian nyamuk di Rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu edukasi morfologi larva nyamuk, nyamuk dewasa dan cara pengendalian secara terpadu serta terapi penyakit yang ditransmisikan nyamuk. Pengetahuan siswa SMAN 2 dalam upaya pengendalian vektor pembawa penyakit dapat dinilai berhasil dengan adanya peningkatan pemahaman siswa.
Barigas: Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Barigas: Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya

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Hypertension is a serious problem in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) and the occurrence of hypertension at the age of 20-60 years in the Pahandut Public Health Center, Palangka Raya. In this research is an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional study design. The sample in this study was 110 respondents who came from the society in the working area of ​​the Pahandut Health Center. The sampling technique used systematic random sampling. The data obtained came from a questionnaire and was tested for chi square using analysis through the SPSS application.  The results in this study showed that the respondents GERMAS behavior was in the less category (60%) and with a history of hypertension (54.5%). The value means that there is a relationship between GERMAS behavior and the occurrence of hypertension (p = 0.003). There is a relationship between GERMAS behavior and the occurrence of hypertension at the age of 20-60 years in the working area of ​​the Pahandut Public Health Center, Palangka Raya City.
Hubungan Usia, Pendidikan dan Pengetahuan dengan Kepatuhan Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan COVID-19 Masyarakat di Puskesmas Menteng Greis Febiany Talent; Syamsul Arifin; Arini Ratnasari
Barigas: Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Barigas: Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV - 2). COVID-19 was first reported in the city of Wuhan, and in March 2020 the WHO officially designated COVID-19 as a pandemic. The government's efforts in breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 are by urging the public to implement health protocols. The health protocol in question is to apply 3M, namely using a mask, cleaning hands regularly using soap or antiseptic liquid, and maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there is a relationship between age, education, and knowledge with compliance with the implementation of community COVID-19 health protocols at Menteng Health Centers. This study is an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. Sampling using Lemeshow formula, with the number of respondents as many as 100 respondents. The Data used in this study is primary data, taken using a questionnaire instrument and data analysis using Chi Square test. Showed that there was a relationship between age p = 0.001 (p < 0.05), education p = 0.001 (p < 0.05) and knowledge p = 0.001 (p < 0.05) and compliance with the implementation of COVID-19 health protocols at Menteng Health Centers. There is a relationship between age, education and knowledge with compliance with the implementation of community COVID-19 health protocols at Menteng Health Centers.
Edukasi dan Pemeriksaan Kecacingan Arif Rahman Jabal; Indria Augustina; Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Arini Ratnasari
CARADDE: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Ilin Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31960/caradde.v6i1.1926


Infeksi cacing parasit dapat mempengaruhi konsentrasi siswa sekolah dasar dalam menerima pelajaran di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi cacing parasit yang menginfeksi siswa SDN 2 Kereng Bangkirai di Kota Palangka Raya. Spesies cacing yang ditemukan cacing Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermucularis, dan Trichostrongylus orientali. Adapun solusi pertama adalah memberikan edukasi pencegahan kecacingan kepada siswa kelas 1-3. Luaran dari kegiatan ini memberikan pelatihan dalam bentuk materi dan diskusi. Kedua, memberikan edukasi mengenai jenis cacing dan siklus hidup parasit pada anak sekolah dasar kelas 1-3. Luaran kegiatan yaitu materi berupa video. Ketiga, melakukan pemeriksaan feses siswa kelas 1-3. Luaran yaitu mendeteksi telur cacing pada feses siswa. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah edukasi kecacingan pada kelas 1-3. Terdapat siswa yang terinfeksi kecacingan sebesar 35% dan siswa kelas 3 yang terbanyak terInfeksi kecacingan. Jenis cacing terbanyak menginfeksi siswa yaitu Toxocara sp. sebesar 79,4%.
CHARACTERISTICS OF ANOPHELES BREEDING PLACES IN DAHIAN TAMBUK VILLAGE, GUNUNG MAS DISTRICT, CENTRAL KALIMANTAN Mouldy Tasya Zahrawana; Dian Mutiasari; Arini Ratnasari; Arif Rahman Jabal; Nopta Triawan; M. Yusuf Ilham Kurniawan; Marchelia Djajanto; Mila Karmila
Journal of Vocational Health Studies Vol. 7 No. 3 (2024): March 2024 | JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL HEALTH STUDIES
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jvhs.V7.I3.2024.161-165


Background: Malaria cases in Dahian Tambuk Village have been ranked first for four consecutive years in Gunung Mas District. Purpose: This study aims to describe the physical and chemical characteristics of Anopheles breeding places in Dahian Tambuk Village, Gunung Mas District. Method: It is a descriptive study using a survey method. The characteristics studied were Anopheles species, number, temperature, salinity, breeding sites, and density of larvae found in each breeding site. Result: Seven breeding places were found positive to contain Anopheles larvae, consisting of puddles, fish ponds, and sewers. The sewer was predominantly found. Physical characteristics of water showed a temperature ranging from 29.9 0C - 35 0C, pH levels between 5.35 - 6, and a salinity of 0 ppt, with a density level of 9 larvae/2 dippers. The species of Anopheles larvae found in all breeding sites was identified as Anopheles kochi. Conclusion: Seven breeding sites found in the studied area consisted of puddles, fish ponds, and sewers, with physical characteristics that qualify for Anopheles larvae in general An. kochi was the only species of larvae found in all breeding sites.
DISTRIBUSI GEOGRAFIS Anopheles spp DI PALANGKA RAYA Indria Augustina; Arini Ratnasari; Mila Karmila; Ratna Widayati; Grandiano Escool Tarigan; Ryan Ferdinand Sitohang; Arif Jabal
BIOMA : JURNAL BIOLOGI MAKASSAR Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Bioma : Juli - Desember 2024
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University

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Potensi vektor malaria di Palangka Raya perlu diperhatikan mengenai habitat alami Anopheles sp. Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius di Indonesia. Kasus malaria pernah terlaporkan di Kota Palangka Raya tepatnya di Kecamatan Bukit Batu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis distribusi  geografis nyamuk Anopheles spp. di Kota Palangka Raya. Total Anopheles sp. yang ditemukan di Palangka Raya sebesar 141 dari  dua spesies nyamuk An. barbirotris, dan An. Vagus. Spesies Anopheles sp yang ditemukan di Kota Palangka Raya yaitu An. vagus dan An. barbirostris. yang hanya tersebar di Kelurahan Tangkiling dan Tumbang Rungan. Metode animal bait trap paling efektif menangkap nyamuk An. vagus dan An. barbirostris dibandingkan metode lain. Sebaran Anopheles di Kota Palangka Raya hanya cocok di dua lokasi tersebut. Kata kunci :  Distribusi, geografis, Anopheles