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Literatur Review: Hubungan Model Hewan Coba (Faktor Jenis Kelamin dan Hormon) pada Sensitivitas Induksi Streptozotocin sebagai Agen Diabetogenik Egi Claudia Pratiwi; Elsa Trinovita; Agnes Immanuela Toemon
Jurnal Surya Medika (JSM) Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Surya Medika (JSM)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/jsm.v7i2.2646


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease that global concern and characterized by hyperglycemia. Tests for antidiabetic agents, either discovering new drugs or antidiabetic components, have been developed using experimental animals induced with the diabetogenic agent streptozotocin. The side effects of streptozotocin were reported lower than alloxan. The sensitivity of streptozotocin induction can be relied on by several factors such as sex and hormones—the difference in results in several studies regarding the relationship between streptozotocin induction sensitivity with gender. The research method is a literature review using a systematic approach. Articles are collected through search engines like NCBI, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate by entering keywords. Based on the results of data synthesis on the relationship between streptozotocin induction sensitivity and the sex of the experimental animal, it was found that fifteen articles were related and three articles were not. Sex has a relationship with streptozotocin induction's sensitivity through the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.661 KB) | DOI: 10.37304/jkupr.v7i2.587


Infeksi protozoa masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia, terutama Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium sp dan Cyclospora cayetanensis. Diperlukan pemeriksaan laboratorium yang tepat untuk mendiagnosis infeksi protozoa pada usus. Pemeriksaan mikroskop konvensional dan melalui pewarnaan merupakan metode paling umum dilakukan di laboratorium. Metode lainya adalah pemeriksaan serologi dan molekular. Masing-masing memiliki keuntungan dan keterbatasan dalam pelaksanaannya. Dalam tulisan ini akan disampaikan perbandingan beberapa metode untuk mendiagnosis infeksi masing-masing agen protozoa tersebut sebagai pertimbangan saat pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mendiagnosis infeksi protozoa usus.  
Freshwater Snail as Intermediate Host of Trematode in Water Channels of Palangka Raya City Arif Rahman Jabal; Hairil Akbar; Fidela Amadea Dyna Setyaji; Nathasya Rizkyana Riyadi; Abi Bakring Balyas; Ivan Permana Putra; Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Arini Ratnasari
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi Vol 15, No 1 (2022): AL-KAUNIYAH: JURNAL BIOLOGI
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/kauniyah.v15i1.25957


AbstrakMost of the area of Palangka Raya City consists of peat swamp land that is flooded almost all year round and river flows area. Therefore, there are many species of snails that can be found in rivers and peat swamp water. The existence of snails in peat swamp ecosystems and river flows as an intermediary host for intestinal worms for mammals and humans is essential information for human-environmental health studies. Research on the capability of snails as hosts of Trematodes on peat swamp land and river flows in Palangka Raya City has never been done. Research methods include the collection and identification of snail’s and identification Trematode larvae. We collected 557 snails, and the identification showed the identity of our samples were Ampullariidae: Pila sp., Pomacea sp., Viviparidea: Bellamya sp., and Planorbidae: Indoplanorbis sp. Pila sp. was 35.90%, the most common snail found at the study site compared to Pomacea sp., Bellamya sp., and Indoplanorbis sp.. The results of this study, snail observations confirmed the presence of trematode larvae, namely cercariae and redia. This study is the first information regarding the presence of Trematodes in the snail body at the research area.AbstrakSebagian besar area di Kota Palangka Raya merupakan lahan rawa gambut yang tergenang sepanjang tahun dan daerah aliran sungai. Hal ini membuat potensi keragaman keong yang tinggi di kedua area tersebut. Selain itu, informasi mengenai keberadaan keong sebagai inang dari Trematoda di daerah lahan rawa gambut dan aliran sungai merupakan hal yang penting dalam studi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Penelitian mengenai potensi keong sebagai inang dari Trematoda di lahan gambut dan aliran sungai Kota Palangka Raya belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Metode penelitian meliputi koleksi dan identifikasi dari keong yang ditemukan, serta observasi fase hidup Trematoda dalam tubuh keong. Sebanyak 557 keong berhasil dikoleksi pada penelitian ini. Hasil identifikasi keong menunjukkan keberadaan dari Ampullariidae: Pila sp., Pomacea sp., Viviparidea; Bellamya sp., dan Planorbidae: Indoplanorbis sp. Pila sp. sebesar 35,90% merupakan keong yang paling banyak ditemukan di lokasi penelitian dibandingkan dengan Pomacea sp., Bellamya sp.,  dan Indoplanorbis sp. Hasil observasi keong mengkonfirmasi keberadaan larva Trematoda, yakni  cercariae dan redia. Penelitian ini merupakan informasi pertama mengenai keberadaan Trematoda dalam tubuh keong di lokasi penelitian.
Pengunaan Bilik Swab Pencegah Risiko Penularan Penyakit Infeksius di RS TNI AD Palangka Raya Ervi Audina Munthe; Silvani Permatasari; Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Lia Sasmithae
Jurnal Pengabdian Kampus Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Kampus
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.979 KB) | DOI: 10.52850/jpmupr.v7i2.1967


WHO merekomendasikan pengambilan spesimen untuk diagnosis COVID-19 pada dua lokasi, yaitu dari saluran napas atas (swab nasofaring atau orofaring) atau saluran napas bawah [sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, atau aspirat endotrakeal]. Tenaga medis harus memperhatikan keselamatan kerja dengan menggunakan APD (alat pelindung diri) yang tepat karena adanya kontak langsung dengan pasien terduga COVID-19 ketika mengambil sampel yang berisiko tinggi terinfeksi. Kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia meningkat setiap hari dan harga APD melambung tinggi dan terjadi kelangkaan. Mencermati kejadian tersebut maka sebagai wujud implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, dosen UPR mengambil peran aktif dalam pengabdian masyarakat melalui program dosen pendukung SDM unggul untuk memberikan bilik swab dalam melindungi tenaga medis dari penyebaran infeksi secara langsung. Target dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah RS TNI-AD Palangka Raya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode serah-terima alat dan demonstrasi pemakaian sebagai solusi kepada mitra yaitu RS TNI-AD Palangka Raya. Kesimpulan dari program pengabdian ini dengan adanya pemanfaatan bilik swab di RS dapat meminimalisir paparan penyebaran infeksi secara langsung ke tenaga medis serta sebagai alternatif saat krisis kelangkaan APD level 3
LITERATUR REVIEW: PERAN CENDAWAN NEMATOFAGUS TERHADAP NEMATODA PARASIT Nurul Hikmah Erwin; Dewi Klarita Furtuna; Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Arif Rahman Jabal
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37304/jkupr.v10i2.5634


Nematofagus is a soil fungus that can reduce nematode worms and act as a biocontrol. This study aims to determine the type of nematofagus fungus that can reduce parasitic nematodes through a systematic review. The data sources in this study were obtained from google scholar, and NCBI. The results obtained were seven articles stating that the fungus Duddingtonia flagrans was able to kill nematode worms at stage L3, and three journals showed the fungus Pochonia Chlamydosporia could control nematode parasitic worm larvae. Next was the fungus Chysosporium spp, the fungus Trichoderma spp, and Purpureocillium lilacinum. Various types of nematofagus-reduced nematode parasites were Duddingtonia flagrans and Pochonia Chlamydosporia. Fungi have a role that is considered effective in reducing and controlling nematode parasites and can be used as biocontrol.
Relationship between Family History, Age, Obesity and Smoking Habit with Hypertension Occurrence at Public Health Center Region Pahandut Muhammad Syahibuddin Rifa’i; Ravenalla Abdurrahman Al Hakim Sampurna; Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Trilianty Lestarisa; Austin Carmelita Bertilova
Berkala Kedokteran Vol 18, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v18i2.14497


Hypertension is cardiovascular disease that affected 22% people in the total world population. In Indonesia hypertension prevalence according to riskesdas 2018 reaches 34,11%. Hypertension occurs insperable from its risk factor. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between family history, age, obesity, and smoking habits with the occurrence of hypertension in the region of the Public health center, Pahandut. in 2022. This research method uses a cross-sectional approach, with large of 100 samples and use purposive sampling thecnique. Data Analyzed using Chi-square test. The results of the bivariate analysis obtained variables related to the occurrence of hypertension are family history (p-value= 0,000), age (p-value= 0,000), obesity (p-value= 0,048) and smoking habit (p-value= 0,001). This study concludes that there is a relationship between family history, age, obesity, and smoking habits with the occurrence of hypertension in the region of the Public health center, Pahandut. in 2022
The harada-mori technique: Revisited Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Handinata Indrawan; Sem Samuel Surja
JKKI : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia JKKI, Vol 13, No 2, (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/JKKI.Vol13.Iss2.art11


More sensitive diagnostic methods for detecting worms’ eggs are needed in areas with low soil-transmitted helminth (STH) prevalence. The Harada-Mori technique was first introduced by Mr. Harada and Mr. Mori. This technique is easy, simple, and does not require sophisticated equipment. The Harada-Mori technique is based on larvae tropism nature in the water to concentrate the larvae of hookworms and Strongyloides stercoralis. Since its first application in 1955, this technique has undergone several modifications. The Harada-Mori could complement the Kato-Katz technique for faeces examination in areas with low STH infection intensity.
Identification and Resistance Testing of Bacteria Causing Nosocomial Infections in Surgery Inpatient Rooms Grandiano Escool Tarigan; Nawan Nawan; Agnes Immanuela Toemon
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v17i1.6875


Background: Nosocomial infections are the most common infections that occur when patients are under medical care in hospitals. The most common pathogenic bacteria that cause nosocomial infections are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp, and Klebsiella pneumonia. One of the factors causing a nosocomial infection is the environment. The spread of nosocomial infections in dr. Doris Sylvanus can occur in the surgical ward environment. Therefore, it is necessary to study and know the identification of bacteria and knowing the pattern of antibiotic resistance of bacteria that cause nosocomial infections in the surgical inpatient ward of dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital. Methods: This type of research used an observational method with a descriptive approach. The research at dr Doris Sylvanus Hospital. The population is dahlia room which consisted of floors, sheets, patient beds, tables, and door handles. Results: Bacterial identification was Staphylococcus aureus at 13.4% and Staphylococcus non-coagulase at 10%, also found Gram-negative bacteria suspected Salmonella sp. 3.3% and other bacteria at 73.3% The results of the Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole antibiotic resistance test on S. aureus bacteria had a sensitivity of 50% and Oxacillin had a sensitivity of 75%, while the Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance test results on S. non-coagulase bacteria had a sensitivity of 66.7% and Oxacillin had a sensitivity of 100%. Conclusion: The Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole antibiotic resistance test on S. aureus bacteria has moderate sensitivity and the Oxacillin antibiotic has a fairly high sensitivity while on S. non-coagulase bacteria have a fairly high sensitivity and oxacillin antibiotics have high sensitivity.
HUBUNGAN STATUS GIZI DENGAN KECACINGAN PADA SISWA SDN 1 PAHANDUT SEBERANG KOTA PALANGKA RAYA Agnes Immanuela Toemon; Arini Ratnasari; Desi Rahma Maulia; Friska Merilia Dwi Kristiani; Indria Augustina; Arif Rahman Jabal; Ni Nyoman Sri Yuliani
Jurnal Media Analis Kesehatan Vol 14, No 1 (2023): JURNAL MEDIA ANALIS KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Pakassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/mak.v14i1.3254


Parasitic worm infections can affect the concentration of elementary school students in receiving lessons at school. This study aimed to determine the relationship between nutritional status and helminthiasis infecting elementary school children in grades 1-3 at SDN 1 Pahandut Seberang. Examining the presence of worm eggs includes measuring body weight and height, fecal sampling, feces processing using the Kato-Katz method, and identification of worm eggs. The results of this study are the highest characteristics of elementary school children, namely those with poor nutritional status. The distribution of parasitic worm species found were Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura. The highest prevalence of parasitic worms, namely Ascaris lumbricoides, was 71.7%. The intensity of worms most commonly found was Ascaris lumbricoides at 57.8%. The nutritional status of elementary school children with an undernutrition status of 36.0% is closely related to the prevalence and intensity of worms at SDN 1 Pahandut Seberang.
Jurnal Endurance Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v8i2.2119


Latar Belakang: Sungai Kahayan sampai saat ini sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat tepian sungai sebagai MCK dan sumber air minum. Kualitas Sungai Kahayan semakin memburuk karena maraknya aktivitas penduduk yang membuang limbah langsung ke sungai, seperti aktivitas penambangan emas yang mencemari air. Standar kualitas air minum tersebut maka harus diproses dan diolah dengan cara direbus, karena metodenya yang mudah dilakukan dan sudah diterapkan masyarakat sejak lama, dan jika mengacu pada teori, air yang direbus akan mematikan kuman patogen khususnya Escherichia coli yang merupakan penyebab penyakit diare. Pada E. coli yang resisten terhadap merkuri diduga akan mempengaruhi pada proses perebusannya sehingga jika bakteri patogen belum mati maka akan sangat berdampak bagi kesehatan. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui kualitas air Sungai Kahayan di Desa Tambak Kecamatan Banama Tingang, Pulang Pisau Metode : Penelitian deskriptif untuk melihat kualitas air Sungai Kahayan berdasarkan nilai MPN Coliform, Coliform fecal, dan koloni bakteri Escherichia coli. Hasil : Sampel menunjukan nilai MPN Coliform = 17953 sel/100ml, Coliform fecal = 13228 sel/100ml, dan Uji Penguat sampel Y1,X2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3 positif E. coli, dan sampel X1,Z1,Y2 negatif E. coli namun ditumbuhi bakteri lain. Setelah sampel dilakukan proses perebusan pada suhu 700 C dan 1000C lalu diuji kembali pada medium EMBA, semua sampel menunjukkan hasil yang negatif. Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh perebusan terhadap bakteri E. coli pada air Sungai Kahayan di Desa Tambak Kecamatan Banama Tingang, Pulang Pisau. Proses perebusan terbukti dapat dapat membunuh bakteri patogen yang terdapat pada air. Kondisi fisik dan kimia pada air Sungai Kahayan di Desa Tambak Kecamatan Banama Tingang, Pulang Pisau tidak memenuhi standar keseluruhan parameter wajib berdasarkan Persyaratan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 82 Tahun 2001.