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Variabilitas, Heritabilitas, dan Hasil Padi Gogo F3 Persilangan Kultivar Lokal Aceh x Ciherang Yenni Marnita; Ainul Mardiyah; Muhammad Syahril
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy Vol. 49 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesia Society of Agronomy (PERAGI) and Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (638.616 KB) | DOI: 10.24831/jai.v49i2.34329


Peningkatan luas lahan terdampak kekeringan akibat perubahan iklim menuntut pemulia untuk merakit varietas padi yang adaptif pada kekeringan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi heritabilitas populasi famili F3 hasil persilangan kultivar Sileso (tetua berdaya hasil tinggi toleran kering) dengan varietas Ciherang (tetua berumur genjah) dan untuk mendapatkan genotipe yang berdaya hasil tinggi berumur genjah. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menanam populasi F3, resiprokalnya, dan tetua. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Samudra, Langsa, Aceh, mulai Agustus sampai Desember 2020. Nilai heritabilitas tinggi pada karakter hasil pertanaman dan umur panen hanya diperoleh pada famili A1B dan A2B. Populasi A1B memiliki nilai heritabilitas hasil per tanaman sebesar 0.61 dan umur panen sebesar 0.85. Populasi A2B memiliki nilai heritabilitas hasil per tanaman sebesar 0.68 dan umur panen sebesar 0.63. Hasil seleksi diperoleh 11 genotipe dengan hasil tinggi berumur genjah yaitu: A3B(13), A1B(25), A1B(201), A1B(208), A1B(282), A1B(297), A1B(303), A2B(38), A2B(221), A2B(358), dan A2B(424) dengan rata-rata hasil per tanaman 90.67 g dan umur panen 117 hari setelah tanam. Kata kunci: resiprokal, toleran kering, umur genjah
Adaptasi waktu pencahayaan sebagai strategi peningkatan pertumbuhan ikan bawal air tawar (Colossoma macropomum) Suri Purnama Febri; Antoni Antoni; Riza Rasuldi; Agustinus Sinaga; Teuku Fadlon Haser; Muhammad Syahril; Suraiya Nazlia
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 7: No. 2 (October, 2020)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v7i2.2509


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan ikan bawal yang diberi perlakuan cahaya pada malam hari. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Pada setiap perlakuan dengan waktu pencahayaan selama P1=12 jam, P2=16 jam, P3=20 jam, dan P4=24 jam. Hasil dari perlakuan tersebut berpengaruh nyata terhadap laju pertumbuhan, bobot mutlak, panjang mutlak, dan rasio konversi pakan (FCR). Sedangkan pada sintasan tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Laju pertumbuhan harian tertinggi terdapat pada P4 sebesar 5,30%, sedangkan laju pertumbuhan yang terendah terdapat pada P1 sebesar 4,47%. Berat mutlak tertinggi didapat pada P4 sebesar 25,40 gr, sedangkan berat mutlak terendah pada P1 sebesar 17,91 gr. Selanjutnya pada parameter panjang mutlak yang tertinggi juga pada P4 sebesar 4,66 cm, sedangkan yang terendah pada perlakuan P1 sebesar 3,66 cm. Pada rasio konversi pakan memiliki nilai tertinggi pada P1 sebesar 1,69±0,02  dan  terendah pada P2 sebesar 1,45±0,12. Dari hasil perekayasaan dengan waktu pencahayaan pada lingkungan budidaya, semakin lama waktu pencahayaan yang diberikan maka pertumbuhan yang dihasilkan memiliki kategori semakin baik.Kata kunci: ikan bawal; lampu pijar; pertumbuhan; rekayasa cahayaAbstractThis study aims to determine the growth rate of pomfret, which is treated with light at night. The method used in this study is an experimental method with 4 treatments and 3 replications. At each treatment with lighting times for P1 = 12 hours, P2 = 16 hours, P3 = 20 hours, and P4 = 24 hours. The results of these treatments significantly influence the growth rate, absolute weight, absolute length, and feed conversion ratio (FCR), whereas the survival does not have a significant difference. The highest daily growth rate is in P4 of 5.30%, while the lowest growth rate is at P1 of 4.47%. The highest total weight in P4 of 25,40 gr, while the lowest total weight at P1 is 17.91 gr. Furthermore, the highest absolute parameter is P4 of 4.66 cm, while the lowest in the first step is 3.66 cm. The feed conversion ratio has the highest value at P1 at 1.69 ± 0.02 and the lowest at P2 at 1.45 ± 0.12. From the results of engineering with the lighting time in the aquaculture environment, the longer the lighting time is given, the better the resulting growth has been.Keywords: pomfret; incandescent bulbs; growth; light modification
Keragaan dan Produksi Padi Gogo Lokal Aceh Kultivar Sileso Generasi M1 Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Ainul Mardiyah; Yenni Marnita; Muhammad Syahril
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi Vol 17, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/jair.2021.17.1.6231


Peningkatan keragaman dengan teknik mutasi melalui iradiasi sinar gamma merupakan salah satu metode dalam program pemuliaan tanaman. Penggunaan iradiasi sinar gamma telah banyak terbukti sebagai metode yang berhasil dalam upaya perakitan varietas. Perubahan keragaan dan produksi padi hasil iradiasi sinar gamma perlu diidentifikasi sebagai akibat dari mutasi yang bersifat acak pada genetik tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keragaan karakter morfologi dan produksi padi gogo lokal Aceh kultivar Sileso hasil iradiasi sinar gamma pada dosis iradiasi 100-400 Gy. Penelitian disusun dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktor tunggal dengan 5 ulangan menggunakan jarak tanam 30 cm x 30 cm dengan satu benih per lubang tanam. Faktor yang diteliti adalah mutan hasil iradiasi sinar gamma generasi M-1 yang terdiri atas 5 taraf, yaitu: 0, 100, 200, 300, dan 400 Gy. Masing-masing individu diamati karakter: tinggi tanaman (cm), panjang daun (cm), lebar daun (cm), panjang daun bendera (cm), kelengkungan daun, jumlah anakan (batang), umur berbunga (hari setelah tanam), jumlah anakan produktif (batang),  umur panen (hari setelah tanam), panjang malai (cm),  jumlah gabah total per malai  (butir.malai-1), persentase gabah hampa per malai (%),  dan produksi gabah per rumpun (g). Data yang diperoleh dianalis dengan menggunakan uji F pada taraf kepercayaan 95% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada α=5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan tinggi tanaman dan lebar daun akibat perlakuan iradiasi tetapi tidak terjadi perubahan pada panjang daun, panjang daun bendera, dan kelengkungan daun. Terjadi penurunan umur berbunga dan umur panen akibat perlakuan iradiasi 200, 300, dan 400 Gy dari berumur dalam menjadi berumur sedang. Padi kultivar Sileso menunjukkan peningkatan produksi pada dosis iradiasi 100, 200, dan 300 Gy dan mengalami penurunan produksi pada dosis iradiasi 400 Gy.
Jurnal Ilmiah Samudra Akuatika Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Samudra Akuatika
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/jisa.v5i1.3547


Freshwater crayfish (Cerax quadricarinatus) is a type of shrimp that is widely cultivated in Indonesia and other countries such as Australia, America and England. The high selling price of freshwater crayfish itself is still not comparable to the length of maintenance that takes 6-12 months for lobsters of 50-150 grams / head, and a high mortality rate of up to 30%. The aim of this research is to determine the survival and growth in freshwater crayfish through different shelter treatments. The method used in this study was the CRD method (completely randomized design) with 4 lecturers and 3 replications. In treatment 1 with Paralon pipe shelter, treatment 2 with coconut leaf shelter, treatment 3 with rooster rock shelter and treatment 4 with synthetic grass shelter. The results of the treatment had no significant effect on survival, moulting percentage, absolute weight growth and absolute length growth. There are 3 treatments with a percentage value of 100%, namely the S1, S2, S3 treatment and the lowest in the S4 treatment with a value of 95.83%, the highest moulting percentage is in the S1 treatment which is 0.38% and the lowest is in the S3 treatment which is 0.17 %. The highest absolute weight growth was found in S1 treatment, namely 3.11 gr and the lowest growth in S3 treatment, namely 1.19 gr. The absolute length growth shows the highest result is obtained at S1, namely 0.14 cm, while the lowest absolute length growth is found in S3, namely 0.06 cm.
Identification and Prevalence Ectoparacite of Orange-spotted Grouper (Epinephelus Coioides) on Floating Net Cages in Kuala Langsa: Identifikasi dan Prevalensi Ektoparasit Ikan Kerapu Lumpur (Epinephelus Coioides) Pada Keramba Jaring Apung Di Kuala Langsa Asha Annur; Suri Purnama Febri; Muhammad Syahril
Tropical Fisheries Management Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management
Publisher : Departement of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jppt.v5i1.34544


Ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus tauvina) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan laut yang bernilai ekonomis serta dapat dikembangkan menjadi komoditas budidaya yang menjanjikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis parasit dan tingkat prevalensi ektoparasit pada ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus tauvina) pada keramba jaring apung (KJA) di Kuala Langsa. Metode penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode survei. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling, berjumlah 20 ekor ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus tauvina) yang memiliki ukuran 20-25cm dan diamati di Laboratorium Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Samudra. Organ tubuh ikan diamati meliputi semua bagian sirip, lendir, insang, lalu identifikasi menggunakan cara metode mikroskopis dan makroskopis. Hasil yang diperoleh, ektoparasit yang menginfeksi ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus tauvina) hanya satu spesies dari genus Dactylogyrus yang banyak ditemukan pada KJA di Kuala Langsa. Ektoparasit ini ditemukan pada lamella insang ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus tauvina), dengan sampel keseluruhan tingkat prevalensi pada 50% dan tingkat serangannya tergolong dalam sangat sering.
PELATIHAN BUDIDAYA SORGUM UNTUK PAKAN TERNAK SAPI Dolly Sojuangan Siregar; Muhammad Syahril; Hanisah
Global Science Society Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyaraka
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sorghum plants are used as raw materials for various industries including animal feed. In Indonesia, the use of sorghum plants is more directed as animal feed. With the ability to grow in various places, sorghum plants (Sorghum bicolor L.) have the opportunity to be developed on nonproductive land such as in the village of Sarah Teubee. Sara Teubee village with an area of ​​32 ha of rain-fed rice fields will be potential to develop sorghum plants. In this case, the Faculty of Agriculture, Samudra University has a moral responsibility to overcome these problems as well as efforts to develop sorghum plants, especially in the region of East Aceh, Langsa City and Aceh Tamiang. The effort to introduce the sorghum plant is done through community service (PKM) funded by LPPM and PM Universitas Samudra. Community service activities have been carried out in Sara Teubee, Rantau Selamat District, East Aceh District. Community service activities include planting location surveys, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), sorghum planting training, and how to make cattle feed from sorghum plants. The output of this study is the farmer group as an indicator of understanding about sorghum cultivation techniques and using sorghum plants as animal feed. In addition, other outcomes of this service are publications in print media and scientific journals of service.
Global Science Society Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/gss.v3i1.3056


In the midst of the Covid-19 virus attack, agriculture must be a source of strength and savior for the nation. The use of yard land or the so-called Sustainable Food Home Area /”Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) in providing food and micro-nutrition needs for the family is important, it needs to be managed properly and preserved so that it can increase family economic income. KRPL is very strategic not only to meet the food and nutritional needs of the family, but also to increase household income especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as has happened in the last few months. The community service was carried out together with the Ceumpaka Keumang Gampong Alue Pineung Women Farmers Group (KWT), Langsa Timur District, Langsa City, which is one of the areas affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The entire Community Service Program which is planned to be implemented with a pattern of education and training as well as assistance which includes: 1) implementing nursery development activities to accelerate strengthening of food reserves in the village, 2) developing group demonstration plots, 3) developing new member yards 4) coordinating with the Langsa City Agricultural Service, the East Langsa District Agricultural Extension Center and the Village Head in order to continue and develop post-community service activities. The results of this dedication provide increased knowledge of partners, have a nursery with the concept of plant diversification, have a wider group demonstration plot, increase the use of yards for new members and increase food availability during the Covid-19 pandemic and of course increase the income of group members.
Global Science Society Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/gss.v3i1.3233


Soil salinity due to the accumulation of NaCl salts is the cause of the largest land damage in the world. The build-up of NaCL salts on the ground can be caused by sea water intrusion. As a result, many saline lands are scattered around the Indonesian lotus line, including Langsa city, especially Sungai Lueng Village. Soil salinity can disrupt plant growth so that production is low, including rice. The results showed that the farmers planted Ciherang varieties with productivity ranging from 4-5 tonnes / ha. Precise handling through application of technology to reduce the effects of salinity. The use of Na-metal washing technology as a source of toxicity for rice plants can be done by utilizing rainwater whose effectiveness is increased by adding gypsum. In addition to Na leaching, the use of Banyuasin salinity tolerant varieties will also be carried out. Through this PKM, it is hoped that the saline land in Langsa City can be utilized optimally and specifically rice production in Sungai Lueng village can increase to support food sovereignty.
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 3 No 2: Juli 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v3i2.1746


This study was to determine the variability and heritability of upland rice cultivar yellow make-up and to be able to produce early maturity and high yield results from various doses of gamma ray irradiation. The research was carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Samudra University, Langsa City, Aceh Province which took place from July to November 2020. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RBD) with treatment of mutant-1 seed generation of upland rice cultivars of yellow make-up cultivar resulting from various doses of gamma irradiation, namely 0 gray, 100 gray, 200 gray, 300 gray and 400 gray. Parameters observed included plant height (cm), leaf length (cm), number of tillers (stems), number of productive tillers (stems), length of flag leaves (cm), width of flag leaves (cm), age of panicle exit (days). , the number of grain contains per panicle (grain), the number of empty grain per panicle (grain), the grain production per plant (grams) and the weight of 100 grains (gram). The results showed that the generation of mutant seeds-1 upland rice cultivar yellow make-up resulted from various doses of gamma ray irradiation had a significant effect on the parameters of panicle discharge age, number of filled grains per panicle, number of empty grains per panicle, grain production per plant and weight of 100 grains. The best results were obtained at a dose of 200 grays from the results of gamma ray irradiation. The wide genotypic variability and high heritability values ​​were found in the characters of the number of tillers, age of panicle exit, number of filled grains per panicle, number of empty grains per panicle, grain production per plant and weight of 100 grains.
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Mentimun di Tanah Salin Pada Beberapa Jenis dan Dosis Pupuk Kandang Muhammad Syahril; Cut Mulyani; Yenni Agustina
Jurnal Penelitian Agrosamudra Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Penelitian Agrosamudra
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (85.114 KB) | DOI: 10.33059/jupas.v6i1.1506


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan hasil mentimun di tanah salin pada beberapa jenis dan dosis pupuk kandang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada lahan salin di Desa Kuala Peudawa Puntong Kecamatan Idi Rayeuk Kabupaten Aceh Timur dengan ketinggian tempat 2 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl). Waktu penelitian dimulai dari bulan Januari sampai bulan Maret 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu: faktor jenis pupuk kandang (J), yang terdiri dari 3 jenis yaitu : J1 = Pupuk Kandang Ayam; J2 = Pupuk Kandang Kambing; J3 = Pupuk Kandang Sapi dan faktor dosis pupuk kandang (D) yang terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu : D1 = 10 ton/ha; D2 = 15 ton/ha; D3 = 20 ton/ha. Dengan demikian diperoleh 9 kombinasi perlakuan, setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Sebagai pembanding, disiapkan 3 plot tanpa perlakuan pupuk kandang, sehingga terdapat 30 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu panjang tanaman (cm), diameter pangkal batang (mm), jumlah buah per tanaman (buah), berat buah per tanaman (kg) dan produksi per plot (kg). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan antara pupuk kandang ayam, sapi dan kambing dalam meningkatkan kesuburan meningkatkan produksi pada tanah salin, tetapi terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara perlakukan pemberian jenis pupuk kandang dengan yang tidak diberi pupuk kandang. Perlakuan dosis pupuk kandang hanya memberikan perbedaan yang nyata pada parameter panjang tanaman 30 MST dan jumlah buah per tanaman.