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The Use of History Textbooks as Learning Resource For Students of The History Education Study Program at UISU Mestari Zai; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Pulung Sumantri; Abdul Azis
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Learning resources are part of learning that is very important for the success or failure of learning. So far, experience has shown that many lecturers who teach on campus still rely on books as the main reference in their teaching process. Of course, this cannot be called wrong, but making textbooks the only reference work has led to a decrease in the creativity of lecturers and students. This also happened to history subjects at UISU. In sixth semester history classes, where the subject is based mostly on facts and past events and one's memory is limited, books are very reliable in recalling the lecturer's memory of the material he taught the students. Likewise, students who are often given assignments by subject lecturers often make history textbooks and/or textbooks for other subjects, most of them make textbooks as learning resources and sources or materials to complete their subject assignments. The purpose of this work is to describe and analyze the use of history textbooks as a source of student learning in the history curriculum of the Islamic University of North Sumatra. The research method used in the preparation of this article is the literature review method, namely by means of sources obtained from books and scientific journals. The results of this study indicate that history textbooks play a very important role in ongoing history learning, so that it can be said that textbooks must have several content qualifications, which include the completeness of the material, the breadth and depth of the material. about the material and the accuracy of the material. Textbooks also have advantages and disadvantages, such as textbooks which must contain core and basic skills to support successful learning.
Peran Guru PPKN dalam disiplin Siswa Madrasah Thafizhil Quran dalam Pengembangan Mata Pelajaran Pancasila dan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Arnifelis Gulo; Pulung Sumantri; Latifah Hanum; Hadiani Fitri
Keguruan Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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The point of this exploration is to figure out how PPKn instructors at MA Thafizhil Quran impact understudy conduct. Unmistakable subjective exploration was utilized in this examination. All PPKn educators and understudies who disregarded the guidelines at Mama Thafizhil Quran became research subjects. Perception, meetings, and documentation are strategies for information assortment. Information decrease, information show, and information confirmation are three information investigation strategies. As per the discoveries of this examination, the job of PPKn educators in shaping understudy discipline at MA Thafizhil Quran is to give understudies a comprehension of discipline and increment discipline with the goal that understudies don't disrupt the norms. With respect to pretended by PPKn educators in empowering understudy discipline at MA Thafizhil Quran, they do this by demonstrating conduct like discipline, obligation and authority.
Pendekatan Pembelajaran Sejarah Lisan pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Sintia Mega; Pulung Sumantri; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Latifah Hanum; Hadiani Fitri; Benny Junior Kaban
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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A set of experiences learning approach is required as a supplement to existing learning models. The conversation centers explicitly around the aftereffects of examination with respect to how history is educated and scholarly, as well as the learning assets utilized for understudies, particularly for history schooling understudies in advanced education overall. This exploration utilizes a subjective graphic technique, a scientific methodology utilizing a substance examination strategy for a record. The information examination strategy utilizes a rational investigation technique, to be specific utilizing rationale to make at least one inferences in view of a given arrangement of premises. The aftereffects of the exploration presume that gaining techniques utilizing gaining assets from different sources, particularly visual sources in history training learning for understudies, can cause understudies to comprehend the set of experiences showing materials in different subjects instructed, in light of the fact that understudies are expected to have the option to find and do significant conversations in This set of experiences schooling can't be found simply by understanding books, yet by finding verifiable ideas, both in class and outside the homeroom. The job of the instructor here is to give guidance or improvement to understudies in regards to the material to be examined, then, at that point, give understudies free tasks and pose inquiries that contrast among understudies and they should have the option to track down the right responses as a type of evaluation.
Analisis Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren Purbaganal Sosopan bagi Masyarakat Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara Yunita Partiwi; Muhammad Adika Nugraha; Pulung Sumantri; Latifah Hanum; Muhammad Ricky Hardiyansyah; Ridho Gilang Amalsyah Saragih
Keguruan Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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This research aims to describe the role of Purbaganal Socopan Islamic Boarding School education for the people of Padang Bolak District, North Padang Lawas Regency, starting from the history of the Islamic Boarding School to the inhibiting factors in the development of this educational institution. The method used by the author in this research is a historical research method using historical methods, by conducting direct observations in the field and interviews. The results of this research describe the history of Islamic boarding schools starting from the Kingdom period, the colonial period, the period before independence to the period after independence. After that, we discuss the history of the Purbaganal Islamic Boarding School, Politeness for the Community of Padang Bolak District, North Padang Lawas Regency, the educational role of the Purbaganal Islamic Boarding School for the Community of Padang Bolak District, North Padang Lawas Regency. The initial aim of establishing this Islamic Boarding School was to bring together young people from Sosopan Village to get to know the school and get a diploma to get job opportunities. The development of this Islamic boarding school is growing very rapidly because the people in Sosopan village have quite good enthusiasm for the establishment of this Islamic boarding school. The obstacles that occur in developing this Islamic boarding school are the lack of educational facilities, differences of opinion between boarding school administrators, funding factors and a lack of teaching staff.
Penggunaan Media Digital Pembelajaran Sejarah dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA An- Nizam Andyoda Siregar; Pulung Sumantri; Hadiani Fitri; Latifah Hanum
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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The execution of schooling ought to have the option to synergize in different circumstances. In any event, when hit by the Coronavirus pandemic, teachers and understudies are expected to keep battling so that learning exercises can run well, however with negligible gamble of contamination. Thusly, during the pandemic the growing experience was coordinated towards the utilization of online media. Through this exploration, it is trusted that we can figure out how online media is utilized in learning history in the city of Medan. This exploration was led utilizing subjective examination techniques, while the sort of exploration utilized was distinct subjective. In the information assortment process, information sources are resolved purposively and compounding. Information assortment strategies were done utilizing perception, meetings and documentation. Moreover, the information that has been gathered is dissected by information decrease, information show, and check. The consequences of the examination show that the applications that are frequently involved by AN-Nizam Secondary School history subject educators in web based learning are WhatsApp, Google Study hall, Google Meet, Zoom Meeting, and Learning The board Framework (LMS). The web based educational experience is done utilizing general elements contained in the application, in particular sending messages, sharing material in document structure, like Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT), learning modules, and recordings, as well as through video gathering. The different hindrances confronted both connected with the utilization of innovation, educator qualities and understudy attributes can possibly prompt retrogression in web based learning.
Peran Dukungan Guru dan Efikasi diri Terhadap Keterlibatan dengan Siswa MTS Tahfizhil Quran Nadiyah Zahra Lubis; Pulung Sumantri; Latifah Hanum; Hadiani Fitri
Keguruan Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Precisely, this study was highlighted seeing the association between instructor support, self-feasibility, and student responsibility. The general population in this assessment is the students as a rule, amounting to 400 students, and the model was 186 students, where the model was taken using proportionately isolated sporadic testing. Item second relationship, information examination, and scale and documentation information assortment techniques are totally recorded. The results showed that: There was an immense positive association between teacher support and student responsibility, with a coefficient (rxy) = 0,481 and a p worth of 0.0020.050, with a responsibility of educator sponsorship to student responsibility of 25,7%. There was an enormous positive association between self-feasibility and student responsibility, with a coefficient of regard (rxy) = 0,512 and p = 0.0000.050. Self-viability affects understudy commitment. 3) There was a positive and colossal connection between teacher sponsorship and self-feasibility and student responsibility, with a coefficient regard (rxy) of 0,562 and a p worth of 0.000 0.050, with the responsibility of educator support and self-reasonability sponsorship to student responsibility of 32.7%.
Sejarah Pendidikan di Kota Barus pada Masa Kolonial Pulung Sumantri; Aditya Darma; Latifah Hanum
Keguruan Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Barus is an ancient city, town, and city of exchange around the world going back hundreds of years, especially between the 12th and 17th hundreds of years AD. In its long history, Barus has been an exporter of crops, for example, tar, frankincense, camphor, pepper, animal skins and others. With the emergence of the Dutch for Indonesian education gave a frame of primitive society, on the grounds that schools were coordinated by the colonial government. Techniques carried out in review. This is a technique or approach to writing that can be described as a development of exercises related to the techniques of miscellaneous library information, perusing, and recording. and study interaction materials. The Dutch opened an educational institution in Barus, one of which was so that the Batak people could have the Dutch in their space. So the Dutch government has control over Sibolga, especially Barus. Improvement of schools for the Batak nation by the Dutch, recently followed by rebuilding which has been carried out by zending. To grow its territory and to accelerate the course of social change, the Dutch government established schools.
Penerapan Model Kooperatif dalam Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Madrasah Tahfizhil Quran Mira Ardilla Lubis; Pulung Sumantri; Hadiani Fitri; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Muhammad Ricky Hardiyansyah
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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To work on the nature of training and history learning in Later on, a have an impact on in mentality will be required as a reason for carrying out learning programs. Previously the set of experiences educational experience is centered around the instructor, and less centered around understudy. Accordingly, instructing and learning exercises put more accentuation on instructing and not learning. Additional learning exercises side with the interests of the individual instructing. Request Endeavors History learning is centered around understudies, so it should be carried out helpful learning model which is a type of progress outlook in history learning exercises at school. For this situation the instructor no longer overwhelms learning exercises, but instead more Turn into a facilitator and go between of the interaction. Learning model Cooperatives are intended to give open doors to understudies to together to construct their own insight