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Merevitalisasi Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris pada Satuan Pendidikan Yohanes Heri Pranoto; Anselmus Inharjanto
Jurnal Humanipreneur Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Humanipreneur
Publisher : Ikatan Dosen Katolik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.02 KB) | DOI: 10.53091/jhup.v1i1.7


This study aims at revitalizing the role of the English language in education, where it becomes the house of the students for most time in their lives. When something wrong occurs and goes on the paradigm conformation of this revitalization, shifting assumption should become one of the efforts and be strived by one most element who takes main responsibility on education itself – teacher. This study explores empirically and theoritically the teachers’ paradigm on the use of English language in the real classroom. The participants were the teachers from private schools in Lahat and Bengkulu joining a workshop due to Hari Studi Guru conducted by the foundations. The workshop results were reflected and interpreted by the involvement of a related-literature review from previous researchers and experts - journal articles and scientific books.
Asawika : Media Sosialisasi Abdimas Widya Karya Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Asawika Vol 6-1
Publisher : LPPM Unika Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37832/asawika.v6i01.45


AbstrakMasa disruption revolusi industri 4.0 menuju era society 5.0 ditambah dengan munculnya pandemiCovid-19 telah mengubah seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia. Di era yang penuh dengan Volatility,Uncertainty, Complexity dan Ambiguity (VUCA) ini manusia harus pandai dan bijaksana melakukan tindakanproaktif dan penyesuaian diri yang diperlukan untuk berinovasi dan mempertahankan hakikatnya sebagaipenguasa alam semesta. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi siswa seminaris yang menjalani proses belajar danpeneguhan panggilan hidup sebagai Imam. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan diSeminari ST. Paulus Palembang. Dalam kegiatan ini seminaris diajak untuk menyadari perubahan yangterjadi dan strategi yang diperlukan dalam manajemen perubahan diri sehingga mereka lebih mantapmenghadapi perubahan itu dalam panggilan hidup mereka. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan secara daring viazoom berupa pemaparan materi dan tanya jawab. Sebagai tugas refleksi diri, para seminaris dimintamenuliskan imagologi atau citra diri mereka sebagai Imam yang mumpuni dalam menghadapi era VUCA ini.Umpan balik berupa pertanyaan dari peserta dan kuesioner penilaian dari peserta menunjukkan bahwaseminaris begitu antusias, responsif dan merasakan manfaat yang besar dari kegiatan ini AbstractThe period of disruption of industrial revolution 4.0 towards the era of society 5.0 coupled with theemergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed all aspects of human life. In an era full of volatility,uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), human must be smart and wise to take proactive actions andadjustments needed to innovate and defend their essence as the ruler of the universe. This also applies toseminarian students who undergo the process of learning and affirming their vocation as priests. Thiscommunity service activity is carried out at the ST. Paul Seminary, Palembang. In this activity, seminariansare invited to be aware of the changes that have occurred and the strategies needed in self-changemanagement so that they are more confident in facing these changes in their vocation. This activities are heldonline via zoom in the form of material presentation and questions and answers. As a self-reflection task,seminarians are asked to write down their imagology or self-image as qualified priests in facing this VUCAera. Feedback in the form of questions from participants and assessment questionnaires from participantsshows that seminarians are very enthusiastic, responsive and feel great benefits from this activity.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 4 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i4.16127


Abstrak: Kegiatan abdimas yang dilakukan pada Seminari St. Paulus Palembang ini menyasar para seminaris kelas Rethorica yang nantinya akan melanjutkan Pendidikan pada level perguruan tinggi membutuhkan persiapan diri yang baik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu para seminaris dalam mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi perubahan pembelajaran dari tingkat SMA ke pergguruan tinggi yang memerlukan sikap yang tepat. Persiapan yang harus dilakukan meliputi persiapan untuk dapat mengatur diri agar dapat menjalani kuliah dengan baik dan menyelesaikan kuliah tepat waktu. Manajemen waktu membantu seminaris untuk mengatur diri agar dapat menggunakan waktu secara efektif dan efisien. Manajemen perubahan akan membekali seminaris untuk mengambil sikap yang tepat dalam situasi yang akan berubah dengan tuntutan yang juga berubah. Pretest dan posttest dilakukan guna mengukur pemahaman siswa seminaris mengenai materi yang disampaikan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, menunjukan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan para seminaris mengenai manajemen waktu dengan peningkatan rerata sebesar 13,59% dan manajemen perubahan sebesar 1,36%.Abstract: This activities carried out at the Seminary of St. Paulus Palembang is targeting Rethorica class seminarians who will later continue their education at the tertiary level, requiring good preparation. This activity aims to assist seminarians in preparing themselves to face changes in learning from high school to university level that require the right attitude. Preparations that must be made include preparing to be able to organize yourself so that you can go through college well and finish college on time. Time management helps seminarians to organize themselves in order to use time effectively and efficiently. Change management will equip seminarians to take the right attitude in changing situations with changing demands. Pretest and posttest were conducted to measure seminary students' understanding of the material presented. Based on the results of data processing, it shows that there is an increase in seminarians' knowledge regarding time management with an average increase of 13,59% and change management of 1,36%.
Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Bidang Ketrampilan Public Speaking dan Penyusunan Program Kerja Kebidelan Seminari Palembang T.A. 2017/2018 Catharina Clara; Anselmus Inharjanto; Paskalina Widiastuti Ratnaningsih; Ega Leovani; Ira Irzawati
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Pendidikan, Humaniora dan Agama
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Student organization is part of the formation at St. Paul’s MinorSeminary in Palembang, South Sumatra. Seminary’s new studentorganization committee has been assigned with various tasks related tothe vision of 4Ss (i.e. Sanctitas or Sanctity, Sanitas or Health, Scientiaor Science, and Socialitas or Communal Life). The aim of thisleadership training of public speaking skills and work programmeplanning for internal student organization of St. Paul Minor Seminary,Palembang in academic year 2017/2018 is to increase leadershipability of Seminary students (or seminarians) especially in selfmanagementand as internal student organisation committee bothpublic speaking and work programme planning. The methods usedwere lecture and group practice. This activity was conducted in twodays. The first day activities were discussing basic leadershipmanagement and public speaking continued with group practice. Thesecond day activity was introduction to work program planningcontinued with real practice in groups. The analysis result ofquestionnaire reveals that the respondents’ opinions dealing withtraining activities in leadership, self-management, public speaking,and work programme planning demonstrate that the average score isin the agree and strongly agree scales. This fact indicates that theactivity is beneficial for the seminarians. It facilitates the seminariansto improve their abilities related to leadership, public speaking andwork programme planning.
Students' Problem-Solving Ability Using Picture Story Contexts Lisnani; Anselmus Inharjanto
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): January
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education Program IPI Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/mosharafa.v12i1.756


Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis menjadi salah satu komponen yang perlu dianalisis untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta didik terhadap satu topik pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik pada materi bangun datar, pengukuran panjang dan berat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Instrumen pengumpulan data melalui tes, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Keseluruhan data tersebut dianalisis dan dideskrispsikan oleh peneliti. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV di salah satu sekolah swasta di Palembang berjumlah 14 orang yang diperoleh melalui purposive sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada materi bangun datar dan pengukuran pada peserta didik kelas IV di salah satu sekolah swasta tersebut sebesar 75,59% yang artinya berkategori baik. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik kelas IV perlu ditingkatkan terutama pada sesuatu yang sifatnya konkret dengan membiasakan peserta didik memberikan soal-soal berkonteks cerita yang mengarah ke AKM, PISA, dan HOTS kedepannya. Mathematical problem-solving ability is one of the necessary components to analyze as it demonstrates students' ability to comprehend a learning topic. This study aimed to analyze students' mathematical problem-solving skills on flat shapes, measuring length and weight. This descriptive qualitative study used tests, questionnaires, and document analysis to collect the data. All of the data were analyzed and described by the researcher. The participants of the study were 14 fourth grade students in a private school in Palembang selected through purposive sampling technique. The study revealed that the students’ problem-solving abilities on flat shapes and measurements scored 75.59%, which was categorized as “good”. The problem-solving abilities of fourth graders need to be improved, especially on concrete objects by inuring students to story-context questions that promote AKM, PISA, and HOTS in the future.