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Journal : CIRCUIT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik Elektro

Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Macromedia Flash 8 pada Mata Pelajaran SKEP di Kota Cilegon Juliarni Clarisa; Irwanto Irwanto; Didik Aribowo
Circuit: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : PTE FTK UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/crc.v7i1.14913


The creation of the 2013 curriculum for YPWKS Vocational High School students in the 2019/2020 school year. The study program promotes student competency development through SKEP (Electrical Pneumatic Control System) disciplines. Based on observations from oral interviews, there was no multimedia learning to assist learning in these subjects, therefore the goal of this research is to support learning in SKEP subjects. The development research, or R&D (Research and Development), was carried out utilizing the Borg and Gall model, which was reduced from 10 to 7 stages. The model is divided into seven stages: one for research analysis and data collection, two for planning, three for product draft development, four for initial field trials, five for revising test results, six for product outcomes refining, and seven for dissemination and implementation. Three material experts and three media experts are involved in the feasibility of multimedia learning. Then the multimedia was tested on class XI students of the Industrial Automation Engineering competence program and the scale used in gauging the "Likert scale". Based on the results of validation by media experts and material experts, the feasibility of interactive learning multimedia in the media aspect was 73.99 (very good) from a score range of 65.00 X 80.00, and the feasibility of the material aspect was 58.99 (very good) from a score range of 52.00 X 64.00. Field According to trial data, students responded to the practicality of Interactive Learning Multimedia with an average score of 50% (very good) on a scale of 0-100%. These findings suggest that the created Electropneumatic Control System Learning Multimedia is appropriate for use in Electropneumatic Control System Learning activities, particularly for students in class XI Industrial Automation Engineering studying Pneumatic Control System material.
Co-Authors A. Dhyta Maulana Aditya Dwi Raja Kamansastra Agung Rizky Jamas Agus Gilang Hermawan Alamsyah Alamsyah Alifia Rukmi Candra Dewi Andri Kapuji Kaharian Anna Safitri Apriliano Chandra Diva Arum Wahyuni Purbohastuti Asmi Ayuning Hidayah Budi Santosa Dede Wirta Deny Exka Saputra Desmira Desmira Desmira Desmira Desmira Destri Anggraeni Deva Adelya Prestanty Dhabit Fauzan Dian Widi Astuti Eka Revadiaz Endi Permata Ester Risanis Travelya Farah Putri Wenang Lusianingrum Farhan Firdaus Fera Puspitasari Feri Febrian Syah Fernando Juliansyah Fikri Firmansyah Fina Ayu Lestari Fiqih Hardana Gelen Veranda Deanda Gera Nugraha Gigih Priyogi Gilang Gemilang Hariyanto Hariyanto Herudin Herudin Hijroh Tamamil Gina Intan Puspitasari Iqbal Maulana Irwan Syah Irwanto - Irwanto Irwanto Johan Whisnu Adji Juliarni Clarisa Juniwan Juniwan Khaila Mardina Fauziah Khaila Mardina Fauziah Awalia Lely Yuliawati Lubna Nadra Hasti M. Aziz Nur Mubarak M. Reza Ramadhon Maeli Khusnul Munfiqoh Maman Hidayaturrohman Marcel Ade Satria Maya Saralina Mohammad Fatkhurrohman Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman Mokh Sidqi Fahmi Muchamad Yunus Muhamad Ryan Agustin Muhammad Iqbal Nugraha Muhammad Reza Nugraha Muhammad Rizky Muhammad Rofiq Muhammad Yusuf Habibi Mustofa Abi Hamid Nani Sofroh Naufal Taufiqul Hakim Nuga Pratama Nur Alifah Panji Anom Respati Pasa Meliansyah Prasta Mahrifatika Puji Pangestu Putri Andini Maulana Ragil Febrian Rahima Mahabbah Ratna Ekawati Repdhi Febriyan Rian Pratama Ridho Aldino Saputra Rifqi Badruzzaman Rini Anggraini Ryan Adam Hidayatullah Shafa Yuniar Yasmin Sikarti Sikarti Siti Annisa Nindia Larasati Siti Mutia Andini Supriyanto Praptodiyono Sutarti Sutarti Syah Alam Teguh Firmansyah Utami Pingkan Anggraini Widhi Dwi Nugroho Widya Dwi Agustin Yolandha Saviraningsih Yudi Syah Pratama Zira Rizqianti