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The Potential of Economic Base of the Livestock Sector in Kediri-East Java Nur Solikin; Budi Hartono; Zaenal Fanani; M Nur Ihsan
Journal of Development Research Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Volume 2, Number 1, May 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.412 KB) | DOI: 10.28926/jdr.v2i1.48


Purpose of this study is to describe the potential of economic base of livestock commodities in Kediri-East Java- Indonesia. The research was conducted from March 2017 by using exploratory method, referring to secondary data in Statistic Centers publication of Kediri Regency. Location Quotient Analysis (LQ) data analysis was usedto determine the economic base of livestock sector in Kediri Re-gency. The results of the research are identified as follows: 1) Sub-district Base of beef cattle live-stock that is located in Mojo, Semen, Ngadiluwih, Ngancar, Plosoklaten, Gurah, Kunjang, Plemahan, Purwoasri, Papar, Pagu, KayenKidul, Gampengrejo, Ngasem, Banyakan, Grogol , and Tarokan. 2) Districts of dairy cattle commodity base include Ngancar, Plosoklaten, Kandangan, KayenKidul, and Gampengrejo. 3) Subdistrict base of buffalo cattle commodity include Mojo, and Ngadiluwih, Ke-pung, Kandangan, Badas, Kunjang, Gampeng, Ngasem, and Grogol. 4) The sub-districts of horse livestock commodities include Mojo, Semen, Kandangan, Kunjang, Plemahan, Gampengrejo, Ban-yakan, Grogol, and Tarokan. 5) Sub-district of pigs commodity base include Wates, Ngancar, Gamp-engrejo, and Banyakan sub-districts. 6) The districts of goats / sheep bases include Mojo, Semen, Kras, Ngancar, Plosoklaten, Gurah, Kepung, Kandangan, Kunjang, Plemahan, Purwoasri, Papar, Pa-gu, Kayenkidul, Gampengrejo, Ngasem, Banyakan, Grogol, and Tarokan. 7) The sub-districts of the commodities of chicken breeds include Mojo, Semen, Ngadiluwih, Kras, Gurah, Kepung, Kandangan, Kunjang, Plemahan, Purwoasri, Papar, Pagu, KayenKidul, Gampengrejo, Ngasem, Banyakan, Grogol, and Tarokan. 8) Sub-districts of commodities of chicken breeds include Kras, Ringinrejo, Kandat, Wates, Plosoklaten, Puncu, Pare, and Badassubdistricts. 9) The districts of livestock com-modity base include Mojo, Semen, Ngadiluwih, Kandat, Ngancar, Kandangan, Badas, Plemahan, Pa-gu, Gampengrejo, Ngasem, Banyakan, Grogol and Tarokansubdistricts. 10) Rabbit livestock com-modity base covers the sub-districts of Semen, Kras, Ngancar, Plosoklaten, Gurah, Kepung, Kan-dangan, Gampengrejo, Ngasem, Banyakan and Grogol.
Model of Resources Development in Partnership System of Broiler Farming Business Amam Amam; Zaenal Fanani; Budi Hartono; Bambang Ali Nugroho
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner Vol 24, No 3 (2019): SEPTEMBER 2019
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14334/jitv.v24i3.1927


Accessibility of resources in theory can affected the development of broiler farming in a region. This research was conducted with the objectives of: 1) to formulate indicators of resource use on the development of partnership system of broiler farming business, and 2) to find the model of the development of resources use accessibility to partnership system of broiler farming business. The research was conducted in August 2017 up to January 2018 in Malang Regency of East Java Province, Indonesia. 100 respondents as partnership system of broiler farmer was participated in this study who was determined by total sampling. The research variables consist of: a) financial resources, b) technology resources, c) physic resources, d) economic resources, e) environmental resources, f) social resources, g) human resources, and h ) business development. The data was analyze used by SEM with SmartPLS 2.0 analysis tool. The results indicate that: 1) The development of partnership system of broiler farming business is directly influenced by the financial resources of 2.421, the physic resources is 1.821, the economic resources 2.445, and the human resources 2.904, but the development of partnership system of broiler farming business direct are not affected by technology resources, environmental resources, and social resources; 2) The development of partnership system of broiler farming business is indirect with quality of human resources is influenced by the financial resources of 2.629, technology resources of 6.092, physic resources of 2.308, and economic resources of 2.312, but the development of partnership system of broiler business is indirectly with the quality of human resources are not influenced by environmental resources and social resources.
Elastisitas Produksi Usaha Peternakan Broiler Pola Kemitraan Di Kabupaten Blitar Ariani Trisna Murti; Budi Hartono; Zaenal Fanani
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Graduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.592 KB)


Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap peternak broiler yang bermitra dengan PT. Sinar Abadi Sejahtera di Kabupaten Blitar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan Juni - Juli 2014 yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui elastisitas produksi usaha peternakan ayam broiler sistem kemitraan PT. Sinar Abadi Sejahtera. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sampel survei dengan penentuan purposive yaitu peternak ayam broiler yang melaksanakan program kemitraan dengan PT. Sinar Abadi Sejahtera Indonesia. Keseluruhan sampel dapat diambil sejumlah populasi 60 orang peternak sebagai perwakilan. Variabel penelitian yang digunakan adalah jumlah ternak, pembelian DOC, jumlah tenaga kerja, biaya pakan, vitamin dan obat-obatan, listrik, mortalitas, biaya produksi, dan jumlah anggota keluarga. Analisis data yang dilakukan meliputi data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisa kuantitatif merupakan perhitungan angka biaya produksi, penerimaan, dan pendapatan. Analisa kualitatif bertujuan untuk menghitung elastisitas produksi menggunakan analisis regresi Cobb-Douglas. Pengolahan data dari hasil penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 16,0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mortalitas dan biaya produksi merupakan faktor produksi yang sangat signifikan mempengaruhi dan bersifat elastis terhadap jumlah produksi usaha. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa 1) mortalitas dan biaya produksi merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi dan bersifat elastis terhadap jumlah produksi 2) jumlah ternak, pembelian D.O.C, biaya pakan, dan biaya produksi merupakan faktor-faktor yang bersifat tidak elastis terhadap produksi usaha. Saran dalam penelitian agar 1) peternak lebih selektif dalam pemilihan bibit DOC yang akan dipelihara dan memperhatikan faktor besar penyebab kematian ternak sehingga angka mortalitas dapat ditekan 2) pemakaian faktor-faktor produksi dan modal usaha lebih efisien,  karena dengan penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi yang efisien akan mempengaruhi jumlah pendapatan produksi. Kata kunci: biaya produksi , elastisitas produksi , jumlah produksi, mortalitas, sistem kemitraan
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production Vol 12, No 2 (2011): Ternak Tropika
Publisher : Jurusan Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis kondisi ekonomi rumahtangga peternak sapi potong rakyat. Pengambilan data  dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2009 di Desa Damsol, Kabupaten Donggala, Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Sembilan puluh peternak telah dipilih sebagai responden secara purposive random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan tambahan data kuantitatif sederhana seperti tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendapatan usaha sapi potong pola perbibitan dan pola penggemukan tidak ada perbedaan yang moderat, penggunaan tenaga kerja dalam pola perbibitan lebih banyak menyerap tenaga kerja keluarga dibanding pola penggemukan, dan pengeluaran terbesar pada ekonomi rumahtangga peternakan sapi potong rakyat digunakan untuk membeli bibit ternak yang relatif tinggi. Kata Kunci : Usaha ternak sapi potong rakyat,  dan  Ekonomi rumahtangga Household`s Economy Analysis of Small Scale Beef Cattle Farming in Damsol, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province   ABSTARCT The objectives of this research were analyze the economics condition of beef cattle small farm household. The study was conducted at Damsol, Donggala  Regency, Central Sulawesi Province on August 2009. Ninety  farmers were chosen as respondents by purposive  random sampling method. Data was analyzed using discriptive analysis with additional quantitative data as simple as a frequency distribution table.The result showed that there were not difference  in term of income   of beef cattle fattening pattern and the beef cattle breeding pattern, use of labor in the beef cattle breeding pattern absorb more family labor than the beef cattle fattening pattern, and  most expenditure on economics household of beef cattle small farm used to buy breeding stock was relatively high. Keywords : Small Scale Beef Cattle Farming, and Household’s Economy
Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Penjualan Produk Madu dalam Kategori Produk Terlaris dan Kategori Harga Melalui Marketplace Puji Akhiroh; Nanang Febrianto; Budi Hartono
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 9, No 1 (2022): JITRO, Januari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (772.414 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v9i1.20343


ABSTRAK            Penjualan madu di marketplace shopee di dalam kategori terlaris sebanyak 1 ribu+ dan untuk kategori harga rendah ke tinggi sebanyak 1 serta pada kategori harga tinggi ke rendah sebanyak 1,2 ribu. Setiap kategori direkomendasikan toko yang berbeda oleh sistem shopee. Daya beli konsumen dipengaruhi adanya daya minat dari produk yang ditawarkan sehingga untuk meningkatkan tersebut maka diperlukan rancangan strategi pemasaran. Di Indonesia penggunaan marketplace digital seperti shopee sedang berkembang sangat pesat sehingga banyak unit usaha yang menggunakannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskripsi berdasarkan data literatur, pemaparan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penggunaan marketplace shopee pada penjualan madu yang diimbangkan dengan penggunaan strategi pemasaran suatu upaya yang tepat untuk dapat diraih konsumen.Kata Kunci: markteplace, shopee, strategi pemasaran, maduApplication of Marketing Strategy for Selling Honey Products in the Best-selling Product Category and Price category through the MarketplaceABSTRACT             Honey sales in the shopee marketplace in the best-selling category are 1 thousand + and for the low to high price category as much as 1 and in the high to low price category as much as 1.2 thousand. Each category is recommended a different store by the shopee system. The purchasing power of consumers is influenced by the attractiveness of the products offered, so to increase it, a marketing strategy is needed. In Indonesia, the use of digital marketplaces such as Shopee is growing very rapidly, so many business units are using it. The method used is a description based on literature data, data exposure and drawing conclusions. The use of the shopee marketplace in selling honey is balanced with the use of marketing strategies, an appropriate effort to be achieved by consumers.Keywords: marketplace, shopee, marketing strategy, honey
Characterisation Two Types of Feed on Production Performances of Laying Hen in Blitar Regency, East Java Rafwan Afandi; Budi Hartono; Irfan H. Djunaidi
Buletin Peternakan Vol 42, No 1 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (1) FEBRUARY 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i1.24288


This study was conducted to compare the use of two types of feed on production performances of laying hen (feed consumption, egg production, feed conversion ratio, and population depletion) in Blitar Regency. Data were collected from several laying hen farms in Blitar Regency with survey method. All data were then analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The average feed price of semi self-mixed feed and total self-mixed feeds were Rp 5,031 and Rp 4,752 per kg. Hen received semi self-mixed feed in one period showed 117.5 g/hen/day of feed intake, 70.38% of egg production, 2.62 of feed conversion ratio, and 20.50% of population depletion. Meanwhile, the total self-mixed feed resulted 118.23 g/hen/day of feed consumption, 71.75% of egg production, 2.39 of feed conversion ratio, and 15.94 of population depletion in one period. The proximate analysis showed that the total self-mixed feed had better nutrient balance compared to semi self-mixed feed, based on SNI 01-3929-2006 standard. As conclusion the total self-mixed feed showed more optimal production performances than semi self-mixed feed.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 13, No 2 (2012): JEP Desember 2012
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v13i2.177


Research conducted on the island of Madura. The aim of the research was analyzed the area-based development of beef cattle in Madura island. Primary research data was sourced from statistics in the Madura district in figures. Data was analyzed using Location Quotient (LQ) method. Data procesing conducted whith spreadsheet from Excel on Microsoft Windows 7. The results showed that the basis for the development of Madura cattle each regency were Pamekasan (sub-district Larangan, Pasean, Batumamar, Palengan, Proppo, Tlanakan, and Pegantenan), Sumenep (sub-district Gayam, Nonggunong and Batuputih), Bangkalan (subdistrict Kokop, Geger, Galis, Tanah Merah, and Blega) and Bangkalan (sub-district Ketapang, Sokobanah, Kedungdung, Sampang, Banyuates, Robatal, and Omben. Conclusion of the research was the development of Madura cattle concentrated in the base region of Madura cattle.
Analisis Nilai Tambah pada Usaha Se’i Sapi di Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Fransiskus Yulius Dhewa Kadju; Budi Hartono; Bambang Ali Nugroho
AGRIMOR Vol 6 No 3 (2021): AGRIMOR - July 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/ag.v6i3.1360


The high added value of beef agro-industry has increased competition among business actors, both for marketing processed products and for obtaining raw materials. The calculation of the added value of marketing se'i cow meat in Kupang City is the main objective of this research. The research was carried out during June - July 2019. The survey method was the method used during this research. Determination of the sample in this study using purposive sampling technique with five examples of MSME respondents. The results of calculations using the Hayami Method obtained an added value of Rp. 18,804.73 for each se'i product sold.
Analisis kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam pembelian ayam goreng di “Ayam Goreng Roker” di Malang Mohammad Fuaduzzaki Khoirurrohman; Budi Hartono; Hari Dwi Utami
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol 25, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiip.2015.025.02.10


Study was conducted at “Ayam Goreng Roker” Bratan Lake Street C2 A11 and North Branch Sulfat Street 38 Malang. The purpose of this research was to determine customer satisfaction on quality services and factors that influence customer’s satisfaction on purchasing fried chicken. One hundred respondents were selected by accidental sampling method. Data were collected from 12th September to 12th October 2014. Primary data were collected using questionnaire. Secondary data were obtained from Ayam Goreng Roker’s archives and related sources. The study found that consumer satisfaction was represented by repeating buying, recommended to others of cheaper price, the appropriateness between packages and product, and fried chicken positive images. Consumer satisfaction increased as the availability of service quality including “skill of service and purchasing access”, “worker’s skill”, “feasibility of location and worker’s appearance”, and also “parking facility”. Whereas “feasibility of product, location and service” and “administration” were highly satisfying consumer in purchasing fried chicken. Keywords : worker’s skill, parking facility, access, administration
Profil sistem integrasi usaha sapi perah dengan tanaman hortikultura di Nongkojajar Kecamatan Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan Richard E. M. F. Osak; Budi Hartono; Zainal Fanani; Hari Dwi Utami
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol 25, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiip.2015.025.02.07


The study tended to evaluate dairy-horticulture integration system among dairy farmers as the member of the Koperasi Peternak Sapi Perah (KPSP) Setia Kawan in Nongkojajar, Pasuruan regency. The method of the study was survey and data were analyzed descriptively. The study found that the revenue earned from dairy cattle farming was IDR 23.357.321,17±9.938.351 (46,54%), horticultural crops farming was IDR 10.030.225,41±7.752.962 (19.99%), forage fodder was IDR 12.380.163,93 ±9.569.370 (24.67%) and plant waste feed was IDR 1.595.665,57±1.233.386 (3.18%) and the revenue derived from biogas and bioslurry in dairy-horticultural farming system was about IDR 1.087.099,07±300.209 (2.17%) and 1.737.147,54±1.075.414 (3.46%) respectively. The average biogas production per year was found about 285.39 ± 176.68 kg which was equal to LPG, but the farm household in the study area only used 100.80 ± 27.84 kg per year. Keywords: Profile, dairy, horticulture, integration, Nongkojajar