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Review: Marine Seismic And Side-Scan Sonar Investigations For Seabed Identification With Sonar System Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Kasih Anggraini; Husnul Kausarian; Sri Pujiyati
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): JGEET Vol 02 No 02 : June (2017)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (985.957 KB) | DOI: 10.24273/jgeet.2017.2.2.253


Marine seismic reflection data have been collected for decades and since the mid-to late- 1980s much of this data is positioned relatively accurately. Marine geophysical acquisition of data is a very expensive process with the rates regularly ship through dozens of thousands of euros per day. Acquisition of seismic profiles has the position is determined by a DGPS system and navigation is performed by Hypack and Maxview software that also gives all the offsets for the equipment employed in the survey. Examples of some projects will be described in terms of the project goals and the geophysical equipment selected for each survey and specific geophysical systems according to with the scope of work. For amplitude side scan sonar image, and in the multi-frequency system, color, becoming a significant properties of the sea floor, the effect of which is a bully needs to be fixed. The main confounding effect is due to absorption of water; geometric spread; shape beam sonar function (combined transmit-receive sonar beam intensity as a function of tilt angle obtained in this sonar reference frame); sonar vehicle roll; form and function of the seabed backscatter (proportion incident on the seabed backscattered signal to sonar as a function of the angle of incidence relative to the sea floor); and the slope of the seabed. The different angles of view are generated by the translation of the sonar, because of the discrete steps involved by the sequential pings, the angular sampling of the bottom.
PENGARUH PASANG SURUT TERHADAP DINAMIKA PERUBAHAN HUTAN MANGROVE DI KAWASAN TELUK BANTEN Wenang Anurogo; Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Nurul Khakhim; Wikan Jaya Prihantarto; Lingga Renggana Cannagia
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 11, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v11i2.3804


Luas hutan mangrove Indonesia menurun sekitar 4,5 juta ha menjadi 1,9 juta ha. Penurunan luas hutan mangrove paling dominan disebabkan oleh faktor manusia. Pemantauan tingkat kerusakan hutan mangrove dengan menggunakan metode konvensional memakan waktu lama dan mahal. Pemantauan tingkat kerusakan ini sangat penting bagi para stakeholder dalam mengelola kawasan hutan mangrove. Pemanfaatan data spasial dapat memudahkan dan mempercepat interaksi dengan benda-benda di permukaan bumi. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini meliputi tiga bagian, yaitu tahap pre-field, field dan post-field. Tahap pre-field termasuk pengumpulan data, pengolahan gambar, dan identifikasi tutupan lahan di daerah penelitian untuk setiap tahunnya. Data tutupan ekstraksi dari data citra penginderaan jauh di setiap tahun kemudian dipisahkan dari data tutupan lahan mangrove. Data tutupan lahan mangrove untuk tahun pencatatan 2017 digunakan sebagai unit analisis yang digunakan sebagai basis referensi untuk pengambilan informasi di lapangan. Tahap post-field dimaksudkan untuk memproses data yang dikumpulkan, analisis statistik, menguji keakuratan hasil perubahan dan menilai kemampuan gambar penginderaan jauh dalam mengidentifikasi hutan mangrove dan transfer fungsi utilitas mereka. Luas hutan mangrove di Kabupaten Banten sekitar 681,86 Ha. Penyebaran hutan mangrove terbesar adalah di kecamatan Tirtayasa dan Pontang. Kedua kawasan tersebut memiliki nilai persentase 29,75% dan 28,46% dari total luas hutan mangrove di Teluk Banten. Tingkat distribusi terkecil adalah Kabupaten Kramatwatu yang hanya sekitar 3,11% atau 21,19 Ha dari total luas hutan mangrove di Teluk Banten.Kata kunci: Mangrove, Dinamika perubahan mangrove, Data Spasial, Pasang SurutABSTRACTThe extent of Indonesia's mangrove forest declines from the initial area of about 4.5 million ha to 1.9 million ha. The decline in the area of mangrove forest is most dominant due to the damage caused by human factors. Monitoring the extent of mangrove forest destruction by using conventional methods takes a long time and is expensive. Monitoring this level of damage is very important for the stakeholders in managing the mangrove forest area. Utilization of spatial data can facilitate and accelerate in interacting with objects found on the surface of the earth. Stages in this research outline include three parts, namely pre-field stage, field stage and post-field stage. The pre-field stage includes data collection to be used, image processing, and land cover identification in the research area for each year of image recording. The cover data of the extraction from remote sensing image data in each recording year is then separated from mangrove land cover data. The mangrove land cover data for the recording year 2017 is then used as the unit of analysis used as the reference base for information retrieval in the field by using the sample. The post-field stage is intended to process the data collected, statistical analysis, test the accuracy of the results of changes and assess the capabilities of remote sensing images in identifying mangrove forests and transfer of their utility functions. The mangrove forest in Banten regency is about 681.86 Ha. The largest spread of mangrove forest is in Tirtayasa and Pontang sub-districts. The two sub-districts have a percentage value of 29.75% and 28.46% of the total mangrove forest area in Banten Bay. The smallest extent of distribution is in Kramatwatu District which is only about 3.11% or 21.19 Ha of the total area of mangrove forest in Banten Bay.Keywords: Mangrove, Dynamics of mangrove changes, Spatial Data, Tidal
Kajian Ketahanan Kawasan Wisata Berbasis Masyarakat Dalam Penguatan Ekonomi Lokal Serta Pelestarian Sumberdaya Kebudayaan Kawasan Kotagede Yogyakarta Wenang Anurogo; Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Hartono Hartono; Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas; Ahmad Prasetya Dilaga
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional Vol 23, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkn.25929


ABSTRACT Kotagede Cultural Heritage area had been considered less attention. The tour trail activity was able to provided historical, fun and healthy knowledge as it could only be preserved or on foot. The activity depended on the interest of the people and tourists in choosing the tour. This research was intended to contributed  to the objective analysis in one of the important destinations in Yogyakarta City which was the cultural art and heritage of Kotagede and provided a spatial picture of the existing cultural tourism attractions to provided informative knowledge to the public to be in demand and continue to preserved the tour.The study of Kotagede tourism object used qualitative method combined with the use of high-resolution remote sensing image data in more interactive visualization results.The result of Kotagede tourism study showed that tourism object in Kotagede Culture area was cultural object, tradition, craft, and art which was summarized into four recommended route that were spiritual trail tour package, hallway trail tour package, architectural trail  tour package, and study trail  tour package. Managed in a participatory manner by the surrounding community and could still grew better if received direct attention from the government and stakeholders related to the management of the tourist area of Kotagede. ABSTRAK Kawasan Cagar Budaya (KCB) Kotagede selama ini dinilai kurang mendapat perhatian. Kegiatan tour wisata heritage trail ini mampu memberi pengetahuan sejarah, menyenangkan, dan menyehatkan karena hanya dapat dilalui dengan bersepeda atau berjalan kaki. Kegiatan tersebut tergantung dari minat masyarakat dan wisatawan dalam memilih tour wisata. kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk turut memberikan kontribusi dalam analisis destinasi di salah satu tujuan penting di Kota Yogyakarta yaitu kawasan seni budaya dan heritage Kotagede dan memberikan gambaran spasial tentang atraksi wisata budaya yang ada di sana guna memberikan pengetahuan yang informatif kepada masyarakat agar tertarik dan terus bisa melestarikan wisata tersebut.Kajian objek wisata heritage trail di Kotagede ini menggunakan metode kualitatif ditambah dengan pemanfaatan data citra penginderaan jauh resolusi tinggi dalam visualisasi hasil yang lebih interaktif.Hasil kajian wisata kawasan Kotagede menunjukkan bahwa atraksi wisata yang ada di kawasan Cagar Budaya Kotagede berupa benda-benda budaya, tradisi, kerajinan, dan kesenian yang dirangkum ke dalam empat rute yang direkomendasikan yakni, paket wisata jelajah spiritual, paket wisata jelajah lorong, paket wisata jelajah arsitektural, dan paket wisata jelajah studi. Paket wisata tersebut dikelola secara partisipatif oleh masyarakat sekitar dan masih dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik lagi apabila mendapat perhatian secara langsung dari pemerintah maupun stakeholder yang berkepentingan terkait dengan pengelolaan kawasan wisata Kotagede.
Factors affecting land transfer function and its impact on farmers' income in Srigading Village, Sanden Sub-district, Bantul Regency Wenang Anurogo; Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Hanah Khoirunnisa
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi Vol 24, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.111 KB)


Coastal area is a specific area where the region can be used as a tourist area, settlements, and agriculture. Some forms of utilization in the field of agriculture, among others, is farming of paddy fields or fishery ponds. As is the case along the southern coast of the Special Territory of Yogyakarta. Coastal residents of Bantul and Kulon Progo districts utilize coastal land as dryland farming and fishery ponds. This study aims to determine the effect of land use change in the Srigading Village (especially for the conversion of shrimp ponds) to the farmers' income in the Village. This research uses the tools of remote sensing technology to identify land use change that happened in the research area and combine with interview result data to know earnings difference from a farmer. The result of the analysis shows that land use in the coastal area of Srigading Village, Sanden Sub-District, Bantul Regency, before being used as shrimp pond is dominated by agricultural land and garden/moor. There are also settlements, and bodies of water contained in the study area. Land in the form of gardens/moor and agricultural land is a land that has the potential to switch function to shrimp farms as long as get enough brackish water supply. The distance is quite close to the beach and the river makes the land is very potential to switch functions into ponds. The results of the analysis also showed that farmers' income before and after shrimp farming in Srigading village experienced an average increase of almost 50%.Kawasan pesisir merupakan wilayah yang berpotensi mengalami perubahan penggunaan lahan. Penduduk pesisir Kabupaten Bantul dan Kulon Progo memanfaatkan lahan pesisir sebagai pertanian lahan kering dan kolam perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan di Desa Srigading (terutama untuk konversi tambak udang) terhadap pendapatan petani di desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat teknologi penginderaan jauh untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan penggunaan lahan yang terjadi di daerah penelitian dan digabungkan dengan data hasil wawancara untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan dari petani. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan lahan di wilayah pesisir Desa Srigading, Kecamatan Sanden, Kabupaten Bantul, sebelum digunakan sebagai tambak udang didominasi oleh lahan pertanian dan kebun/tegalan. Ada juga pemukiman, dan area air yang terdapat di wilayah studi. Kebun/tegalan dan lahan pertanian adalah lahan yang berpotensi untuk beralih fungsi ke tambak udang selama mendapat pasokan air payau yang cukup. Jaraknya yang cukup dekat dengan pantai dan sungai menjadikan tanah sangat potensial untuk beralih fungsi menjadi kolam. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan petani sebelum dan sesudah budidaya udang di desa Srigading mengalami peningkatan rata-rata hampir 50%.DOI:
The Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform De-noising and Combining with Side Scan Sonar Image Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Rasyid Alkhoir Lubis; Ramadhan Ulil Albab Lubis
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information Vol 1 No 01 (2017): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jagi.v1i01.307


This paper puts forward an image de-noising method based on 2D wavelet transform with the application of the method in seabed identification data collection system. Two-dimensional haar wavelets in image processing presents a unified framework for wavelet image compression and combining with side scan sonar image. Seabed identification target have 7 target detection in side scan sonar imagery result. The vibration signals were analyzed to perform fault diagnosis. The obtained signal was time-domain signal. The experiment result shows that the application of 2D wavelet transform image de-noising algorithm can achieve good subjective and objective image quality and help to collect high quality data and analyze the images for the data center with optimum effects, the features from time-domain signal were extracted. 3 vectors were formed which are v1, v2, v3. In Haar wavelet retained energy is 93.8 %, so from the results, it has been concluded that Haar wavelet transform shows the best results in terms of Energy from De-noised Image processing with side scan sonar imagery.
The Characteristics of Significant Wave Height and Sea Surface Temperature In The Sunda Strait Hanah Khoirunnisa; Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Wenang Anurogo
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information Vol 1 No 01 (2017): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jagi.v1i01.338


Sunda Strait has an important role in the water mass exchange from the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean so that the oceanographic condition is strongly affected by seasonal factors. The purpose of this study is to observe the relationship and the characteristics of significant wave height (SWH) and sea surface temperature (SST) in the Sunda strait and its relationship with IOD. The method employed is spatial analysis, low-pass filter, and spectrum analysis by S-Transform, beside that the correlation between SST and SWH is analyzed by wavelet coherency. The period of SWH and SST is dominantly semiannual, at the time of winter monsoon (the Northeast Monsoon), the SWH was reaching up to 2,11 m, while at the summer monsoon, the SWH was reaching up to 3.62 m. Reversely, the SST increased during the winter monsoon. At the time of 2016 had been detecting by the negative IOD with the IOD index of -0.65 and it caused the SWH increased by 0.3 m than its average. Based on the wavelet coherence, the SWH and the SST have the coherence in the period of 8 to 16 days, especially in March to April, and June to August.
A Simple Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping System Overview and Image Acquisition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Wenang Anurogo; Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Hanah Khoirunnisa; Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas; Aditya Hanafi; Fajar Rizki; Ganda Surya; Arini Dewi Lestari Situmorang; Dirgan Timbang; Perdi Novanto Sihombing; Catur Agus Lukitasari; Novita Ayu Dewanti
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information Vol 1 No 01 (2017): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jagi.v1i01.360


Aerial photogrammetry is one of the Alternative technologies for more detailed data, real time, fast and cheaper. Nowadays, many photogrammetric mapping methods have used UAV / unmanned drones or drones to retrieve and record data from an object in the earth. The application of drones in the field of geospatial science today is in great demand because of its relatively easy operation and relatively affordable cost compared to satellite systems especially high - resolution satellite imagery. This research aims to determine the stage or overview of data retrieval process with DJI Phantom 4 (multi - rotor quad - copter drone) with processing using third party software. This research also produces 2 - dimensional high resolution image data on the research area. Utilization of third party software (Agisoft PhotoScan) making it easier to acquire and process aerial photogrammetric data. The results of aerial photogrammetric recording with a flying altitude of 70 meters obtained high resolution images with a spatial resolution of 2 inches / pixels.
Pemetaan Parameter Oseanografi Fisik Menggunakan Citra Landsat 8 di Wilayah Perairan Nongsa Pulau Batam Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; Andriansyah Pratama Daya
JURNAL INTEGRASI Vol 9 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Integrasi - April 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/ji.v9i1.265


Parameter oseanografi merupakan dinamika alam yang terjadi mempengaruhi aspek fisis air laut, seperti suhu, pasang surut dan arus .Penelitian ini mengambil sampel di wilayah perairan Nongsa, kemudian dilakukan pengolahan data dengan penginderaan jauh menggunakan algoritma Lyzenga dan mengambil data primer suhu,DO,arus dalam bentuk pola arus, pasang surut yang disajikan dalam bentuk grafik. Hasil yang di dapatkan di lapangan kecepatan arus di pantai Nongsa dengan kecepatan dengan rentang 0.1 – 2 m/s dengan arah pola arus ke arah timur tetapi dominan ke arah barat, pantai Bemban kecepatan rentang antara 0.02-0.44 m/s dengan pola arus ke arah utara tetapi dominan ke arah barat , pantai Payung kecepatan arus dengan rentang antara 1.7 -1.8 dominan ke arah barat. Pasang surut pantai bemban menunjukkan pasang surut semi diurnal menunjukkan pasang tertinggi dua kali dan paanngg surut terendah dua kali. Tumbuhan Lamun yang diidentifikasi melalui dari citra satelit dengan algoritma Lyzenga terdapat di pantai Payung, untuk pantai Nongsa dan Bemban belum dapat mengidentifasi klorofil-a melalui citra satelit. Suhu dan DO yang terdapat dari tiga lokasi setelah di rata-ratakan menunjukkan suhu 29-32 ºC dan DO 12.5 -27.5 mg/L.
JURNAL SWARNABHUMI : Jurnal Geografi dan Pembelajaran Geografi Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Swarnabhumi : Jurnal Geografi dan Pembelajaran Geografi
Publisher : Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/swarnabhumi.v7i1.6507


Perubahan iklim mempengaruhi komunitas dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Perubahan iklim merupakan akibat dari pemanasan global yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan gas rumah kaca yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia.Sektor terbesar emisi gas rumah kaca adalah industri, transportasi dan rumah tangga. Peningkatan konsentrasi beberapa gas rumah kaca telah menyebabkan peningkatan penyerapan energi matahari dan peningkatan refleksi panas matahari, sehingga meningkatkan suhu di bumi dan memicu perubahan iklim, sehingga secara tidak langsung meningkatkan jumlah air di laut dan menyebabkan kenaikan permukaan laut. Naik karena pemuaian air laut dan pencairan salju. Di kutub utara dan selatan bumi. Satu dampak perubahan iklim mungkin memiliki banyak dampak yang berbeda. Di antara banyak kemungkinan dampak pemanasan global, masalah yang paling sering dibahas adalah terkait dengan kenaikan permukaan laut. Pengukuran tinggi muka air laut ini dengan berkembangnya teknologi, pengukuran tinggi muka air laut dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan citra satelit SPOT 5 untuk merekam perubahan muka air laut secara berkala dan kemudian menyajikannya dalam bentuk citra dengan tujuan untuk membuat scenario kenaikan tinggi muka air laut pada rentang kenaikan 0-50 m dan dampaknya terhadap scenario kenaikan tersebut terhadap area permukiman dan perkebunan. Untuk mengembangkan model kenaikan tinggi muka air laut di wilayah timur Pulau Bintan yaitu Kecamatan Gunung Kijang maka diperlukan data GDEM SPOT, yang berisikan informasi ketinggian dan karakteristik topografi, dalam hal ini data ketinggian adalah dalam kedetilan yang cukup tinggi. Data GDEM SPOT akan diolah dengan menggunakan teknologi SIG berbasis raster. Berdasarkan pemodelan ketinggian air laut yang sudah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa pada kenaikan tertinggi scenario 50 meter luas lahan yang bakal terdampak terhadap kenaikan tinggi muka air laut di Kecamatan Gunung Kijang yaitu daerah pemukiman seluas 261,880 ha & daerah perkebunan seluas 965,815 ha. Semakin tinggi muka air laut, maka semakin luas daerah yang terkena dampak kenaikan tinggi muka air laut
Kondisi Terumbu Karang dan Ikan Karang di Perairan Desa Waigoiyofa, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Alimuddin Alimuddin; Muhammad Kemal Idris; Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis; La Ode M. Gunawan Giu; Zan Zibar
Jurnal Komposit: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/komposit.v5i2.6286


AbstrakTerumbu karang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan manusia dan kenaikan suhu permukaan laut karena perubahan global.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang dan ikan karang di Desa Waigoiofa tahun 2019. Pengambilan data karang menggunakan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT) sedangkan pengambilan data ikan karang menggunakan metode visual sensus. Parameter perairan yang diukur adalah suhu, salinitas, derajat keasaman (pH), kecerahan dan kecepatan arus. Berdasarkan pengamatan, suhu perairan berkisar antara 30,1 °C – 30,2 °C.  Salinitas perairan bernilai 30 ‰. pH perairan bernilai 6,76 – 6,77 yang menunjang bagi kehidupan biota karang.  Tingkat kecerahan perairan adalah 100 %. Kecepatan arus sebesar 0,1 m/det. Kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang berdasarkan persentase penutupan karang keras berkisar antara 18,24 % – 44,44 % dengan kategori buruk sampai sedang. Indeks mortalitas karang di lokasi studi adalah kecil berkisar antara 0 – 0,471, artinya bahwa tidak ada perubahan berarti bagi karang hidup. Kelimpahan ikan karang berkisar antara 1,96 ind/m2 – 2,58 ind/m2 yang didominasi oleh famili Pomacentridae dan Labridae dimana kedua famili tersebut merupakan kelompok ikan yang memanfaatkan terumbu karang sebagai habitat untuk mencari makan. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman ikan karang di ekosistem terumbu karang di semua lokasi berkisar 3.95 – 4,11 yang berada dalam kategori sedang. Indeks keseragaman berada dalam kategori tinggi dengan nilai berkisar antara 0,63 – 0,64 yang menggambarkan perbedaan jumlah individu tiap spesies relatif sama dan tidak terlalu berbeda nyata. Indeks dominansi ikan karang berada dalam kategori rendah yaitu berkisar antara 0,02 – 0,03 yang menunjukkan bahwa dominasi spesies adalah rendah, sehingga kondisi komunitas ikan karang relatif stabil.Kata kunci: Metode LIT, Metode visual sensus, struktur komunitas, persentase penutupanAbstractCoral reefs are greatly affected by human activities and rising sea surface temperatures due to global changes. This study aims to determine the condition of coral reefs and reef fish in Waigoiofa Village in 2019. Data collection of coral reefs using Line Intercept Transect method while data collection of reef fishes using the visual census method. The water parameters measured were temperature, salinity, acidity (pH), brightness and current speed. Based on observations, the water temperature ranged from 30.1 °C – 30.2 °C. The salinity of the waters is 30‰. The pH of the waters is 6.76 – 6.77 which supports the life of coral biota. The brightness level of the waters is 100%. The current speed is 0.1 m/s. Conditions of coral reef ecosystems based on the percentage of hard coral cover ranged from 18.24% - 44.44 % with low to medium categories. The coral mortality index in the study area was small ranged from 0 – 0.471, meaning that there was no significant change for live corals. The abundance of reef fishes ranged from 1.96 ind/m2 – 2.58 ind/m2 which was dominated by families Pomacentridae and Labridae where both families are groups of fish that use coral reefs as a habitat for foraging. The index value of reef fish diversity in coral reef ecosystems at all stations ranged from 3.95 to 4.11 where the diversity index value was in the medium category. The uniformity index is in the high category with values ranging from 0.63 to 0.64 which illustrates the difference in the number of individuals of each species is the same and not different significantly. Reef fishes dominance index is in the low category, ranging from 0.02 to 0.03 which indicates that the species dominance is low, so the condition of the reef fish community is relatively stable.Keyword: LIT method, visual sensus method, community structure, coverage percentage