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Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v5i1.961


West Java has a centre for craftsmen who have a variety of motifs drawn from their regional potential. One of them is Ciamis batik, but now with the pandemic of the Corona 19 virus, it has had a tremendous impact on the macro and micro industrial economy in the development of the batik business. More and more are stopping their business. So it is feared that Ciamis batik motifs are increasingly rare in the market. Through Turtle graphics, existing batik motifs are made in the form of vector images to be preserved by utilizing digital technology. This research has the aim to that the Ciamis batik motif can be made into a visual language through the digitalization process using the MuPAD programming language. The benefit is to document and reintroduce Ciamis Batik motifs that are almost extinct. The method used is a digitalization experiment through the Lindenmayer System. Ciamis batik samples selected motifs that have repetition in the form of a repeating pattern. Based on the research, the Ciamis batik motif can be made using the technique of arches, horizontal lines, vertical lines, and rotation. The conclusion of this research is that batik motif design can use the Lindenmayer System program as a blueprint and can be implemented on Indonesian batik.  This research contributes to the efficient documentation of batik motifs in digital form with good quality so that they can be implemented in the creative industry.
Basic Arduino Programming Training For High School Students Aan Darmawan; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Erwani Merry Sartika; Novie Theresia Br. Pasaribu; Riko Arlando
THE SPIRIT OF SOCIETY JOURNAL : International Journal of Society Development and Engagement Vol 1 No 1 (1): September 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.739 KB) | DOI: 10.29138/scj.v1i1.456


Electronic devices have become a part of human life today that can not be ignored. Community Service Program conducted by Prodi Electrical Engineering, Maranatha Christian University aims to increase knowledge, increase interest, form the ability of cooperation, improve creativity and improve the fighting power of high school students on the operation of electronic devices, in the form of arduino programming training . Arduino is an open source electronic kit specifically designed as a controller that regulates the working process of electronic circuits. The method used in this PKM is Participatory Action Research (PAR) in the form of lecture method to describe the material that has been prepared by PKM team, the method of practice in the form of Arduino programming and assembling the electronic component connected with Arduino, the method of mentoring when the students do the programming and stringing electronic components, and discussion methods in the form of inter-group cooperation to solve the case given. The results of this training can be a provision for high school students in the form of programming skills, the ability to assemble electronic components, the ability to work with groups to solve existing problems, and increase confidence in designing and operating electronic devices
Tingkat Kebahagiaan Masyarakat setelah Adanya Mural di Kelurahan Sukawarna Kecamatan Sukajadi Bandung Ariesa Pandanwangi; Ida Ida; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Rosida Tiurma Manurung; Iman Budiman; Vincent Vincent
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (Mei)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v7i2.365


Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengukur tingkat kebahagiaan masyarakat Kelurahan Sukawarna setelah dibuatnya mural di lingkungan mereka. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran (mix method). Pertama metode penelitian berbasis komunitas dan kedua menggunakan survei. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pertama, masyarakat berhasil membuat karya mural dengan tema kearifan lokal berupa benda-benda hunian, flora, dan fauna yang diwarnai. Secara estetika, visualisasi dinding menjadi menarik, sehingga lingkungan menjadi menarik dan orang dapat mengambil foto diri di sana. Kedua, berdasarkan survei dengan adanya mural mempengaruhi tingkat kebahagiaan masyarakat sebesar 49,9 % Abstract Environmental problems, one of which is the space for the actuality of citizens. The mural is one of the attractive locations for environmental attraction and can be a marker of an urban area. At present RW 04 Sukawarna Urban Village has not been well organized, so it requires a colorful environment that can be one of the interesting areas in Bandung. This service is guided by the facilitator with the principle of partnership assistance with the Asset Based Community. Development method. The community service servants will complete a 12 meter long wall with a height of 3 m. The wall will be painted on and given color. The result of this service is a mural work with the theme of local wisdom in the form of objects of residential objects, flora and fauna that are colored. Aesthetically, the visualization of the walls becomes interesting, so the environment becomes interesting, and people can take self-photographs there. Economically, the environment can be an attraction and an incentive for tourists who come gradually, so that the community can empower economic growth in the future.
Penggunaan Artificial Neural Network pada Sinyal Elektrokardiogram untuk Mendeteksi Penyakit Jantung Aritmia Supraventrikular Niendy Alexandra Yosephine; Ratnadewi
INFORMASI (Jurnal Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 13 No 1 (2021): INFORMASI (Jurnal Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Indonesia Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37424/informasi.v13i1.69


Aritmia supraventrikular adalah salah satu jenis gangguan irama jantung yang bersumber dari nodus AV atau impuls listrik di atrium, dengan keadaan jantung yang berdetak lebih cepat dari normal. Aritmia supraventrikular masih dapat diobati dengan obat tertentu sehingga akan sangat membantu penderita bila penyakit tersebut terdeteksi lebih awal. Pemrosesan sinyal elektrokardiogram (EKG) terhadap penyakit Aritmia supraventrikular perlu dilakukan untuk mendeteksi lebih awal adanya permasalahan pada jantung khususnya penyakit aritmia supraventrikular. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) digunakan untuk mendeteksi penyakit jantung Aritmia supraventrikular dan jantung normal karena kelebihannya dalam mengklasifikasi suatu data dengan tepat, proses yang singkat dan pengelolaan mandiri. Hasil akhir dalam penelitian ini didapatkan nilai tertinggi dalam keberhasilan mengklasifikasi berasal dari struktur algoritma Multi-Layer Perceptron. Nilai akurasi hasil pengujian tertinggi berasal dari metode pelatihan menggunakan Resilient Backpropagation yaitu sebesar 87,5%. Nilai specificity hasil pengujian tertinggi berasal dari metode pelatihan menggunakan Levenberg Marquard sebesar 83,3%. Nilai sensitivity hasil pengujian tertinggi berasal dari metode pelatihan menggunakan Resilient Backpropagation yaitu sebesar 100%.
Generative Art sebagai Pembentuk Motif Geometris Ariesa Pandanwangi; Agus Prijono; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 8 No 4 (2022): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (November)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v8i4.959


Designing motifs is still mostly done manually, using a pencil and then drawing on paper. The purpose of this research is to offer a solution in making geometric motifs by utilizing algorithmic art produced through computer technology. This method is a combination of the use of algorithmic art and the design used in making geometric motif designs. Algorithmic Art is a subset of generative art that is the result of an algorithmic process and is designed by the artist and usually uses a random process to generate variations based on external input. The results of this study are geometric motifs using the algorithmic art method. Geometric motifs can be applied to fabrics, decorations, and others.
Classification of Electroencephalogram Signal Sleeping Condition Output EEG Digital Tools Laboratory Clinical Neurophysiology Immanuel Hospital with Support Vector Machine Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Dedeh Supantini; Decky Gunawan; Dennis Harnandi; Diana Chandrasasmita
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29099/ijair.v6i2.447


Sleep Disorders like insomnia is one of the main health problems. Sleep deficiencies can increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension and cognitive disorders and behavior. The brain produces electrical signals, when someone is doing any activity such as moving, waking up, sleeping, etc. This electrical signal can be recorded using an electroencephalogram (EEG). In this study, brain signals are read with EEG Digital Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology Imanuel Hospital. The EEG signal results will be classified using Machine Learning Support Vector Machine (SVM). EEG signal data was obtained from Immanuel Hospital in Bandung. Conditions to be classified are the condition of waking, drowsiness (stage-1), and sleep (stage-2). Extraction of features using discrete wavelet transform Daubechies DB4. The decomposition level used in this study is Level-1 and Level-2. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the best parameter values obtained are C 10, Gamma 1, and Kernel Poly. Based on these parameters, the accuracy value was 78.8% for level-1, and 76.6% for level-2.
Android Implementation of Traditional Indonesia Fashion Application Tukiyo Tukiyo; Ardian Arifin; Rizki Dewantara; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Julaiha Probo Anggraini
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Articles Research Volume 8 Issue 1, 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v8i1.11999


Indonesia has been gifted with a wide range of diverse cultures from Sabang to Merauke, making Indonesia one of the biggest country with multi ethnic groups, races and cultures. Meanwhile, a lack of information that can be accessed by the students causing a big issue that needs to be addressed. The information of Indonesian traditional clothing is very limited, which has been represented as a characteristic of tribe and culture in each region and also used in the traditional ceremony. Therefore, this study aims to develop an Android-based educational game of traditional Indonesian clothing. The method used in this study was Research and Development approach. The results of this study showed that developing an educational game "Introduction to Traditional Clothing in Indonesia" on the Android platform,that provided information to users about any traditional musical instruments in Indonesia, helped students to recognize the particular culture through its traditional clothing as it could give an insight to them. From the results of testing carried out with the black box method, it could be concluded that this application enabled to function well and provide the beneficial information to user about the traditional clothing.
Penyuluhan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut pada Guru dan Siswa SDK BPPK Bandung Ida Ida; Rosida Tiurma Manurung; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Ariesa Pandanwangi
Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal Vol 9, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/aksara.9.1.129-136.2023


Perawatan gigi untuk anak dibutuhkan penyuluhan yang baik dan benar, tujuannya untuk mengenalkan kepada anak dan guru sekolah bagaimana memelihara kesehatan giginya. Permasalahan dalam pengabdian ini adalah SD BPPK bermaksud  secara langsung memberitahukan pengetahuan tentang gigi yang sehat dan cara perawatan serta pemeliharaannya. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut maka tim pengabdi dari lintas fakultas bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Kristen Maranatha mengadakan penyuluhan dan pemeriksaan gigi terhadap anak dan guru di Sekolah  Dasar BPPK Jalan Pajajaran Bandung. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan dalam pengabdian ini, maka setelah kegiatan disebarkan angket kepada para guru yang mengikuti penyuluhan ini. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah metode angket. Hasil dari pengabdian ini dapat diketahui bahwa tingkat pengetahuan pemeliharaan gigi dan mulut guru sebagai pendidik di SD BPPK pada tingkatan sangat baik (64.7%) dan baik (35.3%).  Hal ini sebagai dasar agar dapat terus memberikan edukasi dan mengingatkan peserta didiknya untuk melakukan pemeliharaan gigi dan mulut yang baik dan benar. Hal ini juga didukung oleh perilaku guru dalam pemeliharaan gigi dan mulut sangat baik (41.2%), Baik (47.1%), dan cukup (11.8%).
Peningkatkan Pengetahuan Mengenai Eco Enzyme Bagi Komunitas Pendidik di Kota Bandung Ariesa Pandanwangi; Aulia Wara Arimbi Putri; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Kartika Suhada; Belinda Sukapura Dewi
Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aks.v7i1.10217


Dapur rumah tangga merupakan salah satu penghasil sampah organik terbesar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sampah organik ini akan menjadi busuk dan menimbulkan bau busuk yang mencemari lingkungan, Permasalahan inilah yang akan dipecahkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh Ikatan Kekeluargaan Perempuan Maranatha(IKPM), yaitu berupa pelatihan pembuatan eco enzyme secara daring melalui aplikasi zoom kepada komunitas pendidik di kota Bandung sebanyak 29 orang. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metoda participant action research, dan untuk mengetahui pemahaman peserta mengenai eco enzyme digunakan metode angket yang diisi oleh peserta sebagai responden dengan menggunakan skala likert. Secara umum, hasil dari kegiatan ini meningkatkan pemahaman peserta tentang eco enzyme secara mendalam  sebesar 74%, peningkatan pengetahuan cara pembuatan eco enzyme sebesar 71,3% dan peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai berbagai manfaat dari eco enzyme rata-rata sebesar 22,05%. Sebanyak 51,72% peserta ingin segera membuat eco enzyme. Kegiatan ini direkomendasikan agar dapat dipraktikkan di dalam komunitas-komunitas lainnya, sehingga masyarakat dapat bergerak menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat. 
Designing a wireless robot plotter as a supporting tool for understanding logical thinking Aan Darmawan H; Ratnadewi Ratnadewi; Agus Prijono
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v7i1.3640


OSTR stands for Open Source Turtle Robot is a turtle robot whose hardware and software are open source and published by MakersBox located in Adair Village, OR, United States of America. In this study OSTR will be developed into an Wireless Robot Plotter that can draw and write and is equipped with computer software to support the needs of the learning process in understanding logical thinking for students. In this study, a wireless Robot Plotter design has been successfully designed to support students' understanding of logical thinking. A logical thought in the form of syntactic logic steps "turtle graphics" is inserted into the application interface (created in visual basic language), then the logic steps are translated in the form of an image that can be viewed on the monitor screen and sent wirelessly to the Robot Plotter (using nodeMCU ESP8266-12 as the processor) to be drawn by the Robot Plotter. From the tests, the realized wireless Robot Plotter successfully drew according to the logic steps instructed through the created interface application. The research urgency is to train logical thinking by designing a robot plotter so that abilities and skills are sharpened and the plotter robot used to draw basic batik motifs can be utilized by the creative industry.