Taufan Bramantoro
Department Of Dental Public Health, Faculty Of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

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Improved Oral Hygine as A Result of Successful Toothbrushing Intervention in a Restricted Community Islamic Boarding School Pindobilowo1 , Dwi Ariani2 , Nadia Shabrina Amalia3 , Taufan Bramantoro4
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 14 No. 3 (2020): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i3.10740


Introduction: Brushing teeth is an important thing to do since it is one of the factors that affect oral hygiene, especially to remove plaque on the teeth.1 The ability to brush teeth properly and correctly is a fairly important factor in maintaining dental and oral health, especially in adolescence.5 The purpose of study to explain the differences in plaque scores before and after toothbrushing training using Bass technique in adolescents Method: The sample were 100 students aged 12-15 years old in grades 7, 8 and 9. This study design was experimental quasi and using a pre-test and post-test after 7 days to determine the difference in plaque scores before and after the training. The plaque index method that used to examine oral hygine was Patient Hygiene Performance (PHP). Comparison between plaque scores before and after training evaluated using Wilcoxon test. Result: Examination of PHP index before training shows 81 samples (81%) in poor criteria, then most subjects undergoes improvement after training. There were 94 samples (94%) experienced decrease or improvement in plaque score whilst 6 samples (6%) did not show improvement after training. Median of plaque score before training was 4.3 (0.2-5 (SD=0.502)) afterwards improved to 2.2 (0-4.8 (SD=0.496)). Wilcoxon test obtained a value of p<0.05 which was 0.000. Conclusion: There were significant differences in plaque scores before and after toothbrushing training using Bass technique.
Modeling of factors influencing exploration of medical career choices Rizma Adlia Syakurah; Yayi Suryo Prabandari; Widyandana Widyandana; Taufan Bramantoro
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 10, No 1: March 2021
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v10i1.20513


Majority of medical students choose clinical specialties as their career choice, compared to other medical fields. This study aimed to finding an effective model of career exploration behaviour in medical students to construct effective career interventions. This study obtained 1030 students of medical faculties in Indonesia. All data used an online survey questionnaire that was collected starting from October 12th-25th 2015. Data analysis used Partial Least Square-Path Modelling using R statistical software to create a model in order to find correlation and pathway among each variable. The result showed both direct and indirect correlation towards the variables studied. Personal accomplishment had a stronger influence on self-efficacy (β=0.317, p<0.001). This study concluded that verbal persuasion and self-efficacy correlate directly to career exploration. All variables are related to career exploration in medical students. Educators and policymakers are able to construct intervention in this area to encourage medical students to start exploring career options early.
Patient’s expectation on communication performances community of Dental Health Services providers located in urban and rural area Taufan Bramantoro; Ninuk Hariyani
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 46 No. 1 (2013): March 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.708 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v46.i1.p1-4


Background: The quality of dentist’s communication skills is considered as one of important aspects on the quality of dental health services assessment. During the initial interview conducted at Ketabang, Dupak, and Kepadangan community dental health services at Surabaya and Sidoarjo, Indonesia, it appeared that eighty percent of initial respondents were not satisfied with the communication aspect. Community Dental Health Services (CDHS) need to assess the communication performances based on community characteristics in effort to promote the quality and effectiveness of the denta health services. Purpose: The objective of this study was to analyze patient’s expectation values priorities on dentists' communication performances in CDHS that located in urban and rural area. Methods: The study was conducted in Ketabang Surabaya, Dupak Surabaya and Kepadangan Sidoarjo CDHSs. The participants were 400 patients above 18 years old. Participants were assessed their expectation value using the communication performances of dental health services questionnaire. Results: Patients in urban CDHS appeared that there were two priority aspects which had high values, namely the clarity of instructions and the dentist’s ability of active listening to the patient, while patients in rural CDHS revealed that the clarity of instructions and dentist-patient relationship were the aspects with high values. Conclusion: Patients in CDHS that located in rural area expect more dentist-patient interpersonal relationship performance than patients in CDHS located in urban area. This finding becomes a valuable information for CDHS to develop communication strategies based on community characteristics.Latar belakang: Kualitas komunikasi dari dokter gigi merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam penilaian kualitas layanan suatu sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Pada wawancara pendahuluan yang dilaksanakan di puskesmas Ketabang, Dupak dan Kepadangan di Surabaya dan Sidoarjo, Indonesia, diperoleh hasil bahwa delapan puluh persen responden merasa tidak puas dengan aspek komunikasi dari tenaga kesehatan gigi. Penyedia layanan kesehatan gigi perlu untuk menilai penampilan komunikasi dari tenaga kesehatan gigi sesuai dengan karakteristik masyarakat sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas layanan kesehatan gigi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis prioritas harapan pasien terhadap penampilan komunikasi dokter gigi di puskesmas yang berlokasi di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di puskesmas Ketabang Surabaya, Dupak Surabaya dan Kepadangan Sidoarjo. Responden berjumlah 400 pasien, berusia diatas 18 tahun. Penilaian harapan pasien akan aspek komunikasi dari tenaga kesehatan akan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner kualitas layanan terkait penampilan komunikasi. Hasil: Pasien pada puskesmas di daerah perkotaan menyampaikan bahwa ada dua aspek prioritas yang mereka anggap lebih bernilai, yaitu kejelasan instruksi dokter gigi dan kemampuan dokter gigi untuk mendengarkan mereka secara aktif, sementara pasien di puskesmas pedesaan lebih memberikan nilai prioritas yang tinggi pada aspek kejelasan instruksi dokter dan hubungan kedekatan antara dokter–pasien. Kesimpulan: Pasien pada Puskesmas yang terletak di daerah pedesaan lebih mengharapkan upaya membangun hubungan interpersonal dokter gigi dengan pasien dibandingkan dengan pasien pada puskesmas terletak di daerah perkotaan. Temuan ini merupakan informasi yang berharga bagi penyedia layanan kesehatan gigi untuk membangun strategi komunikasi berdasarkan karakteristik masyarakat sasaran.
Analysis of importance level and quality achievement aspect in dental health service (A case study on Waru Sidoarjo Community Dental Health Service) Taufan Bramantoro; Retno Palupi
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 45 No. 1 (2012): March 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.18 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v45.i1.p48-51


Background: Patients as customers of health services actually have expectation and assessment of health services perceived. During the initial interview conducted at Waru Sidoarjo Community Dental Health Service (Waru Sidoarjo CDHS), it is known that one hundred percent of initial respondents were not satisfied with dental care service provided. All of those respondents assessed that Waru Sidoarjo CDHS still has not met their expectations of service quality factors considered to be important for them. It is even known that there is usually a gap between the expectations of quality dental care service and the assessment of services perceived. As a result, further researches are needed to be conducted regarding the level of importance and achievement-related with factors that affect the quality of health services. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the level of importance and achievement of the quality aspects of the health service provided by Waru Sidoarjo CDHS. Methods: This study can be considered as a descriptive observational study. The instrument used in this study was measurement instruments of service quality. Respondents in the study were 200 patients who visited to dental care services in Waru Sidoarjo CDHS in July 2011. Results: All of the attributes had a mean value of dominant importance and assessments at four. The attributes of the appearance feasibility of medical staffs had the highest interest, about 4.780. Meanwhile, the mean value of the lowest importance was on the attributes of the service suitability, about 4.595. During the observation of the service value, it is also known that the highest mean value was on the non-discriminative services, about 4.600. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there were attributes considered to be important for patients, but still not being fully met by health services provided by the service provider or Community Dental Health Care. Those attributes involving waiting room comfort, service readiness and service preparation attributes which not only had high importance value, but also had a large percentage of respondents who were not satisfied.Latar belakang: Pasien sebagai pengguna jasa pelayanan kesehatan, memiliki harapan dan penilaian terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang diterima. Pada wawancara awal yang dilakukan pada pasien Balai Pengobatan Gigi Puskesmas Waru Sidoarjo, didapatkan bahwa seratus persen responden awal merasa tidak puas dengan pelayanan kesehatan gigi. Seluruh responden awal menilai pihak BPG Puskesmas belum memenuhi harapan mereka terhadap faktor kualitas pelayanan yang mereka nilai penting. Terdapat kesenjangan antara harapan mereka terkait kualitas pelayanan kesehatan gigi yang mereka nilai penting dengan penilaian mereka terhadap pelayanan yang diterima, sehingga diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai tingkat kepentingan dan pencapaian terkait faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan dan pencapaian aspek kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan Balai Pengobatan Gigi Puskesmas Waru Sidoarjo. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah instrumen pengukuran kualitas pelayanan jasa. Responden pada penelitian adalah 200 pasien yang berkunjung dan mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi di Balai pengobatan Gigi Puskesmas Waru Sidoarjo pada bulan Juli 2011. Hasil: Seluruh atribut memiliki rerata nilai kepentingan dan penilaian yang dominan pada nilai 4. Atribut kelayakan penampilan staf medis memiliki nilai kepentingan tertinggi sebesar 4,780. Rerata nilai kepentingan terendah pada atribut kesesuaian layanan sebesar 4,595. Pada pengamatan nilai penerimaan layanan, rerata nilai tertinggi pada atribut layanan yang tidak diskriminatif sebesar 4,600. Rerata nilai terendah didapatkan pada atribut kesiapan layanan sebesar 4,200. Kesimpulan: Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat atribut yang dinilai penting tetapi belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi oleh pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan oleh penyedia layanan atau Puskesmas. Atribut kenyamanan ruang tunggu, kesigapan layanan, dan kesiapan layanan, memiliki nilai kepentingan yang tinggi, tetapi memiliki nilai persentase yang besar pada jumlah responden yang merasa tidak puas.
Cost effectiveness and quality of life assessment on dental filling and tooth extraction in Balongsari Public Health Center Taufan Bramantoro; Thinni Nurul R
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 44 No. 1 (2011): March 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.706 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v44.i1.p43-48


Background: Dental health services program implementation in Balongsari Public Health Center during three years, 2006 until 2008, have a high average ratio of filling treatment compared to tooth extraction treatment (1:1.79) as compared to the standard set by the Ministry of Health (1:1). Cost effectiveness analysis and quality of life is needed as a form of economic evaluation of costs incurred by the consequences or impacts of health care programs, especially dental filling and tooth extraction, use to help in supporting the process of policy making in health care. The objective of this study was to assess cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) and quality of life (QoL) on dental filling and extraction treatment in Public Health Center. Methods: The study was conducted on 31 respondents who received filling treatment and 38 respondents who received tooth extraction. All of the respondents carried out to evaluate the total costs incurred in obtaining treatment and QoL between before and after treatment, which consist of the physical aspects, psychological, social, and economic. Results: The average total cost of dental filling treatment of the 31 respondents was Rp. 27,934.45, and in tooth extraction of the 38 respondents at Rp. 22,406.83. The average difference in the QoL, before and after dental filling treatment amounted to 121.25. In extractions, QoL difference in value before and after treatment at 132.36. Cost effectiveness ratio value in dental filling treatment amounted to 230.37, and in tooth extraction at 169.63. Conclusion: It is concluded that cost effectiveness ratio in the filling treatment is higher than the extraction, that the tooth extraction treatment is considered more cost effective than filling treatment.Latar belakang: Pelaksanaan program pelayanan kesehatan gigi di Puskesmas Balongsari selama tiga tahun, yaitu tahun 2006 hingga 2008, memiliki rata-rata rasio perbandingan perawatan tumpatan dengan pencabutan gigi (1:1,79) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan standar rasio yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan (1:1). Analisis efektifitas biaya dan kualitas hidup, dibutuhkan sebagai bentuk dari evaluasi secara ekonomi, dilihat dari biaya yang dibandingkan dengan dampak program pelayanan kesehatan, khususnya perawatan tumpatan dan pencabutan gigi, untuk mendukung proses pengambilan kebijakan dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) dan quality of life (QoL) pada perawatan tumpatan dan pencabutan gigi di Puskesmas Balongsari. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 31 orang pasien yang mendapatkan perawatan tumpatan dan 38 orang pasien yang mendapatkan pencabutan gigi. Pada seluruh responden dilakukan evaluasi total biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mendapatkan perawatan dan pengukuran kualitas hidup sebelum dan sesudah perawatan, yang terdiri dari aspek fisik, psikologis, sosial, dan ekonomi. Hasil: Rata-rata total biaya perawatan tumpatan gigi dari 31 responden adalah Rp. 27,934.45, dan pada pencabutan gigi sejumlah 38 responden sebesar Rp. 22,406.83. Rata-rata nilai selisih QoL, sebelum dengan sesudah perawatan tumpatan gigi sebesar 121.25. Pada pencabutan gigi, nilai selisih QoL sebelum dengan sesudah perawatan sebesar 132.36. Nilai cost effectiveness ratio pada perawatan tumpatan gigi adalah sebesar 230.37, dan pada pencabutan gigi adalah sebesar 169.63. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa cost effectiveness ratio pada perawatan tumpatan gigi lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada pencabutan gigi, sehingga pencabutan gigi dinilai lebih cost effective atau efektif secara biaya, dibandingkan dengan perawatan tumpatan gigi.
The development of early childhood caries impact on quality of life-Indonesia instrument as assessment instrument of dental caries impact on quality of life of children aged 3-5 years based on Indonesian community characteristics Taufan Bramantoro; Yayi Suryo Prabandari; Djauhar Ismail; Udijanto Tedjosasongko
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 48 No. 4 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.447 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v48.i4.p197-203


Background: Improvement of quality of life is one of objectives in establishment of healthcare system according to World Health Organization policy. Studies of dental health-related factors that influence quality of life of children aged 3-5 years have not been developed yet, particularly in Indonesia. Previous study which adopted international instruments has some limitations of inappropriate characteristics of question items with local community characteristics. Quality of life assessment could describe sociodemographic status and community cultural background, as well as varies of special characteristics in a community group, related to oral and dental health features with sensitivity to the difference of age group. Purpose: This study was aimed to develop early childhood caries impact on quality of life-Indonesia (ECCIQOL-INA) as assessment instrument of dental caries impact on quality of life of children aged 3-5 years based on Indonesian community characteristics. Method: Initially, this study was conducted qualitatively using Focus Group Discussion method, validity and reliability test, subsequently the study was continued using quantitative method as a cross-sectional analytical study to analyze the utilization of instrument in 309 children aged 3-5 years enrolled in kindergarten and early childhood education programs (ECEP) with their mothers at working area of Community Health Centre Wates in Mojokerto. Result: There were four question items as assessment instrument of dental health problems that impact on quality of life on children aged 3-5 years, i.e, “Has your child ever been irritable/restless?” (“Apakah anak Ibu pernah merasa rewel/gelisah?”), “Has your child ever refused to eat and drink or felt discomfort while eating and drinking?” (“Apakah anak Ibu pernah tidak mau atau tidak enak makan dan minum?”), “Has your child ever been absent from school?” (“Apakah anak Anda pernah tidak masuk sekolah?”) “Has your child ever been difficult or unable to sleep?” (“Apakah anak Ibu pernah tidak bisa tidur atau sulit tidur?”). Conclusion: ECCIQOL-INA instrument had been successfully developed and could be utilized as assessment instrument of dental caries impact on quality of life on children aged 3-5 years based on Indonesian community characteristics.
Perceived parenting style and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome Siti Fitria Ulfah; Darmawan Setijanto; Taufan Bramantoro
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 49 No. 4 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.591 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v49.i4.p206-212


Background: The number of children with down syndrome in Surabaya has reached 924 children. Prevalence of gingivitis and dental caries (91% and 93.8%, respectively) occurs in children with down syndrome aged 6 to 20 years. Oral and dental health problems are found in children with down syndrome because they have physical and motoric limitation in maintaining oral and dental hygiene, thus require parental care from mother. Perceived parenting style includes responsiveness and demandingness. Perceived parenting is crucial for mother whose children have Down syndrome in order to guide their health behavior, particularly to maintain oral and dental health. Purpose: The study aimed to analyze correlation between perceived parenting style and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome. Method: This cross sectional analytical study involved 40 mothers of children aged 7-13 years with Down syndrome enrolled in Special Education Elementary Schools Surabaya and Association of Parents of Children with Down syndrome Surabaya. Data of perceived parenting style (responsiveness and demandingness) and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health were obtained by questionnaire. Composition of each item in questionnaire of perceived parenting style and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome was passed through validity and reliability test. Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression correlation test. Result: This present study showed that perceived parenting style is significantly correlated with mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome (R = 0.630, p = 0.000), with perceived parental responsiveness as a strong predictor. Mean score and standard deviation of perceived parental responsiveness and demandingness were 33.00±2.99 and 15.55±1.99, respectively. Conclusion: Perceived maternal parenting style in children with Down syndrome is closely related to mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome.
The effect of peer support education on dental caries prevention behavior in school age children at age 10-11 years old Debby Syahru Romadlon; Taufan Bramantoro; Muhammad Luthfi
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 49 No. 4 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.196 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v49.i4.p217-222


Background: Dental caries is an infectious disease and it is preceded by a progressive demineralization in hard tissue surface of the crown. Dental caries is one of the most common diseases that experienced by school-age children. Health education on the prevention of dental caries and peer support education method can improve the behavior of caries prevention. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of peer support education on dental caries prevention behavior in children of school age. Method: This study is a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest control group design. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. The study was conducted in SDN Bandulan 3 Sukun Malang with 35 respondents (experimental group) and in SDN Bandulan 2 Sukun Malang with 35 respondents (control group). The experimental group was treated using peer support education while the control group was given health education with the lecture method. The data of student’s dental caries prevention behavior (knowledge and attitudes) is obtained through a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-tests with significant p value <0.05. Result: The results showed the average score of knowledge in the experimental group at 20.48 and knowledge among respondents in the control group amounted to 18.02, and the average total score of the attitude of the respondents in the experimental group at 20.08 and in control group of 17.77. Results of independent t test analysis test that there is a significant difference in the average scores of knowledge and attitudes of respondents in the experimental group and the control group (p value 0.000, <0.05). Conclusion: Health education with peer support education method is effective in improving dental caries prevention behavior in children at school age.
Building team agreement on large population surveys through inter-rater reliability among oral health survey examiners Sri Susilawati; Grace Monica; R. Putri N. Fadilah; Taufan Bramantoro; Darmawan Setijanto; Gilang Rasuna Sabdho Wening; Retno Palupi
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 51 No. 1 (2018): March 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.704 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v51.i1.p42-46


Background: Oral health surveys conducted on a very large population involve many examiners who must be consistent in scoring different levels of an oral disease. Prior to the oral health survey implementation, a measurement of inter-rater reliability (IRR) is needed to know the level of agreement among examiners or raters. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the IRR using consensus and consistency estimates in large population oral health surveys. Methods: A total of 58 dentists participated as raters. The benchmarker showed the clinical sample for dental caries and community periodontal index (CPI) score, with the raters being trained to carry out a calibration exercise in dental phantom. The consensus estimate was measured by means of a percent agreement and Cohen’s Kappa statistic. The consistency estimate of IRR was measured by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and intraclass correlation. Results: The percent agreement is 65.50% for photographic slides of dental caries, 73.13% for photographic slides of CPI and 78.78% for calibration of dental caries using phantom. There were statistically significant differences between dental caries calibration using photographic slides and phantom (p<0.000), while the consistency of IRR between multiple raters is strong (Cronbrach’s Alpha: >0.9). Conclusion: A percent agreement across multiple raters is acceptable for the diagnosis of dental caries. Consistency between multiple raters is reliable when diagnosing dental caries and CPI.
The correlation analysis of dental caries, general health conditions and daily performance in children aged 2-5 years old Darmawan Setijanto; Taufan Bramantoro; Nanissa Dyah Anggraini; Ardhyana Dea Maharani; Dwita Angesti; Dani Susanto Hidayat; Aulia Ramadhani
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 53 No. 3 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v53.i3.p122-125


Background: Oral health is important for general health and quality of life. One of the oral diseases with a high prevalence in Indonesia is dental caries. Dental caries can cause limiting disturbances of daily activities such as biting, chewing, smiling and talking, and of psychosocial well-being, including development and general health of children. Purpose: This study aims to analyse the correlation of dental caries incidence rate with general health conditions and daily performance of children aged 2–5 years. Methods: This was an analytical observational cross-sectional study. The study sample was 103 pairs of children and their mothers, selected using cluster random sampling technique. Intra-oral examination was conducted on the children to obtain decay, missing, filled-teeth (DMF-T) index score. Information about oral impacts on daily performance (OIDP) of the children was collected through a questionnaire distributed to the mothers. The data obtained were statistically analysed with a regression test (p < 0.05). Results: It was found that dental caries had a significant correlation with general health (p = 0.00) and daily performance, including chewing function disorder (p = 0.00), difficulties in maintaining oral health (p = 0.039), sleep disorders (p = 0.00), and emotional instability (p = 0.00). Conclusion: The incidence rate of dental caries has a significant effect on the general health conditions and daily performance of children aged 2–5 years.