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Penerapan Metode Flipped Classroom Kedalam Kurikulum Keperawatan Literature Review I Putu Juni Andika; Istichomah Istichomah
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.783 KB) | DOI: 10.55426/jksi.v12i2.149


Abtrak Latar belakang: Metode baru tersebut disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman dan karakteristik mahasiswa sehingga pembelajaran menjadi relevan dan efektif. kurikulum berbasis kompetensi metode pembelajaran yang tepat dipilih oleh dosen adalah yang lebih memberikan peluang ke pada mahasiswa. Metode pembelajaran berbasis tehnologi informasi yang dipandang relevan dengan saat ini adalah Flipped Classroom Learning. Tujuan: Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah metode flipped Clasroom dapat dimasukkan dalam kurikulum keperawatan ? Metode: Literatur ini menggunakan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, artikel yang didapat dan direview dan diperoleh dari database yaitu google scholar (2016 – 2020) dan PubMed (2016 – 2020). Strategi pencarian dan istilalah yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebagai berikut Flipped Classroom OR Kurikulum OR nursing students Hasil:tujuh artikel menyebutkan metode pembelajaran Flipped Classeroom secrasignifikan meningkatkan penegtahuan dan nilai mahsiswa keperawatan, dua artikel menyebutkan pendekatan flipped classroom dan pembelajaran berbasis tim secara efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan EBN, satu artikel menyebutkan Pelatihan keselamatan pasien menggunakan metode flipped classroom terbukti efektif dalam kompetensi keselamatan pasien Kesimpulan:efektivitas yang ditunjukkan oleh metode flipped classroom sangat berpengaruh dalam meninkakan kognitif, berpikir krtis, serta peningkatan EVB dan peningkatan pada skor nilai mahasiswa keperawatan
Persepsi dan penerimaan vaksin Covid-19 di kalangan wanita hamil dan menyusui Setyo Retno Wulandari; I Putu Juni Andika; Istichomah Istichomah; Eny Retna Ambarwati
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55426/jksi.v13i1.197


Background : : Vaccination is critical in controlling the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, vaccine perception and acceptance among pregnant and lactating women is unknown. We aimed to determine the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among these two groups of women in Singapore, and factors associated with vaccine acceptance. We aimed to determine the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among these two groups of women, and factors associated with vaccine acceptance.Research methods : This library review uses a database with the electronic search on, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect published in 2016 - 2021. Ten articles were used for review. The article discusses the perception and acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine among pregnant and lactating women. Results and discussion : The conclution is Good perception and acceptance can speed up the COVID-19 vaccination process and emphasize the incidence in pregnant and lactating women.
Penyuluhan kesehatan melalui siaran radio tentang menjaga kesehatan balita di masa pandemi Covid-19 Istichomah Istichomah; I Putu Juni Andika; Firmina Theresia Kora
Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.313 KB) | DOI: 10.30644/jphi.v3i2.500


After Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic problem, the government had an obligation to maintain survival, including toddlers. The case of Covid-19 in children under five and the mortality rate for children under five with Covid which is quite high compared to other countries, makes us have to continue to prevent it from spreading from various ages. Toddlers as candidates for the nation's next generation must have good health conditions, one of which is by maintaining the health of toddlers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yogyakarta Stikes and Sonora radio held a health education through radio broadcasts which lasted approximately 2 hours. This counseling contains about how to prevent Covid-19 at the individual and family level, implementation of immunization, completeness of toddler nutrition, and referrals to health facilities. This lecture activity provides information to the public on how to maintain their health. Based on the evaluation of radio listeners, it is known that listeners are quite active in asking questions about the correct use of masks, as well as about the implementation of posyandu. It is hoped that from this counseling, public awareness will continue to increase, which is indicated by the behavior of the community in adhering to health protocols. Keywords : health education, radio, children, covid-19
Penyuluhan deteksi dini stroke dengan metode FAST pada lansia Istichomah Istichomah; I Putu Juni Andika
Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.922 KB) | DOI: 10.30644/jphi.v4i1.633


According to data from Each year, there are 12.2 million new strokes worldwide, and 101 million people live with a stroke after it. One in four people will have a stroke in their lifetime, a rate that has increased by 50% over the past 17 years. The World Stroke Organization (WSO) in 2022 is the only global body that focuses solely on stroke. Comprehensive efforts to manage stroke risk factors in the community should be pursued. Understanding stroke prevention and detection is very helpful in minimizing the effects of stroke. Health education about early detection of stroke using the FAST method is given to the elderly who have a high risk of stroke. Early detection of stroke using the FAST (Face drooping Arm Weakness Speech difficulty, Time to call doctor/hospital) method can be a solution to knowledge in an effort to prevent the impact of stroke. The activity, which was attended by 50 elderly people, ran smoothly and enthusiastically. The results of the evaluation revealed that there was a significant increase in good knowledge from 6% to 74%.
Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Hipertensi Pada Lansia di Dukuh Turi, Bambanglipuro, Bantul Istichomah Istichomah
Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.288 KB) | DOI: 10.30644/jphi.v2i1.369


ABSTRACT The purpose of health education in community is improve the health statuse, especially in the elderly who increase hypertension through a healthy lifestyle. The method is through health education about 1) identification of the lifestyle of the elderly in the local area, 2) prevention and management of hypertension in the elderly. The results of health education are well known that participants are very active in participating in this activity. Based on questionnaires given to participants before and after counseling, participants understanding of the knowledge of hypertension increased 80%, understanding of the prevention of hypertension increased 67%, understanding of curing of hypertension increased 68%, understanding of prevention and treatment of hypertension increased 76% . So that, Continuing Health education is very important to increased health live style. ABSTRACT The purpose of heath education in community is improve the health statuse, especially in the elderly who increase hypertension through a healthy lifestyle. The method is through health education about 1) identification of the lifestyle of the elderly in the local area, 2) prevention and management of hypertension in the elderly. The results of health education are well known that participants are very active in participating in this activity. Based on questionnaires given to participants before and after counseling, participants understanding of the knowledge of hypertension increased 80%, understanding of the prevention of hypertension increased 67%, understanding of curing of hypertension increased 68%, understanding of prevention and treatment of hypertension increased 76% . So that, Continuing Health education is very important to increased healthy live style.
Upaya peningkatan pengetahuan lansia tentang senam hiperetensi menggunakan media poster Istichomah Istichomah
Bhakti Sabha Nusantara Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Bhakti Sabha Nusantara
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/bsn.v2i1.89


Introduction : Upaya peningkatan kesehatan terutama pencegahan hipertensi terus dilakukan. Data Riskesdas menyebutkan bahwa hipertensi masih menjadi penyakit nomor 2 yang paling sering terjadi pada lansia. sSalah satu cara pencegahan yang masih jarang dilakukan adalah senam hipertensi. Senam hipertensi dapat meningkatkan curah jantung namun setelah fase tersebut akan menyebabkan penurunan curah jantung sehingga menyebabkan penurunan tekanan darah. Methods : metode penyuluhan kesehatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi dengan media poster tentang senam hipertensi. Senam hipertensi ini terdiri dari 16 gerakan yang dapat dilakukan secara mandiri oleh lansia dalam waktu 30 menit. Result : hasil penyuluhan kesehatan tentang senam hipertensi ini adalah lansia dapat mengikuti secara aktif dan partisipatif. Lansia nampak antusias mengirkuti arahan gerakan dari penyuluh. Conclution : penyuluhan kesehatan tentang senam lansia dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia untuk mencegah hipertensi. Lansia dapat melakukan kegiatan senam lansia di rumah dengan media poster yang sudah diberikan oleh penyuluh di tempat tinggal masing-masing.
DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP KESEHATAN MENTAL ORANG TUA DAN ANAK Yafi Sabila Rosyad; Setya Retno Wulandari; Istichomah Istichomah; Rika Monika; Anisa Febristi; Devi Mekar Sari; Ayu Devita Citra Dewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Keperawatan Vol 17, No 1 (2021): JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN KEPERAWATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26753/jikk.v17i1.530


AbstrakGenap satu tahun pandemi COVID-19 terjadi dan salah satunya berdampak secara signifikan terhadap kesehatan mental bagi orang tua dan anak, mempengaruhi perubahan fungsi keluarga, dan menimbulkan risiko posttraumatic sindrom. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gap dan novelty terkait dampak pandemic COVID-19 terhadap kesehatan mental orang tua dan anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian literature review dengan mengunakan diagram alir model PRISMA. Strategi pencarian artikel menggunakan aplikasi publish or perlish. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan 1 Maret- 7 April 2021. Hasil penelusuran artikel melalui aplikasi publish or perlish dengan pencarian melalui tiga database yaitu crossef, google scholar, dan pubmed didapatkan 1216 data yang berupa artikel penelitian, buku, surat untuk editor, dan lembar review artikel. Sedangkan pencarian data melalui registers, peneliti menggunakan register sciencedirect dan didapatkan 339 data yang berupa artikel ilmiah, dan surat untuk editor. Dari ketiga tahap proses pencarian data base didapatkan hasil akhir 15 artikel dari 30 arttikel yang direview. Hasil review metodologi dari 15 artikel didapatkan hasil hampir seluruh artikel menggunakan metode kuantitatif sejumlah 14 artikel dan 1 artikel dengan metode Mixmetod . dari hasil review isi hasil penelitian didapatkan tiga kategori besar berupa perubahan prilaku, perubahan emosi dan psikologis, serta dampak kesehatan. Dari semua artikel yang didapat hampir semunya menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif sehingga peneliti menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutkan untuk menggunakan metode kualitatif atau mixed metode. Jika ingin menggunakan metode peneliti menyarankan menggunakan design kuasi ekperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi dan mencegah terjadi PTSD. Kata kunci: Stres orang tua, Psikologis anak, Pandemi COVID-19, Mental health AbstractEven one year, the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred. One of them has a significant impact on mental health for parents and children, affects changes in family function, and raises the risk of the posttraumatic syndrome. This study aims to find gaps and novelty related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of parents and children. This study is a literature review was conducted on March 1 - April 7, 2021, with the PRISMA model flow chart. The researcher uses a publish or perish application for search article. The search for articles through the publish or perish application by searching through three databases, namely crossref, google scholar, and PubMed, obtained 1216 data in the form of research articles, books, letters to editors, and review sheets article. While searching for data through registers, the researcher used a directly registered record and obtained 339 data in scientific papers and letters to editors. The final results were 15 articles from the 30 articles reviewed from the three stages of the database search process. The methodological review of 15 articles showed that almost all articles used the quantitative method, including 14 articles and 1 article using the Mix method. From the assessment of the contents of the research results, there are three major categories: behavioural changes, emotional and psychological changes, and health impacts. Of all the articles obtained, almost all of them use quantitative research, so researchers suggest that further researchers use qualitative or mixed methods. Researchers recommend using a quasi-experimental design that aims to overcome and prevent PTSD from occurring if you want to use the technique. Keywords: Parental stress, Child psychology, COVID-19 pandemic, Mental health