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The Influences Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL) For Assessment the Millennial Character Education through System Recording Students Character (SRSC) Firmanul Catur Wibowo; Soffan Nurhaji; Agus Setiawan; Wisnu Ardlian Sugiyarto; M. Noor Faizin; Dina Rahmi Darman; Achmad Samsudin; Andi Suhandi; Bayram Coştu
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Vol 12, No 4: November 2018
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22.528 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v12i4.9923


Virtual Laboratory are frequently measured effective learning tools, meanwhile their visual and concept power empower students to better known physical structures and phenomena. However, in previous research has not been much developed Virtual Physics Laboratory that is used to measure the character education of students. This research aims to Influences and apply Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL) for assessment millennial character education with System Recording Students Character (SRSC). The study focused on the VPL Conceptual Change of Character Education test results. The sample consisted of 60 students’ whose age ranging from 20 to 21 years old with research design Randomized post-test only experiment group. Data to draw conclusions of research results, collected through the provision of concept tests. Conceptual Change data of Character Education that will be obtained from both groups are searched for the average Gain. Specific targets to be achieved in this research are innovations in the development of assessment tools that are valid and easy to use and can be done with Virtual Physics Laboratory for assessment millennial character education with System Recording Students Character can be done anytime and not limited by time. The result of the research showed that the N-gain mastery of the experimental group concept was 0,33 (32,6%) The conclusions of VPL with SRSC research can be used in the evaluation of physics learning because of the quality of the material according to expert judgment in the category of "excellent" and effective in facilitating assessment to character education of students.
Level Pemahaman Konsep Fluida Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika dalam Project Based Laboratory (PJB-Lab) Juli Firmansyah; Andi Suhandi; Agus Setiawan; Anna Permanasari
JIPFRI (Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika dan Riset Ilmiah) Vol 5 No 2 (2021): November Edition
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika STKIP Nurul Huda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30599/jipfri.v5i2.1061


Understanding Physics Concepts is a concern for every learning process and physics practicum. The development of various physics practicum concepts in the Inquiry Lab or Project Based Lab models contributes to the Students' Concept Understanding Level. This study was conducted to determine the level of conceptual understanding of students on the concept of fluid through project-based laboratory. The method used is pre-experimental with one group pretest and posttest design. The subjects of this study were 22 prospective physics teacher students at one of the universities in Banda Aceh City. The test instrument used is a level test of concept understanding in the form of a stratified description consisting of the ability to explain the concept (P), the ability to determine the laws of physics (Q), ability to provide additional case examples of related laws (R) and define those laws (S). The results showed that students achieved an understanding of fluid concepts at the level of complete understanding (CU) after participating in a project-based laboratory. Therefore, it can be concluded that the level of understanding of physics concepts effectively increases to achieve complete understanding through project-based laboratory.
An Investigation of Physics Teachers’ Multiple Representation Ability on Newton’s Law Concept Masrifah Masrifah; Agus Setiawan; Parlindungan Sinaga; Wawan Setiawan
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika Vol 6 No 1 (2020): JPPPF (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika), Volume 6 Issue 1, J
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta, LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta, HFI Jakarta, HFI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.862 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/1.06112


The ability of the teacher to represent a concept using various types of representation is a critical competency. Teachers who have limited multiple representation abilities will not be able to provide a holistic and appropriate learning experience because students have different abilities in constructing their knowledge. This study aims to determine the multiple representation ability of Physics teacher by using instruments to test multiple representations on the topic of Newton’s law consisting of text representations, images, pictorial diagrams, tables, graphs, and mathematical equations. The subjects in this study were 30 high school Physics teachers in North Maluku who were determined based on the purposive sampling technique. Data on multiple teacher representation abilities were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the data analysis showed that the multi-representation ability of high school physics teachers in Newton’s law concept was in the medium category (55.7%) with the highest achievement occurring in the type of mathematical representation and the lowest in the pictorial diagram representation types for both female and male teachers. Besides, based on data implemented using SPSS 2.0, it can be concluded that there are no significant differences with the ability of teacher’s multi-representation based on gender and teacher’s teaching experience.
KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kembara.v3i1.4373


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara penguasaan piranti kohesi koherensi dan keterampilan menulis ikhtisar buku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan studi korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini meliputi 8 SMA di Surakarta. Sampel terdiri atas 170 siswa di Kota Surakarta yang diambil dari tiga sekolah, yaitu: SMAN 1, SMAN 5, dan SMAN 7 Surakarta. Teknik analisis yang digunakan meliputi uji persyaratan dan uji instrumen. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) pengumpulan data keterampilan menulis ikhtisar buku menggunakan teknik tes dengan praktik menulis ikhtisar buku; dan (2) pengumpulan data penguasaan piranti kohesi koherensi menggunakan teknik tes objektif. Variabel tes menulis ikhtisar buku divalidasi dengan validitas isi dan konstruk, sedangkan reliabilitasnya menggunakan reliabilitas rating atau interater reliability; validitas tes penguasaan piranti kohesi menggunakan rumus koefisien korelasi point biserial dan reliabilitas menggunakan rumus KR-20. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi: deskripsi data, uji persyaratan analisis, uji hipotesis, dan prosedur analisis pembuktian hipotesis. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara penguasaan piranti kohesi koherensi dan keterampilan menulis ikhtisar buku dengan hasil uji signifikansi sebesar 4,17, hasil korelasi sebesar 0,31, dan hasil kontribusi sebesar 9,38%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin baik penguasaan piranti kohesi koherensi siswa maka semakin baik pula keterampilan menulis ikhtisar buku.
Development of an E-book based on Multimode Representation and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Masrifah Masrifah; Agus Setiawan; Parlindungan Sinaga; Wawan Setiawan
Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Vol 10, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Tadris Biologi Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN SYEKH NURJATI CIREBON

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/sc.educatia.v10i2.9141


This research aimed to develop an e-book for physics teachers based on multimode representation and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK)Thus, it was expected to improve pedagogical, professional, and ICT literacy competencies have been carried out. This research employed Educational Research and Development (R&D) by Borg and Gall, but the steps were limited only to the initial product revision. The instrument used was a questionnaire to evaluate the quality and understanding of the e-book. This study involved five expert validators in pedagogy, IT, and physics content. After the e-book draft was validated and revised, it was tested on a limited basis to 16 in-service physics teachers and eight pre-service teachers. The development eligibility of the e-book for physics teachers was seen from the results of the quality and readability tests of the content. The results of the expert validation regarding the quality of the developed e-book are in the excellent category with an average percentage of 88%. The test results show that the average percentage of physics teachers’ e-book understanding is 80.3%. The test results conclude that the multimode and TPACK-based e-books developed for high school physics teachers are feasible to apply. However, it should be tested more extensively before being used further in the learning process.
Trends in the Development of Physics Learning Multimedia in Indonesia: A Literature Review Maruf Maruf; Agus Setiawan; Andi Suhandi; Parsaoran Siahaan
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 9, No 3 (2021): PENDIDIKAN FISIKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jpf.v9i3.5853


This study aims to analyze the development of multimedia technology in physics learning based on the needs of the process and learning outcomes. This research is a literature review research. The research subjects consisted of ten journal articles selected from the Scopus Index database in the last five years. The results of data analysis show that learning physics with multimedia can stimulate students' learning abilities well. The trend of research development shows that the use of multimedia in physics learning in Indonesia is growing rapidly at this time. In addition, multimedia learning physics is more on the content of introduction to solid matter physics, earth and space science, multimedia learning physics, experimental physics, electricity, modern physics, introduction to core physics, and quantum physics. The conclusion obtained from this analysis is that the level of multimedia needs in physics learning in Indonesia is still very high
JSEP (Journal of Science Education and Practice) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.267 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/jsep.v3i1.1376


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penguasaan konsep dan efektivitas penerapan pembelajaran berbasis multipel representasi terhadap penguasaan konsep materi gaya sentral pada mahasiswa pendidikan fisika. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 3 yang berjumlah 32 orang. Rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pre experimental dalam bentuk one shot case study. Instrumen pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes hasil belajar penguasaan konsep gaya sentral mahasiswa yang sesuai dengan indikator pemahaman konsep menggunakan Anderson and Krathwohl Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised. Data dianalisis melalui teknik analisis deksriptif tentang penguasaan konsep gaya sentral mahasiswa dengan menggunakan kriteria penguasaan konsep dan efektivitas pembelajaran menggunakan multipel representasi (MR). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan nilai rata-rata untuk penguasaan konsep gaya sentral, dari seluruh indikator yaitu menjelaskan dan mencontohkan, mengklasifikasi, menganalisis, membandingkan serta mengevaluasi, diperoleh bahwa indikator dengan penguasaan konsep tertinggi terdapat pada indikator mengklasifikasikan dengan kategori sangat baik, sedangkan penguasaan konsep terendah terletak pada indikator membandingkan, dengan kategori cukup. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran mekanika berbasis multipel representasi efektif diterapkan pada materi gaya sentral mahasiswa pendidikan fisika.
Penelusuran Peringkat Kesulitan Materi dalam Fisika Dasar Nurjannah Nurjannah; Agus Setiawan; Dadi Rusdiana; Muslim Muslim
JPFT (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Tadulako Online) Vol 8, No 1 (2020): E-Jurnal Pend. Fisika Tadulako
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.061 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiagnosa kesulitan materi mahasiswa calon guru dalam Fisika Dasar. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian survei. Kuisioner terdiri dari dua pertanyaan kualitatif yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini. Kuisioner diberikan pada 110 orang mahasiswa calon guru yang telah memprogramkan mata kuliah Fisika Dasar. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa persentase mahasiswa yang berpikir bahwa materi mekanika fluida adalah materi yang paling sulit lebih tinggi dibanding materi-materi lainnya. Alasan mengapa mahasiswa calon guru merasa sulit untuk memahaminya telah dibagi dalam empat kategori meliputi faktor konten, mahasiswa, dosen dan proses pembelajaran.
Energy Literacy Profile of Vocational High School Teacher Candidates for Renewable Energy Engineering Expertise Program Iis Rahmania Putri; Agus Setiawan; Dindin Nasrudin
JIPTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan Vol 15, No 2 (2022): JIPTEK : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jiptek.v15i2.67623


This study examines the energy literacy profile of engineering students as vocational high school teacher candidates for renewable energy engineering expertise programs in terms of 3 energy literacy domains: knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive-comparative design, conducted on 135 engineering students from 3 study programs at the Indonesian University of Education. The results obtained are that the energy literacy knowledge of engineering students as vocational high school teacher candidates for renewable energy engineering expertise programs is low. Still, their energy literacy attitudes and behaviors are quite good. There was no statistically significant difference in energy literacy between the female and male student groups. In this study, it was known that students from 3 study programs received energy content from different courses. Their energy literacy results were influenced by differences in the range and depth of energy content provided by each study program. The results of this study can be a consideration for universities to develop energy literacy education and learning models and pay attention to the needs, content, and depth of energy content in each study program, especially study programs that are qualified as teachers candidates of vocational high school Renewable Energy Engineering Expertise Program. 
Research Trends in the Use of Augmented Reality in Engineering Education: A Bibliometric Analysis Nisaudzakiah Utami; Agus Setiawan; Ida Hamidah
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): (IJIE) Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijie.v6i2.68326


This study aims to report on the overall research trend of research progress in the Augmented Reality (AR) field in engineering education. The research method used is bibliometric analysis (BA) using VoSviewer. The data is taken from the Scopus database. The findings show an increasing trend in citations and publications showing interest in using AR over the last decade. AR research in engineering education started in 2006 until now. Screening of selected articles from 2012 to 2022. The screening process based on inclusion and exclusion included the chosen language in English and based on the publication of final articles, resulting in a total of 858 articles. The results reveal that augmented reality, engineering education, and mobile learning are the most used keywords in the article. In contrast, the focus of the new article tends to be on augmented reality. In addition, the results show that the latest articles mostly focus on virtual and mobile learning. The most frequently used words in the abstract are engineering education, student, e-learning, education, and teaching. Recent articles have largely focused on students' and teachers' knowledge of technology-based learning. Billinghurst, Dede, and Martin are the most cited authors in this field, as they are the principal authors of AR. The journals cited are Computers & Education, Coeur Workshop Proceedings, Computers in Human Behavior, and the Journal of Science Education and Technology. The journal is the most prominent on the use of technology in education.