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Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 1, No 2 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbat.v1i2.2543


Minyak mawar merupakan salah satu produk minyak bunga yang memungkinkan diproduksi di Indonesia dengan kualitas ekspor. Manfaat dari minyak mawar adalah untuk parfum, kosmestik, dan obat-obatan. Minyak mawar dapat diproduksi dengan menggunakan metode diantaranya maserasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui rendemen minyak atsiri mawar merah (Rosa damascena) dan komponen minyak atsiri yang terambil dengan etanol dan n-heksana. Bahan baku yang digunakan berupa mahkota bunga mawar sebanyak 50 gram yang dipotong kecil-kecil, kemudian direndam dalam pelarut dengan perbandingan 1:3. Pelarut yang digunakan yaitu etanol dan n-heksana. Proses maserasi dilakukan dengan pengadukan selama 1 menit secara manual pada suhu ruang dan didiamkan selama 12 jam di tempat tertutup dan gelap (tanpa terkena cahaya). Hasil maserasi berupa ekstrak mawar dipisahkan dengan cara penyaringan dan pemerasan bunga. Filtrat yang mengandung minyak bunga mawar dievaporasi dengan  rotary vacuum evaporator. Maserasi menggunakan etanol pada suhu 60ºC selama 20 menit, sedangkan maserasi menggunakan n-heksana pada suhu 55 ºC selama 10 menit. Minyak atsiri hasil maserasi bunga mawar merah dilakukan uji GC-MS. Komponen utama minyak atsiri dari bunga mawar dengan pelarut etanol dan pelarut n-heksana secara berurutan adalah phenyl ethyl alcohol (2,73%) dan (31,69%). Rendemen hasil maserasi minyak bunga mawar dengan pelarut etanol adalah 8,76%, sedangkan pelarut n-heksana menghasilkan 0,34 %. Rose oil is one of the flower oil products which is potentially produced in Indonesia with export quality. The uses of rose oils are for perfume, cosmestics, and medicine. Rose oil can be produced using methods such as maceration. The purpose of this reasearch was to determine the yield of essential oil of red roses (Rosa damascena) and the essential oil components taken using ethanol and n-hexane. The raw material used was 50 grams of red roses which subsequently soaked into solvent with ratio of 1:3. The solvent used were ethanol and n-hexane. Maceration process was carried out by manually stirring for 1 minute at room temperature and kept for 12 hours in a closed and dark (without exposure to light) place. Maceration result in the form of rose extract was separated by filtration and extortion of flowers. The filtrate containing rose oil was evaporated using rotary vacuum evaporator. Maceration temperature using ethanol was 60 ºC for 20 minutes, while using n-hexane was 55ºC for 10 minutes. The essential oils produced from maceration process of red roses was analysed using GC-MS. The main components of the essential oil of roses extracted using solvents of ethanol and n-hexane sequentially were phenyl ethyl alcohol (2.73%) and (31.69%). The yield of the rose oil maceration with ethanol was 8.76%, while the solvent of n-hexane yield 0.34%.
PENGOLAHAN BIJI MAHONI (Swietenia Macrophylla King) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU ALTERNATIF BIODIESEL Damayanti, Astrilia; Bariroh, Siti
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 1, No 1 (2012): June 2012
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbat.v1i1.2539


Peningkatan kebutuhan minyak bumi yang terus menerus akan mengakibatkan kelangkaan bahan bakar minyak. Sumber energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan, salah satunya adalah biodiesel. Bahan baku potensial untuk memproduksi biodiesel yang tidak bersaing dengan bahan baku pangan contohnya adalah biji mahoni (swietenia macrophylla king). Tahapan yang diperlukan dalam percobaan biodiesel adalah proses pengambilan minyak biji mahoni dengan proses penyangraian, degumming, dan proses transesterifikasi. Alat yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan biodiesel yaitu: labu alas bulat dilengkapi kondensor, gelas ukur, pengaduk magnetik, alat-alat gelas lab, dan lain sebagainya. Proses pengambilan minyak dilakukan dengan penyangraian yang hasilnya di degumming dengan asam fosfat 5% b/b pada suhu 80ºC selama 15 menit. Degumming bertujuan untuk menghilangkan getah, lendir, protein, resin dan gum. Proses kedua yaitu transesterifikasi dengan metanol 1:6 (minyak dan mtanol) dengan KOH 0,1 N pada suhu 60ºC selama 1 jam. Setelah diperoleh metil ester, dilakukan proses pencucian atau penetralan metil ester pada suhu pemanasan 104ºC untuk menghilangkan kadar airnya. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh rendemen minyak sebesar 86,92%, uji densitas 874,08 kg/m³, viskositas 3,07 mm2/s, dan bilangan asam 0,5601 mg KOH/g. Metil ester yang dihasilkan telah sesuai dengan SNI-04-7182-2006. An increased demand of the fossil fuel would lead to scarcity of the fossil fuel in the future. An alternative of environmentally friendly energy sources is biodiesel. It is accounted that the resources for producing biodiesel should not compete with food raw materials, such as mahogany grain, (swietenia macrophylla king). The necessary steps in the experiment of producing biodiesel are process of taking the mahogany seed-oil by using roasting method, degumming, and transesterification process. The required equipments for producing biodiesel were round-bottom flask equipped with condenser, measuring cylinder, magnetic stirrer, other lab-glassware, etc. Firstly, the process of taking the oil from mahogany seed was carried by using roasting method; then the result was degummed by using 5wt% of Phosphate acid at 80 oC for 15 minutes. The degumming process was aimed to remove sap, mucus, proteins, resin and gum. The second step was transesterification process using methanol 1:6 (oil and methanol) and 0.1N KOH solutions, which was carried out at 60 oC for 1 hour. Once the methyl ester was produced, the next steps were washing and neutralization of methyl ester at heating temperature of 104 oC to remove the water content in the methyl ester. The obtained yield from the experiments was 86.92%. The tested density, viscosity, and the acid value were 874.08 kg/m³, 3.07 mm2/s, and 0.5601 mg KOH/g, respectively. The produced Methyl ester is in accordance with SNI-04-7182-2006.
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 14, No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Unnes Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v14i1.7613


Coal tar is a liquid by-product of coal pyrolysis processes. This liquid oil mixture contains various kind of useful compounds such as benzoic aromatic compounds and phenolic compounds. These compounds are widely used as raw material for insecticides, dyes, medicines, perfumes, coloring matters, and many others. The coal tar was collected by pyrolysis process of coal obtained from PT Kaltim Prima Coal and Arutmin-Kalimantan. The experiments typically occurred at the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory furnace at temperatures ranging from 300 to 550oC with a heating rate of 10oC/min and a holding time of 1 hour at the pyrolysis temperature. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) was used to analyze the coal tar components. The obtained coal tar has the viscosity of 3.12 cp, the density of 2.78 g/cm3, the calorific value of 11,048.44 cal/g, and the molecular weight of 222.67. The analysis result showed that the coal tar contained more than 78 chemical compounds such as benzene, cresol, phenol, xylene, naphtalene, etc. The total phenolic compounds contained in coal tar is 33.25% (PT KPC) and 17.58% (Arutmin-Kalimantan). The total naphtalene compounds contained in coal tar is 14.15% (PT KPC) and 17.13% (ArutminKalimantan).
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 1, No 2 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbat.v1i2.2543


Minyak mawar merupakan salah satu produk minyak bunga yang memungkinkan diproduksi di Indonesia dengan kualitas ekspor. Manfaat dari minyak mawar adalah untuk parfum, kosmestik, dan obat-obatan. Minyak mawar dapat diproduksi dengan menggunakan metode diantaranya maserasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui rendemen minyak atsiri mawar merah (Rosa damascena) dan komponen minyak atsiri yang terambil dengan etanol dan n-heksana. Bahan baku yang digunakan berupa mahkota bunga mawar sebanyak 50 gram yang dipotong kecil-kecil, kemudian direndam dalam pelarut dengan perbandingan 1:3. Pelarut yang digunakan yaitu etanol dan n-heksana. Proses maserasi dilakukan dengan pengadukan selama 1 menit secara manual pada suhu ruang dan didiamkan selama 12 jam di tempat tertutup dan gelap (tanpa terkena cahaya). Hasil maserasi berupa ekstrak mawar dipisahkan dengan cara penyaringan dan pemerasan bunga. Filtrat yang mengandung minyak bunga mawar dievaporasi dengan  rotary vacuum evaporator. Maserasi menggunakan etanol pada suhu 60ºC selama 20 menit, sedangkan maserasi menggunakan n-heksana pada suhu 55 ºC selama 10 menit. Minyak atsiri hasil maserasi bunga mawar merah dilakukan uji GC-MS. Komponen utama minyak atsiri dari bunga mawar dengan pelarut etanol dan pelarut n-heksana secara berurutan adalah phenyl ethyl alcohol (2,73%) dan (31,69%). Rendemen hasil maserasi minyak bunga mawar dengan pelarut etanol adalah 8,76%, sedangkan pelarut n-heksana menghasilkan 0,34 %. Rose oil is one of the flower oil products which is potentially produced in Indonesia with export quality. The uses of rose oils are for perfume, cosmestics, and medicine. Rose oil can be produced using methods such as maceration. The purpose of this reasearch was to determine the yield of essential oil of red roses (Rosa damascena) and the essential oil components taken using ethanol and n-hexane. The raw material used was 50 grams of red roses which subsequently soaked into solvent with ratio of 1:3. The solvent used were ethanol and n-hexane. Maceration process was carried out by manually stirring for 1 minute at room temperature and kept for 12 hours in a closed and dark (without exposure to light) place. Maceration result in the form of rose extract was separated by filtration and extortion of flowers. The filtrate containing rose oil was evaporated using rotary vacuum evaporator. Maceration temperature using ethanol was 60 ºC for 20 minutes, while using n-hexane was 55ºC for 10 minutes. The essential oils produced from maceration process of red roses was analysed using GC-MS. The main components of the essential oil of roses extracted using solvents of ethanol and n-hexane sequentially were phenyl ethyl alcohol (2.73%) and (31.69%). The yield of the rose oil maceration with ethanol was 8.76%, while the solvent of n-hexane yield 0.34%.
PENGOLAHAN BIJI MAHONI (Swietenia Macrophylla King) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU ALTERNATIF BIODIESEL Damayanti, Astrilia; Bariroh, Siti
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 1, No 1 (2012): June 2012
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbat.v1i1.2539


Peningkatan kebutuhan minyak bumi yang terus menerus akan mengakibatkan kelangkaan bahan bakar minyak. Sumber energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan, salah satunya adalah biodiesel. Bahan baku potensial untuk memproduksi biodiesel yang tidak bersaing dengan bahan baku pangan contohnya adalah biji mahoni (swietenia macrophylla king). Tahapan yang diperlukan dalam percobaan biodiesel adalah proses pengambilan minyak biji mahoni dengan proses penyangraian, degumming, dan proses transesterifikasi. Alat yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan biodiesel yaitu: labu alas bulat dilengkapi kondensor, gelas ukur, pengaduk magnetik, alat-alat gelas lab, dan lain sebagainya. Proses pengambilan minyak dilakukan dengan penyangraian yang hasilnya di degumming dengan asam fosfat 5% b/b pada suhu 80ºC selama 15 menit. Degumming bertujuan untuk menghilangkan getah, lendir, protein, resin dan gum. Proses kedua yaitu transesterifikasi dengan metanol 1:6 (minyak dan mtanol) dengan KOH 0,1 N pada suhu 60ºC selama 1 jam. Setelah diperoleh metil ester, dilakukan proses pencucian atau penetralan metil ester pada suhu pemanasan 104ºC untuk menghilangkan kadar airnya. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh rendemen minyak sebesar 86,92%, uji densitas 874,08 kg/m³, viskositas 3,07 mm2/s, dan bilangan asam 0,5601 mg KOH/g. Metil ester yang dihasilkan telah sesuai dengan SNI-04-7182-2006. An increased demand of the fossil fuel would lead to scarcity of the fossil fuel in the future. An alternative of environmentally friendly energy sources is biodiesel. It is accounted that the resources for producing biodiesel should not compete with food raw materials, such as mahogany grain, (swietenia macrophylla king). The necessary steps in the experiment of producing biodiesel are process of taking the mahogany seed-oil by using roasting method, degumming, and transesterification process. The required equipments for producing biodiesel were round-bottom flask equipped with condenser, measuring cylinder, magnetic stirrer, other lab-glassware, etc. Firstly, the process of taking the oil from mahogany seed was carried by using roasting method; then the result was degummed by using 5wt% of Phosphate acid at 80 oC for 15 minutes. The degumming process was aimed to remove sap, mucus, proteins, resin and gum. The second step was transesterification process using methanol 1:6 (oil and methanol) and 0.1N KOH solutions, which was carried out at 60 oC for 1 hour. Once the methyl ester was produced, the next steps were washing and neutralization of methyl ester at heating temperature of 104 oC to remove the water content in the methyl ester. The obtained yield from the experiments was 86.92%. The tested density, viscosity, and the acid value were 874.08 kg/m³, 3.07 mm2/s, and 0.5601 mg KOH/g, respectively. The produced Methyl ester is in accordance with SNI-04-7182-2006.
Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Daun Kersen (Muntingia Calabura L.) Menjadi Permen Jelly dan Teh Seduh Damayanti, Astrilia; Astuti, Widi; Putri, Radenrara Dewi Artanti
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan teknologi pangan kepada ibu-ibu PKK RT03/RW03, Kelurahan Ngijo, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Semarang dengan memanfaatkan daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) sebagai permen jelly dan teh seduh. Target luaran yang diharapkan antara lain masyarakat dapat berwirausaha sehingga kesejahteraan keluarga dapat ditingkatkan. Hasil dari program pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan ini adalah sebagai berikut: aspek penerapan iptek produk pangan dipandang sangat efektif untuk membangun kemandirian masyarakat yang berbasis potensi lokal yakni pemanfaatan daun kersen dan aspek manfaat yang dihasilkan dari program ini sangat besar yaitu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan potensi pohon kersen terutama daunnya untuk dibuat menjadi permen jelly dan teh seduh sebagai bahan minuman herbal, meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat bidang pengolahan daun kersen untuk dibuat permen jelly dan teh seduh serta menumbuhkan motivasi berwirausaha khususnya di RT03/RW03, Kelurahan Ngijo, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Semarang.
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 14, No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v14i1.7613


Coal tar is a liquid by-product of coal pyrolysis processes. This liquid oil mixture contains various kind of useful compounds such as benzoic aromatic compounds and phenolic compounds. These compounds are widely used as raw material for insecticides, dyes, medicines, perfumes, coloring matters, and many others. The coal tar was collected by pyrolysis process of coal obtained from PT Kaltim Prima Coal and Arutmin-Kalimantan. The experiments typically occurred at the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory furnace at temperatures ranging from 300 to 550oC with a heating rate of 10oC/min and a holding time of 1 hour at the pyrolysis temperature. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) was used to analyze the coal tar components. The obtained coal tar has the viscosity of 3.12 cp, the density of 2.78 g/cm3, the calorific value of 11,048.44 cal/g, and the molecular weight of 222.67. The analysis result showed that the coal tar contained more than 78 chemical compounds such as benzene, cresol, phenol, xylene, naphtalene, etc. The total phenolic compounds contained in coal tar is 33.25% (PT KPC) and 17.58% (Arutmin-Kalimantan). The total naphtalene compounds contained in coal tar is 14.15% (PT KPC) and 17.13% (ArutminKalimantan).
Biohydrogen Production by Reusing Immobilized Mixed Culture in Batch System Damayanti, Astrilia; Sarto, Sarto; Sediawan, Wahyudi Budi
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 9, No 1 (2020): February 2020
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.9.1.37-42


Biohydrogen production via dark fermentation is a prospective renewable energy technology. In the process, reused of immobilized mixed culture is very important as their activities greatly influencehydrogen production. The aim of this work was to evaluate the reuse of alginate beads affecting the biohydrogen production for 45 days. This study in batch reactor were performed using glucose 10 M as substrate, alginate and activated carbon as immobilization matrix materials, chicken eggshell as buffer, and cow dung biodigester as mixed culture. Hydrogen and pH on fermentation product are investigated by gas chromatography (GC) technique and pH meter, respectively. The colony diameter on immobilized and co-immobilized mixed culture was observed using optical microscope and colony diameter was measured using Image-Pro Plus Software v4.5.0.29. The surface morphology of immobilization and co-immobilization beads were determined using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the colonies growth observed using optical microscopy or SEM was apparent only in the immobilization of mixed culture. The average growth and diameter of colonies per day were 90 colonies and 0.025 mm, respectively. The weight of beads and pH during the 45-day fermentation process for bead immobilization of mixed culture were 1.32–1.95 g and 6.25–6.62, correspondingly, meanwhile, the co-immobilizations of the mixed culture were 1.735–2.21g and 6.25–6.61, respectively. In addition, the average hydrogen volume of glucose fermented using an eggshell buffer and reusing the immobilization and co-immobilization beads was 18.91 mL for 15 cycles.©2020. CBIORE-IJRED. All rights reserved
Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Daun Kersen (Muntingia Calabura L.) Menjadi Permen Jelly dan Teh Seduh Damayanti, Astrilia; Astuti, Widi; Putri, Radenrara Dewi Artanti
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v23i2.15110


Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan teknologi pangan kepada ibu-ibu PKK RT03/RW03, Kelurahan Ngijo, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Semarang dengan memanfaatkan daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) sebagai permen jelly dan teh seduh. Target luaran yang diharapkan antara lain masyarakat dapat berwirausaha sehingga kesejahteraan keluarga dapat ditingkatkan. Hasil dari program pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan ini adalah sebagai berikut: aspek penerapan iptek produk pangan dipandang sangat efektif untuk membangun kemandirian masyarakat yang berbasis potensi lokal yakni pemanfaatan daun kersen dan aspek manfaat yang dihasilkan dari program ini sangat besar yaitu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan potensi pohon kersen terutama daunnya untuk dibuat menjadi permen jelly dan teh seduh sebagai bahan minuman herbal, meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat bidang pengolahan daun kersen untuk dibuat permen jelly dan teh seduh serta menumbuhkan motivasi berwirausaha khususnya di RT03/RW03, Kelurahan Ngijo, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Semarang.
Comparative Study on the Various Hydrolysis and Fermentation Methods of Chlorella vulgaris Biomass for the Production of Bioethanol Megawati, Megawati; Bahlawan, Zuhriyan Ash Shiddieqy; Damayanti, Astrilia; Putri, Radenrara Dewi Artanti; Triwibowo, Bayu; Prasetiawan, Haniif
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 11, No 2 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.2022.41696


One of the microalgae that can be potentially used to produce bioethanol is Chlorella vulgaris, as it is rich in carbohydrates. However, the carbohydrates in C. vulgaris cannot be converted directly into ethanol. This study aimed to investigate the chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of C. vulgaris, which is subsequently followed by fermentation. The catalysts used in the chemical hydrolysis were hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide, while the enzymes used were the mixture of alpha-amylase + glucoamylase, alpha-amylase + cellulase, and alpha-amylase + glucoamylase + cellulase. The hydrolysate obtained from chemical hydrolysis was fermented through Separate Hydrolysis Fermentation (SHF), while the one from enzymatic hydrolysis was fermented through Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF), in which both processes used S. cerevisiae. After undergoing five hours of enzymatic hydrolysis (using alpha-amylase + glucoamylase), the maximum glucose concentration obtained was 9.24 ± 0.240 g/L or yield of 81.39%.  At the same time and conditions of the substrate on chemical hydrolysis, glucose concentration was obtained up to 9.23 + 0.218 g/L with a yield of 73.39% using 1 M hydrochloric acid. These results indicate that chemical hydrolysis is less effective compared to enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore, after 48 hours of fermentation, the ethanol produced from SHF and SSF fermentation methods were 4.42 and 4.67 g/L, respectively, implying that producing bioethanol using the SSF is more effective than the SHF method.
Co-Authors Ababil, Devara Candra Ahmed Tessario Ekanuramanta Amelia Fitri Ananda Muthi Athirah Angga Pratama Anggun Septiamurti Artanti Putri, Dewi Ayasha Maharani Ayu Nur Permadhini Bahlawan, Zuhriyan Ash Shiddieqy Bariroh, Siti Bayu Triwibowo Catur Rini Widyastuti, Catur Rini Desy Hikmatul Siami Dewi Selvia Fardhyanti Dian Fatimatus Salwa Doni Rahmat Wicakso Eko Setyawan Endah Ayu Fitriana Eva Amalia Alvionita Eva Amalia Alvionita Fahreza Pracenda Felicitia Fitriana, Endah Ayu Fitriyani, Winda Risma Fortuna, Dwi Hanif Ardhiansyah Harianingsih, Harianingsih Hernadin, Ivan Aldino Isaroyati, Luluk Kevin Thomas Khoridatus Sulwa Krisdayanti , Shendy kurniawan, Adhetya Larasati, Amalia Layliyah, Marifatul Luluk Arvi Cahyaning Suwandi Luqman Buchori Maftuchan, Maftuchan Magfiroh, Meilina Maharani, Anggun Megawati Megawati - Megawati Megawati Megawati Megawati Megawati Megawati Megawati Megawati Melanie Hartalia Putrie Miftahuddin Azhari Moh. Rizal Ar Rasyid Muhammad Burhan Rubai Wijaya Muhammad Yusuf Wibowo Noor Ubay, Isnina Nur Kholifah Chandra Mulyani Nur Kholifah Chandra Mulyani Nurkhasanah, Eva Nurul Huda Nuryoto Nuryoto Nuryoto Oktaviana, Vira Prasetiawan, Haniif Prayogo, Robby Danang Qurnaini, Rika Alda Radenrara Dewi Artanti Putri Radenrara Dewi Artanti Putri, Radenrara Dewi Artanti Radenrara Putri Rahimsyah Ijas Nur Rasyid Rahmayetty Rahmayetty Revasha Ajeng Kamalia Reyhan Dwi Saputra Riana Defi Mahadji Putri Ridwan Anung Prasetyo Salma Alfahra Choirunisa Sandra Anggita Fadriana Sarto Sarto - Sarto Shohib Qomad Dillah Silvia Yolanda Kristi Siti Bariroh Sulardjaka, S Syafitri, Laila Triani, Fita Tsani Muftidar Wahyudi Budi Sediawan Wahyudi Budi Sediawan Waryanto, Arif Widaya, Adi Risma Widi Astuti Widi Astuti Yasinda Verrel Dinara Shinka Dewi Yusuf Rumbino Zulfi Fitriani