Peningkatan kebutuhan minyak bumi yang terus menerus akan mengakibatkan kelangkaan bahan bakar minyak. Sumber energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan, salah satunya adalah biodiesel. Bahan baku potensial untuk memproduksi biodiesel yang tidak bersaing dengan bahan baku pangan contohnya adalah biji mahoni (swietenia macrophylla king). Tahapan yang diperlukan dalam percobaan biodiesel adalah proses pengambilan minyak biji mahoni dengan proses penyangraian, degumming, dan proses transesterifikasi. Alat yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan biodiesel yaitu: labu alas bulat dilengkapi kondensor, gelas ukur, pengaduk magnetik, alat-alat gelas lab, dan lain sebagainya. Proses pengambilan minyak dilakukan dengan penyangraian yang hasilnya di degumming dengan asam fosfat 5% b/b pada suhu 80úC selama 15 menit. Degumming bertujuan untuk menghilangkan getah, lendir, protein, resin dan gum. Proses kedua yaitu transesterifikasi dengan metanol 1:6 (minyak dan mtanol) dengan KOH 0,1 N pada suhu 60úC selama 1 jam. Setelah diperoleh metil ester, dilakukan proses pencucian atau penetralan metil ester pada suhu pemanasan 104úC untuk menghilangkan kadar airnya. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh rendemen minyak sebesar 86,92%, uji densitas 874,08 kg/mó, viskositas 3,07 mm2/s, dan bilangan asam 0,5601 mg KOH/g. Metil ester yang dihasilkan telah sesuai dengan SNI-04-7182-2006.àAn increased demand of the fossil fuel would lead to scarcity of the fossil fuel in the future. An alternative of environmentally friendly energy sources is biodiesel. It is accounted that the resources for producing biodiesel should not compete with food raw materials, such as mahogany grain, (swietenia macrophylla king). The necessary steps in the experiment of producing biodiesel are process of taking the mahogany seed-oil by using roasting method, degumming, and transesterification process. The required equipments for producing biodiesel were round-bottom flask equipped with condenser, measuring cylinder, magnetic stirrer, other lab-glassware, etc. Firstly, the process of taking the oil from mahogany seed was carried by using roasting method; then the result was degummed by using 5wt% of Phosphate acid at 80 oC for 15 minutes. The degumming process was aimed to remove sap, mucus, proteins, resin and gum. The second step was transesterification process using methanol 1:6 (oil and methanol) and 0.1N KOH solutions, which was carried out at 60 oC for 1 hour. Once the methyl ester was produced, the next steps were washing and neutralization of methyl ester at heating temperature of 104 oC to remove the water content in the methyl ester. The obtained yield from the experiments was 86.92%. The tested density, viscosity, and the acid value were 874.08 kg/mó, 3.07 mm2/s, and 0.5601 mg KOH/g, respectively. The produced Methyl ester is in accordance with SNI-04-7182-2006.