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FEMINISM THOUGHT IN LOUISA MAY ACLOTT’S LITTLE WOMAN Wara T. Gaspersz; Tini Mogea; Sarah Kamagi; Imelda S. Lolowang
SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues
Publisher : Faculty of Language and Arts (Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni) Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53682/soculijrccsscli.v2i1.5940


This research aims at analyzing the thoughts of feminism through the struggle that women faced in the 19th century reflected through Josephine March in Alcott’s Little Women. In conducting this research, the qualitative method was used. This study can be classified as library research since the data were collected through reading the novel and reading some related books. The novel can be categorized as the primary source and the other sources as secondary sources. The data were analyzed based on the kinds of struggle and its impact and then the result was presented descriptively. In analyzing the data, the researcher used feminism approach. The result showed that the feminist struggle was shown in some aspects, like social relations, education, and job. The struggle brought a negative impact not only on women but also on societies. The struggle is caused by the negative treatment received by the women. Society taught that women are less important and should listen to what man says also woman can be happy with the support of man. The thought of freedom is so far away from her and other women in that era.
JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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The aim of this research is to point out and explain about the introversion of Newt Scamander. This is a qualitative research, meaning that the data will not be presented through numbers but descriptions. In this research, the researcher uses J. K. Rowling’s screenplay Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as the main source and other related sources such as books, online articles/journals, etc. while, in point out and explaining about the main character’s introversion, the researcher used psychoanalytic approach. After analysing the screenplay, the researcher finds that people should be allowed to be themselves and do what they are best at and not to be pressure to do something or being someone their not. Introversion is not a bad thing so instead of trying to change the introverts the society should try to embraces them. Understanding ones’ general attitude and function types is important to get a better understanding of ones-self.
Comprehension and Considerations of Parents Needed Before Put The Children Into Preschool Meity Muntuuntu; Jennie Posumah; Imelda Lolowang; Aprillya A. Suoth
Journal of English Language Teaching, Literature and Culture Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): JELTEC: Journal of English Language Teaching, Literature and Culture
Publisher : English Education Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53682/jeltec.v1i2.6238


Comprehension and considerations of parents that needed before put the children into preschool. Nowadays, many parents want to put their children into early childhood education, like Preschool. All of the partial of early childhood education, like teacher, preschool (institute or school), and especially parents are expect their children to get a good achievement or good progress in learning education. Preschool is an early childhood program in which children combine learning with play in a program run by professionally trained adults. This research aimed to help the teacher, parents and preschool to understand their role and contribution to gain the successful and effectiveness of learning process in early childhood education. Especially to help parents to take a right comprehension and consideration that needed for they to know, before put their children into preschool. This article was using library research. The data were collected from several sources such as journal articles, literature. This article showed right comprehension and considerations by parents before put children into preschool are important, because it could help parent and children to be selectively choose the institutional of preschool that provide they needed. Remembering every child had different needs. This article could help parents to identify the basics that should provide by preschool, including the good materials, activities, place hygiene, character education, and moral values
SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues
Publisher : Faculty of Language and Arts (Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni) Universitas Negeri Manado

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the imperfection of Emma’s character in the novel Emma by Jane Austen. This research is qualitative research since the researcher collects data in the form of words quoted from the work itself to support the research. This study used the feminist literary approach to explain the situation that occurred to Emma as a woman and how her character develops in that time as described in Jane Austen's novel Emma. The results of this study show that imperfection is part of Emma’s character. Jane Austen developed her most flawed protagonist within the confines of Emma. Emma is imperfect due to her complexity and many more enticing things besides; her jealousness, judgmental, and selfishness.
THE DIMENSION OF CURIOSITY IN ENOLA HOLMES MOVIE Gloria Pangkey; Mister G. Maru; Imelda S. Lolowang
SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues
Publisher : Faculty of Language and Arts (Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni) Universitas Negeri Manado

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The aims of this research are to find out how the dimension of curiosity is revealed in the main character of Enola Holmes movie, and to reveal the impacts of her curiosity. The dimension of curiosity is analyzed by using the theory proposed by Khasdan, et al. This research is classified as qualitative research because the data are in the form of words as the quotation that taken from the source. The researcher collected the data from two kinds of source: primary source which is the script in Enola Holmes movie and secondary sources which are the books, dictionary, journals, articles, and documents in internet related to this research. After conducting this research, the researcher arrives to the conclusion that the result of this research supports the presence of five dimensions of curiosity in Enola’s character. Based on those dimensions, the researcher found that Enola can be categorized as The Fascinated, which is the highest level of curiosity in types of curious people concluded by Kashdan and his fellow based on their five-dimensional model of curiosity. It also proves that curiosity influences more in Enola’s life in the positive side. The impacts of her curiosity make her becomes more independent and knows what she truly wants in life.
A Symptomatic Reading on Meyer’s Twilight Series: Some Vicarious Lessons Overview Imelda S. Lolowang
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 23, No 3 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v23i3.3776


This paper analyzes the problems or conflicts related to the character of Bella Swan who colors the plot in the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer, a popular literary romance genre with a vampire theme, a New York Times Best Seller, that consists of four (4) series, namely Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. The author uses the Symptomatic Reading theory based on several expert opinions and basic theories about romance and fantasy, as well as several other expert opinions about this work. Written from the perspective of the main character, Bella, the four Twilight series explicitly and implicitly show some of the problems or conflicts that Bella experienced as a young girl approaching adulthood. The conflicts she experiences stem from his family, herself, and her love life. By analyzing this series of novels, the author not only presents the differences between ideological matters and the facts or reality of the main character's problems, but also raises a new understanding or perhaps more precisely an acknowledgment of the realities that underlie family circumstances, choices and desires of an individual like Bella. Through this analysis, some values or discussions can be drawn and overviewed and can be taken into consideration for the teaching and learning in literature classes, or for the general readers and movie goers in general; bearing in mind that popular literature is no longer a topic to be taken lightly, but must be criticized and benefited from in this era of media and technology, which, in turn, greatly influences the popular culture itself. Thus, it is hoped as well that there will be a balance in knowledge and decision-making in discussions about popular literature.
Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature and Education Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): E-CLUE: Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature, and Education
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53682/eclue.v8i1.1592


The purpose of this research is to reveal the influence of the environment to Maggie’s behavior in Crane’s “Maggie: A Girl of the Streets”. In conducting this research in which the data are in the form of words rather than numbers. In analysing the data, the writer used objective and psychological approach. The data collected in this research from two sources, primary and secondary sources. Primary sources is Crane’s “Maggie: A Girl of the Street” and secondary sources are the other books and data from internet that related to this research. The result of this research shows that Maggie has a miserable life that caused by her bad environment. Caused by her family condition, her job, her neighbourhood, her love relationship with Pete, and all the problems that she has to face in everyday of her life. But the conditions make her depressed. At the end of the story, Maggie chooses a wrong decision. She kills herself.
Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature and Education Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): E-CLUE: Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature, and Education
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53682/eclue.v10i1.1763


The purpose of this study is to reveal the selfishness of Colonel Miles Quaritch which is one of the main characters in the movie Avatar by James Cameron, and also to analyze what the causes and effects of the selfishness are. In conducting this research, the researcher uses qualitative research in which the data collected in the form of words and presented in descriptive form, so the data that the researcher gets is only from the movie script and other books that relation to this research. In this research, the movie script was analyzed with objective approach, it means that the data are found from intrinsic point of the movie script Avatar. From the result shows that selfishness is a bad trait to have in a person’s attitude. The researcher calls it’s a bad trait because it does not only bring no benefit to the person himself but also to another person surrounds him. Collonel Miles Quaritch is a selfish person. It can be seen from his actions that ignoring the opinions of others and neglecting the safety of the troop to achieve his goal. The Causes of the selfishness of Colonel Miles are ambition, arrogance and madness. And the effects of selfishness of Colonel Miles are losing the war and Colonel Miles killed by Neytiri.
Why Always Women?: Gender Inequality in Rusmini’s “Kenanga” (A Feminist Criticism Study) Apriani Riyanti; Umul Khasanah; Indriyati Kamil; Ni Putu Juliani Lestari Dewi; Imelda S. Lolowang
Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature and Education Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): E-CLUE: Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature, and Education
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53682/eclue.v11i1.5931


The issue of gender equality is no longer a new one. It arises along with the stereotype of men who have a higher nature than women. In addition, in terms of strength and rights women are also below men. This aspect of gender inequality is one of the aspects developed by Rusmini in her novel "Kenanga". It tells the story of women who live under the pressure of men due to their gender. This research was then made to examine every gender inequality behavior that occurs in this novel. Using a qualitative method, the research then applies a feminist approach in analyzing each event of gender inequality that occurs in Rusmini's novel "Kenanga". The results show that, gender inequality against women mostly occurs due to stereotypes from the society in which they live. This gender inequality occurs starting from the aspect that women's nature is under men, therefore women must always obey men. Moreover, in terms of education, women are also prohibited from getting a proper education than men because basically, women's job is only to take care of men. In addition, women from the poor are often treated harshly because the customs enforced in society greatly differentiate between castes. From this research, a new direction is given that gender inequality needs to be a concern because considering today's developments, it allows everyone including women to develop and have a career.
Understanding American Historical Change through Cultural Traditions, Physical Environment, & Literature: A Comparative Reflection in Global Community Imelda S. Lolowang
Journal of English Language Teaching, Literature and Culture Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): JELTEC: Journal of English Language Teaching, Literature and Culture
Publisher : English Education Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53682/jeltec.v3i1.7437


This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the intricate interplay between cultural traditions, the physical landscape, and the realm of poetry or literature, particularly in their capacity as architects of public myths within societal consciousness. It endeavors to serve as a nuanced comparative reflection, offering valuable insights to English language and literature students. Leveraging the rich historical and cultural tapestry of America, it seeks to illuminate the multifaceted contexts underlying language and literature studies amidst the dynamic trends and formidable challenges of contemporary global society, where both tangible and virtual boundaries are increasingly contested. Rooted in an understanding spanning from the seventeenth century to the twentieth century, the author meticulously selects a myriad of historical records and literary masterpieces, each implicitly or explicitly portraying diverse facets of environmental dynamics and the notion of frontier. These meticulously curated depictions and conceptual frameworks from various sources constitute the cornerstone of the author's analytical approach, elucidating the intricate interconnectedness between American cultural ethos and its surrounding ecological milieu