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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan

Efektifitas Cognitive Behavior Therapy dalam Menurunkan Gejala Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Pasca Bencana: A Systematic Review Supia Ningsih Juita Sari; Shrimarti Rukmini Devy; Hanik Endang Nihayati
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 12, No 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf12222


Background: The psychological impact that is often found in people affected by natural disasters is post-traumatic stress disorder. Traumatic events after an earthquake can cause psychological disorders, but psychological disorders can be minimized by changing cognitive patterns, behaviors that are based on a deep understanding of the problems experienced by patients. One of the most effective psychotherapy to overcome post-earthquake trauma is Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Objective: To determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy in reducing post-disaster stress. Methods: This systematic review was based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). The database used were Scopus, Proquest, Pubmed and, ScienceDirect, limited to the last 5 years of publication from 2016 to 2020, full-text article, in English. The keywords used in the article search were "cognitive behavior therapy" AND "disaster" "PTSD". This systematic review used 10 articles that fit the inclusion criteria. Results: Cognitive behavioral therapy interventions from studies reviewed were very significant in reducing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Conclusion: Nursing interventions packaged in various programs have been shown to significantly reduce post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Keywords: cognitive behavior therapy; disaster; post traumatic stress disorder ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Dampak psikologis yang sering ditemui pada masyarakat korban bencana alam adalah post traumatic stress disorder. Peristiwa traumatik pasca gempa dapat menimbulkan gangguan psikologis, namun gangguan psikologis dapat diminimalisir dengan merubah pola kognitif, perilaku yang didasari pemahaman mendalam mengenai masalah yang dialami oleh pasien. Salah satu psikoterapi yang efektif mengatasi trauma pasca gempa adalah cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektifitas cognitive behavior therapy dalam mengurangi stress pasca bencana Metode: Systematic review ini disusun berdasarkan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). Database yang digunakan adalah Scopus, Proquest, Pubmed dan ScienceDirect terbatas untuk publikasi 5 tahun terakhir dari 2016 hingga 2020, full text article dan dalam bahasa Inggris. Kata kunci yang digunakan pada pencarian artikel adalah “cognitive behavior therapy” AND “disaster” “PTSD”. Systematic review ini menggunakan 10 artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi Hasil: Intervensi cognitive behavior therapy dari penelitian yang direview sangat singnifikan dalam menurunkan gejala post traumatic stress disorder. Kesimpulan: Intervensi keperawatan yang dikemas dalam berbagai program terbukti dapat menurunkan gejala post traumatic stress disorder secara signifikan. Rekomendasi: Penelitian selanjutnya adalah menemukan dan menjabarkan penelitian yang dapat mengatasi PTSD dengan berbagai macam tehnik dalam CBT Kata kunci: cognitive behavior therapy; bencana alam; post traumatic stress disorder
Penerapan Program Edukasi dalam Kontrol Glikemik Pasien DM Tipe 2: Systematic Review Firda Yusniar; Shrimarti Rukmini Devy; Ika Yuni Widyawati; Abd. Rivai Dunggio
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf.v13i1.1489


Worldwide incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) has increased, almost 9% of the global population was estimated to suffered T2DM in 2035. The aim of this study was to evaluated impact of education programs on glycemic control in T2DM Patients. Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest and ScienceDirect were databases used to search for the keywords “Diabetes Education Programs OR Diabetes Self-Management Education” AND “Glycemic Control” AND “Type 2 DM OR Diabetes Mellitus Type 2” then obtained a number of 456 articles. Eligibility criteria assessed by PICOT framework. Fifteen studies selected with inclusion criteria: T2DM patients were has no severe symptoms, aged 18-65 years. Then obtain total of 2762 patients in this study. Interventions were given during period ranges from 3 till 24 months, each session reached 30 to 80 minutes. Averages studies showed educational programs had positive impact on self-monitoring of blood glucose and HbA1c levels. Educational programs provided conventionally by therapists, based on SMS, e-health applications and web access combined with standard care. Education helps in glycemic controlled among T2DM patients, it could be effective to applied as support program to improved diabetes self-management.Keywords: education program; diabetes self-management education; glycemic control ABSTRAK Insiden Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 (DMT) di seluruh dunia telah meningkat, hampir 9% dari populasi global diperkirakan menderita DMT2 pada tahun 2035. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program edukasi terhadap kontrol glikemik Pasien DMT2. Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest dan ScienceDirect merupakan database yang digunakan untuk mencari kata kunci “Diabetes Education Programs OR Diabetes Self-Management Education” AND “Glycemic Control” AND “Type 2 DM OR Diabetes Mellitus Type 2” kemudian diperoleh sejumlah 456 artikel. Kriteria kelayakan yang dinilai dengan kerangka PICOT. Lima belas studi dipilih sesuai kriteria inklusi: pasien DMT2 yang tidak memiliki gejala berat, berusia 18-65 tahun. Sebanyak 2762 responden termasuk dalam studi ini. Intervensi diberikan selama rentang waktu 3 hingga 24 bulan, setiap sesi mencapai 30 hingga 80 menit. Studi rata-rata menunjukkan program edukasi berdampak positif pada pemantauan mandiri gula darah dan kadar HbA1c. Program edukasi yang diberikan yakni secara konvensional oleh terapis, dengan media SMS, aplikasi seluler dan akses web yang dikombinasikan dengan perawatan standar. Edukasi membantu dalam kontrol glikemik pasien DMT2, serta efektif sebagai program pendukung dalam meningkatkan manajemen diri diabetes.Kata kunci: program edukasi; diabetes self-management education; kontrol glikemik  
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Manajemen Pengasuhan Anak dalam Pencegahan Kecanduan Smartphone di Kabupaten Jember Dwi Indah Lestari; Shrimarti Rukmini Devy; Hanik Endang N
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 11, No 2 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf11209


The increase in childhood mobile devices has increased dramatically in various countries over the past few decade. The involvement of parents in educating children is very important, so that the ability to provide appropriate parenting is needed in reducing children to use smartphones in their daily live. Factors related to childcare management in smartphone addiction in Jember district. This study used a cross sectional design. The sample in this study was 300 parents who have school-school children in Jember Regency. The sampling technique in this study was random sampling. The results of the analysis have a communication relationship (p=0.016), goals in parenting (p=0.025), discipline in conducting care (p=0.029), listen mindfully (p=0.031), self-acceptance and non-judgmental (p=0.011), by managing childcare in preventing smartphone addiction. Recommendations from this study for parents increase parental care regarding smartphone use so that the expected parenting will be able to provide limits on the use of smartphone to school children. Keywords: smartphone; parents; parenting ABSTRAK Peningkatan perangkat seluler masa anak-anak telah meningkat secara drastis di berbagai negara selama beberapa dekade ini Keterlibatan orangtua dalam mendidik anak sangat penting, sehingga kemampuan dalam memberikan pola asuh yang sesuai sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengurangi anak dalam penggunaan smartphone dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan manajemen pengasuhan anak dalam pencegahan kecanduan smartphone di Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross-sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini 300 orang tua yang memiliki anak usia sekolah di Kabupaten Jember. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini random sampling. Hasil analisis ada hubungan komunikasi (p-0,016), tujuan dalam pengasuhan (p-0,025), disiplin dalam melakukan pengasuhan (p-0,029), mendengarkan dengan penuh kesadaran (p-0,031), penerimaan diri dan tidak menghakimi (p-0,011) dengan menajemen pengasuhan anak dalam mpencegahan kecanduan smartphone. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini bagi orang tua meningkatkan pengasuhan orang tua terkait penggunaan smartphone sehingga pola asuh yang di harapkan akan mampu memberikan batasan pada penggunaan smrtphone pada anak usia sekolah. Kata kunci: smartphone; orang tua; pengasuhan
Advokasi Perilaku Ibu Generasi Milenial Menggunakan Alat Kontrasepsi IUD Di Puskesmas Pacar Keling Kota Surabaya Dayne Sherlia Ravitasari; Shrimarti Rukmini Devy
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 14 (2023): Nomor Khusus Juni 2023
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf.v14i0.3561


Background: Indonesia's population is 270.20 million people. Family planning is a government effort that aims to control the rate of population growth. Millennial mothers prefer to use injectable contraceptive methods. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government prioritizes the IUD family planning program. Research Objectives: The research objective is to analyze factors related to the behavior of millennial mothers in choosing to use family planning injections in the city of Surabaya. Research Method: The research method uses a literature review with sources via Google Scholar. Research Results: Advocacy was carried out with the headman and sub-district heads as decision-makers. The target is millennial mothers aged 22–42 years in the Pacar Keling Health Center area of Surabaya City. Conclusion: Advocacy is aimed at involving commitment and support from stakeholders so that the government's goals for the IUD program are achieved.Keywords: Family planning; Millenial mothers; Advocacy