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RACIC: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Abdurrab Vol 1 No 02 (2016): Terbitan Kedua Desember 2016
Publisher : Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6911.457 KB)


Salah satu komponen penting dari strategi kekeringan nasional adalah sistem pemantauan kekeringan secara komprehensif yang dapat memberi peringatan pada awal dan berakhirnya kekeringan, menentukan tingkat keparahan, dan menyebarluaskan informasi pada berbagai sektor. Dilatarbelakangi oleh hal tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis indeks kekeringan pada DAS Rokan Provinsi Riau. Indeks kekeringan dianalisis dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu KBDI (Keetch-Byram Drought Index) dan SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index). Karena keterbatasan data dari stasiun observasi yang ada pada DAS Rokan, maka pada penelitian ini digunakan data dari Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) dari The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Data hujan CFSR tersebut dikoreksi terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan. Metode KBDI dan SPI dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis secara spasial dan temporal kekeringan yang terjadi pada DAS Rokan. Hubungan antara sebaran kekeringan dan sebaran hotspot diperlihatkan dengan lebih baik melalui metode KBDI dibandingkan dengan metode SPI.
Land Cover and Climate Change Impact on River Discharge: Case Study of Upper Citarum River Basin Kuntoro, Arno Adi; Cahyono, Muhammad; Soentoro, Edy Anto
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 50, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.336 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2018.50.3.4


The Upper Citarum River Basin is the main catchment area of the Saguling Dam, the most upstream of three cascade dams in the Citarum River Basin. During the last 30 years, rapid economic development has led to an increase of water extraction and land conversion from green area to developed area. Also, evidence of climate change can clearly be seen from the climatological records of a number of climatology stations in this basin over the last few decades. In this study, the effect of anthropogenic and climate change in the Upper Citarum River Basin river discharge was simulated using the Sacramento Catchment Model. Historical river discharge, rainfall, climatology, and land cover from 1995 to 2009 were used for model calibration and verification. The multi-model mean monthly rainfall and the temperature projection taken from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) for the RCP6 and RCP8.5 climate change scenarios were statistically downscaled and used as input for a simulation of future river discharge from 2030 to 2050. The result showed that the combination of anthropogenic and climate change may result in a significant decrease of low flow in the Upper Citarum River Basin. This study underlines the importance of land cover and climate change factors for future infrastructure planning and management in the Upper Citarum River Basin.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jish-undiksha.v6i1.9720


 AbstrakIndonesia sedang memiliki beban ganda dalam menyelesaikan masalah pengelolaan sumber daya air, khususnya air tanah. Selain karena pembatalan UU No. 7/2004, juga karena pengalihan kewenangan pengelolaan dari pemerintah kabupaten/kota ke pemerintah provinsi sebagai dampak dari UU No. 23/2014. Karena proses komunikasi antara provinsi dan kabupaten/kota tidak mulus, karena berbagai alasan, akibatnya regulasi tidak kunjung dibuat. Pada akhirnya kondisi air tanah akan semakin buruk. Makalah ini mencoba mendudukkan kembali berbagai aspek pengelolaan air tanah yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya dan masih relevan untuk dijalankan saat ini. Kemudian dipilihlah aspek konservasi dan pemberdayaan sebagai aspek yang dapat dikerjasamakan antara pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota, karena: aspek ini lebih berkaitan dengan aspek monitoring atau pemantauan. Yang mana, pemantauan akan lebih baik dilakukan oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota karena skala pemetaan yang lebih rinci, dibanding bila dilakukan pada skala provinsi. Selain itu instrumentasi pemantauan yang dimiliki oleh organ tingkat kabupaten/kota lebih lengkap dibanding pemerintah provinsi.Kata kunci: Regulasi, Pengelolaan Air Tanah, Cekungan Air TanahAbstractIndonesia currently has a double burden in solving the problem of water resources, particularly groundwater. In addition to the cancellation of Law No. 7/2004, as well as the transfer of management authority of district/city government to the provincial government as a result of Law No. 23/2014. Due to the communication process between the provincial and district /city is not good, for various reasons, not being made as a result of regulation. Ultimately groundwater conditions will be getting worse. This paper tries to reinstate the various aspects of groundwater management has been formulated previously and are still relevant to the current run. Then chosen aspects of conservation and empowerment as an aspect to cooperation between the provincial and district /city government, because: this aspect is more related to aspects of monitoring. Which, monitoring would be better done by the district /city for more detailed mapping scale. Besides monitoring instrumentation owned by organs of district/municipal level is more complete than the provincial government.Keywords: Regulation, Groundwater Management, Groundwater Basin
Racic : Rab Construction Research Vol 1 No 02 (2016): Terbitan Kedua Desember 2016
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6911.457 KB)


Salah satu komponen penting dari strategi kekeringan nasional adalah sistem pemantauan kekeringan secara komprehensif yang dapat memberi peringatan pada awal dan berakhirnya kekeringan, menentukan tingkat keparahan, dan menyebarluaskan informasi pada berbagai sektor. Dilatarbelakangi oleh hal tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis indeks kekeringan pada DAS Rokan Provinsi Riau. Indeks kekeringan dianalisis dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu KBDI (Keetch-Byram Drought Index) dan SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index). Karena keterbatasan data dari stasiun observasi yang ada pada DAS Rokan, maka pada penelitian ini digunakan data dari Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) dari The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Data hujan CFSR tersebut dikoreksi terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan. Metode KBDI dan SPI dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis secara spasial dan temporal kekeringan yang terjadi pada DAS Rokan. Hubungan antara sebaran kekeringan dan sebaran hotspot diperlihatkan dengan lebih baik melalui metode KBDI dibandingkan dengan metode SPI.
Pemodelan Intrusi Air Asin Pada Akuifer Pantai (Studi Kasus: DKI Jakarta) Alan Wijaya; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Edy Anto Soentoro Gondodinoto
Publisher : Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1508.061 KB) | DOI: 10.32679/jth.v10i1.583


Main issues frequently faced by communities living in the city of Jakarta is salt water intrusion. This paper analyzes the extent of the distribution of saltwater contamination to coastal aquifers in Jakarta, the method used is the open source program FREEWAT. modeling is carried out in five scenarios, namely (1) reduction of 50% of groundwater use, (2) reduction of 25% of groundwater use, (3) existing groundwater use in 2012, (4) increase of 25% of groundwater use, and (5) increase of 50% of groundwater use. From the modeling results, the distribution of saltwater contamination on each layer of the aquifer of Jakarta. In unconfined aquifer the existing condition is scenario 3 intrusion as far as 1.604 m, on scenario 1 there is an intrusion decrease of 38%, in scenario 2 there is an intrusion decrease of 13%, in scenario 4 there is an increase in intrusion by 17% and on scenario 5 increase intrusion by 25%. In upper confined aquifer, the existing condition, namely scenario 3, has occurred as much as 1.809 m intrusion, in scenario 1 there is an intrusion decrease of 23%, in scenario 2 there is an intrusion decrease of 8%, in scenario 4 there is an increase in intrusion by 19% and in scenario 5 increase intrusion by 26%. In middle confined aquifer, the existing condition is scenario 3, 1.927 m intrusion occurs, on the scenario 1 there is an intrusion decrease of 23%, in scenario 2 there is an intrusion decrease of 9%, in scenario 4 there is an increase in intrusion by 16% and in the scenario 5 increase intrusion by 22%.
Land Cover and Climate Change Impact on River Discharge: Case Study of Upper Citarum River Basin Arno Adi Kuntoro; Muhammad Cahyono; Edy Anto Soentoro
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol. 50 No. 3 (2018)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2018.50.3.4


The Upper Citarum River Basin is the main catchment area of the Saguling Dam, the most upstream of three cascade dams in the Citarum River Basin. During the last 30 years, rapid economic development has led to an increase of water extraction and land conversion from green area to developed area. Also, evidence of climate change can clearly be seen from the climatological records of a number of climatology stations in this basin over the last few decades. In this study, the effect of anthropogenic and climate change in the Upper Citarum River Basin river discharge was simulated using the Sacramento Catchment Model. Historical river discharge, rainfall, climatology, and land cover from 1995 to 2009 were used for model calibration and verification. The multi-model mean monthly rainfall and the temperature projection taken from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) for the RCP6 and RCP8.5 climate change scenarios were statistically downscaled and used as input for a simulation of future river discharge from 2030 to 2050. The result showed that the combination of anthropogenic and climate change may result in a significant decrease of low flow in the Upper Citarum River Basin. This study underlines the importance of land cover and climate change factors for future infrastructure planning and management in the Upper Citarum River Basin.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 6 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jish-undiksha.v6i1.9720


 AbstrakIndonesia sedang memiliki beban ganda dalam menyelesaikan masalah pengelolaan sumber daya air, khususnya air tanah. Selain karena pembatalan UU No. 7/2004, juga karena pengalihan kewenangan pengelolaan dari pemerintah kabupaten/kota ke pemerintah provinsi sebagai dampak dari UU No. 23/2014. Karena proses komunikasi antara provinsi dan kabupaten/kota tidak mulus, karena berbagai alasan, akibatnya regulasi tidak kunjung dibuat. Pada akhirnya kondisi air tanah akan semakin buruk. Makalah ini mencoba mendudukkan kembali berbagai aspek pengelolaan air tanah yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya dan masih relevan untuk dijalankan saat ini. Kemudian dipilihlah aspek konservasi dan pemberdayaan sebagai aspek yang dapat dikerjasamakan antara pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota, karena: aspek ini lebih berkaitan dengan aspek monitoring atau pemantauan. Yang mana, pemantauan akan lebih baik dilakukan oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota karena skala pemetaan yang lebih rinci, dibanding bila dilakukan pada skala provinsi. Selain itu instrumentasi pemantauan yang dimiliki oleh organ tingkat kabupaten/kota lebih lengkap dibanding pemerintah provinsi.Kata kunci: Regulasi, Pengelolaan Air Tanah, Cekungan Air TanahAbstractIndonesia currently has a double burden in solving the problem of water resources, particularly groundwater. In addition to the cancellation of Law No. 7/2004, as well as the transfer of management authority of district/city government to the provincial government as a result of Law No. 23/2014. Due to the communication process between the provincial and district /city is not good, for various reasons, not being made as a result of regulation. Ultimately groundwater conditions will be getting worse. This paper tries to reinstate the various aspects of groundwater management has been formulated previously and are still relevant to the current run. Then chosen aspects of conservation and empowerment as an aspect to cooperation between the provincial and district /city government, because: this aspect is more related to aspects of monitoring. Which, monitoring would be better done by the district /city for more detailed mapping scale. Besides monitoring instrumentation owned by organs of district/municipal level is more complete than the provincial government.Keywords: Regulation, Groundwater Management, Groundwater Basin
Analisis Tren Perubahan Intensitas Hujan (Studi Kasus: Jakarta dan Bogor) Tias Ravena Maitsa; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Deni Septiadi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 28 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2021.28.2.5


Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji perbedaan Kurva Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) di wilayah Jakarta dan Bogor yang dihitung berdasarkan data Stasiun Kemayoran dan Citeko, terhadap pendekatan Metode Alternating Block Method (ABM), Modified Mononobe, Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Tata Cara Perhitungan Debit Banjir (SNI 2415-2016), dan SNI Tata Cara Perencanaan Drainase Permukaan Jalan (SNI 03-3424-1994). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa curah hujan di wilayah kajian didominasi oleh kejadian ≤ 4 jam dengan rata-rata persentase volume hujan tertinggi pada dua jam pertama yakni 24,9% di Citeko dan 29,9% di Kemayoran. Rata-rata selisih besaran intensitas hujan berdasarkan data observasi dibandingkan dengan pendekatan Metode ABM serta Modified Mononobe mencapai >14%. Intensitas hujan yang dihitung berdasarkan SNI 03-3424-1994 memberikan hasil rata-rata yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan intensitas hujan observasi. Pada periode ulang 2, 5, dan 10 tahun, rata-rata perbedaan intensitas hujan berturut-turut sebesar 26,8 mm/jam, 17,6 mm/jam, dan 11,6 mm/jam di Citeko, serta 36,3 mm/jam, 24,7 mm/jam, dan 17,3 mm/jam di Kemayoran. Perhitungan yang sama menggunakan Modified Mononobe memberikan rata-rata intensitas yang lebih rendah yakni 17 mm/jam, 11,4 mm/jam, dan 8,9 mm/jam di Citeko, namun lebih tinggi sebesar 24,1 mm/jam, 47 mm/jam, dan 49,1 mm/jam di Kemayoran. Kajian ini menggarisbawahi perlunya pengembangan standar desain secara kontinu untuk menghadapi tantangan perubahan iklim. Kata-kata Kunci: Distribusi hujan, intensity-duration-frequency, intensitas hujan, alternating block method, modified mononobe. Abstract This study examines differences between Intensity Duration Curve (IDF) in Jakarta and Bogor Area, represented by Kemayoran and Citeko Rainfall Station, with the Alternating Block Method (ABM), Modified Mononobe, Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for Calculating Flood Discharge, and SNI for Road Surface Drainage Design. The results showed that the rainfall in Jakarta and Bogor mainly was less than 4 hours, with the highest percentage of rainfall volume at the first two hours, about 24.9% at Citeko and 29.9% at Kemayoran. The average bias of rainfall intensity calculated from observation data compared with ABM and Modified Mononobe was >14%. Average rainfall intensity, which was computed using SNI 03-3424-1994 was higher than rainfall intensity calculated from observation data. For the return period of 2, 5, and 10 years, the bias was about 26.8 mm/h, 17.6 mm/h, and 11.6 mm/h, respectively, at Citeko, and 36.3 mm/h, 24.7 mm/h, and 17.3 mm/h, respectively at Kemayoran. Same comparison using Modified Mononobe resulted in lower rainfall intensity about 17 mm/h, 11.4 mm/h, and 8.9 mm/h, respectively at Citeko, and 24.1 mm/h, 47 mm/h, and 49.1 mm/h, respective, at Kemayoran. This study underlined the importance of continuous development of design standards to cope with climate change. Keywords: Intensity-duration-frequency, rainfall distribution, rainfall intensity, alternating block method, modified mononobe.  
Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Lahan terhadap Debit Banjir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciliwung Hulu Mohammad Farid; Maryo Inri Pratama; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan; Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat; Idham Riyando Moe
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 28 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2021.28.3.8


Abstrak Jakarta yang berfungsi sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan bisnis Indonesia seringkali mengalami permasalahan bencana banjir. Kejadian banjir yang terjadi tidak hanya disebabkan oleh tingginya intensitas hujan yang terjadi namun juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain, khususnya perubahan tutupan lahan yang memperkecil daerah resapan air hujan.. Studi ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk memprediksi dampak perubahan tutupan lahan yang terjadi terhadap dinamika banjir yang melanda ibu kota Negara Indonesia ini. Penelitian ini terbagi dalam 3 bagian yaitu pengumpulan data, pemodelan hidrologi dan analisis sensitivitas banjir terhadap perubahan tutupan lahan. Hidrograf Sintetis SCS CN digunakan untuk analisis hidrologi untuk mendapatkan peningkatan debit dan volume limpasan. Analisis hidrologi menunjukkan perubahan tutupan lahan berdasarkan tren yang tercatat menyebabkan peningkatan debit puncak dan volume limpasan pada tahun 2030 masing-masing sebesar 26% dan 24%. Namun demikian, dengan mengikuti Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnya, peningkatan pengaruh banjir terhadap debit puncak dan volume limpasan dapat diminimalisir  hingga berturut-turut sebesar 5.26% dan 4.94%. Setiap 13 km2 kawasan hutan atau pertanian yang diubah menjadi kawasan perkotaan atau tanah kosong, debit puncak banjir dan volume limpasan meningkat sebesar 4.63% dan 4.34%. Kata-kata Kunci: Ciliwung, banjir, SCS-CN. Abstract Jakarta, serves as the center of government and business in Indonesia, often experiences flood problems. The floodings that occur is not only caused by the high intensity of rain but is also influenced by other factors, especially changes in land cover that reduce the rainwater catchment area. This study is an attempt to predict the impact of land cover changes on the dynamics of floods that hit the capital city of Indonesia. This research is divided into 3 parts, namely data collection, hydrological modeling and analysis of flood sensitivity to land cover changes. SCS CN Synthetic Hydrograph was used for hydrological analysis to obtain increased discharge and runoff volume. Hydrological analysis shows that changes in land cover based on trends will cause an increase in peak discharge and runoff volume in 2030 by 26% and 24%, respectively. However, by following the Spatial Plan for Bogor Regency and its surroundings, the increase in the influence of flooding on peak discharge and runoff volume can be minimized to 5.26% and 4.94%, respectively. Every 13 km2 of forest or agricultural areas that are converted into urban areas or urban area, the peak flood discharge and runoff volume increase by 4.63% and 4.34%. Keywords: Ciliwung, flood, SCS-CN.  
Struktur Berpori Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Erosi di Pantai Utara Jawa: Studi Kasus Pantai Demak, Jawa Tengah Widyaningtias Widyaningtias; Ingerawi Sekaring Bumi; Joko Nugroho; M. Bagus Adityawan; Arno Adi Kuntoro
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 28 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2021.28.3.9


Abstrak Perubahan garis pantai merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat di kawasan pesisir utara Jawa, Indonesia. Hilangnya sabuk mangrove di kawasan pantai secara bertahap menyebabkan terjadinya erosi pantai. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, konsep adaptif menggunakan Building with Nature (BwN) mulai dikembangkan di beberapa lokasi di pantai utara Jawa. Konsep ini diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi permasalahan erosi dengan memanfaatkan proses alam dan tetap memperhatikan kelangsungan ekosistem setempat, yaitu dengan pembangunan struktur berpori (permeable structure). Di kawasan pesisir Demak, pembangunan struktur berpori dimulai sejak 2013 di Desa Bogorame dan mampu menahan sedimen setinggi 45 cm dalam 1.5 tahun. Pemodelan akan menggunakan perangkat lunak Delft3D dengan meggabungkan antara model Delft3D-Flow dan Delft3D-Wave. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan menempatkan thin dam sebagai struktur berpori sesuai kondisi eksisting di lapangan. Simulasi akan dilakukan pada musim hujan dan kemarau, dengan memasukkan input gelombang signifikan pada kedua musim tersebut. Berdasarkan simulasi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada musim penghujan, struktur berpori menangkap lebih banyak sedimen dibandingkan pada musim kemarau. Pada beberapa lokasi, erosi terjadi saat musim penghujan, namun akan terisi kembali pada saat musim kemarau. Lebih lanjut lagi, konsep adaptif dari struktur berpori ini diharapkan dapat mempercepat restorasi pantai di kawasan pesisir Demak. Kata-kata Kunci: DELFT3D, erosi pantai, struktur berpori. Abstract Shoreline degradation in North Java, Indonesia, becomes one of severe problem that have to be overcome by habitat along its coastal. The gradually vanishing of mangrove greenbelt indicates starting of coastal erosion. To solve that problem, the adaptive concept using Building with Nature (BwN) has been started to develop in some region in North Java Coastal area. This concept is expected as one of solution to restore coastal erosion by enhancing natural process. The application of permeable structures is proposed. The construction of permeable structures was started since 2013 in Bogorame area and has been trapped sediment up to 45 cm in 1.5 years. The simulation will be conducted using Delft3D by coupling between Delft3D-Flow and Delft3D-Wave. The model is simulated by using thin dams as permeable structures as in existing field condition, and will be modeled in wet and dry seasons. Based on simulations, it can be concluded that in wet season, permeable structures can trap more sediment compared with in dry season. In some location erosion occurs. However, it can be recharged by sediment transport during dry season. Furthermore, sustainability of this adaptive concept is expected to enhance the coastal restoration in Demak coastal area. Keywords: DELFT3D, coastal erosion, permeable structure.