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Tsunami Early Warning System Based on Maritime Wireless Communication Aryanti Karlina Nurendyastuti; Mochamad Mardi Marta Dinata; Arumjeni Mitayani; Muhammad Rizki Purnama; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan; Mohammad Farid; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Widyaningtias
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 8 No. 2 (May 2022)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1552.707 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.2878


Tsunami buoy, linked to satellite, is commonly used as a tsunami early warning system but has been discovered to have several drawbacks such as the need for approximately 5 minutes to issue an early warning for a tsunami after detecting the initial wave as well as its fragility. It was also reported that the twenty-two buoys placed in the Indonesian seas from 2012 to 2018 were damaged and missing. Therefore, this study proposes a new method for tsunami early warning by integrating ship-to-ship maritime wireless communication. It is important to note that vessels or fishing boats with over 30 GT have the ability to travel more than 100 nmi (approximately 180 km) from the shoreline and can be equipped with point-to-multipoint VHF radio communication. Meanwhile, smaller boats on the fishing ground located approximately 2-5 km from the shore can use a WiFi network to communicate like a wireless mesh while the existing terrestrial network can be used for the ship-to-shore communication between boats and land stations. This system is expected to provide significant benefits for a fishing town such as Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia which is directly facing Java Megathrust in the Indian Ocean. Therefore, a tsunami numerical simulation was conducted in this study using Shallow Water Equation which involved a hypothetical tsunami simulated from the possible fault source which is approximately 250 km from the source. Moreover, the vessel’s location was assumed to be in line with the fishing ground while the arrival time of the tsunami was estimated from the model to be 22.5 minutes and compared to the relay time of the proposed system which was approximately 5.4 seconds. This is faster in terms of delay than the existing system which relays information through satellite at approximately 5 minutes in an ideal condition and also has the ability to reduce the need for tsunami buoys.
Development of A 2D Numerical Model for Pollutant Transport using FTCS Scheme and Numerical Filter Maitsa, Tias Ravena; Hafiyyan, Qalbi; Adityawan, Mohammad Bagus; Magdalena, Ikha; Kuntoro, Arno Adi; Kardhana, Hadi
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 25, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study used the finite difference method to develop a numerical model for pollutant transport phenomenon simulation. Mathematically, the phenomenon is often described by the advection–diffusion differential equation, which is obtained from a combination of the continuity equation and Fick’s first law. The Forward Time Central Space (FTCS) scheme is one of the explicit finite difference methods and is used in this study to solve the model due to its simplicity in solving a differential equation. Yet, this method is currently unstable, which results in oscillations in the model. Thus, a numerical filter (Hansen) is added to the FTCS method to improve the stability of the model. The developed numerical model is applied to several 1D and 2D pollutant transport test cases. Simulation results are compared with those of existing analytical solutions to verify the developed model, and they show that the developed model can simulate the pollutant transport phenomenon well. Moreover, the numerical filter can increase the model stability.
Environmental Discharge Assessment Based on Hydrological Approach in Upper Citarum Watershed Ika Sari Damayanthi Sebayang; Indratmo Soekarno; M. Cahyono; Arno Adi Kuntoro
Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air Desember 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia (HATHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56860/jtsda.v3i1.42


Di Indonesia, kawasan Sungai Citarum mengalami tantangan lingkungan yang cukup signifikan, antara lain meluapnya Sungai Citarum dan daerah aliran sungainya yang menyebabkan banjir, dan kekurangan air pada musim kemarau. Namun, tantangan utama adalah ketersediaan air di Citarum, karena debit yang mempengaruhi keseimbangan ekologi Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Penelitian ini mengkaji beberapa metode penilaian debit lingkungan dengan pendekatan berbasis hidrologi diantaranya Tennant, Range of Variability Approach (RVA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya aliran lingkungan (EF) yang diperlukan untuk menopang fungsi sungai dalam mendukung keseimbangan ekologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa metode penilaian aliran lingkungan berbasis hidrologi merupakan langkah pertama yang diperlukan dalam perencanaan alokasi debit untuk perlindungan lingkungan. Ditunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fitur-fitur pelengkap dari teknik penilaian aliran lingkungan yang ada dapat digunakan untuk mencapai perkiraan aliran lingkungan yang dapat dibenarkan, bahkan dalam kondisi keterbatasan informasi terkait hubungan ekologi-hidrologi spesifik pada DAS Citarum. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mempromosikan perlunya perencanaan alokasi debit lingkungan dalam pengembangan DAS dan dapat dirumuskan ke dalam kebijakan nasional yang relevan. Kajian EF dilakukan dengan membandingkan 7Q10 dan Q95 dari kedua data pengamatan debit Nanjung dan pemodelan curah hujan-limpasan. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa metode Weibull minima, hasil 7Q10 untuk pemodelan Sacramento, adalah 2,18 m3/s sedangkan AWLR Nanjung adalah 1,24 m3/s. Selain itu, nilai Q95 untuk Nanjung AWLR adalah 6,55 m3/s sedangkan hasil pemodelan curah hujan limpasan Sacramento adalah 7,06 m3/s. Besaran debit yang tersedia perlu dipastikan dapat mendukung kondisi ekologi di wilayah DAS Citarum Hulu. Hal ini relevan karena perbedaan tersebut tentunya mempengaruhi keseimbangan ekologi dan pengelolaan Sungai Citarum.
Analisis Program Preservasi Jalan Terdampak Banjir Menggunakan Model Markov Chain yoga bimo aulia; Russ Bona Frazila; Arno Adi Kuntoro
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 30 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2023.30.2.14


Abstrak Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banjir telah menyebabkan gangguan pada sistem pengelolaan jalan dengan meningkatkan biaya rehabilitasi secara signifikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis pengaruh banjir, lalu lintas dan riwayat penanganan terhadap deteriorasi kondisi perkerasan jalan dimasa akan datang. Analisis dilakukan pada semua ruas jalan nasional di provinsi Bengkulu. Berdasarkan MPT yang dihasilkan, kondisi kategori lalu lintas mempengaruhi tingkat penurunan maupun kenaikan kondisi perkerasan dimana lalu lintas tinggi memiliki tingkat penurunan kondisi perkerasan lebih tinggi daripada lalu lintas sedang maupun lalu lintas rendah. Kondisi antara segmen banjir dan tidak banjir juga berbeda dalam perubahan kondisi perkerasan dimana segmen banjir tingkat penurunan kondisi perkerasan lebih cepat dari segmen tidak banjir. Pada analisis perubahan kondisi perkerasan di masa akan datang, perbandingan jumlah keputusan penanganan yang diberikan pada Markov Chain probabilitas tertinggi dibandingkan dengan IRMS V.3 menunjukan hasil yang berbeda, dimana pada Markov Chain penurunan kondisi perkerasan baik IRI maupun PCI lebih cepat sehingga lebih sering dilakukan penanganan rehabilitasi daripada menggunakan IRMS V.3 yang penurunan kondisi jalan cendrung lebih lambat. Kata-kata Kunci: Banjir, deteriorasi, IRI, IRMS V.3, markov chain, PCI. Abstract In recent years, floods have disrupted the road management system by significantly increasing rehabilitation costs. In this study, an analysis of the flooding’s effect, traffic and maintenance history on the deterioration of pavement conditions in the future was carried out. The analysis was carried out on all national road sections in Bengkulu province. Based on the resulting MPT, traffic category conditions affect the level of decrease or increase in pavement conditions where high traffic has a higher rate of decline in pavement conditions than medium traffic and low traffic. The conditions between the flooded and non-flooded segments are also different in terms of changes in pavement conditions where the flooded segment has a faster rate of decline than the non-flooded segment. In the analysis of future deterioration of pavement conditions, a comparison of the number of treatment decisions given to Markov Chain has the highest probability compared to IRMS V.3 showing different results, where on Markov Chain the deterioration of pavement conditions, both IRI and PCI, is faster so that rehabilitation is carried out more frequently. rather than using IRMS V.3 which tends to decrease road conditions more slowly. Keywords: Deterioration, flooding, IRI, IRMS V.3, markov hain, PCI  
Flood Modelling of Premulung River, Bengawan Solo Ferdi Pangestu; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Eko Winar Irianto
Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
Publisher : Green Engineering Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55043/jaast.v8i1.183


Premulung River or commonly known as Kali Premulung is one of many branches of Bengawan Solo River in its upstream area. This river pass through one of the most historical cities in Central Java, Surakarta. The overcapacity of this river leads to flood event that has a negative impact on humans. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Premulung River capacity and simulate the flood caused by rainfall design. The hydrological matter was analyzed using Hydrognomon and HEC-HMS while flood modelling was analyzed using HEC-RAS software one- and two-dimension (1D & 2D) simulation. Model calibrations were carried out based on historical flood events (depth, duration, and area of inundation) and local interview due to data limitation. Based on the simulation, the flood modelling shows that the current capacity of Premulung River cannot accommodate its peak discharge for two (Q2) and twenty years (Q20) return period flood. There are two main spots identified flooded due to Q2 flood with depth varies from 40 to 80 cm and duration from 4 hour to 7 hour. For Q20 flood, there are also two same spots identified flooded with depth varies from 1.2 m to 1.8 m and duration from 6 hour to 9 hour. The result of this study can be a reference for flood dike design in the future which still require further detailed investigation.