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Journal : Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Upaya menumbuhkembangkan permainan tradisional bakiak dan egrang Budi Istiningtyas; Ari Setiawan
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 8 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v8i2.3695


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan program, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, keberhasilan, dan pengelolaan upaya menumbuh kembangkan olahraga permainan tradisional bakiak dan egrang di SD Negeri Jumeneng Lor, Sumberadi, Mlati, Sleman 2017. Melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan studi kasus dengan dengan memfokuskan pada upaya menumbuh kembangkan olahraga permainan tradisional bakiak dan egrang di SD Negeri Jumeneng Lor. Data penelitian ini dapat digali dengan wawancara  dengan nara sumber sebagai informan, baik dari stakeholder di dalam sekolah, pengawas sekolah, maupun dari masyarakat sekitar sekolah dan wali murid. Pada pengamatan  dikembangkan dengan menggunakan trianggulasi data diperkuat dengan hasil observasi dan telaah dokumen yang ada. Dari data yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan bahwa upaya menumbuh kembangkan olahraga tradisional bakiak dan egrang diadakan berdasarkan potensi sekolah ditunjang stakeholder yang kompak.  Dengan kejelian, kegigihan, dan semangat kepala sekolah beserta jajarannya untuk membekali siswanya supaya menumbuh kembangkan olahraga permainan tradisional bakiak dan egrang berhasil.   An effort to develop traditional sports egrang and bakiak   Abstract: The purpose of this study is to discover the reason for determination from the program, implementation, factors that make the program will be succeeded, and effort management to develop the traditional sport, bakiak and egrang in Jumeneng Lor elementary school.2017. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach using a case study focusing on efforts to develop traditional sports, bakiak and egrang in Jumeneng Lor Elementary School. Interviews collect the research data from stakeholders in the school, school supervisors, the community around the school, and student guardian. The process of data analysis is developed using data triangulation reinforced with the results of observations and a review of existing documents. From data that is collected shows that the efforts to develop traditional sports are carried out based on the right potential of the school and support by adequate stakeholders, especially carefulness, perseverance and enthusiasm of school principals and staff to increase the student's knowledge to develop traditional sports bakiak and egrang will be a success.
Pengembangan instrumen penilaian sikap disiplin siswa sekolah dasar Adi Priyono; Ari Setiawan
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 9 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v9i1.11476


Penelitian ini bertujuan:(a) melakukan pengembangan instrumen penilaian sikap disiplin siswa kelas VI, (b) untuk mengetahui hasil penilaian sikap disiplin yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas VI dengan menggunakan instrumen yang telah dibuat. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah pengembangan instrumen penilaian afektif menurut Mardapi (2016). Subjek penelitian adalah siswa sekolah dasar yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Wadaslintang. Analisis data dengan pembuktian validitas isi, validitas konstruk, dan reliabilitas. Validitas isi dihitung menggunakan indeks Aiken. Validitas konstruk dibuktikan dengan analisis faktor, kemudian butir valid pada instrumen final dihitung reliabilitasnya dengan Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian: (a) hasil pembuktian validitas isi sebesar 0,960, (b) nilai KMO analisis faktor terakhir sebesar 0.800, (c) pembuktian validitas konstruk mereduksi data sebanyak dua kali pada uji coba terbatas dan uji coba diperluas, dari jumlah butir sebanyak 25 butir pada instrumen final yang dapat membentuk 6 faktor baru, (d) indeks reliabilitas Alpha Cronbach sebesar 0,938 yang berarti instrumen tersebut reliabel, (e) penilaian sikap disiplin dilakukan dengan subjek siswa sekolah dasar kelas VI SD di Kecamatan Wadaslintang, (f) kategori sikap disiplin siswa kelas VI SD di Kecamatan Wadaslintang menunjukan 27 siswa termasuk “Membudaya”, 66 siswa termasuk “Berkembang”, 40 siswa termasuk “Mulai Terlihat” dan 25 siswa  termasuk “Belum Terlihat”.   Development of an instrument for assessing the discipline of elementary school students   Abstract: This study aims to: (a) develop an instrument for assessing the disciplined attitude of grade VI students, and (b) to determine the results of the assessment of discipline attitudes conducted on grade VI students using the instrument that has been made. The development model used is the development of effective assessment instruments according to Mardapi (2016). The research subjects were elementary school students in the Wadaslintang district. Data analysis by proving content validity, construct validity, and reliability. Content validity was calculated using the Aiken index. Construct validity was proven by factor analysis, and then the valid items on the final instrument were calculated for reliability with Cronbach's Alpha. The results of the study: (a) the results of the proof of content validity were 0.960, (b) the KMO value of the last factor analysis was 0.800, and (c) the proof of construct validity reduced the data twice in a limited trial and an expanded trial, from a total of 25 items. on the final instrument that can form 6 new factors, (d) Cronbach's Alpha reliability index of 0.938 which means the instrument is reliable, (e) the assessment of disciplinary attitudes is carried out with the subject of grade VI elementary school students in Wadaslintang District, (f) the category of disciplinary attitudes Sixth-grade elementary school students in Wadaslintang District showed 27 students including “Cultivated”, 66 students including “Developing”, 40 students including “Starting to Look” and 25 students including “Not yet Seen”.  
Pengembangan instrumen penilaian sikap kejujuran siswa sekolah dasar Kecamatan Wadaslintang Maryani Maryani; Pardimin Pardimin; Ari Setiawan
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 9 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v9i2.11512


Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen sikap kejujuran siswa sekolah dasar yang baku dan mengetahui hasil penilaian sikap kejujuran. Lokasi penelitian di SD Kecamatan Wadaslintang. Jenis penelitian ini penelitian pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang dipakai adalah model pengembangan menurut Djemari Mardapi. Strategi evaluasi yang digunakan untuk mengukur indikator adalah metode penilaian diri (self assessment). Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SD kelas IV, V, dan VI sejumlah 513 siswa di wilayah Kecamatan Wadaslintang dipilih dengan simple random sampling. Analisis data yaitu pembuktian validitas isi, validitas konstruk, dan reliabilitas. Validitas isi dengan penilaian dari tiga validator ahli dan dihitung menggunakan indeks Aiken. Validitas konstruk dibuktikan dengan analisis faktor, kemudian butir valid pada instrumen final dihitung reliabilitasnya dengan Alpha Cronbach. Validitas isi instrument bernilai 0,87 yang termasuk kategori Tinggi. Hasil analisis faktor ekploratori sejumlah 24 butir dalam 6  faktor yang terbentuk dan reliabilitas 0,897 . Hasil penelitian menunjukan  dari 300 siswa terdapat 0 siswa (0 %) termasuk “Membudaya”, 117 siswa (39 %) termasuk “Berkembang”, 124 siswa (41,33 %) termasuk kategori “Mulai Terlihat”, dan 59 siswa (19,67 %) termasuk kategori “Belum Terlihat”  yaitu siswa belum menunjukkan    dalam interaksi sehari-hari di sekolah.   Development of an instrument of honest attitude assessment  of elementary school students in the Wadaslintang District   Abstract: This study aims to produce a standard instrument of honest attitude of elementary school students and to know the results of the assessment of honesty attitude. The research location is in SD Wadaslintang District. This type of research is development research. The development model used is the development model according to Djemari Mardapi. The evaluation strategy used to measure indicators is a self-assessment method. The research subjects were elementary school students in grades IV, V, and VI a total of 513 students in the Wadaslintang sub-district were selected by simple random sampling. Data analysis is proof of content validity, construct validity, and reliability. Content validity was assessed by three expert validators and calculated using the Aiken index. Construct validity was proven by factor analysis, and then the valid items on the final instrument were calculated for reliability with Cronbach's Alpha. The content validity of the instrument is 0.87 which is included in the High category. The results of the exploratory factor analysis were 24 items in the 6 formed factors and the reliability was 0.897 . The results showed that from 300 students there were 0 students (0%) including “Cultivated”, 117 students (39%) including “Developing”, 124 students (41.33%) including the “Starting to Look” category and 59 students (19, 67%) included in the "Not yet Seen" category, i.e. students have not shown it in their daily interactions at school.
Development of responsibility attitude competency assessment instruments for vocational high school students Mujiyono Mujiyono; Ari Setiawan; Makmur Haji Harun
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 10 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v10i1.4587


This study aims to obtain a standardised responsibility attitude competency assessment instrument to measure the value of responsibility attitude competencies of students of SMK Negeri 8 Purworejo and to determine the results of the implementation of responsibility attitude competencies in students of SMK Negeri 8 Purworejo Central Java as measured by the assessment instrument developed so that the level of responsibility attitude value of SMK Negeri 8 Purworejo students can be known. This research is development research. The development stages were carried out with expert judgment validation, first revision, readability test, second revision, content validity test, construct validity test, third revision, final assessment instrument, and implementation of the final assessment instrument. The content validity test used the Aiken index. Reliability was tested with Cronbach Alpha formulation. Construct validity test used factor analysis. After preparing the assessment model and the pilot test, it was concluded that an assessment instrument was obtained to measure the attitude of responsibility as many as 50 items, consisting of 25 valence (attitude) items and 25 factual (behaviour) items. Second, the indicators of the attitude of responsibility assessment instrument are (a) Carrying out individuals well, (b) Accepting the risks of actions taken, (c) Doing tasks according to procedures, (d) Returning borrowed items, and (e) Doing group works together. Third, it measured the attitude of responsibility of 72 students of SMK Negeri 8 Purworejo with the measurement results in the Very High category.
Development of instruments for measuring critical attitudes of junior high school students Ratna Dynawati; Ari Setiawan; Bounmy Phalychan
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v10i2.13724


The goals of this study were: (1) to find out how teachers evaluate the critical attitudes of junior high school students toward information on social media; (2) to find out how a proper and standardized instrument for measuring the critical attitudes of junior high school students toward information on social media is made; and (3) to find out the criticality value of junior high school students after being measured using a valid and reliable instrument. This research is a type of research and development (R&D), and it uses the 10 steps of Djemari Mardapi's affective instrument development procedure. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be made: (1) Teachers haven't been using proper and standard tools to measure students' critical attitudes so far. (2) The critical attitude instrument for junior high school students was made by putting together a hypothetical model with five indicators, having an expert validate it, giving it a readability test, and doing a lot of testing with 48 valid instruments (MSA > 0.5) with a reliability of 0.800 and a lot of testing with 38 valid instruments (MSA > 0.5) with a reliability of 0.813. (3) The results of measuring the critical attitudes of 32 students at Sentolo 4 Junior High School (SMP Negeri 4 Sentolo) obtained the following results: very high critical attitude values of 15.63%, high critical attitude values of 28.13%, low critical attitude values of 37.50%, and very low critical attitude values of 18.75%. The results of these tests show that most junior high school students are still not very critical.