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Efektivitasekstrak Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina Del) Sebagai Liquid Electric Untuk Membunuh Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Tahun 2019 alfin nadifatu zahroh; winarko winarko; nur haidah
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 11 (2020): Nomor Khusus Mei-Juni 2020
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf11nk315


Aedes Aegypti is a vector carrying dangue virus. The use of chemical insecticides continuously can cause resistance to mosquitoes and pollute the environment. Another alternative can be used vegetable insecticide which is derived from African leaf plants. Phytochemical results of African leaves contain 68% alkaloids, 3.89% saponins, 2.16% terpenoids and 2.32% flavonoids. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of African leaf extract as a liquid electric to kill Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. This study uses true experiments with a post test only control group design with a concentration of 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, control and 4 replications. The number of mosquitoes used is 600 birds. Data were analyzed using the kruskal waills test. The results showed p
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 11, No 3 (2013): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v11i3.215


Basic sanitation in Islamic Boarding School is very necessary to paid attention because of themain problem in Islamic Boarding School as basic sanitation aspects is ineligible. These basicsanitation included clean water supply, trash fill means, wastewater outlet means, latrine meansthat can be produced various diseasessuch as, diarrhea, dermatitis, and inhalation congestion.This research as descriptive research with cross sectional approach purposed to recognize onbasic sanitation means AI-Fattah Islamic Boarding School in Banjarsari village Buduran DistrictSidoarjo Regency, where performed assessmenttoward the conditions of infrastructure such asclean water supply, trash fill means, wastewater outlet means, latrine means. Data collectingdone with observation and interview. Data taken then analyzed descriptively.The result of the research of assessment toward basic sanitation means Al-Fattah IslamicBoarding School included clean water supply gain score 257 (71,3%), trash fill means gain 70(50%), wastewater outlet means gain score 66 (47,2%), latrine means gain score 272 (75,5%).Suggested in order to improving the cleaning frequency in basic sanitation facilities routinely tokeep their cleanliness.Keywords : Basic Sanitation Islamic Boarding School
RELATIONSHIP SMOKING HABITS OF FAMILY MEMBERS AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF INFANTS WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION EVENT ON INFANTS (Case study in the work Area of Larangan Public Health Center of Larangan District, Pamekasan Regency) Afriyani Noviyana; Nurhaidah .; Hadi Suryono
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 11, No 2 (2013): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v11i2.187


Acute Respiratory infection (ARI) is one of the causes of infant mortality in developingcountries, including in Indonesia. This study aimed to investigate the relationship betweensmoking habits of family members and nutritional status of infants with ARI incidence ofinfants in the larangan Public Health Center.This type of research was an observational case control study desiqn, The sample wasmostly infants of ARI patients in Larangan District who have come to the Larangan PublicHealth Center during the last three months that were 53 infants and 53 infants were notsuffered ARI who were neighbors of infans who suffered ARI. Data analysis was performedusing Chi Square test with a = 0,05.Results of this study shown that smoking habits of fdamily members (p = 0,243) thereis no association with incidence of acute respiratory infection of infant, while the nutritionalstatus of infants (p = 0,008) is correlated with the incidence of acute respiratory infection oninfants.It is recommended that larangan public health center to improve the provision ofinformation of the public about the nutritional status of infants in order to avoid acuterespiratory diseases, providing enough food for infants by providing fruit that are around theenvironment such as bananas and papayas, maintain the condition or the air in the house tostay healthy by cleaning the house every day, behave healthy lifestyle, and care sanitation inorder not to become breeding grounds for germsKeywords: ARI, smoking habits, nutritional status
Fermentasi Air Kelapa Muda sebagai Atraktan Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Devinta Lala; Suprijandani .; Nur Haidah
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v16i1.817


The case of dengue fever caused by Aedes aegypti female mosquitoes is still a problem in Indonesia because the case tends to increase every year. The purpose of study on the fermentation of young coconut water as a mosquito attractant is to determine whether there is any difference in the number of mosquitoes trapped by the fermentation of young coconut water concentration variation. The type of research conducted was a True Experiment, with the design ofpost test only control group. Research method was using trapping bottle provided with attractant with a concentration of 0% (control), 15%, 25%, and 35%. Location of research was done in Laboratorium Entomologi Kesehatan Lingkungan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes RI Surabaya. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis statistical test and advanced test of Mann Whitney. The result of Kruskall Wallis statistic test showed that there is significant difference (p 0,05) between control group and treatment group of variation of coconut water fermentation concentration to the number of trapped mosquitoes. Advanced tests of Mann Whitney showed that three concentration treatments (15%, 25%, and 35%) had the same potential because there is no significant difference. Higher mean rank values at the 15% coconut water fermentation concentration is because it has the ability of trapping mosquitos more compared to other concentration (25%, and 35%). Young coconut water fermentation has potential as an Aedes aegypti mosquito attractant. The use of young coconut water fermentation attractant is a method of controlling mosquito vectors that is environmentally friendly and inexpensive to use. Keywords : Aedes, Attractant, Fermented Young Coconut Water, Trapping
ANALISIS KANOUNGAN FORMALIN PAOAIKAN ASIN (Oi Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember 2014) Anggara Aditia Pratama Putera; A. T Diana Nerawati; Nur Haidah
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 13, No 1 (2015): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v13i1.76


Formalin is used as disinfectant, preservative and is widely used in industries as a preservative for biologicalsamples, this substance should be banned from use as a food preservative. But in reality, formalin is used asa preservative in dried fish food for example. Continuous consumption of salted fish containing formalin cancause serious health problems such as cancer, central nervous system disorders, hypotension, diarrhea, heartdisorders, coma and even death.This is a descriptive study, aimed to describe the content of formaldehyde in salted fish sold in TPI Puger byassessing the physical quality of salted fish and performing laboratory tests for qualitative determination.Using simple random sampling technique, as much as 28 sampleswere obtained, consisted of dried fish soldby five vendors (A, B, E, G, J). Data analysis was done by correlating the physical condition of the salted fishidentified as containing formalin with results of descriptive laboratory test, and then compared with theMinister of Health Regulation No. 033 of 2012 on food additives.The results showed that 11 (39.2%) samples were indicated as containing formalin. Results of qualitative andquantitative laboratory tests on formalin content show that 11 samples were positive containingformaldehyde, the formaldehyde levels ranging from 1.1 ppm - 4.1 ppm. Types of salted fish containingformalin that is chicken feathers salted fish, nuts, Layur, manyung, lauro, Dorang and snapper.The study suggested the need for counseling to consumers and merchants by local health center about thedangers of consuming foods containing formalin, and provide education to the public through the media suchas by distributing posters or leaflets on good salted fish, salted fish containing formalin with its characteristics.The Department of Fisheries and Marine Resourcesneedsto cooperate with the local health center to provideroutine supervision to fish selling operation
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 12, No 3 (2014): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v12i3.113


Medical waste denoted solid waste products that proved to be hazardous to hospitals and maycause health problems if not managed properly. An initial survey has been conducted in Bangil districthospital in Pasuruan. Outside components. that proved to have met the requirements, several problemswere discovered such as a practice of mixing medical waste and non - medical solid wastes, wastemedical bins were found to have different shape, size and color and there were no labels, the temperaturereached by incenerator combustion chamber was only :t: 800°C and it was not equipped with gas cleaningmechanism, and no special handling of the resulted ashes. This study was aimed to evaluate themanagement of solid medical waste in Bangil Pasuruanhospital.With regard to the research method, this was .a descriptive research. This research wasconducted in March - May 2014, the collected data were subjected to descriptive type of analysis/ resultswere discussed in reference to Minister of Health decree No. 1204/Menkes/SK/X/2004 on EnvironmentalHealth Requirementsfor Hospital.Solid medical waste generated in Bangil Pasuruan hospital were derived from health careactivities, ERand other facilities that included infectious materials and sharps. The largest generation ofsolid medical wastes was on Saturdays at 214.7 kg, while the smallest production was Wednesdaysthatamounted to 118.8 kg. Evaluation of solid medical waste management resulted in a value of 64, 1 % andcategorized as poor. The smallest percentage was obtained. at the generation phase by 25 % and thehighest percentage related to storage 90 %.This study concluded that the management of solid medical waste in Bangil Pasuruan hospital didnot meet the designated requirements. As a suggestion, Bangil Pasuruan hospital needs to reform themanagement of solid medical wastes, to complete insfrastructures and job descriptions should be madeavailable in writing, all requirements should be tailored to Minister of Health Decree No.1204/Menkes/SK/X/2004 on Environmental Health Requirementsfor Hospital.
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 12, No 1 (2014): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v12i1.49


Since 2010-2012 the incidence of diphtheria in Province of East Java have increased.The highest rate of diphtheria incidence occurred in Sidoarjo regency area, at the district of Taman and Sidoarjo. The  purposes of this research describes behavior factors included knowledge, attitude, action physical condition ofpatient covered lighting, humidity, floor type, ventilation and residential Oiriity. This_research using total sampling with sample of family treaO of diphtheria patient and the holne  population as many 15 family heads of diphtheria patient in  2012' The result of reseaich indicating that knowledge of familyhead 80% was not good caused of bustle in working then information about diphtheria does not  gained, attitude 5J,3o/owas not  good because knowledlge about diphtheria still low, andaction 73,3olo less because knowledge and attitude aboutdiphtheria incidence was low. The house physical condition of diphtheria did not ineligible beause of ventilation, humidity, residential density incompatibte with health requirements.Whilethe floor type meet the health standalB. For public healthcenters in Taman and Sidoarjo should be improving their informing activities about health and clean behavior living aswell as increasing DPT (Diphtheria Pertusis Tetanus) immunization coverage for children age 0-15 years old.
Hubungan Kondisi Fisik Rumah dan Tingkat Ekonomi Orangtua Terhadap Kejadian Pneumonia Pada Balita (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sukodono)) Diaz Ramadhani; Nurhaidah -; Narwati -
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 19, No 1 (2021): GEMA Lingkungan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v19i1.1401


Pneumonia pada balita masih menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Kematian karena pneumonia pada masa kanak-kanak sangat terkait dengan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kemiskinan seperti kurang gizi, polusi udara dalam ruangan, dan akses yang tidak memadai ke perawatan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi fisik rumah dan tingkat ekonomi orangtua dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sukodono.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik menggunakan studi Case Control. Sebanyak 25 rumah balita menderita pneumonia sebagai kasus dan 25 rumah balita tidak menderita pneumonia sebagai kontrol. Responden penelitian ini adalah ibu balita kelompok kasus maupun kontrol. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji Chi Square.Hasil analisis menunjukkan dari  lima variabel yang diteliti, dua variabel memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita, yaitu kepadatan kamar tidur (p = 0,027) dan kelembaban rumah (p = 0,030), sedangkan variabel pencahayaan alami (p = 0,172), suhu rumah (0,382), dan tingkat ekonomi orangtua (p = 0,349) tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita.Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan antara kepadatan kamar tidur dan kelembaban rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita, sedangkan suhu rumah, pencahayaan alami, dan tingkat ekonomi orangtua tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita. Saran bagi masyarakat untuk ikut berperan dalam mencegah penularan penyakit pneumonia dengan rajin membuka jendela rumah tiap hari dan kamar tidur maksimal dihuni oleh 2 orang dewasa dan 1 balita. Saran bagi puskesmas untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pneumonia pada ibu dengan penyuluhan dan pembinaan sanitasi rumah.
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 14, No 2 (2016): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v14i2.249


UD. Kartika Jasa is a home wood processing industry. In addition to providing product, it also creates negative impact of generating dust that in production process, the labors are at risk of exposure to dust. In an amount that exceeds TLV, dust can cause health problem for workers, one of which is respiratory disorder complaint. The purpose of this study was to determine relationship between level of inhaled dust with respiratory disorders complaint. This research is Cross Sectional analytical research with 20 workers as samples. Method af data collection was carried out by observation of inhaled dust. Data analysis used Fisher’s exact test. From the result of inhaled dust level measurement, it is found out that most of the labor force were not eligible (55.0%) with severe respiratory disorders complaint (70.0%). Most of the labor force aged 30 years (60.0%), length of labor 10 years (55.0%), had smoking habit (75.0%) did not have habit of wearing PPE at all (65.0%). In inhaled dust level variable, age, years of smoking habit and the habit of wearing PPE affected respiratory disorder complaint experienced by workforce with ρ 0,05. The research concludes that there was a relationship between the level of inhaled dust and respiratory disorder complaint on labor. Effort to control technically, administratively, and the use of PPE in the workplace is required.Keywords : Dust Concetration, respiratory disorders
PENGARUH KONDISI FISIK RUMAH TERHADAP PENULARAN TB PARU PADA ANGGOTA KELUARGA (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Perak Timur Surabaya Tahun 2018) Evi Nurdiana; Nur Haidah; AT Diana Nerawati
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 16, No 2 (2018): Gema Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v16i2.824


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis and more often infects lung organs than the other body organs . Healthy people at home with pulmonary TB sufferers are a group that is very susceptible to contracting the disease. One of possible factors that is at risk for pulmonary TB is the physical condition of the house which includes ventilation, occupancy, density, lighting, floor conditions, humidity, and temperature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the physical condition of the house on pulmonary TB transmission in the family members in the working area of Health Center East Perak Surabaya.This research is an observational analytic research with cross-sectional study design. The data collection is done by interviewing, observing, and measuring the physical condition of the house. The population in this study were 51 houses with pulmonary tuberculosis patients and a large sample of 45 houses with pulmonary TB patients. The data obtained were then analyzed analytically using Exact Fisher test.          The results of univariate analysis showed pulmonary tuberculosis transmission in family members (17.8%), the ventilation was unfullfilled the requirements (68.9%), lighting was unfullfilled the requirements (75.6%), the temperature was unfullfilled the requirements (68.9%) , humidity was unfullfilled the requirements (35.6%), floor conditions was unfullfilled the requirements (2.2%), and occupancy of density was unfullfilled the requirements (68.9%). The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was an influence on pulmonary TB transmission in family members, by the temperature (Pvalue = 0.007) and humidity (Pvalue = 0.017).The conclusion, the temperature and humidity affect the transmission of pulmonary TB in family members; ventilation, lighting, floor conditions, and occupancy of density do not affect the transmission of pulmonary TB in family members. It is recommended to do data collection and counseling about healthy homes and TB disease, treatment for all TB patients completely, and check family members immediately if they have symptoms of coughing for more than 2 weeks. Keywords      : Tuberculosis, family members, physical condition of the house.