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Journal : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

Dealuminasi dan Karakterisasi Zeolite Y sebagai Katalis untuk Konversi Gliserol menjadi Glycerol Monolaurate Didi Dwi Anggoro; Wahyu Bahari Setianto; Fadhil Rifqi P; Antonio Giovanno
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2016: Prosiding SNTKK 2016
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Glycerol is a side product of a biodiesel production using transesterification process and an alcoholic compound that consists of three hydroxyl group. One of the glycerol derivative compound is Glycerol Monolaurate which used in food additives, surfactant, medicine, cosmetics and others. In the making of Glycerol Monolaurate, catalysts is used to accelerate the reaction and increasing the yield of Glycerol Monolaurate. One of the catalysts that had been used is Zeolite Y. Dealumination is used to increase the acidity of the zeolites. Characterizationis used to determine the characteristics of the Zeolit Y that had been dealuminise. This study consists of several stages, there are dealumination of Zeolite Y using H2­SO4. Then, drying at 110 º C for 1 hour. Then, calcinating at 500-600 ºC for 3 hours. Catalyst characteristics are analyzing by the Surface Area Analyzer to determine the surface area of the catalyst, and analysis with X - Ray Diffraction (XRD) to identify the bulk phase and determine the nature of the catalyst crystals or crystalitation of a catalyst, and Temperature-Programmed Desorption (TPD) to analyze the acidity of Zeolit Y that had been dealuminise. So we can get the optimum condition to produce Zeolit Y catalysts which also can Glycerol Monolaurate with the biggest yield possible.
Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Katalis Co/Zeolite Y and Co-Mo/Zeolite Y untuk Konversi Tar Batubara Didi Dwi Anggoro
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2015: Prosiding SNTKK 2015
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Tar batubara (Coal tar) dapat dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar cair dengan prosesperengkahan hidrogenasi (Cracking Hydrogenation). Proses ini memerlukan katalis yang mempunyai fungsi ganda yaitu komponen logam sebagai katalis hidrogenasi dan komponen asam sebagai katalis perengkah. Pada penelitian ini dibuat katalis Co/Zeolit Y dan Co-Mo/Zeolit Y dengan variabel adalah berat Co dan Mo dengan metode impregnasi. Desain eksperimen ditentukan menggunakan bantuan Software Statistica. Dari analisa XRD dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan logam Co dan Mo mempengaruhi persen kristallinitas. Penambahan logam Co menurunkan kristallinitas, sedangkan penambahan Mo menaikkan kristallinitas. Hasil analisa luas permukaan menggunakan BET Surface Area Analizer menunjukkan bahwa dengan penambahan Co dan Mo menyebabkan penurunan luas area. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan analisa SEM yang menunjukkan bahwa logam Co dan Mo banyak menempel dipermukaan dan pori-pori katalis, sehingga mempengaruhi persen kristallinitas dan luas permukaan. Sedangkan dari analisa keasaman menggunakan gas ammoniak menunjukkan dengan penambahan logam Co dan Mo mengakibatkan peningkatan keasaman.
Peningkatan Kuantitas dan Kualitas Produk UKM Wingko Babat di Kota Semarang dengan “Modified Oven” Luqman Buchori; Didi Dwi Anggoro; Dyah Hesti Wardhani
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2016: Prosiding SNTKK 2016
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Wingko babat merupakan makanan oleh-oleh khas Kota Semarang yang banyak diminati oleh para wisatawan. Proses pembuatan wingko babat meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu tahap pencampuran bahan baku, pencetakan, pemasakan, pendinginan dan pengemasan. Namunpada proses pemasakan, bahan yang dimasak tidak bisa merata. Hal ini disebabkan distribusi api atau panas tidak merata sehingga produk yang dihasilkan terkadang ada yang gosong. Kuantitas produk atau jumlah bahan yang dimasak tidak bisa maksimal karena proses pemasakan lama. Akibatnyasulit memenuhi permintaan pasar. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini perlu dilakukan perbaikan sistem pemasakan bahan wingko babatdengan cara mendesain ulang peralatan masaknya yaitu dengan rancang bangun alat masak bahan wingko babat.Alat ini dinamakan modified oven. Alat ini terdiri dari lima bagian utama yaitu (1) saluran pipa, (2) modified oven, (3)lubangtempat keluarnya api, (4) lubang sirkulasi udara, dan (5) penyangga. Hasil aplikasi alat ini menunjukkan peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produk. Kapasitas produksi meningkat 75% per harinya.Penggunaan bahan bakar untuk sekali masak menurun 50%. Omset produksi naik menjadi hampir 75% dan keuntungan UKM meningkat 2 kali lipat. Hasil pemasakan dapat seragam sehingga produk wingko yang dihasilkan tidak sampai gosong. Tekstur produk lembut dan proses pemasakan menjadi lebih cepat. Kualitas produk wingko menjadi lebih terjaga dan dapat memenuhi permintaan pasar khususnya pada musim wisatawan.
Pengaruh Metode Pembuatan Katalis Metal/Zeolit Y Terhadap Karakterisasi dan Aktivitasi Katalis Didi Dwi Anggoro; Luqman Buchori
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2018: PROSIDING SNTKK 2018
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Mekanisasi Pengaduk Adonan Bahan Baku Wingko Babat Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Kualitas Produk Luqman Buchori; Didi Dwi Anggoro; Dyah Hesti Wardhani
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2018: PROSIDING SNTKK 2018
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Produk Elektroplating Melalui Perbaikan Kualitas Larutan Kimia di Bak Elektroplating dengan Filter Elektroplating Luqman Buchori; Didi Dwi Anggoro; Dyah Hesti Wardhani
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2017: PROSIDING SNTKK
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Small electroplating industry is a small industry that is widely available in the city of Semarang. The mainprocesses in the electroplating industry are located in the coating process. This process occurs in theelectroplating bath. The quality of the metal coating is highly dependent on the quality of the chemicalsolution contained in the electroplating bath. If the chemical solution has good quality, such as the solutionwas clear, there are no impurities, the quality of the coating is also good. If the quality of the chemicalsolution is not good, then the results of the coating are also inferior such as there are bubbles in the layer, orthere is dirt on the die so that the coating process must be repeated. This will add to the cost of productionand a coating time so that increases operational costs. To solve this problem we need a system that canproduce a chemical solution that has good quality, clear, and there are no impurities. This system is calledthe filter electroplating. Results of electroplating filter application showed to increase the quantity andquality of production. The production capacity increased by 30% per day. The production turnover up 35%and profits increased by 45%. The chemical solution becomes clear and does not contain impurities so thatthe coating results becomes good.
Optimasi Proses Dealuminasi Modernite sebagai Katalis Perengkahan Minyak Goreng Bekas menjadi Biofuel Didi Dwi Anggoro; Luqman B; Setia Budi S; Nita A; Rohmadona H; Sigit B
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2017: PROSIDING SNTKK
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Used cooking oil is a food industry waste and household waste, which has high potential to be used as biofuel feedstock, which has the chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms high. Biofuel can be produced by the method of catalytic cracking. Modernite is potential to be used as an acid catalyst for the cracking process. To get a good acidity catalyst, modernite can be modified catalyst by dealumination process. The raw material used is used cooking oil and used modernite type zeolite catalyst with a trademark CBV 21A, which having a mole ratio of SiO2 / Al2O3 of 20 and a surface area of 500 m2/g. The reactor used in the form of a catalytic reactor and a three-stage process i.e dealumination of the catalyst, catalyst calcination process, and catalyst testing to reaction of used cooking oil catalytic cracking. Dealuminated catalyst is carried on a temperature that is 30, 50, 70°C. Modernite catalyst dealumination results included in the pipe nozzle and injected into the furnace by flowing N2 gas at a temperature of 600oC for 5 jam. For catalyst testing for used cooking oil cracking reaction under temperature 450 oC. In this study, the optimization equation for the liquid product is Y = 2,801712 + 0,296807 X1 + 0,579137 X2 + 0,486784 X3 – 0,1875 X - 0,2125 X2X3 – 0,211775 X1^2 + 0,467905 X2^2 – 0,59326 X3^2