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Pengaktifan Kapas Sebagai Resin Penukar Kation Asam Lemah Arnelli, Arnelli; S., M. S.H. Yoga; Astuti, Yayuk
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 14 issue 4 Year 2006

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ABSTRAK---Dengan menggunakan beberapa reaksi kimia, gugus hidroksi dalam struktur selulosa mampu diubah menjadi senyawa eter (R-O-R). Senyawa eter yang disintesis tersebut mengandung gugus karboksilat yang mempunyai kation aktif yang dapat dipertukarkan dengan kation lain. Sebagai sumber selulosa adalah kapas alam. Pada penelitian ini, kapas alam diaktifkan dengan NaOH dan asam trikloroasetat sehingga menghasilkan senyawa eter selulosa. Pemanfatannya sebagai penukar kation dilakukan terhadap kation Cu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi pengaktifan yang memberikan kapasitas adsorbsi optimum adalah pada suhu alkalisasi 60 0C, lama reaksi 120 menit dan konsentrasi asam trikloroasetat sebesar 0.06 M. pada kondisi pengaktifan ini kapas aktif mampu mengadsorbsi kation tembaga 44.10-2 mg/g kapas aktif.   Kata kunci: kapas aktif, trikloroasetat, penukar kation
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Ca2+ dan (PO4)3- pada Pembentukan Hidroksiapatit di dalam Matriks Selulosa Bakterial Windarti, Tri; Astuti, Yayuk
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi Vol 9, No 3 (2006): Volume 9 Issue 3 Year 2006
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.55 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jksa.9.3.60-64


Pembentukan hidroksiapatit Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 dalam matriks selulosa bakterial dilakukan dengan cara merendam selulosa bakterial dalam larutan CaCl2 selama 18 jam, dilanjutkan dengan merendam dalam larutan KH2PO4 selama 18 jam pada pH 9. Perendaman tersebut dilakukan dengan berbagai variasi konsentrasi Ca2+ dan PO42-. Kadar kalsium yang terdeposit dalam selulosa bakterial dianalisis dengan AAS. Kadar fosfat dianalisis dengan Stannous Chloride methode dan untuk mengetahui apakah kalsium fosfat yang terdeposit membentuk struktur hidroksiapatit, dilakukan analisis dengan difraksi sinar X. Difraktogram sinar X menunjukkan telah terbentuk struktur hidroksiapatit dalam matriks selulosa bakterial dan rasio ideal C/P hidroksiapatit sebesar 1,676 terjadi pada perbandingan Ca2+: PO43- = 125 : 25.
Al Ions Doping Effect on The Diffusion Coefficient and Capacity of Li4Ti5O12 (Lithium Titanate, LTO) in Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Priyono, Slamet; Daniswara, Lufthansyah; Khoiri, Rahma; Astuti, Yayuk
Publisher : Unijourn Publisher

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Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) anode doped with Al ions with varying concentrations (Al = 0; 0.005; 0.015; 0.03; 0.045) was successfully synthesized using the sol-gel method. Al-doped LTO samples were obtained through the sintering of gel at 850oC for 4 hours under a normal atmosphere. Electrochemical performance such as charge-discharge capacity and diffusion coefficient were characterized using an automatic battery cycler. The cells consist of electrode sheets (LTO doping Al) as a working electrode, lithium metal as the counter electrode, Celgard film as the separator, and LiPF6 as an electrolyte. Cyclic voltammetry test results show that a greater scan rate results in decreased capacity and greater polarization voltage. In addition, an increase in concentrations used in Al doping on LTO causes capacity, and the diffusion coefficient tends to decrease.
Pemanfaatan Fly Ash Limbah Pembakaran Batubara sebagai Zat Mineral Tambahan (Additive) terhadap Perbaikan Kualitas dan Kuat Tekan Semen Wijaya, Roni Adi; Astuti, Yayuk; Wijayanti, Septi
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

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Serangkaian pengujian dilakukan untuk menentukan pengaruh penambahan fly ash limbah pembakaran batubara sebagai zat mineral tambahan (additive) terhadap perbaikan kualitas dan kuat tekan semen sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 15-2049-2004). Metode penelitian meliputi preparasi sampel, pembuatan semen dengan variasi fly ash 0%, 5%, 8%, 12%, dan 15%, uji sifat kimia dan fisika semen. Parameter yang diukur yaitu kadar komposisi kimia (%) menggunakan X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) ARL 9800 OASIS, kadar freelime (%) secara volumetri, kadar Insoluble Residue (%) secara gravimetri, kuat tekan (kg/cm2), dan kehalusan semen (cm2/g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan fly ash meningkatkan kandungan SiO2 semen, sehingga memperbanyak senyawa C3S dan C2S yang merupakan komponen kuat tekan semen. Selain itu, penambahan fly ash berbanding lurus dengan kadar IR, kuat tekan, kehalusan, dan berbanding terbalik dengan kadar freelime. Sehingga penambahan fly ash dapat memperbaiki kualitas semen dengan menaikan komponen kimia, menaikan kuat tekan, dan mengurangi keretakan atau ekspansi semen.
Preparasi sel mamalia CHO-DG44 dan isolasi plasmid dari bakteri Eschericia coli DH5-alfa sebagai tahap dalam produksi protein terapeutik erythropoetin sebagai obat anemia Alfi Saadah; Adi Santoso; Popi Hadi Wisnu Wardhani; Yayuk Astuti
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 24 No 2 (2020): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2020.v24.i02.p04


Erythropoietin (Miranda dkk.) merupakan suatu hormon yang menstimulasi sumsum tulang untuk memproduksi sel-sel darah merah yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk membawa oksigen ke organ-organ vital. Sel CHO-DG44 merupakan salah satu sel mamalia yang dapat digunakan untuk produksi erythropoietin. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pertumbuhan optimum sel CHO-DG44 selama 12 hari, dengan menggunakan parameter densitas dan viabilitas serta menentukan karakteristik DNA bakteri E. Coli DH5 alfa hasil isolasi menggunakan metode elektroforesis yang telah sesuai untuk transfeksi ke dalam sel CHO-DG44. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Sel CHO-DG44 memiliki viabilitas rata-rata 69,82% untuk media 1 dan 75,99% untuk media 2 dengan densitas rata-rata berturut-turut yaitu 3.130.000 sel/mL dan 4.106.000 sel/mL. Sedangkan media kultur yang menghasilkan sel dengan viabilitas (kemampuan hidup) yang tinggi yaitu pada hari ke 4 untuk erlenmeyer 1 dan hari ke 6 untuk erlenmeyer 2. Dari hasil elektroforesis, DNA plasmid memiliki ukuran 5954 bp dengan konsentrasi DNA sebesar 117 ng/µl, yang sesuai dengan ukuran dan konsentrasi plasmid DNA agar dapat ditransfeksikan ke dalam sel CHO-DG44.
Production and Characterization of Adsorbent from Oyster Shell (Crassostrea gigas) Using Physics and Chemical Activation with ZnCl2 and Its Application for Removal of Hexavalent Chromium Lia Handayani; Azwar Thaib; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Yayuk Astuti; Adi Darmawan
Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ekw.v6i2.7333


Abstract: Oyster shell waste has been investigated as a raw material for making adsorbents that will be activated. Physical activation uses temperatures of 500 ºC, 600 ºC, 700 ºC, 800 ºC, 900 ºC and chemical activation uses ZnCl2 with a concentration of 1 %, 5 %, 10 % and 15 %. Based on the analysis of the characteristics that have been carried out for physically activated adsorbents, the oyster shell calcined at 800 ºC produces the best characteristics, it is a radius of 35.11 Å with a percentage of removal of 38.04 %, as well as the results of the FTIR, XRF and SEM analysis gives the best results among others. Whereas for chemically activated adsorbents, the use of activator ZnCl2 10% produces adsorbents with the best characteristics among others with a radius of 84.14 Å and removal percentage of 65.68 %, the best results for adsorbents activated using 10% ZnCl2 are also supported by analysis results given by FTIR, XRF, and SEM.Keywords: Adsorbent; BET; Cr6+; Oyster Shell Waste; XRF Abstrak: Cangkang tiram (Crassostrea gigas) telah diteliti sebagai bahan baku pembuatan adsorben yang akan diaktivasi secara fisika dan kimia. Pembuatan adsorben dengan aktivasi secara fisika menggunakan variasi suhu 500 ºC, 600 ºC, 700 ºC, 800 ºC dan 900 ºC. sedangkan aktivasi kimia yaitu menggunakan aktivator ZnCl2 menggunakan variasi konsentrasi 1 %, 5 %, 10% dan 15 %. Berdasarkan analisa karakteristik yang telah dilakukan untuk adsorben-adsorben yang telah diaktivasi secara fisika, cangkang tiram yang di kalsinasi pada suhu 800ºC menghasilkan karakteristik yang paling baik, yaitu radius pori-pori 35,11 Å dengan persentase penyisihan sebesar 38,04 %, begitu pula dengan hasil analisa FTIR, XRF dan SEM memberikan hasil terbaik diantara yang lain. sedangkan untuk adsorben-adsorben yang diaktivasi secara kimia, penggunaan aktivator ZnCl2 10% menghasilkan adsorben dengan karakteristik yang paling baik diantara lainnya dengan radius pori-pori 84,14 Å dan persentase penyisihan sebesar 65,68%, hasil terbaik untuk adsorben yang diaktivasi menggunakan ZnCl2 10 % juga didukung oleh hasil analisa dari FTIR, XRF dan SEM.
The Characterization of Oyster Shell (Crassostrea gigas) as Adsorbent in The Removal of Cr(VI) Ions. A Study of NaOH and H2SO4 Activation Effect Lia Handayani; Cut Rahmawati; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Yayuk Astuti; Adi Darmawan
Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ekw.v6i1.5543


Abstract : Oyster shell as one of the highest bio-waste in Alue Naga Aceh Besar District, Indonesia, was used as an adsorbent to remove a heavy metal Cr (VI) ion. The study was started by calcinating oyster shells at a high temperature of 800 ºC for 3 hours. The effect of various acid (H2SO4) and base (NaOH) activator was studied using characterization and adsorption experiments. The characterization obtained the sample activated by 10% NaOH (Na10-ACT) and 10% H2SO4 (H10-ACT) had the highest surface area which had 14.23 m2/g, 10.77 m2/g, respectively. Furthermore, the adsorption experiments confirmed the highest surface area by showing the highest Cr (IV) ion removal of 57.66%, 70.7%, respectively. The further investigation using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) determined that the Na10-ACT adsorbent has a better composition compared to the H10-ACT due to its high purities.Abstrak : Cangkang tiram sebagai salah satu bio-limbah padat di Desa Alue Naga Kabupaten Aceh Besar, digunakan sebagai adsorben untuk menghilangkan ion logam berat Cr (IV). Penelitian ini diawali dengan mengkalsinasi cangkang tiram pada temperatur tinggi 800ºC selama tiga jam. Pengaruh penambahan aktivator asam (H2SO4) dan basa (NaOH) juga dipelajari melalui karakterisasi dan pengujian adsorpsi. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan sampel yang diaktivasi dengan 10% NaOH (Na10-ACT) dan 10% H2SO4 (H10-ACT) memiliki luas permukaan tertinggi yaitu 14,23 m2/g, 10,77 m2/g, masing-masing. Lebih lanjut, pengujian adsorpsi juga mendukung luas permukaan yang tinggi dengan menghilangkan ion Cr (IV) sebesar 57,66%, 70,7%, masing-masing. Investigasi melalui analisa XRF menyimpulkan bahwa Na10-ACT memiliki komposisi yang lebih baik dibanding H10-ACT karena memiliki kemurnian yang tinggi.
French Fries-Like Bismuth Oxide: Physicochemical Properties, Electrical Conductivity and Photocatalytic Activity Yayuk Astuti; Fauzan Musthafa; Arnelli Arnelli; Iis Nurhasanah
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2022: BCREC Volume 17 Issue 1 Year 2022 (March 2022)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.17.1.12554.146-156


Bismuth oxide synthesis using hydrothermal method has been conducted. This study aims to examine the effect of the hydrothermal reaction time on product characteristics and photocatalytic activity in degrading methyl orange dye. Bismuth oxide synthesis was initiated by dissolving bismuth nitrate pentahydrate (Bi(NO3)3.5H2O) and Na2SO4 in a distilled water and added NaOH gradually. The solution formed was transferred into a Teflon-lined autoclave and heated at 120 °C with time variations of 8–16 h. The formation of bismuth oxide was indicated by the vibrations of the Bi−O−Bi and Bi−O groups and the crystal structure consisting of a-Bi2O3, β-Bi2O3, and g-Bi2O3. In addition, the highest photocatalytic activity can be examined through several factors, such as: content of Bi−O−Bi and Bi−OH groups, crystal structure, band gap values, morphology, and surface area, acquired as a result of the effect of hydrothermal reaction time. Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License ( 
Hydrazine and Urea Fueled-Solution Combustion Method for Bi2O3 Synthesis: Characterization of Physicochemical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity Yayuk Astuti; Prisca Putri Elesta; Didik Setyo Widodo; Hendri Widiyandari; Ratna Balgis
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2020: BCREC Volume 15 Issue 1 Year 2020 (April 2020)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering - Diponegoro University

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Bismuth oxide synthesis using solution combustion method fuelled by hydrazine and urea has been conducted. This study aims to examine the effect of the applied fuels, urea and hydrazine, on product characteristics and photocatalytic activity in degrading rhodamine B dye. Bismuth oxide synthesis was initiated by dissolving bismuth nitrate pentahydrate (Bi(NO3)3.5H2O) in a nitric acid solvent. Fuel was added and then stirred. The solution formed was heated at 300 ºC for 8 hours. The product obtained was then calcined at 700 ºC for 4 hours. Bismuth oxide synthesized with urea (BO1) and hydrazine (BO2) as fuels both obtained form of yellow powder. The formation of bismuth oxide is indicated by the vibrations of the Bi–O–Bi and Bi–O groups and the crystal structure of a-Bi2O3 in both products. Photocatalytic activity test showed that BO1 has a photocatalyst activity in degrading rhodamine B higher than that of BO2 with constant values of  3.83×10-5 s-1 and 3.43×10-5 s-1, respectively. The high photocatalytic activity can be examined through several factors, such as: band gap values, crystal structure, morphology, and surface area, acquired as a result of the use of different fuels in the synthesis process. Copyright © 2020 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (
Effect of Co and Mo Loading by Impregnation and Ion Exchange Methods on Morphological Properties of Zeolite Y Catalyst Didi Dwi Anggoro; Nur Hidayati; Luqman Buchori; Yayuk Mundriyastutik
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2016: BCREC Volume 11 Issue 1 Year 2016 (April 2016)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.259 KB) | DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.11.1.418.75-83


Coal tar can be used as an alternative raw material for the production of liquid fuels, such as: gasoline and diesel through hydrogenation and cracking process. Hydrogenation and cracking process requires a catalyst which has metal components for hydrogenation reaction and acid components for cracking reaction. In this study, the Co/Zeolite Y and Co-Mo/Zeolite Y catalysts were prepared by impregnation and ion exchange methods. Characterizations of the catalysts were carried out by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and gravimetric acidity. The catalysts were tested for coal tar conversion to liquid fuel under various temperatures, amount of catalyst and hydrogen flow rates in a fixed bed flow reaction system. Liquid fuels products were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). The XRD Spectra indicated that the addition of Co and Mo metals did not affect catalysts structure, however it alters the percentage of crystallinity. The addition of Co metal using impregnation method caused reduction in crystallinity, while the addition of Mo caused improvement of crystallinity. The Co-Mo/Zeolite Y catalyst with highest crystallinity was obtained by loading using ion exchange method. The addition of Co and Mo metals caused increasing acidity. However, the increasing composition of Co and Mo loaded on Zeolite Y catalyst decreased the yield of liquid fuels from coal tar. It can be concluded that the yields of liquid fuels and the composition of gasoline fractions from hydrocracking of coal tar were highly dependent on  acidity of the catalyst.