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Analysis of the Soundness Level of Islamic People's Financing Banks in Indonesia Putri Asrina; Misdawita Misdawita; Cut Endang Kurniasih
Adpebi International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Peneliti Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54099/aijms.v2i2.661


This study aims to analyze and determine the health level of Islamic Rural Bank (BPRS) in Indonesia from 2017-2021 before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is the Paired Sample t Test and the Wilcoxon signed Rank Test on indicators of the soundness level of the BPRS, including Finance to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Finance (NPF), Ratio of Operating Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO), Return On Assets (ROA) and Return On Equity (ROE). The results of the research based on the Paired Sample T test found that there was a significant difference in the FDR variable before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that there were significant differences between CAR, NPF, BOP, ROA and ROE before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Income of Working Women Misdawita Misdawita; Bunga Chintia Utami
International Journal of Management and Business Applied Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Peneliti Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54099/ijmba.v1i2.321


The condition of poverty experienced by the poor causes the inheritance of poverty between generations. Responding to increasingly high economic conditions and demands, those who play a role in making a living in the household are not only men but also women. Rokan Hilir Regency is the third highest number of poor people in Riau Province, and one of the villages in Rokan Hilir is the coldest village. To help the family economy where the husband's income has not been able to meet family income. Through working women means an increase in income for poor families. This addition is a contribution of women's income that can be used to meet family needs so that family welfare can be achieved. So the purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the income of working women in Tanah Putih District, Rokan Hilir, Riau Province. The method used is the Multiple Linear Regression Method using primary data from 50 samples of women working in Sedinginan Village. The results of this study found that education level, age and husband's income had a positive and significant effect on women's income, while marital status had no significant effect.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair untuk Menanggulangi Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Kelurahan Tanjung RHU Kota Pekanbaru Misdawita Misdawita; Abraham Immanuel; Isma Puspita Nengsih; Ivan Kevin Situmeang; Kristina Purba; Lidia Belinda; Putri Adytia Dermawan Sormin; Rani Handayanti; Tedy Kurniawan; Wina Indy Natasya Manalu; Yulinda Agita Putri
GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM IKIP PGRI Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31571/gervasi.v7i1.4329


Permasalahan sampah organik masih menjadi masalah yang berat bagi beberapa daerah termasuk kelurahan Tanjung Rhu. Tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) di kelurahan Tanjung Rhu sangat tidak memenuhi standar operasional prosedur kebersihan lingkungan hal ini tentunya akan mengakibatkan masalah yang terus berlanjut. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan dan keterampilan masyarakat di sekitar Tanjung Rhu, agar dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan sekaligus mengetahui proses dalam pembuatan pupuk organik cair. Metode kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan adalah berupa pelatihan dan penyuluhan tentang tata cara bagaimana proses pembuatan pupuk organik cair dengan memanfaatkan sampah organik dari limbah rumah tangga. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat umum yang tinggal di kelurahan Tanjung Rhu Kota Pekanbaru. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat memahami bagaimana pemanfaatan limbah organik rumah tangga untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan dengan cara mengolah sampah tersebut menjadi pupuk organik cair Kelurahan Tanjung Rhu. Kegiatan ini juga akan mendorong kesadaran agar masyarakat lebih peduli kepada lingkungan sekitar.