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EKSPANSI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT DAN PERLUNYA PERBAIKAN KEBIJAKAN PENATAAN RUANG/ Palm Oil Expansion and Requirement Spatial Planning Policy Improvement Ishak, Andi; Kinseng, Rilus A.; Sunito, Satyawan; Damanhuri, Didin S
Perspektif Vol 16, No 1 (2017): Juni, 2017
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v16n1.2017.%p


ABSTRAK Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) merupakan komoditas penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia karena menjadi sumber pendapatan negara dan penyedia lapangan kerja yang cukup signifikan. Indonesia menjadi pengekspor minyak sawit terbesar dunia saat ini dengan luas perkebunan lebih dari 10 juta hektar dan melibatkan sekitar 16 juta tenaga kerja. Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit disebabkan oleh kesesuaian agroklimat, permintaan global, dan dukungan kebijakan pemerintah. Kelapa sawit berpotensi dikembangkan pada lahan seluas 51,4 juta hektar dan telah dibudidayakan pada 22 provinsi di Indonesia, terutama di Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Kelapa sawit mampu menghasilkan minyak nabati 4-23 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tanaman penghasil minyak nabati lainnya serta dimanfaatkan secara luas untuk bahan baku industri pangan dan non pangan di seluruh dunia. Dukungan kebijakan pemerintah telah mendorong investasi swasta masuk dalam industri kelapa sawit dan melakukan ekspansi perkebunan secara besar-besaran dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit berdampak positif pada kondisi sosio-ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan. Pembangunan perkebunan swasta mendorong konversi lahan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat, perubahan pola nafkah petani, dan migrasi tenaga kerja ke daerah-daerah perkebunan sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan mempercepat pembangunan wilayah. Namun ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit yang tidak terkendali telah berdampak negatif karena menyebabkan konflik agraria, deforestasi, dan kebakaran hutan yang memicu kabut asap. Kebijakan pemerintah terkait moratorium sawit yang dilakukan secara simultan dengan penataan ruang menjadi relevan untuk mencegah semakin luasnya dampak negatif akibat ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit.Kata kunci: Kelapa sawit, dampak, moratorium, kebijakan spasial. ABSTRACTPalm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is an important commodity for the Indonesian economy as it becomes a significant source of state income and employment providers. Indonesia is the world's largest palm oil exporter today with a plantation area of more than 10 million hectares and involves about 16 million workers. The expansion of oil palm plantations is due to the suitability of agro-climate, global demand, and government policy support. Oil palm has the potential to be developed on an area of 51.4 million hectares and has been cultivated in 22 provinces in Indonesia, mainly on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Palm oil is able to produce vegetable oil 4-23 times more than other vegetable-producing crops and widely used for food and non-food industry raw materials worldwide. Government policy support has encouraged private investment into the palm oil industry and expanded large-scale plantations in the past three decades. The expansion of oil palm plantations has a positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of rural communities. The development of private plantations encourages land conversion to smallholder oil palm plantations, changes in farmers' livelihood patterns, and labor migration to plantation areas that increase community incomes and accelerate regional development. But the uncontrolled expansion of oil palm plantations has had a negative impact as it causes agrarian conflicts, deforestation, and forest fires that trigger haze. Government policies related to the palm oil moratorium simultaneously conducted with spatial arrangement become relevant to prevent the increasing extent of the negative impact due to the expansion of oil palm plantations.Keywords: Palm oil, impact, moratorium, spatial policy.
Embeddedness of Moral and Culture Institutions with Embroidery Entrepreunership in Tasikmalaya Joharotul Jamilah; Arya Hadi Dharmawan; Nurmala K. Panjaitan,; Didin S. Damanhuri
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016): Sodality
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.441 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v4i3.14432


ABSTRACTIn the Era of Global Economy, in general the business world is controlled by the formal economic ethics. This means that the businesses with modern economic system dominates the behaviours of enterpreuneurs in his economic acts. Production relation that is constructed between the enterpreuners and the employers is rational formal relationship, such as the employment contract should be clear above “black and white”, and the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) which has been determined from beginning or formal legal nature. However, there is still found the businessman with moral economic ethics as the basis of their behaviours may persist, including the businessman of embroidery industry in Tasikmalaya.This research is aimed to reveal the business strategy that is undertaken by the embroidery enterpreuners in order to survive in the modern economy which is based on capitalist economic ethics with formal rational, and how the moral values and formal underlying the relation of production between the businessman and the workers.The methode used in this research is case study, with 12 embroidery enterpreuners, according to the criteria of Legilation No. 20 Yr. 2008 about UMKM, in Tasikmalaya. The data collecting uses deep interview and observation, while the technique of data analysis is used descriptive qualitative analysis. The result of the study is there is an embeddedness of Islamic and Sundanese values in the economic acts of the embroidery enterpreuners in Tasikmalaya with difference of embeddedness level. i.e: (1) Strong embeddedness on the Islamic values and weak Sundanese ethics traditions, call as Islamic-Sundanese Entrepreneurs (2) Strong embeddedness on the Sundanese tradition and weak Islamic Ethics, call as Sunda-Islamic Entrepreneurs, and (3) Strong embeddedness on the modern economic ethics but weak on the Islamic and Sundanese ethics, call as Capitalist Entrepreneurs.Keywords: formal rational, moral ethics economy, Islamic-Sundanese Entrepreneurs, Sunda-Islamic Entrepreneurs, capitalist entrepreneursABSTRAKPada era ekonomi global, dunia bisnis pada umumnya dikendalikan dengan etika ekonomi formal. Hal ini berarti bisnis dengan sistem ekonomi modern mendominasi perilaku wirausahawan dalam tindakan ekonominya. Hubungan produksi yang terbangun antara pengusaha dengan pekerja bersifat rasional formal, seperti dengan adanya kontrak kerja yang harus jelas di atas ‘hitam putih’, dan SOP yang sudah ditentukan dari awal atau bersifat legal formal. Tetapi masih ditemukan pelaku bisnis dengan etika ekonomi moral sebagai dasar perilakunya dapat bertahan, diantaranya pengusaha industri bordir di Tasikmalaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap strategi bisnis yang dilakukan pengusaha bordir sehingga dapat tetap survive dalam ekonomi modern yang berlandaskan pada etika ekonomi kapitalis dengan rasional formal, serta sejauhmana nilai-nilai moral dan formal melandasi hubungan produksi antara pengusaha dengan pekerjanya berdasarkan tipologi pengusaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus, pada 16 pengusaha bordir, sesuai kriteria UU no 20 tahun 2008 tentang UMKM di Tasikmalaya. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui deep interview dan observasi sedangkan teknik analisis data melalui analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah adanya keterlekatan nilai Islam dan Sunda dalam tindakan ekonomi para pengusaha bordir di Tasikmalaya yang berbeda-beda derajat kelekatannya yaitu (1) keterlakatan kuat pada nilai Islam dan lemahetika budaya Sunda, disebut sebagai tipe Pengusaha Islami-Sundanis, (2) keterlakatan kuat pada nilai budaya Sunda dan lemah pada nilai Islam, adalah tipe Pengusaha Sunda-Islami, dan (3) terlekat kuat pada etika ekonomi modern dan lemah pada etika Islam dan Sunda, sebagai tipe Pengusaha KapitalisKata kunci : rasional formal, etika moral ekonomi, Pengusaha Islami-Sundanis, Pengusaha Sunda-Islami, pengusaha kapitalis
‘From Rubber to Oil Palm’: Livelihood Structural Transformation of Local and Transmigrant Farmer Households in Minangkabau Elva Wati; Arya Hadi Dharmawan; Didin S Damanhuri; Titik Sumarti
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Sodality
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (642.352 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v7i2.25913


This study aims to analyze the transformation of livelihood structures in local and transmigrant farmer households that occur due to the entry of oil palm. Oil palm has become a new agricultural commodity that it is believed to provide better income for farmers. This research was conducted with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Quantitative data collection was carried out through a survey of 63 farm households. Meanwhile, qualitative data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews. The results of the study indicate that the transformation of rubber commodities to oil palm in general supports the economy of farmer households, which are income increases, livelihood diversity, and welfare increases. In addition, the transformation also has an impact on consumptive and materialistic lifestyle changes in farm households and the formation of farmer household typologies based on post-transformation livelihoods.
Komodifikasi Budaya dan Transisi Etik dalam Perkembangan Pariwisata: Kasus di Suku Osing, Indonesia Iwan Nurhadi; Titik Sumarti; Arya Hadi Dharmawan; Didin S Damanhuri
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Sodality
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22500/10202238564


Tourism development in many cases induces various socio-cultural consequences at the local community level. In Banyuwangi, local government commoditizes traditional rites of the Osing community for tourism purposes. Framed by Granovetter’s social embeddedness and Bentham’s utilitarianism, this study investigated the socio-cultural consequences of tourism development and portrayed how it influenced ethics in tourism activities of the Osing community. Following qualitative research with interviews and observation, the results suggested that Osing economic activities reflected cultural commodification. The cultural commodification expanded social networks in the relational and structural embeddedness that were operated by trust among the actors. While relational embeddedness was recognized on the personal relation, structural embeddedness was identified among government institutions, private sectors, Pokdarwis, and Osing community. Although the cultural commodification was identified, the ethical economic activities remained on collective values, or so called as collective utilitarianisms. The cultural commodification derived to widen social networks, yet the communal ethical economy remained the same. The study proposed community members to construct economic activities based on local values that were utilized to strengthen their socio-cultural identity. The study allowed better understanding of sociological consequences as undergirding framework in policy making and business cooperation.
Analysis of the Impact of Policy and Political Economics in The Development of The Rattan Craft Industry in Cirebon Haryono Haryono; Titik Sumarti; Didin S Damanhuri; Sofyan Sjaf
Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Journal of Government and Civil Society (April)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v6i1.5043


ABSTRACTThe rattan handicraft industry is growing rapidly, supported by government policies in the rattan trading system and people who have expertise and skills in managing rattan into household handicraft products. The presence of this industry creates a pattern of relations in it as a symptom of political economy, where the pattern of relations which generally involves business and political relations develops into a pattern of relations between actors in the economy itself. These actors take advantage of the rattan industry for profit (rent-seeking) improperly or through transaction processes outside the economy. The results showed that the dynamics of the rattan industry development were highly dependent on government policies in the raw rattan trading system. The production process involves exporters, pengesub, raw material traders, and local traders. The rattan industry creates a relationship pattern in the form of exploitation and cooperation with three types of socio-economic-political relations between actors in the rattan handicraft industry. Rent-seeking can be categorized into local, national, and global rent-seeking.Keywords: rattan handicraft industry, political economy, rent-seeking actorsABSTRAKIndustri kerajinan rotan berkembang dengan pesat didukung oleh kebijakan pemerintah dalam tataniaga rotan dan masyarakat yang memiliki keahlian dan keterampilan dalam mengelola rotan menjadi produk-produk kerajinan rumah tangga. Hadirnya industri ini menimbulkan pola relasi di dalamnya sebagai suatu gejala ekonomi politik, dimana pola relasi yang pada umumnya melibatkan relasi bisnis dan politik berkembang menjadi pola relasi antar aktor dalam ekonomi itu sendiri. Aktor- aktor ini memamfaatkan industri rotan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan (rent-seeking) dengan tidak wajar atau melalui proses transaksi di luar ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dinamika perkembangan industri rotan sangat tergantung dari kebijakan pemerintah dalam tataniaga rotan mentah. Proses produksi melibatkan aktor-aktor eksportir, pengesub, pedagang bahan baku dan pedagang lokal. Industri rotan menimbulkan pola relasi yang berbentuk eksploitasi dan juga Kerjasama dengan tiga tipe sosial ekonomi politik relasi aktor dalam industri kerajinan rotan. Rent seeking dapat dikategorikan ke dalam rent seeking lokal, nasional dan global.Kata Kunci: Industri kerajinan rotan, ekonomi politik, aktor rent-seeking
EKSPANSI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT DAN PERLUNYA PERBAIKAN KEBIJAKAN PENATAAN RUANG/ Palm Oil Expansion and Requirement Spatial Planning Policy Improvement Andi Ishak; Rilus A. Kinseng; Satyawan Sunito; Didin S Damanhuri
Perspektif Vol 16, No 1 (2017): Juni, 2017
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v16n1.2017.%p


ABSTRAK Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) merupakan komoditas penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia karena menjadi sumber pendapatan negara dan penyedia lapangan kerja yang cukup signifikan. Indonesia menjadi pengekspor minyak sawit terbesar dunia saat ini dengan luas perkebunan lebih dari 10 juta hektar dan melibatkan sekitar 16 juta tenaga kerja. Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit disebabkan oleh kesesuaian agroklimat, permintaan global, dan dukungan kebijakan pemerintah. Kelapa sawit berpotensi dikembangkan pada lahan seluas 51,4 juta hektar dan telah dibudidayakan pada 22 provinsi di Indonesia, terutama di Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Kelapa sawit mampu menghasilkan minyak nabati 4-23 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tanaman penghasil minyak nabati lainnya serta dimanfaatkan secara luas untuk bahan baku industri pangan dan non pangan di seluruh dunia. Dukungan kebijakan pemerintah telah mendorong investasi swasta masuk dalam industri kelapa sawit dan melakukan ekspansi perkebunan secara besar-besaran dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit berdampak positif pada kondisi sosio-ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan. Pembangunan perkebunan swasta mendorong konversi lahan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat, perubahan pola nafkah petani, dan migrasi tenaga kerja ke daerah-daerah perkebunan sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan mempercepat pembangunan wilayah. Namun ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit yang tidak terkendali telah berdampak negatif karena menyebabkan konflik agraria, deforestasi, dan kebakaran hutan yang memicu kabut asap. Kebijakan pemerintah terkait moratorium sawit yang dilakukan secara simultan dengan penataan ruang menjadi relevan untuk mencegah semakin luasnya dampak negatif akibat ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit.Kata kunci: Kelapa sawit, dampak, moratorium, kebijakan spasial. ABSTRACTPalm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is an important commodity for the Indonesian economy as it becomes a significant source of state income and employment providers. Indonesia is the world's largest palm oil exporter today with a plantation area of more than 10 million hectares and involves about 16 million workers. The expansion of oil palm plantations is due to the suitability of agro-climate, global demand, and government policy support. Oil palm has the potential to be developed on an area of 51.4 million hectares and has been cultivated in 22 provinces in Indonesia, mainly on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Palm oil is able to produce vegetable oil 4-23 times more than other vegetable-producing crops and widely used for food and non-food industry raw materials worldwide. Government policy support has encouraged private investment into the palm oil industry and expanded large-scale plantations in the past three decades. The expansion of oil palm plantations has a positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of rural communities. The development of private plantations encourages land conversion to smallholder oil palm plantations, changes in farmers' livelihood patterns, and labor migration to plantation areas that increase community incomes and accelerate regional development. But the uncontrolled expansion of oil palm plantations has had a negative impact as it causes agrarian conflicts, deforestation, and forest fires that trigger haze. Government policies related to the palm oil moratorium simultaneously conducted with spatial arrangement become relevant to prevent the increasing extent of the negative impact due to the expansion of oil palm plantations.Keywords: Palm oil, impact, moratorium, spatial policy.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 15, No 4 (2000): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.773 KB)


During the first long term national development the government played the big role to control rice price in the market through the policy of floor and ceiling price. One of the most important reason is that rice has a high contribution to the growth of inflation. In fact the result of this study shows that during 1968 to 1996, the food group (that rice is included) has the lowest contribution to the growth inflation. Among 12 kinds of food in the food group the rice has the lowest contribution to inflation. Consequently, it is needed to improve the farmer welfare by improving rice price, rural industrialization, and erasing market distortion that empically caused the increasing of inflation rate.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 15, No 1 (2000): January
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.609 KB)


This article develops arguments proposing people centered development as a way for Indonesia to emerge from the crisis into more prosperous country. The discussion centered around the theoretical perspective and historical-structural of the people centered development. The article then discusses the people centered economy within the multi-parties systems. The paper concludes that resource based industrialization, a major strategy of Indonesia to emerge from the crisis.
Embeddedness of Economic Actions in the Social Network: Study among of Local Genuine Entrepreneurship in Cirebon, West Java Haryono Haryono; Mukhtar Mukhtar; Titik Sumarti; Didin S. Damanhuri; Sofyan Sjaf
JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences - UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jsw.2022.6.1.8023


Economic activities in a social context can not be separated from social networking, for example, the networking between business actors. This study aims to find out the time-term of the businessmen's work, with whom they worked; and the impact of their networking. This research was conducted in Cirebon Regency West Java Province, Indonesia, for 6 months, from May to October 2019. Applying the qualitative method, this research found that: local entrepreneurs in the rattan business sector have been running for a long time. As a result of historical formation, there is a wide network between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with certain institutions and community structures. The map of economic network attachment in social networks shows the diversity of attachments between economic networks and social networks.