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GATOTKACA Journal (Teknik Sipil, Informatika, Mesin dan Arsitektur) Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/gatotkaca.v1i2.81


ABSTRAKPerkembangan dunia teknologi sangat pesat, sehingga mengubah sudut pandang manusia dalam berkomunikasi dampak dari perkembangan teknologi tersebut adalah terciptanya aplikasi chatting, yang memungkinkan manusia untuk melakukan pertukaran informasi melalui jaringan internet secara langsung dan instan. Dalam melakukan pertukaran informasi manusia membutuhkan sebuah fitur yang bisa menjamin informasi yang ia pertukarkan agar tidak bisa dibaca oleh orang-orang yang tidak memiliki wewenang. Salah satu cara melakukan pengamanan data adalah dengan menkripsi pesan tersebut. Enkripsi dilakukan untuk merubah teks biasa (plaintext) menjadi teks yang tidak bisa dibaca dan difahami oleh manusia makna pesan tersebut (ciphertext). Maka diterapkan salah satu algoritma enkripsi yaitu Algoritma Caesar cipher. Pengujian dilakukan pada dua perangakat smart phone dan personal computer dalam suatu jaringan wifi, hasil pengujian sistem yang dibangun menujukan aplikasi chatting dapat melakukan pengamanan pesan. ABSTRACTThe Development of technological world is very rapid, it changes the point of view of humans in communication, the impact of the development of these technologies is the creation of chat applications, which enable humans to exchange information through the internet network directly and instantly. In exchanging human information requires a feature that can guarantee the information so that it cannot be read by people who do not have the authority. One way to safeguard data is to encrypt the message. Encryption is done to change plain text (plaintext) into text that cannot be read and understood by humans the meaning of the message (ciphertext). Then applied one encryption algorithm, the Caesar cipher algorithm. Tests carried out on two smart phone devices and personal computers in a Wi-Fi network, the results of testing the system that was built showed the chat application can do security.
Implementation of the Preference Selection Index (PSI) Method in Employee Performance Assessment of PT Mawarindo Try Setia Budi; Maryaningsih Maryaningsih; Abdussalam Al Akbar
GATOTKACA Journal (Teknik Sipil, Informatika, Mesin dan Arsitektur) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/gatotkaca.v2i2.429


PT. Mawarindo Bengkulu City is one of the universities engaged in advertising (Advertising, Baleho and Banners), which so far have not used an evaluation system in objective performance appraisals, employee assessments are carried out based on subjective assessments and do not use indicators capable of providing an assessment. objective on employee performance. So the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method of performance assessment is needed, which will be applied to PT. Mawarindo Bengkulu City. For that the author tries to build an application with the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method on employee performance appraisal using Visual Basic Net, in order to facilitate PT. Mawarindo in the selection of the best employees every year. Based on the results of the study, the Implementation of the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method in assessing the performance of employees of PT. Mawarindo is made using Visual Basic Net programming language with SQL server database as supporting media, storing the results of data processing that can be used by PT. Mawarindo in inputting employee data, so that it can help overcome existing problems so that the process of selecting the best employees at PT. Mawarindo can be done using an application that has been designed.
Application of Student Satisfaction Levels with Academic Information Systems Through the Six Sigma Method Approach (Case Study: Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Unived Bengkulu) Rahmad Arfandi; Maryaningsih Maryaningsih; Prahasti Prahasti
GATOTKACA Journal (Teknik Sipil, Informatika, Mesin dan Arsitektur) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/gatotkaca.v2i2.424


This study aims to build an Application of Student Satisfaction Levels with Academic Information Systems Through the Six Sigma Method Approach in the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Unived Bengkulu, which becomes a measure of quality that moves towards perfection through statistical testing. With this application, it can be used to find information on the level of student satisfaction and evaluate the satisfaction assessment given by each student to the Unived Bengkulu Academic Information System. Based on the tests that have been carried out on 98 respondents with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error value of 10%, it can be concluded that the level of satisfaction received by students is in expressing satisfaction even though there are indicators that need to be improved or improved. The statistical test results of the validity test on 23 questions were declared valid, the reliability test was 0.99957, the stability test with the lower control limit was -0.4047 and the DPMO results obtained that the minimum value was found in P5 with a DPMO value of 0 which indicates the highest level of satisfaction and the maximum value. at P8 and P17 with a DPMO value of 200000 which shows the lowest level of satisfaction.
Jurnal Media Infotama Vol 9 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1279.31 KB) | DOI: 10.37676/jmi.v9i1.22


The decision making process in determining the recipients of problems mainly lie in subjectivity, in which there are some students who have the ability or the value is not much different. Thus it is necessary to build a support system in making decisions that can be used to simplify the determination of who is eligible for the scholarship. The system is supported by Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic method which is based on data and norms of human resources with the criteria specified by the donor. The result of this process is the weight of student assessment is the basis on which decisions recipients. Software is created by using Microsoft Access 2007 and Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft as a tool with these applications can help the scholarship awardees in the screening process accurately and quickly. Keywords: Decision Systems, Scholarship, and Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic.
Jurnal Media Infotama Vol 8 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1493.634 KB) | DOI: 10.37676/jmi.v8i1.73


The choice of location for optimalisai business activities such as site selection perumahn, factories, etc. are determined through mechanisms and patterns that can be understood. Various criteria are taken into account in determining the location include availability of land, raw materials, distance, accessibility, transportation, labor, security, local market absorption, political stability, and other supporting facilities.Some general location theory approach to minimize wear costs, maximize profits, market approach, attraction or gravity. One effort to help ease the employer or the manufacturer in the decision to determine the optimal location of housing is to build the software (software) applications of artificial intelligence based on fuzzy multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM).Determination of the optimal residential location decisions based on criteria specified by the employer. So employers particularly in deveoper / developers do not bother anymore to find or obtain information about the location of residential development in the desired by consumers, and can reduce the risk of unwanted and time savings.Keywords: Location, Optimization Criteria Fuzzy Logic, MCDM
JIKO (Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Journal Of Informatics and Computer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jiko.v4i1.1921


Pemilihan dosen terbaik dilakukan setiap akhir tahun akademik oleh Universitas Dehasen (UNIVED) Bengkulu. Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan penghargaan/pengakuan atas capaian kinerja dosen dalam melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Penghargaan yang diberikan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan motivasi yang kuat bagi dosen dalam meningkatkan kualitas  yang tentunya akan berimplikasi pada peningkatan mutu lulusan. Kriteria yang ditetapkan dalam  pemilihan dosen terbaik ini terdiri dari 16 kriteria yang meliputi; kegiatan Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, Penelitian, Pengabdian dan  Kegiatan Penunjang yang  dilakukan oleh dosen dalam satu tahun akademik. Untuk dapat memilih dosen terbaik secara objektif berdasarkan multi kriteria yang ditetapkan maka digunakan metode SMART. Penggunaan metode SMART disebabkan karena metode ini merupakan teknik pengambilan keputusan multi kriteria, dimana setiap alternatif terdiri dari sejumlah kriteria yang memiliki nilai-nilai dan memiliki bobot yang menggambarkan seberapa penting dibandingkan dengan kriteria lain. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menentukan dosen terbaik berdasarkan hasil perangkingan, hasil perhitungan tahap akhir dalam metode SMART  ini bahwa dosen A2 yang memperoleh nilai total akhir  tertinggi sebesar 0.81. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu mempermudah bagi pengambil keputusan dalam pemilihan dosen berprestasi secara objektif berdasarkan kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan.
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2867.117 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/ad.v1i2.2641


Desa Bukit Peninjauan I merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Sukaraja Kabupaten Seluma Provinsi Bengkulu dengan pertumbuhan perekonomian yang sedang. Profesi masyarakat rata rata sebagai petani, buruh tani dan buruh bangunan, sehingga tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat relatif sedang. Ini mengakibatkan banyak anak-anak yang putus sekolah, umumnya hanya mampu menempuh pendidikan sampai jenjang SMP yang disebab kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menempuh pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat dalam upaya pemberdayaan pemuda rentan/anak-anak putus sekolah guna mengurangi jumlah penganguran yang tidak memiliki ketrampilan yang bertujuan terbentuknya kelompok pemuda rentan yang memiliki ketrampilan dalam bidang multimedia. Serta meningkatnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan anggota kelompok pemuda rentan tentang pemanfaatan komputer. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam kegiatan Program Kemitraan ini adalah telah terbentuknya usaha kecil di bidang jasa percetakan dan photografi yang dikelola oleh kelompok pemuda rentan/anak putus sekolah yang dikoordinir karang taruna di Desa Bukit Peninjauan I dengan nama usaha “Barrokah Mandiri dan Barrokah Berdikari”. Kegiatan kemitraan ini dilakukan dengan melalui pemberian pelatihan secara teknis ketrampilan komputer, magang/pendampingan, manajemen usaha dan memberikan bantuan alat penunjang
Application of Topsis Method in Employee Performance Assessment at PDAM Bengkulu Weeildyalihumarita Weeildyalihumarita; Maryaningsih Maryaningsih; Lena Elfianty
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2854.055 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v1i2.224


Employee performance appraisal is very important, especially for employees in the Bengkulu PDAM environment to encourage employee motivation and professionalism in improving work quality. Constraints faced in conducting performance appraisals are due to the diversity of educational backgrounds, experience, competencies and employee portfolios, so we need a system that can assist in the performance appraisal process, so that Employee Performance Assessment will not take time and get into trouble. In the process of designing a decision support system application for evaluating employee performance using the TOPSIS approach. The TOPSIS method (Technique For Order Performance By Similarity To Ideal Solution) is a multi-criteria decision-making method or alternative choice which is the alternative that has the smallest distance from the positive ideal solution and the largest distance from the negative ideal solution. The implementation of the system uses the Visual Studio 2010 programming language and the method used in this study is the waterfall method. From the results of the tests carried out, it can be concluded that this decision support system can provide the best employee decisions which can later be used as a reference to determine the quality of employee performance.
Decision Support System for Teacher Performance Assessment at SMP Negeri 1 Talang Padang Using the Weight Product Method Desi Tosary; Maryaningsih Maryaningsih; Lena Elfianty
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2690.05 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v1i2.283


Teacher performance assessment aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning activities. The obstacle faced is the difficulty of evaluating teacher performance objectively due to the many responsibilities of teachers to students and to schools. To overcome these obstacles, a decision support system with the Weight Product method is needed to be used as a tool to support the decision-making process. The Weight Product method uses multiplication to connect attribute ratings, where the rating of each attribute is raised first to the weight of the attribute in question. The implementation of the system uses the Visual Basic 2010 programming language and the method used in this study is the waterfall method. From the results of the tests carried out, it can be concluded that the teacher performance assessment using the Weight Product can be done well by taking the top number of teachers from the Weight Product ranking process which can then be reported in the form of a teacher performance assessment report.
Application of AHP Method in The Decision Support System for Determining the Best Early Childhood Education (PAUD) by Education Office of Bengkulu City Novita Sari; Maryaningsih Maryaningsih; Jhoanne Fredricka
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3155.448 KB) | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v1i2.293


Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is education to help physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter further education, which is held on formal, non-formal, and informal. In determining Best Early Childhood Education there are criteria from Education and Cultural Office Bengkulu City, namely there are six criteria, including Accreditation, Curriculum, Facilities, Tuition Fees, Number of Teachers, Number of Students. The research method used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. AHP can assist in making decisions on complex issues by simplifying the process. This system can assist decision makers in determining the best Early Childhood Education quickly and accurately. It is hoped that later this application will be able to use this application in determining the Best Early Childhood Education at Education and Cultural Office Bengkulu City, as well as maintenance of the application that the writer has previously made so that in the future it can be used by Education and Cultural Office Bengkulu City.