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Budaya Politik, Uang, dan Pilkada Erviantono, Tedi
Jurnal Transformative Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Pilkada Serentak
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

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Pilkada merupakan instrumen penguatan desentralisasi yang menyimpan beragam masalah, termasuk terdapatnya politik uang (money politics). Tulisan ini mengkaji persepsi masyarakat Bangli mengenai budaya politik uang pada pemilukada dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Masyarakat Bangli menilai saat pemilu celah yang seringkali rentan dimasuki praktek politik uang adalah pemberian sumbangan bantuan uang untuk pembangunan sarana (fasilitas) peribadatan, musyawarah warga setempat serta pelaksanaan festival atau gelaran budaya yang melibatkan keterlibatan warga yang cukup banyak. Sumbangan tersebut merupakan media yang paling sering digunakan kandidat merangkul simpati warga guna meraih elektabilitas. Persoalan politik uang dianggap terjadi akibat belum optimalnya fungsi kontrol penyelenggara pemilu termasuk partai politik pengusung dalam mendisiplinkan calonnya agar tidak melakukan pelanggaran berupa pemberian uang atau barang.
Simbolisme Mantra Semar Mesem Terhadap Kekuasaan Di Banyuwangi Wulandari, Intan; Erviantono, Tedi; Bandiyah, Bandiyah
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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Cultural that is famous in Banyuwangi namely teks Osing, which is a tribal prayer the existence of spiritual magic. This research uses theory Hegemony Gramsci. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The instrument in these study using an in-depth interview on the informant. Determination of informants using techniques purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The results of the research are: first, Semar Mesem as the fine witchcraft of sage used to attract the opposite sex. On progress Semar Mesem can be used as a science magic to gain one's desire to be fulfilled. Second, the symbolic form of use Semar Mesem Belt, heirloom, implant, powder and lipstick. The symbol is used to maintain the position, authority, charm of love and attract the opposite sex. Third, the concept of hegemony Gramsci in use Semar Mesem originated from the doctrine of cultural dominance etnic Osing became heirs and rulers etnik from Banyuwangi which actually people unconsciously follow. Keyword: Qualitative Descriptive, Hegemony, Semar Mesem
IMPLEMENTASI PKPU NO.6 TAHUN 2020 DALAM PELAKSANAAN PILKADA TAHUN 2020 Narayana, Putu Nandito; Erawan, I Ketut Putra; Erviantono, Tedi
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Politik 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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This research is entitled "Implementation of Pkpu No. 6 of 2020 in the Implementation of the 2020 Regional Head Election (Case Study: KPU Badung Regency)". The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of PKPU No. 6 of 2020 on the implementation of the 2020 Badung district election. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with Implementation Theory according to Merilee S. Grindle that the success of a public policy implementation according to Grindle, which consists of Content of Policy and Context of Policy. The results showed the implementation of PKPU No. 6 of 2020 had a lot of influence on the political climate, especially in Badung Regency. The implementation of PKPU No. 6 of 2020 according to Merilee S. Grindle's theory in the 2020 elections in Badung Regency has been implemented in accordance with the objectives of running democracy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: Election of 2020, Pandemic Covid-19, Badung Regency
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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Perception of male legislative members towards gender mainstreaming in Bali Provincial DPRD Period 2014-2019 used the theory of female existentialism, Simone de Beauvoir. The method used is a sequential explanatory design by cencus sampling technique. The findings if this study, firstly: variable x it was found rejection if female legislators become leaders with 73% percentage, because female legislators are considered not wise. Second; variable y it was found that male legislators considered women legislators to have performed in the legislative functions properly and seriously. Third; the patriarchal culture in Bali is not a problem of the lack of women who plunge in the legislative institution, but the strategy of women in showing their existence. Based from the data, author found that the strategy of gender mainstreaming had been work well in parlement and need to improved in legislative function so thet the whole concept of gender mainstreaming can work effectively in the council of Bali Province for the period 2014-2019. Keywords: perception, gender mainstreaming, members of the legislature
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Politik 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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This study aims to determine the politicization of the bureaucracy in the transfer of structural positions in the government of Tabanan Regency, especially related to the political dilemmas faced by the regional head after the Election of Regional Heads. This study is framed using rational choice theory by Barbara Geddes and faction theory by Francoise Boucek. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The result of this research is that there is a politician's dilemma from the elected regent regarding the transfer of positions in the government of Tabanan Regency. This is because first, the elected regional head wants to ensure that he will last at least his term of office. Second, creating a political machine that is loyal and will support it. Third, the elected regent wants to create an effective government.
POLITIK IDENTITAS DALAM PEMILIHAN UMUM 2019 (Terpilihnya Haji Bambang Santoso sebagai DPD RI Dapil Bali) Ayuningsih, Ni Made; Erviantono, Tedi; Mahaswari Jayanthi Mertha, Anak Agung Sagung Mirah
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Politik 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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The purposeeof this researchhis to identify the issue of identity politics in the 2019 general election, specifically in the DPD RI legislative. Manuel Castells theory of identity politics is used to frame this study. The research method is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Respondents were selected by purposive technique. The result of this study is the existence of identity politics in the form of religious issues was employed in the election campaign for the DPD RI in the Bali Dapil by the candidate for the DPD RI Bali, namely Haji Bambang Santoso is the only Muslim DPD RI candidate in the Bali electoral district. With the tagline "together for the people and the nation," HBS positions itself as a Muslim representative in Bali who will always protect the Muslim community's interests and goals.
Implementasi Perda No. 07 Tahun 2013 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah di Kabupaten Badung Novitayanti, Anak Agung Dwi; Erviantono, Tedi; Mahaswari Jayanthi Mertha, Anak Agung Sagung Mirah
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Politik 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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This research analyzes how the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 07 of 2013 on Waste Management in Badung Regency, with the problem of unoptimal in realizing waste management regulation No. 07 of 2013. Research objectives include: (1). Tracing the socio-political conditions of content and the context of the implementation of waste management policy no. 07 of 2013 in Badung Regency, (2). Know the role of local actors in the development of their own territory. The theory used is the theory of the implementation of merille S. Grindle's policy. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach in obtaining data.
Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Perempuan Desa Adat Sangket dalam Pemilukada Kabupaten Buleleng Tahun 2017 Surya Mahadewa, I Gusti Ngurah Agung; Erviantono, Tedi; Jayanthi Mertha, Anak Agung Sagung Mirah
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Politik 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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This study aims to find out what causes the low Political Participation of Sangket Traditional Village Women Voters in the Buleleng Regency Election 2017. The research is framed using the symbolic interaction theory of Herbert Mead. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method using primary data and secondary data, because it describes the causes of the low Political Participation of Women Voters in Sangket Traditional Village in the 2017 Buleleng Regency General Election. The results of the research are: first, the low political participation of women due to Voting day coincided with Piodalan Day at Kahyangan Tiga Temple in Sangket Traditional Village, which made the women choose ngayah instead of voting. Second, the strength of the incumbent candidate and the lack of understanding of elections are factors that cause the low Political Participation of the Sangket Traditional Village Women Voters in the 2017 Buleleng Regency Election.
Peran Twitter sebagai Cyberspace dalam Aksi Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil Andreas, Ronald; Erviantono, Tedi; Jayanthi Mertha, AA. Sg. Mirah Mahaswari
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Politik 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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Gejayan Memanggil movement through #GejayanMemanggil has become the strategy of the Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak in cyberspace and mobilize a simultaneous movement on the streets in September 22, 2019.The data of this research are in the form of discourse productions such as articles, posters, photos, tweets/opinions, to interviews with representative sources. In this study, strategies were found in the form of using personal accounts of alliance members or consolidation participants. ARB relies on the popularity of #GejayanMemanggil which is driven by a collective influence that is not involved in the political sphere as opposition or pro-government. Influencer stirred up the spirit of nationalism, political awareness, and calls to rise up, and make changes with the format of tweets, hashtags, memes, and videos. This movement targets young people, in this case Indonesian Student Component. Keywords : Gejayan Memanggil, Social Movement, Cyber-activism, Twitter
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 11 No 1 (2012): Volume 11 No.1 – April 2012
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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The village library faces some difficulties in terms of the lack of documentation of the reading materials which have not yet been well identified. The Community Service was done in Serangan Library Denpasar Sekatan- Denpasar to give knowledge about everything to do with library. The activity aimed at giving easier method how to utilize library, therefore it included how to identify, classify and documentary the reading materials in that library. This activity also tried to inventory and catalog 814 books using Dewey system. It was done in two steps, namely workshop and inventory, catalog of reference collection.
Co-Authors Anak Agung Ayu Primayuni Natalia, Anak Agung Ayu Primayuni Andreas, Ronald Ardila, Nelta Ariani, Ni Komang Aris Joko Susilo, Aris Joko Arsari, Ni Putu Diah Ayuningsih, Ni Made Bandiyah Bandiyah Bandiyah M.A S.Fil Bandiyah S.Fil.,MA, Bandiyah Cahyaningrat, A.A Made Bintang Dewi, Intan Sri Dharmawan Haryo Dewanto, Dharmawan Haryo Dhedhu, Kristianus Marten Dwi Ratih Saraswati, Dwi Ratih Efatha Filomeno Borromeu Duarte, Efatha Filomeno Borromeu Eka Wahyu Krisna Dewi Febryan, Denise Gede Angga Wardana, Gede Angga Gede Indra Pramana Guntari, Ni Wayan Henny I Dewa Ayu S Joni I Gede Abicatra Rezadana, I Gede Abicatra I Gede Indra Pramana I Gede Made Pastika Semara Putra I Gede Ngurah Aris Prasetya, I Gede Ngurah Aris I Ketut Putra Erawan I Ketut Winaya I Made Adi Artana I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha I Putu Dharmanu Yudharta, I Putu Dharmanu I Putu Wahyu Mantrawan, I Putu Wahyu Ida Ayu Nyoman Subarwati Ifa Ristanty, Ni Luh Komang Indah Ambar Sari, Indah Ambar Jayanthi Mertha, Anak Agung Sagung Mirah Jayanthi Mertha, Anak Agung Sagung Mirah Mahaswari Kadek Dwita Apriani Kadek Wiwin Dwi Wismayanti Maria Yovani Putu Arista, Maria Yovani Muhammad Ali Azhar Narayana, Putu Nandito Nazrina Zuryani Ni Luh Gede Ambarawati, Ni Luh Gede Ni Luh Putu Vina Austriani, Ni Luh Putu Vina Ni Made Ras Amanda Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel Ni Nyoman Dewi Pascarani Ni Putu Chyntia Sandrina Devi, Ni Putu Chyntia Sandrina Ni Putu Evilia Octaviani, Ni Putu Evilia Ni Putu Wahyu Pratiwi Ni Wayan Supriliyani Ning, Raqhuel Dominique Novitayanti, Anak Agung Dwi Nyoman Ayu Sukma Pramestisari Pande Made Elinda Suryani, Pande Made Patra Manurung Pebriani, Ni Kadek Dwi Piers Andreas Noak Putu Eka Purnamaningsih Putu Nindya Pradnya Dewi, Putu Nindya Pradnya Raenaldy Yoga Pratama, Raenaldy Yoga Raenaldy, Aldy Rhayi Permata Juang, Rhayi Permata Richard Togaranta Ginting, Richard Sukaja, Dodok Samdana Surya Mahadewa, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suryawan, I Wayan Agus Tamara, Kadek Tania Trisma Yepa Alianti Widawan, I Kadek Krisna Wina wigraheni wigraheni, Wina wigraheni Wulandari, Intan