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Distribution Channel Patterns and The Actors Welfare of Marine Fishery Supply Chain in Arjasa, Kangayan and Sapeken in Kangean Islands Indahsari, Kurniyati; Farid, Akhmad
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 21, No 1 (2020): JEP 2020
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v21i1.9379


The actors’ welfare of marine fishery supply chain in the three sub-districts in Kangean Islands, namely Sapeken, Arjasa and Kangayan, are different even though they access to the same marine fisheries resources. The marine fisheries in Sapeken are more prosperous than those in Arjasa and Kangayan. This study aimed at identifying the distribution channel patterns of marine fishery products supply chain in Kangean Islands which providing an explanation of the actors’ welfare differences. In-depth interviews with various actors were conducted to formulate the distribution channel patterns of marine fishery products. Quantitative survey data of 102 respondents from marine fisheries were processed descriptively to determine the actors’ welfare. Research showed that the distribution channel patterns in Arjasa and Kangayan vary but are limited in the local market and the islands communities as the final consumers. It causes the low products prices. Meanwhile, the distribution pattern in the Sapeken is able to penetrate markets outside the Kangean Islands with high product prices. Therefore, it is not surprising if the actors’ welfare in Arjasa and Kangayan sub districts are lower than the actors’ welfare in Sapeken.
Rekayasa Vol 6, No 1: April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.56 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v6i1.2102


Kerang pisau (Solen grandis) merupakan salah satu jenis moluska dari Bivalvia yang termasuk biota perairan non ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang  dan  berat kerang pisau serta mengetahui karakteristik morfometrik kerang pisau (Solen grandis) di perairan Prenduan Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Prenduan Kabupaten Sumenep. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung di perairan Prenduan dengan menentukan 3 titik lokasi dan masing-masing lokasi mengambil 50 sampel kerang pisau. Hasil dari  perhitungan  hubungan panjang dan berat kerang pisau (Solen grandis) dari bulan Oktober sampai November memiliki nilai konstanta b kurang dari3 yang berarti allometrik negatif yaitu pertumbuhan panjang lebih dominan daripada pertumbuhan berat. Morfometrik rasio Lc/Pc masing-masing pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember terbanyak adalah pada kisaran 0,1438-0,1524;0,1668-0,1753;0,1423-0,1548. Rasio Tu/Pc bulan Oktober sampai bulan Desember tertinggi pada bulan Oktober jumlah individu 51 dengan rasio 0,0613-0,0728. Rasio Bd/Bt bulan Oktober sampai Desember tertinggi pada bulan November jumlah individu 43 dengan selang kelas panjang cangkang 25,18-26,50 persentase 59,95%.
Studi Potensi Kualitas Air Wilayah Tambak dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Kabupaten Sidoarjo Farid, Akhmad
Rekayasa Vol 1, No 1: April 2008
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (695.538 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v1i1.2169


This research was done on April 2007 until ]uni 2007, with study area at 8 kecamatan in Kabupaten Sidoarjo, for the purpose of analysing water quality condition supporting tambak activities and to clasify tambak, river and beach water based onparameter used. A Geographical Information System (GIS) was used toanalize water quality parameters using Arclnfo and Arc Viewsoftware. Dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate, unionised hydrogen acid, temperature, pH and salinity was measured. There was an indication of unionised hydrogen acid pollution found at tambak sampling area (0,062 - 6,059 ppm) and also at the river and beach (0,613 - 7,796 ppm). High eutrofication of orthophos phate exist in all of study areas (tambak:0,968 - 3.065, river and beach: 0,968 - 1,936 ppm) while only some study areas being polluted by ammonia (0,113 -0,159 ppm). Pond's salinity and temperature also range beyond the normal valuefor tambak activities. The classification result for tambak in Kabupaten Sidoarjo is 2,3 and 4 (lightly polluted, moderately polluted and highly polluted ) and for the river and beach all are included into highly polluted.
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 2, No 1: April (2009)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v2i1.902


In fish catching activity, the fishermen in Banyuanyar district use mini tools for catching fish (purse seine) and use light assist tools for an operation in the night day. The light, that is used, is kerosene pressure lantern and mercury lights or lamp that is used on water surface (surface lamp). This kind of light is used to collect “pelagic” fish that has positive phototaxis characteristic. Puffer fish’s response towards different sourse of light, that’s kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light is needed to be known. Therefore, we can know the source of light that is more effective in order to collect the fish. It is hoped that the productivity of puffer fish will be developed for the fishermen. During the research with ten times repeating, the total account of puffer fish’s haul that is resulted with two different treatment  by using kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light is that 810 kg and 1.460 kg. The data of puffer fish’s haul that is gotten after using Mann-Whitney test shows that the kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light not to really different, especially in the haul of puffer fish in significant standart (0,05) is 2,262, while in Mann-Whitney test account is 0,171. That means the fishermans in Banyuanyar can use kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light for catching fish as the light assist tools for an operation in the night day. Keywords     :   Purse Seine, Mercury Light and Kerosene Pressure Lantern, Puffer Fish (Rastrellinger sp.).
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 10, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v10i1.2427


Pulau Poteran dan Pulau Gili Lawak Kabupaten Sumenep merupakan pulau-pulau kecil yang berada di sebelah barat Pulau Madura dengan kawasan darat dan perairan yang cukup potensial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pembuatan model dinamik kerentanan pantai pulau-pulau kecil tersebut berdasarkan aspek ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi sebagai upaya awal menetukan perencanaan pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan dan memetakannya. Analisis yang akan dilakukan pada penelitian ini merupakan penetapan variabel-variabel indeks kerentanan pantai pulau-pulau kecil (PPK) dan memodelkan dinamika kerentanan pantai pulau-pulau tersebut. Variabel-variabel tersebut meliputi, (1) Keterpaparan (Exposure), (2) Kepekaan (Sensitivity) dan (3) Daya Adaptasi (Adaptive Capacity). Pengembangan model simulasi dinamis ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tingkat kerentanan pantai di Pulau Poteran dan Gili Lawak Kecamatan Talango Kabupaten Sumenep didasarkan pada beberapa asumsi, yaitu: (1) model tersebut berada dalam kondisi tetap atau stabil (steady state), (2) model tersebut dianggap suatu sistem yang tertutup (closed system). Parameter kenaikan muka laut rata-rata tiap tahun, tingkat erosi dan kepadatan penduduk merupakan parameter dinamik yang menyebabkan nilai kerentanan tinggi di Pulau Poteran, sedangkan parameter lamun mengakibatkan dimensi daya adaptif diPulau Gili Lawak menjadi lebih tinggi dari dimensi yang lain.Tingkat kerentanan pantai Pulau Poteran dan Gili Lawak berada pada kategori sedang dan berdasarkan model dinamik yang dibuat kedua pulau tersebut akan berada pada tingkat kerentanan sangat tinggi pada tahun ke 3 jika tidak dilakukan peningkatan kapasitas adaptif habitat pesisir. Kata Kunci: Model Dinamik, Kerentanan, Pulau KecilDYNAMICS MODEL OF COASTAL VULNERABILITY OF POTERAN AND GILI LAWAK ISLAND, SUMENEP, MADURAPoteran and Gili Lawak Island Sumenep Regency is a small islands that located in the west of Madura with potential terrestrial and marine areas. The purpose of this research is the dynamic modeling of coastal vulnerability of small islands are based on ecological, social and economic as an initial effort determine the sustainable management planning and mapping. The analysis will be performed in this study is the determination of variables coastal vulnerability index for small islands and the dynamics models of the vulnerability for coastal islands. These variables include, (1) Exposure, (2) Sensitivity and (3) Adaptive Capacity. The development model of dynamic simulation was done to evaluate the beach vulnerability on the Poteran and Gili Lawak Island at Talango District Sumenep based on several assumptions, they are (1) the model was in a state of permanent or stable (steady state), (2) the model considered a closed system. Mean sea level rise per year, erosion rate and population density are dynamic parameters that causes high of vulnerability value in Pulau Poteran, while the sea-grass parameter on Gili Lawak Island causes the value of adaptive capasity demention is higher than other dimensions.The level of beach vulnerability of Poteran and Gili Lawak Island at middle category and was based on a dynamic model created two islands will be at a very high level of vulnerability in the third yearif not increase the adaptive capacity of coastal habitats. Keywords: Dynamic Model, Beach Vulnerability, Small Island
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 8, No 1: April (2015)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v8i1.812


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Mengetahui kontribusi tiap jenis mangrove terhadap ekologi kawasan pesisir Desa Martajasah serta mengetahui struktur komunitas mangrove di Desa Martajasah Kabupaten Bangkalan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) dengan rumus INP = RDi + RFi + RCi, Indeks keanekaragaman, Indeks Keseragaman, Indeks dominansi Simpson. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza adalah jenis yang dominan dibandingkan jenis mangrove lainnya di ekosistem mangrove Desa Martajasah. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza adalah jenis yang memiliki INP tertinggi (INP=1,245). Hasil penilaian terhadap keanekaragaman (Diversity) mangrove di Desa Martajasah memiliki tingkat keanekaragam rendah serta mengalami tekanan ekologi yang tinggi (H’ ≤ 2,0). Keanekaragaman stasiun 1 yaitu 0,506, stasiun 2 yaitu 0,936 dan stasiun 3 yaitu 0,859. Mangrove jenis Bruguiera gymnorrhiza memiliki peran (dominansi) dan struktur vegetasi mangrove tertinggi (INP=1,245) dibandingkan jenis mangrove lainnya yang ada di Desa Martajasah. Ekosistem mangrove di Desa Martajasah, berada dalam kondisi ekologi tertekan. Kata Kunci: ekologi mangrove, konstribusi mangrove, struktur komunitasTHE STRUCTURE OF MANGROVE COMMUNITY IN MARTAJASAH VILLAGE, BANGKALAN REGENCYABSTRACTThis research aimed to know the contribution of each mangrove for the ecology of coastal area of Martajasah Village, as we want to know the mangrove community structure in Martajasah Village, Bangkalan Regency. The method that is used in this research was Important Value Index (IVI), with IVI formula = RDi + RFi + RCi, Diversity Index, Uniformity Index, Simpson’s Dominance Index. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is the dominant kind compared to other mangrove types in mangrove ecosystem of Martajasah Village. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is the kind that had the highest IVI (IVI=1.245). The assessment result toward mangrove diversity in Martajasah Village was low after experiencing high ecology depression (H’ ≤ 2.0). The station 1 diversity was 0.506, whilethe station 2 was 0.936 and station 3 was 0.859. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza type mangrove played role (dominance) and highest mangrove vegetation structure (IVI=1.245) compared to other kinds of mangrove in Martajasah Village. The ecosystem of mangrove in Martajasah Village was in the condition of depressed ecology.Keywords: community structure, mangrove contribution, mangrove ecology
TINGKAT KETAHANAN KESEGARAN IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio) MENGGUNAKAN ASAP CAIR R Riyantono; Indah Wahyuni Abida; Akhmad Farid
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 2, No 1: April (2009)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v2i1.904


Salah satu potensi hayati sumber perikanan yang ada di wilayah perairan Indonesia adalah ikan mas. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi pada saat pasca panen ikan mas adalah banyaknya tingkat kerusakan (pembusukan ikan) karena kurangnya tingkat pemahaman tentang kualitas ikan. Asap cair (Bio-Awet) merupakan produk penemuan yang digunakan sebagai pengganti formalin, borak, H2O2 Antisept, dan lain sebagainya yang selama ini masih banyak digunakan  masyarakat. Dari hasil pengamatan dengan uji organoleptik dapat dilihat bahwa ikan mas menggunakan asap cair bertahan hingga jam ke-28, Sedangkan ikan mas tanpa menggunakan asap cair hanya bertahan sampai jam ke-20. Lama waktu berlangsungnya proses prorigor motis adalah kurang dari 1jam. Fase rigor motis ikan mas tanpa menggunakan asap cair hanya jam ke-8, sedangkan ikan mas menggunakan asap cair bertahan hingga ke-16. Untuk ikan mas tanpa menggunakan asap cair fase autolisis dimulai jam ke-12, sedangkan fase autolisis pada ikan mas dengan menggunakan asap cair dimulai diatas jam ke 16. Perbedaan lamanya waktu fase penurunan mutu ikan mas tanpa menggunakan  asap cair dengan ikan mas menggunakan asap cair, karena adannya kandungan karbonil, fenol, asam pada kandungan asap cair yang berperan sebagai antioksidan sehingga dapat memperpanjang masa simpan produk asapan atau pun ikan. Kata Kunci  : Asap cair, Ikan Mas dan Tingkat Kesegaran ikan.
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 7, No 1: April (2014)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v7i1.793


Faktor ekologis berperan terhadap sebaran infeksi penyakit ice-ice.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan morfologi of Kappaphycusalvarezii dan sebaran infeksi penyakit ice-ice.  Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode budidaya dalam rakit apungdan diamati setiap 15 hari.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infeksi mulai terlihat sejak awal tanam dan dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekologis.Kata Kunci: ice-ice,sebaran, Kappaphycus alvareziiIMPACT OF ECOLOGICAL FACTORS ON DISTRIBUTION OF DISEASE ICE - ICEABSTRACTEcological factors contribute to the spread of infectious diseases ice-ice. This study aims to determine the morphological changes of Kappaphycus alvarezii and distribution of ice-ice disease infection. The study was conducted using the method of cultivation in a raft and observed every 15 days. The results showed that the infection started seen since early planting and influenced by ecological factors.Keywords: distribution, ice – ice, Kappaphycus alvarezii
PERTUMBUHAN Kappaphycus alvarezii YANG TERKONTAMINASI EPIFIT DI PERAIRAN SUMENEP Apri Arisandi; Akhmad Farid; Sri Rokhmaniati
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 6, No 2: Oktober (2013)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v6i2.784


Peningkatan suhu musim kemarau yang relatif tinggi memicu peningkatan kontaminasi penyakit dan epifit di perairan Sumenep, sehingga mempengaruhi rata-rata pertumbuhan harian Kappaphycus alvarezii.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kontaminasi epifit, terhadap pertumbuhan K. alvarezii di perairan Sumenep.  Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode budidaya dalam rakit apung, thallus K. alvarezii yang terkontaminasi epifit diamati serta dihitung rata-rata pertumbuhan hariannya.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan,kontaminasi epifitmenyebabkanrata-rata pertumbuhan harian K. alvareziimenurunhingga-0,07% sampai 0,92%, oleh karena itu K. alvareziiyang telah terkontaminasiharus segera dipanen.Kata Kunci: epifit, pertumbuhan, K. alvarezii
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 8, No 2: Oktober (2015)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v8i2.819


Usaha perbaikan lingkungan permukiman kumuh nelayan di Kecamatan Sepuluh Madura merupakan upaya strategis yang diharapkan mampu menangani permasalahan lingkungan permukiman nelayan yang terjadi dan dapat mengantisipasi terjadinya permasalahan yang sama di masa mendatang karena kawasan nelayan di Kec. Sepuluh Madura berpotensi sebagai kawasan permukiman. Dengan kondisi yang demikian dan agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan di Kec. Sepuluh Kabupaten Bangkalan di Kawasan Nelayan, maka perlu di lakukan penelitian untuk merumuskan strategi peningkatan kualitas lingkungan di kawasan nelayan Sepuluh – Madura. Dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT, diperoleh beberapa strategi pengelolaan lingkungan pesisir Sepulu berdasarkan ranking yaitu, pembatasan lahan budidaya pada kawasan konservasi alami terutama untuk pemanfaatan terbangun di wilayah pesisir yang didukung secara instuisional dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, pemberlakuan kebijakan dari pemerintah setempat atau yang berwewenang untuk mengendalikan konversi secara top down (kebijakan tegas) dengan melalui sosialisasi dan pemberian insentif dan disinsentif bagi para pelanggarnya, memberikan alokasi ruang khusus untuk pengamanan dan perlindungan pantai terutama daerah-daerah yang sering menjadi transit dan bongkar muat perdagangan dan pada jalur-jalur pelayaran serta membuat daerah khusus pengamanan pantai dan konservasi pantai secara alami terutama sebagai langkah pengendalian pencemaran, sedimentasi, abrasi dan akresi.Kata Kunci: kualitas lingkungan, SWOT, Sepuluh MaduraTHE ENVIRONMENT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN FISHERMEN AREA OF SEPULUH DISTRICT, MADURAABSTRACTImprovement effort for fishermen’s slum area in Sepuluh District, Madura is the strategic effort that is expected to be able to handle the problem in fishermen’s neighborhood and to anticipate the occurrence of same problem in the future, because fishermen’s neighborhood in Sepuluh District, Madura has potential as neighborhood. With that kind of condition, in order to improve the environment quality in Sepuluh District, Bangkalan Regency in fishermen’s neighborhood, the research to formulate the strategy of environment quality improvement in that place is necessarily to conduct. By using SWOT analysis, there found some strategy in developing coastal environment of Sepuluh District based on the rank, which are the limitation of cultivation land on natural conservation area especially for construction utilization in coastal area which is institutionally supported and community empowerment, policy enforcement from the local government or the authorized party to control the conversion through top-down (firm policy) by conducting socialization and giving both incentive and disincentive for the rule breakers, giving special room allocation for securing and protecting the beach area, especially for the regions that are frequently becoming the place of transit and unloading trade, as well as the shipping lines, also by creating the special area for natural coastal security and conservation especially as the controlling methods for pollution, sedimentation, abrasion, and accretion.Keywords: environment quality, Madura, Sepuluh District, SWOT