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Jurnal Kelautan Vol 2, No 1: April (2009)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v2i1.901


Mutu ikan kaleng tergantung pada kesegaran bahan mentah, cara pengalengan, peralatan dan kecakapan serta pengetahuan pelaksana-pelaksana teknis, sanitasi dan higiene pabrik dan lingkungan.  Kesegaran bahan mentah sangat penting dalam industri perikanan.  Kesegaran adalah tolak ukur untuk membedakan ikan jelek dan bagus kualitasnya.  Bila kualitas bahan mentah bagus, maka produk yang dihasilkan juga bagus.  Untuk mengendalikan mutu produk yang dihasilkan perusahaan diperlukan suatu sistem yang terkendali dan dapat mengendalikan seluruh aktifitas yang mempengaruhi mutu produk. Khusus untuk produk perikanan lahirnya konsep HACCP mendorong negara-negara maju menerapkan sistem pengawasan mutu ini kepada produsen sebagai jaminan mutu produknya. Dari hasi studi pustaka dan penelitian serta pengamatan langsung pada PT. Karya Manunggal Prima Sukses Muncar,  ternyata diketahui bahwa mutu bahan baku dan produk akhir berupa ikan kaleng sardine saus tomat yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan standart mutu SNI 01-3548-1994.  Sedangkan penerapan konsepsi HACCP belum terlaksana dengan baik sehingga diperlukan perbaikan, baik GMP dan SSOP pada unit pengolahan.Kata kunci : Mutu ikan kaleng, HACCP.  The quality of a certain tinned-fish depends on several things; those are the freshness of raw materials, tinning technique, devices, knowledge, and capability of the technicians, sanitation and hygienist of the factory. The freshness of raw materials is important in fishery industries.  Freshness is one of indicators in determining fish quality. If raw materials are in good quality so that the product will be. To maintain quality of a product in certain factory, system that are able to control all of the elements affecting product quality, is absolutely needed. In fishery product, availability of HACCP, encourage the advanced-countries to apply a monitoring system of product quality to the producer as a kind of quality guarantee. From the study of certain literature, research, and also direct observation in PT Karya Manunggal Prima Sukses, Muncar, it is known that the quality of raw materials and the final product in a form tinned-sardine with tomato sauce, produced by this factory, is in accordance with quality standard of SNI 01-3548-1994, even though the application of HACCP concept still needs several corrections. This is also available for GMP and SSOP in the processing unit. Keywords : Quality of Tinned-fish, HACCP 
Dampak Infeksi Ice-ice dan Epifit terhadap Pertumbuhan Eucheuma cottonii (Impact of Ice-ice Infection and Epiphyte to Eucheuma cottonii Growth) Apri Arisandi; Akhmad Farid; Eva Ari Wahyuni; Siti Rokhmaniati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 18, No 1 (2013): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.418 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.18.1.1-6


Rumput laut, Eucheuma cottonii, merupakan salah satu produk kelautan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting. Budidaya rumput laut jenis ini merupakan usaha untuk memenuhi tingginya permintaan pasar. Salah satu kendala yang masih dihadapi adalah adanya infeksi ice-ice dan epifit. Perubahan cuaca yang tidak dapat diprediksi saat pergantian musim dapat memicu peningkatan kendala ini, sehingga dapat menyebabkan rendahnya pertumbuhan E. cottonii. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak infeksi ice-ice dan epifit, terhadap pertumbuhan E. cottonii di perairan laut Sumenep, Madura. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode budidaya dalam rakit apung, thallus E.cottonii yang terinfeksi ice-ice dan epifit diamati berdasarkan tanda-tanda kelainan morfologi dan dihitung rata-rata pertumbuhan hariannya.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, jumlah thallus E. cottonii dalam rakit yang terinfeksi ice-ice dan epifit pada hari ke 30 mencapai 40,19-57,71%, dan meningkat menjadi 90,24-95,24% pada hari ke 60.  Infeksi ini menyebabkan rata-rata pertumbuhan harian E. cottonii pada hari ke 45 menurun hingga -3,76%, oleh karena itu E. cottonii yang telah terinfeksi harus segera dipanen. Kata kunci: ice-ice, epifit, pertumbuhan, Eucheuma cottonii, rumput laut Seaweed, Eucheuma cottonii, is one of marine products that have significant economic value. Development of seaweed cultivation is an attempt to meet the high market demand. One of the problems faced by seaweed cultivation is the presence of ice-ice and epiphytic infection. Unpredictable weather changes during the turn of seasons can lead to the increase of ice-ice and epiphytic infection, which in could cause the low growth of Eucheuma cottonii. This research aimed to determine the impact of ice-ice and epiphytes infection on the growth of E. cottonii in Sumenep, Madura Island. The research was conducted using floating raft method. Furthermore, from the infected E. cottonii thallus of ice-ice and epiphytic was observed by morphological abnormalities and calculated the average daily gain. The results showed that ice-ice and epiphytic infected of thallus in raft about 40.19-57.71% at day 30 and than increase to 90.24-95.24% at day 60. This infection caused the average daily gain of E. cottonii decreased until -3.76% at day 45. At this period the infected E. cottonii should be harvested immediately. Keywords: ice-ice, ephypite, growth, Eucheuma cottonii, seaweed  
Distribution Channel Patterns and The Actors Welfare of Marine Fishery Supply Chain in Arjasa, Kangayan and Sapeken in Kangean Islands Kurniyati Indahsari; Akhmad Farid
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 21, No 1 (2020): JEP 2020
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v21i1.9379


The actors’ welfare of marine fishery supply chain in the three sub-districts in Kangean Islands, namely Sapeken, Arjasa and Kangayan, are different even though they access to the same marine fisheries resources. The marine fisheries in Sapeken are more prosperous than those in Arjasa and Kangayan. This study aimed at identifying the distribution channel patterns of marine fishery products supply chain in Kangean Islands which providing an explanation of the actors’ welfare differences. In-depth interviews with various actors were conducted to formulate the distribution channel patterns of marine fishery products. Quantitative survey data of 102 respondents from marine fisheries were processed descriptively to determine the actors’ welfare. Research showed that the distribution channel patterns in Arjasa and Kangayan vary but are limited in the local market and the islands communities as the final consumers. It causes the low products prices. Meanwhile, the distribution pattern in the Sapeken is able to penetrate markets outside the Kangean Islands with high product prices. Therefore, it is not surprising if the actors’ welfare in Arjasa and Kangayan sub districts are lower than the actors’ welfare in Sapeken.
Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik yang Mencemari Saluran Irigasi Sungai Tonjung Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura Apri Arisandi; Akhmad Farid; Siti Muskaromah
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi Vol 6, No 2: Oktober 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pangabdhi.v6i2.7493


AbstrakProduk kebutuhan rumah tangga banyak menggunakan pembungkus plastik, sehingga banyak sampah plastik terbuang setiap hari. Untuk mencegah penumpukan sampah plastik, harus mencoba mengurangi dampak buruknya.  Konsep pengelolaan sampah masih konvensional, menimbulkan masalah sosial (bau menyengat, sungai tercemar, terganggunya kesehatan). Kegiatan pengabdian ini melakukan pengelolaan sampah yang tepat menggunakan konsep kemitraan bersama masyarakat. Kegiatan dilaksanakan Desa Tonjung Kecamatan Burneh Kabupaten Bangkalan, bulan Januari sampai April 2019.  Pengambilan sampah plastik di bagian hilir dekat dengan persawahan, dilakukan setiap hari dengan cara memasang jaring secara melintang di saluran irigasi.  Jaring dipasang mulai pukul 05.00 wib hingga pukul 17.00 wib.  Sampah plastik yang tertangkap jaring langsung ditimbang menggunakan timbangan analitik, selanjutnya dicuci bersih dan dikeringkan.  Plastik yang sudah kering diolah menjadi produk daur ulang yang langsung digunakan oleh anggota kelompok tani Desa Tonjung.  Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa sampah plastik yang diambil dari saluran irigasi menunjukkan kuantitas yang relatif besar, yaitu 400 gr hingga 1000 gr per hari.  Sampah berupa botol dan bungkus plastik didaur ulang menjadi pot hias dan tas cantik.
Efektivitas Alat Tangkap Mini Purse Seine Menggunakan Sumber Cahaya Berbeda Terhadap Hasil Tangkap Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger sp.) [Fishing Tool Effectivity of Mini Purse Seine by Using Different Light Source for Catching Fish of Puffer Fish (Rastrelliger sp.) ] Akhmad Farid; Wahyu Andy Nugraha; Ifa Nur Rosyidah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.203 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jipk.v3i1.11620


AbstractIn fish catching activity, the fishermen in Banyuanyar district use mini tools for catching fish (purse seine) and use light assist tools for an operation in the night day. The light, that is used, is kerosene pressure lantern and mercury lights or lamp that is used on water surface (surface lamp). This kind of light is used to collect “pelagic” fish that has positive phototaxis characteristic. Puffer fish's response towards different sourse of light, that's kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light is needed to be known. Therefore, we can know the source of light that is more effective in order to collect the fish. It is hoped that the productivity of puffer fish will be developed for the fishermen. During the research with ten times repeating, the total account of puffer fish's haul that is resulted with two different treatment  by using kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light is that 810 kg and 1.460 kg. The data of puffer fish's haul that is gotten after using MannWhitney test shows that the kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light not to really different, especially in the haul of puffer fish in significant standart (0,05) is 2,262, while in Mann-Whitney test account is 0,171. That means the fishermans in Banyuanyar can use kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light for catching fish as the light assist tools for an operation in the night day. 
Juvenil Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i3.8690


Abstrak Sungai Bancaran merupakan sungai yang berada di Kabupaten Bangkalan, merupakan perairan yang banyak terdapat aktivitas manusia dan menjadi perairan yang sangat aktif. Kondisi ini mempengaruhi kesuburan perairan, khususnya klorofil-a. Konsentrasi klorofil-a di perairan dipengaruhi konsentrasi nutrien dan intensitas cahaya matahari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi nutrien, khususnya nitrat dan fosfat, dan pengaruhnya terhadap konsentrasi klorofil-a serta beban masuk nutrien tiap ton/hari di sungai Bancaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2019 – Januari 2020 di Sungai Bancaran, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Stasiun penelitian dibagi 6 stasiun dengan ulangan 3 kali dengan pengambilan sampel air dan kualitas air secara insitu pada pagi hari. Hasil analisis parameter fisika kimia air selama penelitian diperoleh temperatur air (27,97-29,73°C), pH (6,71-7,12), salinitas (1-5 ppt), oksigen terlarut (4,83-6,32 mg/l), kecerahan (40,39-81,06 cm), nitrat (1,805–1,937 mg/l), fosfat (0,270–0367 mg/l). Klorofil-a (0,249–0,377 mg/m3), beban masuk  nitrat (0,099-0,247 ton/hari), dan beban masuk fosfat (0,019- 0,038  ton/hari). Nilai koefisien korelasi (r) nitrat terhadap klorofil-a (0,075 - 0,964) dan fosfat terhadap klorofil-a (0,037 - 0,941). Kata Kunci : Nitrat, Fosfat, Klorofil-a, Sungai Bancaran, BangkalanABSTRACTBancaran River is a river located in Bangkalan Regency, a water that has a lot of human activity and becomes very active waters. These conditions affect the fertility of the waters, especially chlorophyll-a. The chlorophyll-a concentration in the waters is influenced by the concentration of nutrients and the intensity of sunlight. This study aims to determine the concentration of nutrients, especially nitrates and phosphates, and their effects on the concentration of chlorophyll-a and nutrient entry load per ton / day in the Bancaran river. The study was conducted in December 2019 - January 2020 in the Bancaran River, Bangkalan Regency. The method used is descriptive method with purposive sampling technique. The research station was divided into 6 stations with replications 3 times with water sampling and water quality in situ in the morning. The results of the analysis of the physical chemical parameters of water during the study obtained water temperature (27.97-29.73 ° C), pH (6.71-7.12), salinity (1-5 ppt), dissolved oxygen (4.83-6 , 32mg / l), brightness (40.39-81.06cm), nitrate (1,805-1,937 mg/l), phosphate (0.270-0367 mg/l). Chlorophyll-a (0,249-0,377 mg/m3), nitrate intake load (0.099-0.274 tons/day), and phosphate entry load (0.019-0.038 tons/day). Correlation coefficient (r) nitrate to chlorophyll-a (0.075 - 0.964) and phosphate to chlorophyll-a (0.037 - 0.941).Keywords: Nitrate, Phosphate, Chlorophyll-a, Bancaran River, Bangkalan
Juvenil Vol 1, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i4.8948


ABSTRAKPencemaran merupakan suatu ancaman yang benar-benar harus ditangani secara sungguh- sungguh. Pencemaran terjadi pada saat senyawa-senyawa yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan manusia ditambahkan ke lingkungan, menyebabkan perubahan yang buruk terhadap kekhasan fisika kimia. Kondisi kualitas air suatu perairan yang baik sangat penting untuk mendukung kelulushidupan organisme yang hidup didalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tingkat pencemaran lingkungan perairan di ekosistem mangrove Socah dan Ujung Piring Bangkalan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan mulai bulan Januari di dua stasiun penelitian, kemudian hasilnya dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air laut untuk biota laut berdasarkan KEPMEN-LH No 51 tahun 2004. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga parameter yaitu parameter DO, Nitrat dan Fosfat hasil perhitungan menggunakan metode Storet yang melebihi standart Baku Mutu. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak masukan bahan organik dan anorganik ke dalam perairan.Kata Kunci: Tingkat Pencemaran, Metode StoretABSTRACTPollution is a threat that really needs to be taken seriously. Pollution occurs when compounds produced from human activities are added to the environment, causing adverse changes to the peculiarities of chemical physics. A good water quality condition is very important to support the survival of the organisms that live in it. This study aims to analyze the level of water environment pollution in the Socah and Ujung Piring Bangkalan mangrove ecosystems. Sampling was carried out starting in January at two research stations, then the results were compared with sea water quality standards for marine biota based on KEPMEN-LH No. 51 of 2004. The results showed that there were three parameters namely DO, Nitrate and Phosphate parameters calculated using the Storet method which exceeds the quality standard. This is because a lot of input of organic and inorganic materials into the waters.Keyword: Pollution level, Storet method
Juvenil Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v1i3.8590


ABSTRAKPenentuan status mutu air dan penentuan arah kebijakan Pengelolaan Limbah Domestik yang slama ini menjadi permasalahan di pesisir kamal. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari dan hasil di bandingkan dengan baku mutu perairan berdasarkan KEPMEN-LH No 51 tahun 2004. Hasil penelitian dengan metode storet menunjukkan bahwa perairan pesisir kamal cenderung Tercemar Berat. Pengambilan Keputusan dengan metode AHP dapat dijadikan acuan karena hasil yang didapatkan fair, konsisten karena nilai CR 0,1 atau 10%  sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pengambilan Keputusan dengan metode AHP Pada Kriteria hukum menunjukkan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada peningkatan pengawasan dan pemantauan buangan limbah domestik dalam pengelolaan limbah domestic di pesisir kamal dengan nilai 3.148. Pada Kriteria ekonomi pada tabel menunjukkan angka tertinggi pada perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang limbah domestic dan pemantauan terhadap buangan limbak domestik di pesisir kamal dengan nilai 4.512. Pada kriteria ekologi pada tabel menunjukkan angka tertinggi pada peningkatan pengawasan dan konservasi lahan pesisir dengan nilai 3.830. Pada kriteria sosial pada tabel menunjukkan angka tertinggi pada  peraturan pengelolaan limbah domestic dan perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah domestic dengan nilai 7.026. Adapun alternative dengan bobot terbesar dianggap mampu merepresentasikan strategi pengelolaan limbah domestic  di lingkungan pesisir kamal.Kata Kunci: Limbah Domestic, AHP {Analytyc Hierarchy Process)ABSTRACTDetermination of the status of water quality and determination of the direction of this longstanding Domestic Waste Management policy are problems on the kamal coast. The study was conducted in January and the results were compared with water quality standards based on KEPMEN-LH No. 51 of 2004. The results of research using the storet method showed that kamal coastal waters tend to be heavily polluted. Decision Making using the AHP method can be used as a reference because the results obtained are fair, consistent because the CR value 0.1 or 10% as needed. Decision making using the AHP method The legal criteria show the highest value found in the improvement of supervision and monitoring of domestic waste disposal in the management of domestic waste on the Kamal coast with a value of 3,148. The economic criteria in the table shows the highest number of people's behavior in disposing of domestic waste and monitoring of domestic waste disposal on the Kamal coast with a value of 4,512. The ecological criteria shown in the table show the highest number of improvements in supervision and conservation of coastal land with a value of 3,830. In the social criteria in the table shows the highest number in the regulation of domestic waste management and the behavior of people disposing of domestic waste with a value of 7,026. The alternative with the biggest weight is considered capable of representing domestic waste management strategies in the kamal coastal environment.Keywords: Domestic Waste, Analytyc Hierarchy Process
Juvenil Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v2i2.10779


ABSTRAKMangrove adalah suatu suatu individu jenis tumbuhan yang membentuk komunitas tersebut di daerah pasang surut. Pelaksanaan penanaman di Desa Ujung Piring ini dilakukan rutin setiap tahunnya. Namun dalam perawatan dan pengawasan terhadap mangrove massih belum maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui status keberlanjutan ekosistem mangrove di Desa Ujung Piring Kecamatan Bangkalan Kabupaten Bangkalan dan menentukan rekomendasi strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Desa Ujung Piring Kecamatan Bangkalan Kabupaten Bangkalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis RAPFISH. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan nilai indeks keberlanjutan seluruh dimensi sebesar 63,5 termasuk dalam kategori cukup berkelanjutan artinya harus ada pengelolaan, perawatan dan pelestarian hutan mangrove, agar nilai tersebut bertahan atau bahkan bisa meningkat. Strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove untuk dimensi ekologi dengan menjaga kelestarian ekosistem mangrove diantaranya adalah melakukan pengawasan, perawatan dan menambah keanekaragaman mangrove. Strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove untuk dimensi ekonomi yaitu dengan pengoptimalan dan pengembangan potensi sumberdaya mangrove diantaranya adalah memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam yang ada dan melebarkan aksebilitas ke lokasi mangrove. Strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove untuk dimensi sosial yaitu meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat diantaranya adalah meningkatkan penyuluhan tentang manfaat mangrove dan melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dalam perawatan mangrove. Strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove untuk dimensi ekonomi yaitu dengan pengoptimalan dan pengembangan potensi sumberdaya mangrove diantaranya adalah meningkatkan koordinasi antara pemerintah, lembaga masyarakat dan masyrakat dan membentuk kelompok khusus pengawas mangrove.Kata Kunci: Mangrove, Desa Ujung Piring, Berkelanjutan, RAPFISH.  ABSTRACTMangrove is an individual plant species that forms the community in the tidal area. The implementation of planting in Ujung Piring Village is carried out regularly every year. However, the care and supervision of mangroves is still not optimal. This study aims to determine the sustainability status of the mangrove ecosystem in Ujung Piring Village, Bangkalan District, Bangkalan Regency and determine strategic recommendations for mangrove ecosystem management in Ujung Piring Village, Bangkalan District, Bangkalan Regency. This research uses RAPFISH analysis method. The results of the study show that the sustainability index value of all dimensions of 63.5 is included in the fairly sustainable category, meaning that there must be management, care and preservation of mangrove forests, so that the value can survive or even increase. Mangrove ecosystem management strategies for the ecological dimension by preserving the mangrove ecosystem include monitoring, maintaining and increasing mangrove diversity. Mangrove ecosystem management strategy for the economic dimension is by optimizing and developing the potential of mangrove resources, including utilizing existing natural resources and expanding accessibility to mangrove locations. Mangrove ecosystem management strategies for the social dimension, namely increasing community participation, include increasing counseling about the benefits of mangroves and involving the community actively in mangrove care. Mangrove ecosystem management strategy for the economic dimension is by optimizing and developing the potential of mangrove resources, including improving coordination between the government, community institutions and the community and forming a special group of mangrove supervisors.Keywords: Mangrove, Ujung Piring Village, Sustainable, RAPFISH.
Strategi Peningkatan Konsumsi Ikan Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Stunting Di Desa Baruh, Kecamatan Sampang, Kabupaten Sampang Ifa Nur Rosidah; Apri Arisandi; Akhmad Farid
SAKTI BIDADARI (Satuan Bakti Bidan Untuk Negeri) Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31102/bidadari.2022.5.1.35-44


Fish consumption is considered as one of the solutions in overcoming nutritional problems in toddlers because fish is one of the sources of animal protein obtained from natural resources in Indonesia. Stunting incident in East Java (Jatim) is relatively high, the Head of Jatim Health Office, said there are 12 districts in Jatim have high stunting rates, namely, Sampang, Pamekasan, Bangkalan, Sumenep, Jember, Bondowoso, Probolinggo, Nganjuk, Lamongan, Malang Regency, Trenggalek, to Kediri. Sampang is one of the 12 locus stunting districts of east Java. In Sampang Regency there is a village that will become a stunting research area, namely Baruh Village, Sampang District of Sampang Regency. The purpose of this study was to (1)Analyze the effect of fish consumption levels on the number of stunting sufferers in toddlers, (2) Determine strategies to increase fish consumption as an effort to combat stunting in toddlers. The data analysis method in this study uses regression analysis and SWOT analysis method. The results of this study showed that there is a relationship between fish consumption and stunting incidence in toddlers aged 2-5 years because of multiple R values of 0.16, this shows that high fish consumption will reduce the number of stunting sufferers.