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Journal : International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

Improving student higher order thinking skills using SynecticHOTS-oriented learning model Eko Setyadi Kurniawan; Mundilarto Mundilarto; Edi Istiyono
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 13, No 2: April 2024
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v13i2.25002


The achievement of students’ learning outcomes in physics lessons has a low tendency, this is due to various factors, one of which is higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) based learning that has not been fully implemented in the learning process and assessment. This study aimed to determine the differences in the Synectic-HOTS learning model in physics compared to conventional learning models. This study used a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test–post-test nonequivalent control group design. The instrument used in this study is a two-tier test question that contains 20 items of HOTS aspect. The prerequisite test showed that the data was not homogeneous, while the results of the data homogeneity test were stated to be homogeneous. Therefore, a non-parametric test was carried out using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Based on the results of the data analysis, the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) for the pre-test was 0.111 and the post-test was 0.001 (p=.000<05). The effect size calculation shows that the Synectic learning model is effective in the medium category. These results indicate that the application of the SynecticHOTS model significantly improves HOTS when compared to conventional learning models. This work can open up insights to teachers about alternative, creative, and effective learning models to improve higher-order thinking skills and student learning outcomes.
Co-Authors Agus Slamet Isnanto Ahmad Solihun Alan Romadloni Allika Zaenari Fadianingtyas Angesti Febriyana Anita Purwanti Anjar Ibnu Hapsari Arif Maftukhin Ashari Ashari Ashari Ashari Asri Setya Bekti Atina Nur Faizah Ayu Anjarsarie Saputri Bagus Cahyo Parasetya Beta Nur Aristu Putri Desi Kholifah Desnaeni Dyah Winastiti Dessy Anggraeni Desy Luthfianti Ulfah Dewi Ayu Kusumaningtyas Dian Eko Kurniawan Dian Saputri Dian Saputri Dina Sulistiani Dyah Shinta Damayanti Edi Istiyono Eduardo Erlanggano Endan Ayunda Sari Eni Prasetyaningsih Evi Nurhidayati Fadilla Nur Ramadhani Fajar Nur Wakhid Farida Yuda Oktavia Fika Septiningkasih Fina Hidayati Fitriyati Fitriyati Hendrik Tri Wicaksoni Heni Setiani Hesti Noviyanti Hindun Luthfiana Ika Sri Purwaningsih Imam Krisnanto Indah Nurcahyani Isma Agung Nurdiansyah Istikomah Istikomah Ita Purnamasari Khanifatul Khasanah Khoirun Nisa Komarudin Komarudin Leni Setia Nendrasari Lidy Alimah Fitri Linda Kristianti Dewi Linda Titi Lestari Listriana Deviyanti Lusy Rahmawati Lutfarida Indah Rahmawati Lya Eka Mandiri Maftukhin, Arif Maghfirotun Farihah Mansur Mansur Marisa Salsabela Mariska Mariska Mohammad Najafahmi Muhammad 'Asyim Muhammad Zaki Maulana Mukti Herdiana Munayyaroh Munayyaroh Mundilarto Mundilarto Mutammimah Finnajah Mutia Febiana Noorita Arumsari Novita Iriyanti Ningrum Nuning Rohmantika Nur Ngazizah Nur Rizki Putri Nurhidayati Nurhidayati Nurul Latifah Nurul Tri Rahayu Puji Astuti Purniasih Purniasih R. Wakhid Akhdinirwanto R. Wakhid Akhdinirwanto Raden Wakhid Akhdinirwanto Rani Astuti Ridho Puspito Rif'atus Sa'adah Riki Purnama Rina Yulianti Rizkiani Maghfirotun Istiqomah Rohmah Sulistyowati Sarwanto Sintya Delisa Siska Desy Fatmaryanti Siska Desy Fatmaryanti Siska Desy Fatmaryanti Siska Desy Fatmaryanti Siti Nurjanah Siti Nurohimah Siti Rohmawati Sri Wahyuningsih Sriyono, Sriyono Sumiati Sumiati Tegar Pambudi Titin Dwi Kurniawati Tri Ariyanti Umi Mukhiyatun Khasanah Umi Pratiwi Umi Pratiwi Wasino Wasino Widi Hardiyanto Wiwit Agus Setiyani Yani Putri Untari Yusro Al Hakim Yusro Al Hakim Yusro Al Hakim